Feel It In My Heart

Cinema Sparks

Monday classes were much better than last week. Taeyong could actually pay attention and take in some information. He was looking forward to dance classes today because they had finished their first set of routines so they would be starting a new set this week.

“This year you will have a culminating performance at the end of year. You will have to choreograph it yourself and it will count for hall of your marks for the year. You will each be assigned to a dance teacher to help throughout the project. The full task is explained in your assignment package” The teacher announced as soon as everyone had arrived in dance class.

Taeyong sighed heavily and let his head flop to the side as his eyes closed. He was dreading this project. He was afraid of it because he never knew how to properly express himself. He always has ideas but they just never seem right and he is never satisfied with any dance he choreographs unless it is completely perfected. This project was definitely going to be a struggle.

* * * * * * * * *

“What was so urgent you couldn’t wait half an hour?” Yuta groaned as Doyoung pulled him along.

Doyoung, Yuta and Ten were making their way to the dance studios because Doyoung needed to give Jaehyun something urgently.

“Well I doubt I’ll see him after his classes finish, so I need to give the tickets and information to him now” Doyoung calmly explained as he let go of Yuta.

“Now why did I have to walk all the way there too?” Yuta whined as he dragged his feet.

“Because you’re a good friend and so is Ten?” Doyoung laughed as he mocked Yuta.

“Ten help me out here” The plea from Yuta did not seem to reach Tens ears.

Ten was not paying attention to anything that was going on next to him. He was silently watching his feet and counting each step he took.

“Oh, nevermind, never gonna get through to him now” Yuta screamed to grab Ten’s attention.

“Huh?” Ten looked up with a lost expression on his face.

“Leave him alone” Doyoung gave Tens shoulder a pat.

“He’s too busy thinking about his boyfriend; it’s the only reason he agreed to go with to the dance studio” Yuta made a face as he teased Ten.”

“Yah! He is not my boyfriend, and I am actually a nice person who accompanies their friend to places” Ten shouted out in fake anger.

“Ok, ok, let’s just try and keep a positive happy atmosphere going” Doyoung laughed as he made motions with his arms to symbolise happiness.

They didn’t walk for long before they reached the dance studio. Doyoung had to scan the place before his eyes fell on Jaehyun.

“Jaehyunnie!” Doyoung screamed out to get Jaehyun’s attention.

Jaehyun was talking to Taeyong, Johnny and Hansol when Doyoung screamed his name. His head whipped around immediately and he smiled and made his way over to the boy.

“Wow! I never get a visit from you at the dance studio” Jaehyun walked up to Doyoung as he spoke.

“I came to give you the tickets and my information because I didn’t know if I would see you later” Doyoungs voice was soft and calm as he spoke.

“I’ll take care of it” The softness continued in Jaehyun’s voice as he answered.

“Thanks, well I’ll get going then” Doyoung spoke up and started backing away.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends Jaehyun?” Johnny spoke as he walked up to Jaehyun with Taeyong and Hansol slowly following behind him.

Jaehyun face palmed and closed his eyes, silently hoping that none of this was happening. He felt Johnny pat his shoulder and knew that it definitely was.

“This is Doyoung, Yuta and Ten” Jaehyun pointed at the respective boys as he spoke.

“This is Johnny, Hansol and Taeyong” Jaehyun introduced the others.

“Wait you’re friends with Ten and Yuta?” Taeyong questioned with a confused look on his face.

“Hold up, you know Johnny?” Yuta asked looking shocked and a bit shy.

“Wait, wait, wait, can we all just sort out how we know each other” Doyoung said with a calm voice.

Doyoung gestured towards Yuta to start talking.

“Well I know Doyoung and Ten cause we’re friends,  I know Jaehyun from Doyoung, I know Johnny cause we eat lunch together on Wednesdays and I know Taeyong cause Ten brought him home one morning” Yuta answered calmly.

“I did not bring him home he was helping me!” Ten half-shouted at him.

“Okay, okay carry on” Doyoung calmed Ten down while pointing to Jaehyun to continue.

“Well I have been friends with Doyoung since I was young and he introduced me to his friends Yuta and Ten; I am also friends with Johnny, Hansol and Taeyong since high school” Jaehyun explained his connections and everyone nodded.

Doyoung pointed at Hansol to explain himself next.

“I have been friends with Johnny, Jaehyun and Taeyong since high school and I know Doyoung through Jaehyun” Hansol’s voice was soft and shy as he spoke.

“Well we all know how I know Jaehyun, Hansol and Taeyong, and I know Doyoung through Jaehyun and Yuta through lunch” Johnny’s answer was short and sweet.

“I met Ten at the cinema, I met Yuta outside Ten’s apartment and the rest you kind of know” Taeyong stuck to keeping it short too.

“Well I think we all kind of know how we link now so yeah” Ten answered when it was his turn.

They all stood and looked at each other for a good few seconds, just piecing together all the pieces of this puzzle.

“Well who wants to go out for food?” Johnny shouted and broke the silence.

A roar of cheers erupted from everyone and with that all the boys were off to the pizza place close by.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The walk to the pizza place was beyond awkward.

Doyoung and Jaehyun were walking next to each other and talking about their trip.

Ten was staring off into the distance and walking silently.

Taeyong was on his phone and trying to avoid eye-contact with anyone.

Johnny, not wanting to walk alone, was dragging Yuta and Hansol into a conversation.

Yuta and Hansol were trying to avoid eye-contact with each other.


Johnny ordered the pizza’s since he was the one to suggest this place. Everyone else sat around a big table in the shop.

“So… Yuta here tells me that you took my precious friend Taeyong to your house” Johnny is smirking as he talks to Ten.

Taeyong wants to die because this lunch is not going to end well at all. This is going to be the cause of his early death. Rest in peace Lee Taeyong.

“He was walking me home because I wasn’t feeling well” Ten says while looking down at his hands.

“Johnny stop harassing the poor boy. I told you the story already” Taeyong jokingly punched Johnny in the arm.

“So protective of what’s yours I see, don’t worry I have my own ‘In Search’ squad” Johnny leaned backwards and smiled.

“And who else is in this squad with you?” Jaehyun smirked, laughing at Johnny’s statement.

“Hansol and Yuta. We’re an unstoppable trio!” Johnny put his arm around Hansol and pointed at Yuta as he spoke full of confidence.

“Not in search Johnny!” Yuta and Hansol shouted out in unison.

That made everyone laugh out loud, leaving Johnny with a hurt expression on his face and Yuta and Hansol slightly blushing.

The pizza arriving helped put to ease the awkwardness that started the fill the air.

“Well this isn’t awkward at all” Johnny sarcastically commented when no one attempted to start a conversation.

“Just because you can’t keep quiet for a few seconds does mean anything is awkward Johnny” Yuta laughed before taking another bite of his pizza.

“So Ten, tell me more about you” Johnny needed some conversation to start soon or he would rip his hair out.

“What do you want to know?” Ten smiled not knowing exactly how to introduce himself.

“How about we play a game? Everyone says three interesting facts about themselves” Hansol suggested.

“Good idea!” Yuta beamed as he raised his hand to high-five Hansol.

“Okay, I’ll start then since I am the only speaking at this point” Johnny sighed as he stretched his hands out getting ready to be dramatic as always.

“Well I can play the piano, I love making people laugh and I can be slightly dramatic at times but only because I am interested in acting” Johnny simply stated.

“Slightly dramatic?” Taeyong scoffed questioning the use of the word ‘slightly’.

“More like very dramatic all the time” Jaehyun corrected Johnny.

“Okay, okay whatever, I choose Yuta to go next” Johnny pouted and put his hand on his heart acting hurt.

“Uhm.. I really love soccer” Yuta sated while trying to think of more facts.

“Yeah! I like soccer too!” Hansol smile as he spoke.

Yuta raised his hand and high-fived Hansol.

“I also love ferris wheels and ankle socks” Yuta clapped his hands to signal that he was done.

“I wanna know more about Taeyong, so you’re next” Yuta said pointing at Taeyong, eliciting a sigh from the latter.

“Well I dance” Taeyong said, giggling a bit.

“That’s not an interesting fact we all knew that!” Doyoung shouted.

“Okay! Lets’ see, I like dogs, I can cook pretty well and my favourite colour is black” Taeyong smiled and spoke again. “And because you so graciously denied my first fact, you may go next Doyoung.”

“Yay. I hate cucumbers! I hate hate them eeww! I can play the flute and I have an amazing memory if I must say so myself” Doyoung smiled and clapped for himself.

He turned to face Jaehyun and poked him in the arm a few times.

“You next!” Doyoung said and smiled.

“I’m a light sleeper, I hate raisins and I honestly don’t know how some of us don’t know each other” Jaehyun laughed after he made his last point.

“You know now that I look at it, I don’t know either” Johnny had a puzzled look on his face as he spoke.

“Ten enlighten us about yourself” Jaehyun pointed to Ten.

“I love chocolate cake, chocolate pudding basically chocolate everything. My favourite subject in high school was art and my favourite colour is black” Tens’ smile was wide as he spoke.

“You know Taeyongs’ favourite subject in high school was art too” Johnny poked Tayeong in the arm and smirked at him.

Taeyong rolled his eyes in response to his friend being awfully suggestive.

“Okay! I guess that just leaves me then” Hansol stepped in to save Taeyong from Johnny’s nudging.

“I not very talkative but I’m not a cold person; I just take some time to warm up to people. I can shop for hours and I love dancing” Hansol spoke quickly and made no eye contact with anyone as he spoke.

“You seem pretty friendly and nice to me” Yuta smiled at Hansol and encouraged him to look up and not be shy.

“Thanks” Hansol looked up and smiled.


“Well I gotta get going because I have class soon” Doyoung announced while standing up and getting ready to go.

“It was fun having lunch with all of you” Doyoung said and started walking towards the exit.

“Hey hold up! I’ll walk with you” Jaehyun shouted out then turned back around to face the boys before speaking again. “Thanks for the lunch, bye”

With that Doyoung and Jaehyun were gone.

“We should probably get going too Taeyong, we have class soon plus you should get probably go to reception now if you want to book the studio for later” Hansol spoke up.

“Yeah true” Taeyong stood up as he spoke. There was a slight hint of sadness in his tone and the gleam in his eyes died down with just those two words.

“You know you still have to dance for me one day” Ten stated as Taeyong and Hansol were getting ready to leave.

“And you have to sing for me one day” Taeyong smiled.

“Can I be invited to this ‘one day’?” Johnny questioned as he put his elbows in the marble table and leaned forward to into the conversation.

“No” Ten and Taeyong answered in unison.

Johnny faked a hurt expression.

“It’s okay I still have Yuta here” Johnny smirked and pointed at Yuta.

“Hey Yuta, do you wanna walk back with us?” Hansol asked Yuta with a playful smile on his face.

Yuta nodded and laughed as he stood up.

“How could you leave me Yuta?” Johnny shouted out.

“Well I’ve high-fived Hansol more during lunch than I have high-fived you in a month. That means he’s cooler” Yuta laughed as he patted Johnny’s shoulder.

“Bye” All three said in unison as they walked off leaving Johnny and Ten alone.


Johnny watched the three boys walk away and once they were a good distance away he turned and faced Ten.

“So you work at the cinema?” Johnny asked Ten with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah” Ten answered.

“Does Taeyong really go every Friday?” Johnny asked with emphasis on every.

“Yep. I see him there every Friday” Ten nodded his head as he spoke.

“You guys seem to be good friends, he has definitely opened up to you quickly” said Johnny. The smirk never left his face.

“We’ve only spoke a few times but he is cool” Ten was playing with his fingers as he spoke.

“Well he clearly thinks you’re cool too” Johnny let the smirk fall and gave a warm smile instead.

“He might seem a bit cold sometimes and he definitely tends to just keep quiet at times but he’s very warm and funny actually” Johnny spoke with a bit of a serious tone.

“He does seem a bit cold but once I started speaking to him I realised he was the complete opposite” Ten answered.

“He’s a nice guy” Johnny laughed a bit as he spoke.

“You know he stood up for me at the cinema the night we met. Some guy tried to beat me up and even though he couldn’t possibly stand up to guy; he pushed me out of the way and stood up for me. When I was feeling really sick after that he took me to his house and looked after me and he walked me home to make sure I was okay the next day. He is extremely kind and I’m glad I could become his friend” Ten was smiling as he spoke.

“Well you definitely have a friend in Taeyong” Johnny stated.

Ten and Johnny spoke for some time before walking back to campus together.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Johnny had one class after lunch and once he finished he waited by the benches close to the dance studio for Taeyong, Hansol and Jaehyun.

After about 15 minutes Jaehyun finally finished his classes and walked out to join Johnny.

“Where’s Taeyong and Hansol? Shouldn’t they be back by now?” Johnny asked Jaehyun once the latter had taken a seat on one of the benches.

“Hansol left with Yuta and Taeyong booked the studio so he could get some extra practice in” Jaehyun answered while setting his face down on the grey cement table.

“Doyoung and Ten are still in class but it ends in a few minutes and I told them to meet us, so we could just wait here” Jaehyuns’ voice was soft as he turned his head to cool the other side of his face on the cold table.

“Wait are Ten and Doyoung still in class?” Johnny suddenly asked, his face lighting up.

“Yep” Jaehyun answered hesitantly.

“When does their class end?” Johnny avoided the tone of Jaehyun’s voice and just asked another question.

“In about 10 minutes. Why do you want to know?” Jaehyun asked because he knew that the look on Johnny’s face meant he was planning something.

“When their class ends, call Doyoung and tell him to take Ten to the dance studio” Johnny stood up as he instructed Jaehyun.

“Why?” Jaehyun questioned Johnny.

“Just tell him to take Ten to the dance studio, but Ten can’t go inside the studio; he should just wait outside by the big window. Please just do it” Johnny went on his knees and begged Jaehyun

“Does this have something to do with Ten and Taeyong?” Jaehyun questioned Johnny about his whole plan.

“It might” Johnny smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

“We shouldn’t be meddling in their business Johnny” Jaehyun stated seriously.

“Have you seen those two? They have this different type of connection and chemistry. Taeyong opened up to Ten so quickly and we all know that doesn’t happen ever. Taeyong is a bit dense but he definitely cares about Ten and likes him too, but I’m not sure what type of ‘like’. Ten told me about how Taeyong helped him the night they met and how he looked after him. Ten’s a bit dense too but he really does like Taeyong as in he likes him. They are both slower than turtles and they need someone to help them a bit. I’m not going to make things awkward and push them to do things; I’m just going to help them realise their feelings and if there aren’t feelings then that’s okay too, but I need your help okay” Johnnys’ voice was serious and pleading as he spoke.

“They really do have something special and that’s why you have to promise me you are not meddling and potentially ruining things” Jaehyun was serious as he spoke too.

“I promise” Johnny answered and walked to the dance studio.

When he reached the studio he went inside and found Taeyong practicing.

“You know you should really let some light in when you practice” Johnny shouted out over the music as he stood in the doorway.

“I like dancing in the dark” Taeyong answered as went to switch the music off.

“Just let some light in. You have to look at yourself in the mirror anyway” Johnny was already moving towards the big window in the studio as he spoke.

Before Taeyong could answer Johnny already pulled the curtain back halfway.

“There we go. That’s enough light coming in” Johnny smiled as he looked at Taeyong and spoke.

“Ugh” Taeyong blinked at the sudden light in the studio.

“Well I should get going then, wouldn’t want to keep you from practicing. Don’t close the curtain once I’m gone okay!” Johnny raised his voice a bit to emphasise the last part.

“Okay! I won’t” Taeyong whined as he covered his eyes a bit to get used to the light.

Johnny laughed and walked out of the studio, leaving Taeyong to practice again.

Johnny ran back to the benches.

“Did you phone Doyoung?” Johnny hurriedly asked.

“I was about to, I think their class just ended” Jaehyun answered while taking his phone out of his bag.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Class was so boring, I practically had to use my fingers to keep my eyes open” Ten whined as he made his way out of class with Doyoung walking next to him.

“Jaehyun said we should meet him and the others after class not sure where though. Let me text him quick” said Doyoung when they were outside.

As if on cue, Doyoung’s phone rang and he saw it was Jaehyun.

“Hey! I was just about to text you. Where do you want to meet?”

“I found something cool and I really want to show it to you. Walk with Ten to the dance studio so you can put your bag down and he can wait there while you come check this cool thing out with me. He should wait by the big window because there is more shade there and it’s hot today.”

“Why doesn’t he just come with me? I’m pretty sure he would want to see what you found”

“No! Uhm…. Johnny is waiting by the dance studio too so Ten won’t be alone. Plus you know my idea of something cool isn’t cool to other people and it won’t take long so we’ll be back in no time”

“True. Okay so I’ll walk with him to dance studio then”

“Make sure he waits by the big window!”


“It’s just that it’s cool there and he would get hot if he waited in the sun, plus Johnny is there too”

“Okay. Where should I meet you?”

“Uhm….At the park next to the literature building”

“Okay. See you soon”

“See you”

Doyoung hung up after Jaehyun greeted.

“Well it seems that we are heading to the dance studio” Doyoung laughed as he put his phone back in his pocket.

“Jaehyun wants to show me something so you and Johnny are going to have to wait by the dance studio for us” said Doyoung.

“Okay cool. Where are the others?” Ten asked.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say” Doyoung answered.

“Well lets go then” Ten spoke with a bit of a disappointed tone in his voice.

It didn’t take them long to reach the dance studio.

Ten was about to sit down on the grass under a tree when Doyoung stopped him.

“Wait. Jaehyun said there was a spot that had nice shade and he said Johnny was waiting there too” Doyoung spoke with an excited tone.

“Thank the heavens. I didn’t want to sit in this heat” Ten stood up and followed Doyoung.

Doyoung walked the side of the studio Jaehyun had told him to go.

“There’s even a bench here” Ten had a hint of relief in his voice as he spoke.

Ten sat down on the bench and leaned back. The shade made it nice and cool.

“Where is Johnny?” Ten asked as he got comfortable in the bench.

“He probably went to the bathroom or something, but I won’t be too long” Doyoung answered.

“I’ll just wait then” Ten closed his eyes as he spoke.

“Bye” Doyoung waved as he walked away.


The shade was enjoyable and Ten felt good just relaxing, but the music was making it impossible for him to fully relax.

He decided to lean on the bench arm and peek through the window to see what was happening in the dance studio. Luckily the curtain was open a bit so he could see inside.

It was a bit dark inside the dance studio but Ten could see someone dancing with their back towards him.

Why would someone want to dance with no light?’  Ten thought.

Just as Ten was going to start thinking of possible reasons as to why someone would want to dance in a dark studio, the figure turned around and Ten inhaled sharply.

“Taeyong?” Ten whispered to himself.

Ten pressed his face closer to the window to check whether or not his eyes were lying to him. Upon closer inspection he realised it was Taeyong.

“So you’re the one who wouldn’t let me rest” Ten laughed as he tried to get a better view of Taeyong dancing.

“At least I get to see you dancing now” Ten whispered.

Ten hadn’t taken Taeyong for a dancer but watching him dance now confirmed that he was actually good at it.

He looks so immersed in the music. His body flowing naturally with the beat. It’s as if he’s floating around. The way his face is scrunched up in concentration. I feel entranced by the way he’s dancing with passion. He looks like he’s just letting his body be free to move to the music.

Ten felt a pang in his chest.

He looks so happy and free. His face illuminated by the bits of light that enters the room makes everything seems like its fake because it looks like a dream. The way his legs move effortlessly around the round the room and his arms perfectly poised. He really is a great dancer.

Ten thoughts got cut off when he realised Taeyong was squinting and looking at the window. He tried to duck quickly but lost his balance and fell off the bench. Luckily he put his hands out in time for his face not to hit the floor. Really wanting to run away and hide, Ten decided to bury his face in his arms.

“Ten? Is that you?” Taeyong asked as he ran to the figure on the floor.

“Mmmm” Ten mumbled into his arm.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” Taeyong asked frantically, worry evident in his voice.

Ten lifted his head but did not make eye contact with Taeyong because this whole situation was too embarrassing for him.

“I’m okay” Ten whispered.

“Are you sure?” Taeyong put his hand on Ten’s shoulder.

“Yep” Ten squeaked.

“Are you going to lay there forever?” Taeyong questioned with a joking tone in his voice.

“It’s less embarrassing down here” Ten whispered, opting to hide his face again.

“Come on” Taeyong tapped Ten’s shoulder as he spoke.

Ten dragged himself up and dusted himself off, not once looking up.

“So are you going to explain what you were doing” Taeyong laughed as he questioned Ten.

Ten plopped down on the bench and finally looked up at Taeyong.

“I was waiting for Jaehyun, Doyoung and Johnny. I was trying to rest a bit here in the shade but the music was too loud so I peeked through the window to see what was happening” Ten answered calmly.

Taeyong laughed and sat down next to Ten.

“So you weren’t being stalkerish and watching me dance?” Taeyong raised his eyebrow in question of Ten’s answer.

“No!” Ten shouted out.

“Okay. Are you sure you’re okay though?” Taeyong asked changing his expression to a slightly serious one.

“Yes I’m sure. I guess my hand just hurts a bit” Ten smiled.

“Well that means I’m going to have to nurse it then” Taeyong smiled as reached out to grab Ten’s hand.

Taeyong held Ten’s hand and examined it with a slight smile on his face.

Ten felt a pang in his chest again as he looked at Taeyong, but this time he knew what it meant.




I have over 100 subs! :) THANKS TO EVERY WHO SUBBED IT MEANS A LOT!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter.




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ZacTripleZero #1
I miss this fic so much TT
will you ever finish this authornim?
Chapter 6: I LOVE this chapter! <3
Taeten, Yusol, & Dojae. Kyaaaaa <3
Nice to know they're getting to know each other better. ^^
Jhonny...keep going on pushing Taeten. Yes....they're so slow like turtle. Slower than turtle. XD
I liked it when Taeyong concerned of Ten.
Thanks for the update.
Fighting for the next chapter! ^^
Elfshairamae #4
Chapter 6: Additional note: I love dojae here and am a big yusol trashed so thank you for their fluffy convos TT TT and Johnny it's OK you're one hell of a matchmaker
Elfshairamae #5
Chapter 6: Johnny is really the Taeten fanclub president haha
Ten is very attracted to Taeyong. ;)
Chapter 6: So many pang in Ten's heart hahaha
Chapter 6: haha ten!!
Allie132 #9
Chapter 5: This is so cute! I can wait for the next chapter!!!