Pledis diaries: Lee Chan

Zero to Hero

May 18, 2015 

oh um how should I start this uhh 

dear diary??? ok yeah

Dear diary,

So i'm not really sure why but our boss told me to write down whatever I've been feeling lately and stuff especially since our big debut as superheros is coming yayyy

uhh our boss also told us to explain our powers and all so here I go.

So my power is to change size like I can grow big and I can become as small as an ant. ISN'T IT AWESOME?!

Honestly when I figured out what power I got I was SUPER HAPPY since like when we didn't have the rings yet, Mingyu-hyung would always tease me and brag about his height but now I can get him back by growing a few inches taller than him hehe so yeah I'm pretty excited for this debut because I wanna go out there and kick some !!

Sincerely, Lee Chan 


May 19, 2015

Dear diary,
Me,Jihoon-hyung and Mingyu-hyung walked around the park and saw GOT7 sunbaenim there and ohmygod it was so cool seeing them use their powers in public like they attracted so many people in the park so I guess you thought it would be hard for me to see because there were so many people there huh?

Lucky for me I just altered my height so I could grow a few inches and I had a perfect view of GOT7 sunbaenim. Jackson sunbae was using his wind powers to swoop his fellow members up into the air and made it look like they were in a wind tunnel. I was so jealous aghhh I want to be in the GOT7 wind tunnel too :((

And guess what?? Jackson sunbae sneezed at the crowd which included me and the hyungs and it was a literal windstorm and we were literally blown away like we ended up in a tree!! I can't believe we've been sneezed on by Jackson sunbae!! I'm more honored than grossed out no lie.

I really can't wait to debut now, I wanna be as cool as superhero groups like GOT7 and be able to make people happy but of course saving people is the top priority

Sincerely, Lee Chan

May 20, 2015

Dear diary, 

I've decided to keep my 7 ft. height for a while since I love it when people have to look up at me when i talk to them except for Jihoon-hyung bc he has always been shorter than me(please don't tell Jihoon-hyung)

So anyway I was just walking around headquarters showing off my height to everybody and of course to Mingyu-hyung who just rolls his eyes  and then BAM I didn't realize that my face hit the ceiling fixture and boy did it hurt. A lot.

And of course Mingyu-hyung HAD to see that. He was just laughing at me like his face was all red and he was already tearing up like ??? shut up it's not that funny.

I really gotta work on looking where I'm going and paying attention to my surroundings more.

Sincerely, Lee Chan


May 21, 2015

Dear diary, 

So I've been trying to shrink again and I tried to shrunk down to match Jihoon-hyung's height. Apparently he thought that I was mocking him and told me to sit in the corner.

I shrunk further down until I was the size of an ant so now basically I was the shortest member instead of Jihoon-hyung he should celebrate this rare moment haha just kidding love ya hyung~~

So yeah I've been working on shrinking again and whenever I shrink down to the size of an ant it feels reaaaaaaaally weird but!! It's much more fun to play hide and seek this way since they can't see me so that means wonwoo-hyung isn't the best at hiding anymore!! or was he even part of the game or was he really not around on purpose?? oh well. Anyway should I work on being even smaller?? Microscopic even??

Hehe maybe I should.

Sincerely, Lee Chan


May 22, 2015

Dear diary,

We were playing hide and seek again  so I decided to shrink down again and hide in Jeonghan-hyung's hair god that was great it was like a huge soft and silky bed!! It was really funny how Jeonghan-hyung was the it and couldn't find me HAHAHAHAHA but anyway when everyone was found already they were all trying to look for me now and I thought it would be funny to hide out in hyung's hair for the rest of the day but boy did I make a mistake.

I didn't even know that I took a nap but to be honest hyung's hair was so soft that I accidentally drifted off to sleep. So... I woke up with water splashed in my face 

and when I came to my senses I realized I was in the shower???? I was in the shower with Jeonghan-hyung oh god oh goD.

and was he rapping oh my gOD.

Ok so I was still really small and hanging on to the wet hair of Jeonghan-hyung and boy was it REALLY slippery and to make things worse Jeonghan-hyung was putting on a ton of shampoo and conditioner and even though I smelled pretty good it stung my eyes god I can still feel my eyes stinging as I write this. So since I couldn't see with all the shampoo and stuff in my eyes I fell off hyung's head like an idiot and landed on my on the floor oww and boy was I absolutely drenched like my clothes and everything were soaking wet and I didn't think that I had to take a bath again after that since I already felt clean??? but oh god I wanted to get out of there so bad the situation was so awkward and who knows I might go down the drain and disappear forever so I looked up from where I was and tried to get Jeonghan-hyung's attention.

Big. Mistake.

I realized in a split-second after I glanced up that he was .

oh god oh goooooood I'm gonna go to hell for this for sure because I saw his entire body for like 3 seconds until I looked away and prayed to whatever god was listening right now to cleanse me of my sin because I'm a sinner a dirty dirty sinner and I feel like I should tag along with Jisoo-hyung this Sunday for church because boy so I need to ask for forgiveness for this mortal sin and I swear it's going to take me like a few days to get the image I just saw out of my head.

So while still trying to get hyung's attention and while not looking up at him at all hyung freaked out like crazy and grabbed a towel to cover his... yeah and he crouched down and yelled at me for hiding for so long because I worried him and he also got mad at me for his choice of hiding place and I explained that I fell asleep in his hair accidentally and he just picked me up and set me down outside the bathroom still soaking wet. 

Okay I knew that hyung was mad at me but he could have given me like a towel to dry off because when I was making my way to my room Hansol-hyung and Minghao-hyung were wondering why I was soaking wet and since the reason was so embarrassing I just ignored them and went back to my room. 

That was like the most traumatizing experience I've ever had in forever and I don't think I can face Jeonghan-hyung's fury tomorrow please save me 

Sincerely, Lee chan

May 23, 2015

Dear diary,

I am never ever EVER hiding out in Jeonghan-hyung's hair ever again even though it was so soft and silky. I mean it's not like the same thing is gonna happen again if I hide there again but STILL.

I Have Seen Things.

...anyway I came down for breakfast and lo and behold the person I least wanted to face today was already sitting at the table and no one else was around so we were basically alone and I seriously wanted to bury myself. 

Well the good thing was that he didn't yell at me but he just firmly told me to never do anything that risky again and told me to never speak about what happened yesterday to anyone and quickly forgave me. 

Seriously I never knew how scary Jeonghan-hyung could be until now but after I formally apologized he started asking me who was his baby and I answered "Jeonghan-hyung's baby" as always and everything was back to normal.

Nowadays I'm getting more comfortable with my shrinking power so I've been reading on sicknesses caused but bacteria and wondered if I could shrink down even further and fight off bacteria. Ooooh I should work on that oh yes fighting off bacteria!! getting rid of evil one microorganism at a time!! ok that may sound lame but trust me if any of the hyungs get sick I could just shrink down and fight off whatever bacteria is causing their sickness and they'll immediately get better.

Oh yes I'm such a genius Jisoo-hyung should praise me when I help him heal people soon hehe.

Sincerely, Lee Chan

May 24, 2015

Dear diary,

Ok so our manager talked to me and told me to work on being bigger and by bigger he meant like GINORMOUS as in like as tall as a building and stuff.

and I'm just... I dunno I've had this power for a while and honestly I've never grown taller than like 7ft before and I guess it's kinda scary??? but then again I could act like Godzilla or King Kong and scare the other members.

Heh I guess it would be pretty fun huh? I'll try it out tomorrow 

Sincerely, Lee Chan

May 25,2015 

Dear diary,

I tried to become a giant today... It didn't go so well.

So long story short we have a really big hole in the roof of our dorm now and because of that Seungcheol-hyung told me to be more careful next time and to have some more common sense and become a giant outside where I won't break anything 

I feel reaaaaaaally guilty though since the whole mess was my fault anyway so I helped the hyungs clean up. 

Next time I'm gonna be more careful.

Sincerely, Lee Chan

May 26, 2015

Dear diary,

I decided to work on growing big while everyone else was asleep.

So I tried growing to up to 49 feet and boy is the view great from here I can even see han river from here!!!

So I was about to make my way towards the park but then I felt something crunch under my foot and I realized oh god did I just step on a car oh god and it started blaring the car alarms oh god so I tried stepping somewhere else then there was another freaking car so basically everywhere I stepped there were cars and stuff everywhere but then again the street lights weren't so it wasn't entirely my fault but then all the noise made my hyungs wake up and they were all yelling at me I mean I didn't really hear what they were saying but I knew that they were mad so I just shrunk down right away.

They all told me to go to bed while they tried to sort things out with the owners of the cars I broke.

Okay so I screwed up again and... I don't think I have as much confidence in becoming a giant?? Maybe I should just stick with being just the right height for a while... yeah I should do that.

Sincerely, Lee Chan

May 27,2015 

Dear diary, 

I kinda talked to the manager again and told him that I don't think the world is ready for giant Lee Chan yet and he told me that I should really really work on becoming a giant since it would be good for publicity and stuff and I just...

I really want our group to be super strong but I'm not really that confident in being Chan the giant yet and I think I need more time but our manager already set our debut date tomorrow and the other members are pretty psyched for tomorrow so...

Is it just me that's feeling distressed?

Because if i'm not careful I could really hurt someone oh god or worse...

No no no don't think about that I'll just try my best to display my powers tomorrow and to be honest... Maybe I should just show off my shrinking power I mean that's still pretty cool right?? not to mention safer.

I'm being difficult sorry aghhh anyway I hope our hero debut will go well. Fighting!!!

Sincerely, Lee Chan




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