House of Closure

House of Phoenix

right-curly-bracket.pngChapter XVI "House of Closure"   

"I fiercely look at your empty spot, a rabbit hole graffiti," ~ Bangtan Boys 'Look Here'   


“As Punishment, Master Blaze will be bounded to Jungkook and must protect him to the extent of his ability and availability. Take this as a warning, his existence is a break through and we should expect a response from the dark forces. So, keep your guard up, everyone,” the Master of Fire spoke, his voice and eyes gliding across the entire crowd.


“A response?” Jungkook asked, his voice soft and very concerned. He didn’t know how he’d be able to handle another attack like the one he received from Jiwoo. Simply because he didn’t know how to control this said power and he worried Yugyeom would get hurt again.


“Yes, Jiwoo being dead and assuming we could have a spy in the academy, dark beings will know of your existence soon enough,” Minyoung spoke, her voice soft and very warming. She was worried that he’d fear everything and everyone, she wanted to assure him he’d be fine but she didn’t know how.


He noticed that his need for warmth and reassurance was gone, he forgot it was even there for a second. It was all because they left to discuss the verdict and he always feels colder when he isn’t near them.


He took in the fact that Minyoung has crimson red hair, almost like blood. It was just like the red head boy that kept supporting her throughout the trial. And her red fiery eyes were back. He recalled when he first saw those eyes, they are still like burning leaves in Autumn.


Junhoe was the same way, except that his hair was aqua blue. A very light shade of blue that wasn’t obnoxiously bright, but it was calming, almost like the sky. His eyes were like he remembered they were, aqua blue and a pure reflection of waves crashing in an ocean.


This must have been their true looks as phoenix beings.


“What now? The trial is over, what happens now?” He suddenly asked, his question a little rushed as he noticed everyone simply getting up and doing whatever they desire. He felt a nervous feeling sink down in his stomach as his fingers begun to feel very cold, his heart racing for some reason.


“You can talk to Jin if you like, or we could go wondering around, exploring the world. Or we could just go home, from now on, you don’t leave our sight,” Junhoe spoke, his voice assuring and almost dazed. It gave off the feeling that they were leaving it all up to him, that he could do whatever he wanted now.


Jungkook realized that is why his heart sunk low. Jin.


He noticed the older boy speaking with the Masters, they all gave him a smile and a nod of assurance. They seemed to comforting Jin and Jungkook didn’t know if he wanted to talk to the boy anymore. What would he say? What would he ask?


“You should talk to him Jungkook, you have questions and you’re going to have to get used to him again,” Minyoung spoke softly, her hand falling onto his shoulder as he felt his body ease at the touch. “Might as well start now,” she spoke, her words full of compassion and encouragement.


Jungkook could tell that she wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to talk to him. But at the same time, she knew he wanted to. Even if his desire to talk to him was as small as an atom, he needed that closure before he is part of a new chapter.


They walked away, but they still staid close. They felt like shadows now, simply waiting for him to move so they can follow. Jungkook took in a deep breath and begun to walk through the floor of the court room.


He couldn’t shake this feeling off, a feeling of a thousand eyes watching. He wanted it to go away because it only made his stomach fall heavier and his heart pound louder. He forgot what he was doing because all he could do was focus on that feeling.


“Jungkook,” the voice echoed in his head. His warm and velvet voice that always warmed his day, had made the feeling go away.


He looked up, his eyes aching slightly as he saw Jin. The older boy looked calmer, he looked more collected than when he was spilling hot tears on the boy’s neck.


“I forgive you,” Jungkook spoke, his voice so shaky he wondered why it didn’t crack. He took in a deep breath and looked down, trying to compose whatever he wanted to say before Jin could interrupt.




“I understand you didn’t leave on purpose, and I forgive you. But, I can’t forgive you for what you did, not yet at least,” he interrupted, not wanting to be dragged in a daze of warming and calming words. He did not want Jin to speak and he didn’t want to look at him for now, because he knew the moment he would hear him and see him, his strength would break. He’d give in at how simple Jin always made everything feel, he’d fall into an embrace of warmth and good.


“I wouldn’t blame you,” the older spoke, his voice full of guilt. Jungkook had never heard such a tone in Jin’s voice, yet he knew it was beyond sincere.


“I know you wouldn’t,” he spoke, his need to hold some slight anger slowly slipping away. Jungkook didn’t realize he could feel like this. He thought the wound with Jin’s death was simply a scar now. And it was, but he didn’t notice that his absence had become a deep wound when he found out Jin was alive. And that wound was aching to be filled again.


He felt like he was holding onto a rope, a rope that was anger and hate, and it was the only thing stopping him from falling into a lake of emotions. He wanted to be angry that Jin didn’t look for another solution. He wanted to hate him for not able to make him normal. But the more he felt Jin near, the more he heard his voice and saw him, the more the rope was slowly slipping. And the more the rope was slipping from his grasp, the less he feared falling into that lake of emotions, emotions that always came with Jin’s presence.


“I promise though, I will do everything I can to help you and make you happy,” he spoke, there was a pause in his words. A pause that wasn’t emphasized but he knew he wanted to say something else.


“I know,” Jungkook said, feeling the edge of the rope at his fingertips.


“I missed you so much Kookie. I would have given up the Phoenix Soul to spend one more day with you, to make you normal if that is what you wanted.” At the sound of his voice, an earnest voice drowning in guilt, Jungkook felt the rope slip.


“I know,” he huffed, not even realizing what he was doing. He stepped forwards, embracing Jin and letting the boy embrace him deeply.


He felt his throat knot, his heart aching as he fell from the cliff. He was suddenly drowning in the lake of emotions, anger no longer holding him up. Instead, that familiar warmness and assurance soaked him to the bone. Jin’s warmness caused his heart to ease as his hands were no longer trembling in cold nerves. His stomach was settled and all he could feel was Jin.


“Blaze, don’t you have something for him?” Jungkook felt his cheeks redden as he forgot that his shadows were behind him. He dreadfully pulled away from the warmness, from the assurance and looked at Minyoung as she smiled softly at him.


“Yeah,” Jin spoke, clearing his throat and whipping a few tears away with his sleeve. “This is an ice bird, it is connected to mine,” he spoke, his hands gracefully pulling out a crystal bird from his pocket.


The bird looked like the one Jin held in his dream, the one that turned into a bow and arrow. It was beautiful. It was a small crystal raven that had its wings spread wide, but the glass was slightly opaque, a little cracked.


“Wherever and whenever, if you need help, this ice bird will be your way to contact me. I am bond to you until I die, the bound will not be official until you chose and are ready,” Jin spoke, his voice soft and low. He reached over and took Jungkook’s hand.


The boy held his breath, feeling the cold glass against his wrist. Jin whistled softly and the bird snapped its wings, wrapping itself around Jungkook’s wrist. The bird chirped, his glass eyes blinking before resting its head on Jungkook’s hand.


“What bound?” Jungkook asked, his eyes squinting as his brows were knit in confusion. He didn’t think there was a need for a physical bond between Jin and him.


Jin smiled softly, looking at the boy and his eyes softened even more. Jungkook felt his body submerge in the lake again, his heart filling with so much happiness and warmth.


“They will explain that. You have a lot to learn Kookie, and you have amazing protectors.” He reached over and brushed Jungkook’s bangs away softly. “Don’t leave his sight, and don’t hesitate to call me when you have questions or you want to talk,” he spoke, a brighter but still guilty smile lingering in his lips.


“Are you leaving already?” Jungkook asked, his heart aching slightly at the thought of Jin leaving already when they had just reunited. He wanted more than these five minutes, he wanted so much more time with Jin.


“I have to, there has been some mysterious movements over in the islands. Master Aqua and I need to attend to it. I’ll see you Sunday, if not sooner, if you want,” Jin spoke, his warm hand tapping the ice bird on Jungkook’s wrist. He was hinting that if he wanted Jin to come to him, he could always call him.


“Be careful,” Jungkook spoke, his voice full of worry as he didn’t want his dream to become a reality again. Jin hurt and in pain, he wished that would never happen again.


Jin looked at him, a slight pain in his eyes Jungkook assumed came from guilt. Guilt that came from the idea of Jungkook worrying if he’d be safe or not. Jungkook gave into Jin’s soft gestures. Even before, Jin would always ruffle his hair, brush his bangs away and at times cup his face, but now, it felt different.


As Jin walked away, Jungkook knew how different the older boy felt. He was holding back. His usual kind gestures were tamed and Jungkook knew it was because Jin had admitted to loving him. Jin did love him, Jungkook understood this and accepted it, but him knowing it so straightforward, he could no longer ignore that he could never return that love.


“Don’t hold it against yourself Jungkook, Jin knows you can’t love him back and that’s not going to be a problem for him,” Minyoung spoke, her words becoming more help than she could have imagined.


“Can I go home? Yugyeom should be looking for me,” he spoke, his words slightly distant but soft. He was a little tired, he forgot to ask what time it was and how long they were here for. He lost track of everything.


“Yeah, the masters will have the light door open and set up tomorrow. You must be mentally drained,” Junhoe spoke, his words almost cradling Jungkook at ease.


The journey back didn’t feel any different. Jungkook didn’t feel much different, but he did feel a sudden burden piling on top of his shoulders and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to carry it throughout his life.


The bird on his wrist seemed to notice he wasn’t feeling so well, and it reacted to this. He simply chirped softly and snuggled his head-on top of Jungkook’s hand. And the boy couldn’t help but feel slight warmth surging through him when the bird did that. It was like the bird was trying to comfort him, telling him everything was going to be fine


“The bird is connected to you. It feels and understands everything you feel. That’s how our snakes are,” Minyoung spoke, her voice so full of comfort and love. Jungkook could tell that she loved her snake dearly. He has noticed the way she looks at the animal, it’s a way that shows that snake is her greatest treasure and is a part of her that is alive


He looked at the bird, his beak opening. It was funny, Jungkook felt like it yawned.


He wondered many thing, everything had become a tornado in his head. He didn’t know if he should start asking questions. He didn’t even know what to ask first. Everything just felt so unrealistic that he had to pinch himself to realize the light door they walked through was in fact there.


Right when they walked through the door, the light became distant. And Jungkook’s heart ached slightly at the thought of being away from that beautiful and odd world. He suddenly missed seeing the little cotton balls of energy floating. He missed seeing the neon splatters of color that illuminated the night with the help of the moon. He missed it all.


“We will stay close to you, remember that. Never think you are alone, Sehun will become your personal shadow,” Minyoung spoke, her voice a little serious. He realized the color in her hair was washed out and it was back to being that rich brown color. Junhoe’s hair went back to being bleach blond too, the only one who stayed the same was Sehun.


“That’s why I’m called Night the Shadow, I follow without anyone noticing.” He spoke, his smile curving as confidence radiated from him. He was so proud of that title. At Sehun’s smile, Jungkook felt a chill of his spine, as if the smile was a bad omen.


“We are going back Sunday for Jiwoo’s burial. Then, the academy will publicly announce your existence. Your training starts Monday,” Junhoe spoke, his voice soft yet held a sense of authority.


It was getting close to midnight when they explained everything about how Sunday would go. The trials and everything related to Jiwoo made him nervous and very sadden because he was there when it happened. Evil or not, he doesn’t like the fact that she died because she attacked him.


Yugyeom was on his way to pick him up because walking home in the dark has always lead to a very tragic experience for Jungkook. Minyoung seemed more excited to see Yugyeom than he was, and the question still lingers so much in his head. Why is Minyoung with Yugyeom when her life will never be normal?


He had no time to think about it, he remembered that if they are shielding him, they have access to all his thoughts, to all his questions and everything inside his mind, so he’s careful.


“Tell me why you all decided to hang out without me,” Yugyeom asked as Minyoung answered the door, not even greeting her.


“It just happened, we bumped into Jungkook when we were coming back from work,” Minyoung spoke, her smile lightening up as there seemed to be a glimmer in her eyes at the sight of Yugyeom.


She welcomed him in and the boy simply cleared his throat and stepped inside. He quickly took off his shoes and put on a pair of slippers that Minyoung handed to him. Jungkook felt a sense of happiness when the two hugged softly yet with much care.


He couldn’t help but think, for a short second, that he wasn’t so happy at the idea of them dating. Mostly because Minyoung is a supernatural fantasy and she will never be able to live a normal life with Yugyeom. And he wanted the best for Yugyeom. The other part he refused to acknowledge is that she had become his own personal source of comfort wamness, both her and Junhoe have.


Yugyeom staid over, not at Minyoung and Junhoe’s apartment, but at Jungkook’s. After a small conversation about how Yugyeom was feeling and if he recovered well, the get together ended. Jungkook didn’t even realize that the moment Yugyeom had walked inside the apartment, Sehun had disappeared.


He wondered if Yugyeom even knew the boy existed, he seemed to only appeared when Minyoung and Junhoe were alone. Sehun was only appearing and disappearing on certain times. He was much like a shadow considering shadows only appear when the sun is out and in a certain angle.


Yugyeom was fine and Jungkook was having a great time talking with him and joking around with him. He kept telling Jungkook what he missed and that it was Eunhee, the girl he rejected because she was a stalker, came back and the ‘I have a girlfriend’ like wasn’t working.


“So it’s that official already, you’re no longer on dating stages?” Jungkook asked, his laughter filling up the elevator as they were headed to his apartment, Yugyeom obviously sleeping over.


“Well, I would say so.” A red tint flushed throughout his cheeks as he was slightly embarrassed at the matter.


Even if everything seemed fine, he kept thinking about something. Sehun was a great person, he fought a vampire to protect him, he fought Jiwoo to protect him, he became his own personal shadow to protect him. But, he had a bad feeling creeping up at his spine. It was a feeling that something was going to happen to him.


It felt like the time he dreamed of Jin in pain in that very tropical forest. It was a sign that something odd was going to happen, and Jungkook didn’t know how realistic his dreams could be, his feelings could be. He just knew that Sehun might run into trouble.

By the way, I drew the design for the weapons Minyoung and Junhoe have, I drew them by hand then tried digital art, hope you like it.


Sorry if I left it in a very 'what the heck do you mean by that' thing, and I will try to update tomorrow so you won't wonder too fast what I meant. Thanks for readig, have a good day -^-^-


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I have spring break next week. Hope you are excited or looking forward to some interesting and big things coming for this story.


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Also I just realized coming up with those names for each chapter must be absolute hell lol.
Chapter 14: ooooooooooooooooooooo really enjoying this. first few chapters were slow but glad I decided to continue!!! really looking forward to see how this turns out. good luck and take ur time, I will be awaiting an update!
Hanbin_Ikon #3
Chapter 17: I just knew Hanbin was the bad guy ahahah
Hanbin_Ikon #4
Chapter 16: Loved it !! ♡ I also had a feeling that something bad will happen to sehun ...
Hanbin_Ikon #5
Chapter 15: Oh My God. I think I'm in love with this story TT_TT
Hanbin_Ikon #6
Chapter 13: Oh my God...... I've never read a fic like this before! I am so so happy I found this ♡♡ I'm already in love with it. It's just so amazing! !!!!!
BunBunny99 #7
Omg this fic is amazing! I haven't read anything at all like this. I'm so excited to see what Kookie will do ><
Thank you so much for coming up with a storyline so brilliant! Looking forward to your next update~~
elusoto #8
Chapter 5: Love the story, it really seems like a science fiction kinda book, and they are just my thing, so happy to found your story
Cho_Eunri #9
Chapter 2: This story is interesting. Update soon :)