
I'm Sorry

It has been 2 years since Joy moved in. But 2 years has never changed how she viewed Joy. In her eyes, Joy was clumsy. Joy was dumb. Joy was retarded. She hated Joy. She hated how Joy had moved in to stay with her. She hated how Joy had gotten all the attention from her mother. She hated how she had to take care of Joy. She hated everything that had to got to do with Joy.

"Yeri! Yeri!"

She groaned at the familiar high-pitched voice.

"C-Can I join you and w-watch you play volleyball?"

She rolled her eyes at the cheerful person standing in front of her. She was annoyed. Students that were passing by who caught the sight of this widened their eyes and began talking among themselves as they quickly walked away.

"Hey Yeri, I guess you better bring your little sister back home. She needs you more. I guess we'll go ourselves. We don't want another incident to happen."

Snickers followed by before her group of friends walked away. She bit her lips in anger.

"Joy, go away. I hate you."

She stomped off in fury to nowhere in particular. She just wanted to get away from Joy. Far away from that idiot. She went to the school's rooftop as she fell to the ground, hugging her legs tightly against her body. She allowed hot stinging tears to roll down her cheeks as she buried her face into her legs.

Last time, she was part of the popular clique. She had many friends and they always hung out together. Many boys also fell head over heels for her. Many girls envied her popularity and her lovely features. But her life changed after Joy came. Many avoided her when Joy was near her. Many began not to talk to her, all because of Joy. Now and then, Joy would look for her and she had barely time to do whatever she wanted. She basically lost everything in her life.

She sobbed even further as she hugged her legs even tighter. Soon then, as the bright blue sky turned into a warm orange colour, she picked herself up as she headed back home with her bag.

When she stepped into the house, all she was welcomed was a chilly air and her dishevelled mother with a bottle of beer in her hand. The eyes of her mother was sad and tired. The whole surrounding was all messy, with books everywhere, papers all over the place and the furnitures all messily hurled everywhere in the house.

"Where's Joy?"


"I don't know."

Her mother picked herself up weakily, revealing all the bruises and injuries she had on her legs and arms, as she staggered slowly, wobbling here and there, towards her. Her mother raised her hand and gave her a huge slap, with the loud impact breaking the silence.

"What did you do to her? Where is she?"

She was fuming mad. All her mother was concerned was Joy. Every single day, the first thing her mother ask would be Joy. Never her grades. Never her day. Never her life. Never her. She blew her top.

"All she care is her. I hope she never comes back. Never ever."

She earned another slap from her mother. She held onto his burning red cheek, the stinging pain still lingering at her cheeks.

"I promise to take care of her."

"But that's your promise. Yours. Not mine. I hate her. I hate Joy."

Tears were already at the brink of falling. She stood there, staring at her mother who was already in a mess of tears.

"I'm telling you. I'm telling you... Joy is originally your responsibility. Yours. You made her in this state. She caused her like that. I just want you to take care of her like your sister."

"You made her in this state. You caused her like that."

The words shot her hard. Her mind went blank. She could not believe her ears. She was unable to grasp the situation.

"W-What? What do you mean?"

Her mother placed her hand on a table for a better support as she began to recite out the whole story.

As soon her mother finished, she dashed out like a bolt, attempting to search high and low for Joy. She cried for Joy's name at the top of her lungs. Just then, a ringing tone interupted her. She halted in her tracks as she answered the phone. As soon as the call ended, she ran as fast as she could to the hospital and immediately went to the hospital room that Joy was in.

Beads of perspirations rolled down her forehead as she paced forward towards Joy who was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly with a faint peaceful smile on her face. She heaved a sigh of relief when she realised that Joy was fine. She was about to leave when the words from her mother flashed through her mind.

"You made her in this state. You caused her like that."

She fell to her knees as she allowed the tears to fall onto her uniform skirt.

"When you were 5, you two were the bestest of best friends. No one could separate you guys. You two were like sticky glue, doing everything together. But one day, you chanced upon a sharp knife that was lying loosely around. You were fascinated. You wanted to mimick this killer from the tv show and you stabbed Joy's parents. You stabbed them with a grin on your face. You killed them in front of Joy."

She could not believe what her mother was saying.

"R-Really? I-Is that r-really true?"

Her mother did not answer her as she continued with the story.

"After the parents died due to the excessive loss of blood, Joy was taken care by her grandmother. You two never met anymore. You were going to be locked up and go through counselling but I pleaded for you. I said you were young. I said you knew nothing you were doing. They reluctantly let you go. I wanted you two to meet together and have fun together but it seems like I shouldn't have..."

"Mother, stop... I-I don't want to know anymore..."

Her mother did not stop but in fact, she continued as she stared right into her eyes.

"You pushed her in front of a upcoming truck, sending her flying a distance away. After that incident, she always remained as a 5 years-old kid even though she grew taller, even though she aged. The police wanted to lock you up by hook or by crook but I used all my means to keep you near me. I promised them and finally when you were finally high school which is 2 years ago, I brought Joy back because her grandmother passed away and her last words was to take good care of Joy. I promised her."

She began to wail loudly as she went guilt eating her up by second, bit by bit, torturing her. She felt herself suffocasting by remorse as she looked at Joy's baby face.

Joy had lazily opened her eyes slightly to see her.

Yeri... Don't cry...

Joy then fell back to sleep due to the low energy she had. Yeri picked herself up weakily to walk beside Joy. She bended down with eyes filled with apologies as she placed her lips onto Joy's milky white soft skin, giving her a peck onto Joy's forehead.

"I'm sorry..."

Author's Note:
First Red Velvet story I've written omg :D 
First of all, I thank you guys for the utmost support for moi :> Thank you for reading my fanfics. Thank you for reading this :D Please comment if you have any feedbacks :) I'll really read them and really, seeing feedbacks, I'm just super duper happy ^^
Secondly, RED VELVET IS SUCH A NICE GIRL GROUP /SCREAMS/ YES HI LIKE REALLY One of these nights made my emotions really sad and etc. haiz :/ BUT ANYWAYS, I dont exactly know much about them yet, am on the way reading and watching of them hehe ;-) 
Thirdly, I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS STORY!! I'LL WRITE MORE :D i'm sorry if u dont like this ;;; BUT ok bye~ 
(Ye this is from wattpad hehe >V<)

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wenderpfan #1
Chapter 1: Please make a multishot fic sequel I want to know how their relationship are going. ;) I like it tho. Thank you for liking them and welcome to the fandom. :D
Kpop_fan21 #2
Chapter 1: I dont know what to say abou this come she forget something like that??
Chapter 1: wow. dont see that coming. keep up with good work :)