
Stuck In Between
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My mouth opened and closed multiple amount of times. I couldn’t utter a word, couldn’t find the proper answer to give him. “You know what? Don’t answer that, I rather not know.” Mark said giving me a small smile. The door opened and the doctor came walking in. “Good afternoon, may I know who is the guardian of Ms. Park?” A middle age doctor asked. I glanced at Mark as he stood up and walked toward the doctor. “I am!” I shouted shocking both myself and Mark. “Very well. Mind following me to my office?” The doctor asked as he started heading out. I looked at Mark, and he seemed sort of upset. “I’ll be back.” I replied not waiting for an answer.



“He’s your guardian. Yeah right! I should be the one with the doctor, not him. I know you better than anyone, including your parents.” I muttered looking at Jimin’s sleeping body. Right when I sat down, I saw Jimin moving a little. “Ouch.” Jimin whispered as she opened her eyes and sat up. “Hey, easy now.” I said rushing to her side. “Bin-ah?” Jimin called out, causing my heart to tighten. She glanced at me with widen eyes when she finally notice it’s me by her side not her Bin-ah. “Omo, Mark! Sorry I thought you were Hanbin.” Jimin said smiling at me. How can I stay mad at her when she would smile so cutely. I patted her head and ask how she was feeling. “I’m feeling fine actually. It felt good sleeping in for more than three hours.” Jimin replied. I raised my eyebrow at her. “Three hours straight? How many hours do you normally sleep a day?” I asked. “If I’m lucky two. Since after school I go to work, and most of the times I would do over time.” She replied. “That’s why you’re always awake when I Skype you.” I replied. “Bingo! Now when did you and the boys arrived back home?” Jimin asked smiling all goofy.



“We arrived last night, crashed at my house then came to see you after your school.” Mark replied as he sat on my bed with me. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have gone to pick you guys up at the airport.” I told him. “At 1:30 in the morning. Yeah, no. it’s to dangerous for you to be out during that time.” Mark replied. “But that’s the time I normally start my second shift.” I muttered to myself. “What second shift?” Mark asked. ‘God dam, Jimin why must you talk to much.’ I thought to myself as I scooted away from him. “N-nothing.” I replied afraid to look him in the eyes. “Jimin-ah what second shift?” Mark asked again pinning down as he hovers above me. “What’s going on?” A voice asked. We turned around and saw Hanbin staring at us with a not so please expression. “Bin-ah.” I called out holding out my arms. Hanbin just shake his head at me but still proceed toward me. “Are you alright? You didn’t get hit by the over

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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 6: Can u plz ubdate
iyesha #2
Chapter 5: love your updates hope you update again soon,it'll be great if you could make the chapters longer
p_jackmin #3
Chapter 5: So why is she in the wheelchair? Did I miss something?? Thank you for your update though!
pinkypn #4
Chapter 5: Jimin only got hit in the face therefore she shouldn't need to be pushed around in a wheelchair or need help walking. Why is she acting like a damsel in distress ever since got7 came back
Chapter 4: yey!! u updated!! thank you!
my jaemin feels~ hope u can update soon!! :)
catalina92 #6
Chapter 4: Thanks!! I'm so happy because you updated this wonderful story!! Keep the good work!! :D
iyesha #7
Chapter 3: New reader here,awesome story. Hope you update soon
fitriyannii #8
Chapter 3: Please update .. Love it
p_jackmin #9
Chapter 1: Yay for another Jimin fanfic!! Thank you xx