Your Kisses are Addictive

Our Kisses (TRIQUEL)








My Twin Buns~

Oh hey, Vernon.




So i was wondering if we could go on a date today....



My Twin Buns~

Oh my gosh i'd love to! Where are we going?




Sweet. Let's go to the new amusement park.



My Twin Buns~

Okay! Can you pick me up? Um, maybe around two? Because i'm staying at my friend's house right now

and it’s a little bit far from the amusement park.




Whose house? Anyways, text me the adress and you're good.



My Twin Buns~

 My oldest hyung/friend house hahaha. His bf is mad at him bcs of something and he  plans to make me their moderator. And this is

the adress.




Okay, cutie. Now, the prince is going to gear up himself so his princess won't be disappointed;;)



My Twin Buns~

......You're going to be cheesy today aren't you? And for the last time, Vernon, i'm NOT a princess.




Oh you know me well, baby. Sure, twin buns. But you will always be my diva boo.


And i'll always be your stupid handsome bastard.


My Twin Buns~

That is half cute half gross half embarrassing but entirely CHEESY. What did you eat this

morning oh my gosh.




Just my daily dose of Seungkwannie's love.



My Twin Buns~

I think i'm going to puke right now.




I think i want my monthly dose of your lips;;)



My Twin Buns~

VERNON! Stop it. My hyung saw the message and now he won't stop bugging me!




Let the world know about our love, Seungkwan.



My Twin Buns~





I'm kidding, i'm kidding. I'm just joking, honey buns.



My Twin Buns~

You better do...




You're blushing right now, aren't you?


My Twin Buns~

No i don’t!




That means you were blushing hahaha.


My Twin Buns~





Okay, okay, i'll stop. I need to go, baby. My mom called my name ten minutes ago and i think she'll come to my room now. Bye~



My Twin Buns~

Sure, Vernon. Bye, be good to your mom! And don't forget, two p.m, okay?




Okay baby boo. See you~



My Twin Buns~

See you too ><








Vernon smiles after he sees his cute boyf— no, not yet boyfriend but soon enough boyfriend's message.  Really, Seungkwan will always act like he's disgusted by Vernon's cheesy messages or actions but Vernon knows better. Like that one time when they last met, Seungkwan giggled like a cute teenage girl when Vernon gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips. Or that one time they skyped and Seungkwan clearly blushed when Vernon put his chin on his palm, staring 'a little bit too intensely' at him. And that other time Seungkwan choked on his drinks because Vernon—







"Vernon! I called your name for like a thousand times already! Get down here!"

"Coming mom!"







The point is, Seungkwan always loved Vernon's cute(he prefers that more than anything else like greasy or gross) actions but he's too shy to admit it. And if that's not the cutest thing you've ever seen before, your heart must've been made by stone. He's lucky he went to buy his hershey’s kisses stock in that particular department store four months ago.







"Yes, mother. I’m coming, i'm coming!"












A groan escapes Seungkwan's lips and he throws  a glare towards his oldest hyung slash friend. "Hyung, i love you and all but please don't get crazy first before you meet Jeonghannie hyung. At least for the last time." 

Immediately Seungcheol's face falls, and Seungkwan pokes his tounge out playfully. “Don’t worry, hyung. He’ll come back. He still loves you. If not then you’ll just have to move on and find a new boyfriend! Or girlfriend, it’s up to you really.” An almost too innocent grin takes its place on Seungkwan’s lips and Seungcheol rolls his eyes. He learns from his first hand experience that Seungkwan isn’t as ‘innocent’ and ‘pure’ as his chubby cheeks, easy smile, and bright lively eyes. Behind them is a full time diva-ish boy with sharp tounge and a tendency of talking everytime he has the chance to talk.


“You have a date right? Prepare yourself! Take a bath, wash your hair, scrub those dirt off of your body....” Seungcheol says as he flicks a finger on the younger’s forehead. Seungkwan, the ever so violent dongsaeng immediately retaliates with a kick to his shin and Seungcheol yowls in pain. “OW, Seungkwan! Can you please tone down your violent behavior? It hurt.” A snort comes from Seungkwan and he grins cheekily. “But doesn’t your heart hurt you more?”


And with that Seungkwan runs to the bathroom, snatching his towel on his way and slamming the door in front of Seungcheol’s grumpy face, snickering while he listens to his hyung’s series of complaints like “Brat. Why am i even friends with you, remind me again?” , “I’m so gonna kick you out after this. I will never ask you to come again. YOU HEAR ME?” , “Bless myself for my patience and love for you, BRAT.”  After a while he can hear Seungcheol’s footsteps fading away and Seungkwan snickers to himself.


Now, preparing for his date!

Because this is his very first date he wants to be special, like maybe finally using his expensive chocolate aroma body soap and his volume and shine shampoo plus conditioner (his hair is curly and he hates it when his hair is too slick and wet-looking, like he’s a drenched puppy or something.) and for topping it all he’s going to use his trusty vanilla essence hand and body lotion, his favorite lotion of all times because that lotion makes him feel elegant and sophisticated. (Mingyu laughed so hard when he heard this and as a revenge Seungkwan put in a whole jar of sugar into his pancake dough, resulting to Mingyu rejecting all kinds of sweet stuff for a week.)

Done with his preparation, he plops down on the couch beside Seungcheol, his hyung grunting when he accidentally elbowed the older guy. Not his fault though, the couch is incredibly small for something that was supposed to be used by two persons.


“Where’s your boyfriend?” A lazy question comes from his hyung. “He’s not my boyfriend hyung. Hm, i told him to pick me up when it’s 2 PM.” Seungkwan answers with his own lazy mumbles. “Yeah, not yet boyfriend. It’s already 1.30 PM Kwannie. You should check on him. Don’t want to be late for the first date, ya know?” Seungcheol says with his usual bright grin. Obeying his hyung’s words, he reaches out for his phone and he sends a text to Vernon.







Vernonniee>< Where are you right now?




Hello there beautiful. I’m already on my way to pick you up.Whhhyyy?




Just checking on you. Don’t wanna be late for the first date right?;)




Of course i don’t! And trust me, i won’t.




Okay Vernonnie. If you’re driving a car, drive safely! If you’re riding a motorbike, ride slowly! If you’re using public transport, be careful!











The last answer from Vernon brings a smile to his face. Really though, Vernon is cute. His cheesy lines and pet names are cute. Seungkwan will never admit that out loud but still, for him Vernon is the perfect guy to be his future boyfriend.

“Okay so what did he say to you that caused this creepy ‘you’re my everything for a moment there’ expression?”  Seungkwan frowns when his so called oldest hyung prods to have a better look on his phone. “Look hyung, i know you’re bitter and all because of your fight with Jeonghan hyung but you don’t have to be a sarcastic old man just because i have a date and you don’t” A smug grin broke on his lips when Seungcheol glares at him in return. “And don’t worry, Jeonghan hyung will come back. He loves you too much.” Seungkwan says softly, watching as Seungcheol heaves in a deep breath. “I hope so, Seungkwan-ah.”



I know he will hyung. Because if he’s not, then why the hell did he blow up my phone all night just to make sure you’re fine?



Smiling, Seungkwan pats his hyung’s hand gently.






After fifteen minutes of watching Spongebob Squarepants and pretending he doesn’t realize that Seungcheol stared at Jeonghan’s photo for every 10 seconds the sound of his phone ringing catches his attention and he picks it up from where he left it on the couch.





Hello, Seungkwannie. I’m already in front of the building.”


Oh really? Okay, i’ll be there in three minutes.”


“Okay. See you in three minutes, twin buns.”




Giggling, he ends the call, all the while ignoring Seungcheol’s weird looks. 


“Gotta go. Bye, hyung! Don’t disappear until Jeonghan hyung is home. Good luck with your future serious conversation.” Seungkwan says as he grips on the wall, trying to balance himself when he puts on a pair of peach coloured converse. He gets out of the room at the same time with Seungcheol’s grumpy Yeah and goodluck with your ‘ruining my chance to have a boyfriend’ date, Seungkwannie. and something that sounds like Don’t bother to tell me about it, i already know the result of your date. Laughing, he trots his way to the stairs, skipping two at a time and almost tripping on his own shoelaces at the bottom of the stairs.


“Seungkwannie!” He whips his head to where the voice is and he smiles widely when he sees Vernon waving at him enthusiastically from across the road. Quickly walking over to where Vernon is standing, the other greets him with a warm hug and a brief peck to his nose.  “Hello there, beautiful.” Vernon says with his usual grin. “Hello to you too, Vernon.” Seungkwan sighs in contentment as he buries his head on Vernon’s shoulder for a few seconds, looking up when the latter taps his back, trying to get his attention.

A playful frown appears in between Vernon’s fantastic eyebrows. “I don’t get my monthly kiss and daily praise?” His grin is replaced by a cheeky pout and Seungkwan gives him an unamused face. “Kidding, babe. Hahaha. Now, let’s go. Oh, are you okay with riding a motorcycle?” Vernon pinches his cheeks before he points to the black sleek vehicle beside them. “I’m fine with whatever, Vernon.” Seungkwan answers softly.



“As long as we’re together right?” 



Seungkwan sighs as he received the helmet from him. “That’s cheesy but as much as i want to deny it’s true. Oh, and Vernon?” He taps the latter’s shoulder three times, smiling when the latter tilts his head a little and he leans in to peck Vernon’s right cheek briefly. “That’s your monthly dose of.......y’know.” Seungkwan mumbles when Vernon stares at him, a bit too intensely for his liking. “Now wear your helmet and hop on. Quick, i want to go to the amusement park, not performing a staring contest with you here.” A chuckle from Vernon makes Seungkwan half-pouting-half-scowling but then he pats his cheek, his hand trailing upwards to brush Seungkwan’s messy bangs. “Sure, my prince. What? Why are you glaring at me? I said prince, not princess.” The cheeky grin is back and Seungkwan rolls his eyes, climbing on the pillion. “Alright. Now hold on tight! We’ll arrive there before you know it.”

“I swear i’m going to hurt you if you put us in danger.” Seungkwan says seriously as he pokes at Vernon’s sides. “Why would i even put my whole world in danger? Don’t worry, honey buns.”  is the respond and Seungkwan lets out a long sigh. “You won’t stop huh?” A small laugh and then Vernon starts up the engine smoothly. 

After thirty minutes riding the motorbike, they arrived at the new amusement park and Seungkwan can’t help but feeling giddy and excited. Vernon parks the motorbike at the nearest spot to the gate and Seungkwan sets his feet on the ground as soon as Vernon turns off the engine. “Wow, you looks so excited.” He says when he sees Seungkwan staring at the gate with his right hand holding up the helmet. “Yeah i am. Hurry up. The amusement park is usually full at this hour.” Seungkwan shoves the helmet to Vernon’s hands. Chuckling, Vernon receives the helmet and he locks both of it on the handlebar. Impatiently, Seungkwan reaches out to take Vernon’s hand in his, tugging him along when he runs to the gate.

“Slow down, honey buns! Oh, wait, wait.” Vernon suddenly stops on his track, halting Seungkwan’s excited steps. A confused look crosses Seungkwan’s face but he shoots his eyebrows when Vernon gets on one knee, and reaching for Seungkwan’s shoes, oh, wait, shoelaces. Since when did they untie themselves? He doesn’t even realize it but Vernon did, and he’s now even on his knee to tie them by himself. Seeing his fingers tying them so gently Seungkwan can feel his cheeks getting hot and probably decorated with pink color. After tying his shoelaces, Vernon gets up with a satisfied grin on his face and Seungkwan turns around, not wanting Vernon to know about his blushing face.




“Now, we’re ready to- Why are the tips of your ears red, Seungkwannie?


“What? No, no they’re not.”


“Yes they are. Whoa, it’s so red! Are you really that embarrassed because i tied your shoelaces?”


“No! I’m just...uh, you know....”


“Just what?”


“Uhm, nevermind! Come on, let’s get inside.”


“Awww, you’re blushing!”




“You’re so cute, twin buns.”

“Yes, i already know that and you’re still the stupid handsome bastard. Now come on! Let’s get inside.”




Chuckling, this time it’s Vernon who reaches out to tangle their hands together. A soft giggle comes from Seungkwan and Vernon can’t help but smiling so wide his cheeks almost hurt because of it. Even when Seungkwan talks to the man in the ticket booth asking for their tickets all Vernon can do is staring at Seungkwan, probably ‘a little bit too intensely’ like Seungkwan said a few times before.


“Here’s your bracelet tickets boys. And you should get your hands stamped first before you enter the amusement park. Have fun and be safe!” The man in the ticket booth smiled politely and Seungkwan nods enthusiastically. After getting their hands stamped, they immediately runs inside, still hand in hand and Vernon laughs when Seungkwan instinctively runs to the nearest ride. “We definitely need to try this, Vernon.”  The sparkle in Seungkwan’s eyes are both amusing and cute. Everything the other did, consciously or unconsciously is cute in Vernon’s eyes.(Maybe that’s his head-over-heels-mind talking but Seungkwannie is just naturally cute, okay?) “Sure, Kwannie. We have to wait in line though. It’s pretty long, you okay with that?” Vernon asks. “Yeah. Come on!” Seungkwan gives him another blinding smile and Vernon returns it with his own.






“There, there, Vernon. You okay? Do you want to drink something?”


After what feels like riding hundreds different kind of rides, it’s fair to say that Vernon is spent. Like who wouldn’t? He went on the rollercoaster twice, on kamikaze once, space shot three times, freefall once, and what was that ride with flying chairs? In conclusion, he’s now not feeling really well. Kind of embarrassing because Seungkwan is doing better than him but, oh well. Someone has to take care of the other right?  A pang of dizziness hits him and he groans in distaste.


“You really don’t look good right now.” Seungkwan says with a grin and Vernon snorts in return. “Just telling the truth, sweetheart. Now, do you want me to do something? Massaging your shoulder? Or do you want to drink something?” A gentle hand rests on his forehead and Vernon sighs in contentment. Seungkwan’s hand is cool, comforting, Vernon can’t resist the  urge to lean further. “I want to drink. Just water, Kwannie. I feel like puking right now.” He nuzzles the latter’s hand when it touches his cheek. “Okay! Wait here, don’t move. Won’t be long, i promise!” Seungkwan gently pats his cheek three times before he goes to find the nearest vending machine.

Vernon closed his eyes, leaning on the bench fully because he’s still trying get rid of the dizzy spell. A few minutes of resting until his dizziness is gone and he doesn’t really feel like puking again, he opens his eyes. He almost screams when two pairs of curious, confused with a hint of recognition eyes are on him, the taller one supporting a surprised look on his face but the smaller one, somehow looking like an emo guy is stoic, almost scary even. He blinks twice, the two unknown guys blinks back at him and okay this is awkward. And slightly creepy.

The tall guy then opens his mouth, but he closed it again, not so discreetly nudging the emo guy with his elbow. Their eyes are on each other and Vernon is suspecting a telephaty kind of thing here. After maybe one minute of furrowing their eyebrows, cocking their head towards him, and a whole bunch of wtf dude type of expression the emo guy looks back at him, his face still not showing any emotion.

“We’re sorry for our previous behavior, but are you perhaps, Seungkwan’s boyfriend?” Emo guy says monotonely, his deep voice making Vernon feeling slightly inferior. Tall guy snorts at those words, confusing Vernon because there’s nothing funny in emo guy’s words. “I apologize for my friend’s stupid behavior, and oh, my name is Jeon Wonwoo and this giant here is Kim Mingyu.”




Hm....Kim Mingyu? Mingyu? Isn’t he Seungkwan’s friend? The one who asked Seungkwan to buy the ingredients for his anniversary cake? And the one i got jealous with because i thought this Mingyu is Seungkwan’s boyfriend?




“Uh, yeah, it’s me. I mean not his boyfriend but, his date for today...”




huh, very impressive. Why are you so flustered?! Just calm down.




“Ah, i knew it! You’re the guy Seungkwan met in the deparment store four months ago, right? Well, i’m Kim Mingyu, Seungkwan’s bestfriend.” Mingyu says excitedly, shoving a hand to Vernon and he shakes it briefly. “Didn’t i just say that a few seconds ago, Mingyu?” Emo g- Wonwoo says with an unamused face, or maybe it’s just his usual face, Vernon isn’t sure. Mingyu pouts at this. A frown appears on his (handsome, Vernon begrudgingly admits. Good to see him with a boyfriend.) face and he opens his mouth to ask something but then Seungkwan appears to his side, holding two plastic bags in his hands.


“Vernon this is peppermint tea, they said it’s good for curing nausea and these are ginger candies, it’s good too for nausea but i don’t find anything to relieve your dizzy spell— What the hell are you guys doing here?” 

A wide grin appears on Mingyu’s face when Seungkwan almost jumped in surprise. “Hey Seungkwannie~ Why didn’t you tell me about this date? I thought we’re bestfiends?” Mingyu says with a hint of aegyo and Vernon resists the urge to frown. To his relief, Seungkwan sits beside him and pours him a healthy amount of the peppermint tea on the bottle cap, handing it to Vernon, urging him to drink the tea.


“Look at them, hyung! They’re so cute.... Seungkwan, why aren’t you boyfriends yet? Both of you look good together.”


That comment unfortunately makes Vernon chokes on his still a-little-bit-too-hot peppermint tea, and he coughs a few times before Seungkwan pats(no, more like slap?) his back with a worried look on his face. After Vernon mutters that he’s fine Seungkwan immediately scowls to his friends. (Mostly to Mingyu. Oh, he is scowling at Mingyu.) “Look at what you did! Why are you here anyways? Today was supposed to be my happy day with Vernon!” Seungkwan says, unhappiness written on his face and Vernon internally grins because that’s an indirect confession of Seungkwan’s true feelings, a confession he usually won’t say out loud if it’s not because of his friends interrupting their date. Mingyu though, only smiles toothily in reply, a somewhat knowing expression on his face before suddenly he scrunches up his nose, realizing what Seungkwan’s words meant. “Yah, this is a public place, idiot. I’m on a date too with Wonwoo hyung! Right, hyuungg~?” Mingyu ends it with a ‘cute’ bump to Wonwoo’s shoulder, a mischievous grin on his lips. And Vernon watches in amusement when Wonwoo’s stoic face is replaced by a subtle blush on his cheeks, the corner of his lips pulling into a small smile.

“Yeah i know but do you really have to pick this amusement park? Are you stalking us? No, not you Wonwoo hyung because i know you’re not that kind of guy, but your boyfriend here, i doubt it.” Seungkwan scoffs. The tallest boy frowns, but a ding from his phone catches his attention. Wonwoo spares a glance to Mingyu and his handphone before he looks back to Vernon and Seungkwan.  “Haha no, Seungkwan-ah. Today it’s me who wanted to go here. I really don’t know that you and your boyf- i mean, your date are here too.” A wiggle of the older’s eyebrows got Vernon turning his head a little because I really should ask Seungkwan to be my boyfriend. No turning back this time.

Seungkwan huffs, a pout on his lips and Vernon, God, damn his hormone and his heart and his brain and his attraction to Seungkwan because now he just wanted to lean in and kiss the living days out of his future boyfriend’s pink rosy lips. The lips moves though, and Vernon blinks before he averts his gaze back to Seungkwan’s intruders friends. His eyes meets Wonwoo’s, a knowing look present on his face, half smirking and half grinning at him. They sort of have a telepathy communication of something that sounds,  no,  looks like “You better ask him as your boyfriend after this” and “Yeah, i will. Don’t worry.”

The older guy nods at him, and then he looks back to Seungkwan who’s still busy dissing Mingyu and something along the words of ‘red velvet cake’, a gentle look in his eyes. “Seungkwan-ah, we’re sorry we interfered your date. I should’ve stop Mingyu when he approached your date here. Now, i’ll let you both enjoy the rest of your date peacefully. Nice meeting you, uh, what’s your name?”


“Vernon. I’m Vernon.”


“Yeah, Vernon. Nice meeting you! Now, we’re going to go to the other side of this amusement park so we won’t disturb each other. Okay? Bye, Kwannie. Bye, Vernon.” Wonwoo winks at Seungkwan, and he gives Vernon another ‘Ask him!’ look before he grabs Mingyu’s arm. But Mingyu, being the tall, giant person he is refuses to move, instead grinning at Seungkwan in a devilish way.

“I didn’t know you slept over at Seungcheol’s hyung apartment last night.” Mingyu says, a suggestive smile on his lips. An eyeroll is all he got in return but that doesn’t deter the tall guy. “Isn’t it dangerous, sleeping over at your ex-crush of two- oh i’m sorry that was supposed to be our secret. Uh, um, Jeonghan hyung wasn’t there was he? Seungcheol hyung said he wanted to thank you, because Jeonghan hyung did come back.” Mingyu says with an uneasy smile, looking flustered and guilty. Seungkwan though, his eyes immediately widens and he glares. Vernon doesn’t hear the rest of the sentence even, still processing the words of ‘ex-crush for two in years’ and ‘together, just both of them, empty apartment

“What the Mingyu? Why did you suddenly reveal my secret?” Seungkwan hisses to his (possibly ex) bestfriend furiously.  “Oh i am so so sorry Kwannie i forgot that Wonwoo hyung doesn’t know about this...That was supposed to be our inside joke...” Mingyu says, feeling really guilty and if you pay attention very closely you can see the silent begging in his eyes, because he still remembers Seungkwan’s threat and he sure as hell doesn’t want Wonwoo to know about his little secret.

“Ohh, what’s that Seungkwannie? You used to have a crush on Seungcheol? Aww that’s cute.” Suddenly, Wonwoo reaches out to pat Seungkwan’s head, and if he’s not familiar with Wonwoo then he would be happy because it’s Jeon Wonwoo showing some affection, guys! But no, he knows that his hyung is lowkey teasing him.




Remind me again, why the hell do i even picked them as my friends.




Seungkwan groans, removing Wonwoo’s hand from his head, and the older is still grinning(if you can call parting your mouth a little to show your teeth as grinning) at him. “Wonwoo hyung, you have five seconds to drag this, this human away from me before i kick him right at his family jewel.” Seungkwan says seriously and Wonwoo even have the audacity to laugh at his dongsaeng’s miserable angry face before he starts to drag guilty Mingyu away from him. But then Mingyu gives him a relieved face, mouthing a ‘thank you’ and Seungkwan’s inner devil appears, the need to just spill the secret heavy on his tounge. A smirk appears on his lips before he calls out to Wonwoo.



On second thought, bestfriends should fall together right? An eye for an eye, you stupid giant.



“Hyung, wait a minute. First, i don’t want our friends know this secret, you hear me? Otherwise, you’ll end up like Mingyu.” Seungkwan sweetly says. The grin on Wonwoo’s lips turns into a straight line, his head tilting a bit to the side. “What do you mean?”

Mingyu is now panicking, Seungkwan can see. A huge satisfaction washes over him and he raised an eyebrow towards his (still ex)bestfriend. “Well, as Mingyu’s official boyfriend, i think you deserve to know about this. This is a very highly top secret, only both of us know. But since Mingyu betrayed me, i think there’s no use of keeping this secret alone. “


“Seungkwan, no. I didn’t say it to the actual person! This is only Wonwoo hyung, and he’s a great secret keeper. Your secret will be safe with him!” Mingyu says pleadingly. “Oh, but that doesn’t guarantee my secret will be safe with you, does it? You proved it once, Mingyu. And now i’m just taking the highly needed precaution, just in case.” Seungkwan replies, proceeding to ignore Mingyu and focusing back to Wonwoo. “You see, hyung. Your boyfriend here is not the best boyfriend. He kept a very very important secret from you, back then when it’s the first year he dated with you.” A frown appears on Wonwoo’s face and Seungkwan grins. “He said he thought he got a crush on Jeonghannie hyung, right after Seungcheol hyung introduced him as his boyfriend.” Seungkwan says with a smirk, carefully watching Wonwoo’s expression.



“......Oh. thankyou for the information, Seungkwannie. Now, shall we go?” Wonwoo says with a stoic expression and without even glancing at Mingyu he marches away from there. A horrified look appears on Mingyu’s face and Seungkwan laughs.

“You little - Wait, hyung, wait for me!” Mingyu catches Wonwoo’s arm and Seungkwan regrets his action just a bit (a teeny itsy bitsy bit) when he sees Wonwoo is pouting. Ugh, that’s like the grossest(?) thing he ever saw today. (For your information Wonwoo never acted like that, being all cute and being a decent human being showing human emotion ONLY if Mingyu’s around. So if you asked Seungkwan, it’s gross. The thing love do to you.....) And sure, after that Wonwoo looks at Mingyu with utter disappointment (just in his eyes), slowly releasing Mingyu’s grip on his arm and then he walks away. Seriously, do they think they’re in a drama or something?

“Hyung, i can explain! Don’t go- owwwwww what the was that for, Seungkwan?” Mingyu grimaces in pain as he holds his possibly injured left foot. “Don’t act like you’re in a sappy cliché drama when you’re in front of me, or in front of my date! It’s disgusting, really.” Seungkwan scrunches up his nose. Mingyu lets out a noise between a whine and a growl, before he slaps Seungkwan’s arm for a revenge. “See, Vernon? Your date is a person like this. You sure you still wanted to be with him?”



Oh my God i forgot about him. Oh. My. God. I forgot about my own future boyfriend slash date!



His mixed feelings increased after he sees Vernon sighing and even deflating his shoulder.



“You ruined my first date with Vernon! I hate you! Go away!” Seungkwan says(yells, to be honest) as he pushes Mingyu’s tall body. He glares when the tall boy looks at him with a scandalized expression. “Oh really? You ruined my third anniversary cake for Wonwoo hyung! Did i complain? No right?!” Mingyu says with a scowl. “You complained, you idiot. You asked me to do your grocery shopping for two months! Now, if i look like i give two s about your cake you can stay. But if not, then go away! Shoo. SHOO!”

Thankfully, this time Mingyu really leaves him, after glancing at Vernon’s slumped frame. (but the look on his face tells Seungkwan that his secret isn’t safe with him. That bastard.) Huffing, he sits down besides his future boyfriend, worrying his lower lip. “Uh, Vernon?” And then Vernon looks up, a somewhat nervous expression on his face. ‘Um, i’m sorry about my friends. They sometimes didn’t know their places but they’re actually my very good friends.” Seungkwan sheepishly smiles. When Vernon only responds with a small ‘Ah...”, Seungkwan pouts, averting his gaze to the ground. An awkward silence falls upon them and Seungkwan fidgets in his place. “Uh, want to get on a ride for the last time?” Seungkwan says, a little bit unsure. He beams when Vernon nods, and with all of his courage he reaches out to tangle his hand with Vernon’s, a happy smile present on his lips when Vernon locks their fingers together.

His choice for their last ride is a ferris wheel. Of course, after five hours of running around and the last  one hour arguing meeting his so called bestfriends, the best way to end their date is to get on a ferris wheel. The sun is long gone, but the view of citylights and glowing skyscrapers is a good view too. Maybe Vernon will really be his boyfriend today, who knows? And if they kiss it’ll be the perfect date.






But hell this is awkward.



Seungkwan huffs quietly when the small room(cabin?) moves little by little. It’s already three minutes and Vernon doesn’t even look at him, preferring to stare at the view from the window. Did Seungkwan really scare him off? In his defense, Wonwoo and Mingyu probably will find a way to mend whatever it is that Seungkwan possibly destroyed, and they’re known as the ‘more fighting than actually loving each other’ couple, Seungkwan may add. He gets lost in his own mind he doesn’t realize Vernon averting his eyes from the window to look at him.

“Seungkwannie...” Seungkwan almost jumps from his seat, eyes wide and looking very surprised that Vernon can’t help but laugh a little. “Why are you so surprised?” Vernon asks, an affectionate smile on his lips as he rests his chin on his palm. “Just thinking about what damage i might caused because of earlier event.” Seungkwan answers with a shrug.


And he instantly regrets it because Vernon scrunches up his nose. Does he think that Seungkwan is a brutal human being? Too savage? Too rude? Or maybe-


“Do you still like your oldest hyung?” Vernon’s voice is so gentle Seungkwan almost thinks he’s just imagining it. “What? No of course not! Why would i? Besides, he already got a boyfriend, Vernonnie. I’m not that terrible.” Vernon’s face immediately lightens up and Seungkwan blinks. “So that’s why you were so quiet when i was arguing with Mingyu? You think i still like Seungcheol hyung?” Seungkwan asks, still unsure of his own theory. But then Vernon nods, looking embarrassed and Seungkwan lets out a scoff. “Really, Vernon? I go out on a date with you and you think i like Seungcheol hyung?” He says unamusedly. “Hey, don’t blame me for assuming things like that! Mingyu said you were in an empty apartment, alone, just the two of you, with a suggestive smile! Plus he said this hyung is your crush for two years before he got his boyfriend, so when i heard his boyfriend left the apartment and you were there with him i just.....” Vernon sighs. “I’m sorry honey buns. Oh my God i’m a terrible human being. Forgive me? I just remembered you said your hyung wanted you to be their moderator or something. I’m sorry.” He says pleadingly, reaching out to hold Seungkwan’s hands. When Seungkwan nods, he lifts their hands, kissing the other’s knuckles gently. He smiles when Seungkwan released one of his hand to-


owwww, baby! That hurt!” A pout forms on his lips when Seungkwan punches his shoulder strongly. “That’s for assuming i still like Seungcheol hyung. And this-“ Seungkwan leans in to kiss the corner of his lips, a hint of blush forming on his chubby cheeks. “Is for i like you, not Seungcheol hyung.” He smiles shyly.



Lord help me to restrain this unholy desire deep inside me. He prays internally and he leans in to give Seungkwan a tiny peck on his lips. Even though seconds ago he just kissed the corner of Vernon’s lips, Seungkwan still blushes madly, the redness spreading to his ears and even to his neck. Vernon laughs, tenderly holding the sides of Seungkwan’s face between his palms, rubbing his thumbs carefully. “Why are you so cuteeee~” He squishes the other’s fluffy cheeks playfully. “Lhet goo.” A pout appears on the other’s lips and Vernon really can’t help himself, leaning in to give those cute bows a kiss, this time lasting a few more seconds when he released his hands from squishing Seungkwan’s cheeks, but still holding his face gently. “See? I think you really have a for my cheeks.” Is the first sentence Seungkwan says to him after he pulls his face away and he snorts. “You know, you tend to say something ridiculous or something sassy when you’re flustered and shy.” A cheeky grin appears on his lips when Seungkwan shows him a scandalized face. “Excuse me, although you’re not my boyfriend yet but i was supposed to be the one to say something like that! Besides-“ Vernon shoots an eyebrow when Seungkwan suddenly stops. “Did i say.....Uh.....Nevermind.” He averts his gaze from Vernon and he curses in his mind when he sees Seungkwan is biting his lower lip.the plump redness bouncing after Seungkwan released them from his teeth.

 “Don’t do that.” He groans. “Don’t do what?” Seungkwan asks with a clueless expression and Vernon sighs. “Don’t bite your lips, Seungkwannie. It’s distracting me.” When Seungkwan only gives him an unamused face he raised an eyebrow. “You don’t believe me? Or do you want me to prove it?” He mischievously wiggles his eyebrows, chuckling when Seungkwan rolls his eyes.


“Why are you even asking anyways? You should just do everything you want when i distracted you.” This time, Seungkwan is smirking at him, and even giving him a wink, laughing when Vernon can only gapes at him. Before he can even say something to retaliate, the small room stops, and someone opens the door, urging them to go out politely. After they’re out in the open, Vernon turns around to face Seungkwan, only to find him blushing from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck, looking away when Vernon faces him. “Twin Buns, you’re the one who said something like that and now you’re the one who blushes hard?” Vernon says with a teasing grin. “Shut up. Oh my God this is so embarrassing.” He grumbles. “Let’s find a place to seat.” They links their hands together, Vernon not forgetting to inspect just how easy it is for them to fit both of their fingers like puzzle pieces. (At last he understands that phrase, because all this time he thought those kind of phrases are cheesy.) They sits on the nearest bench, comfortable silence falls upon them and Vernon slightly squeezes the hand in his own.

“You know, when i met you months ago i don’t know you can be that aggressive, Seungkwannie.” He got a slap on his arm as a reply and he laughs. “Awww, don’t be embarrassed. It’s cute, don’t worry.” He says as he brings their interlocked hand to his lips, kissing it deeply. “Besides, i like it that way. I don’t really like those who has weak personality. You’re exactly my type, honey buns.” He watches as Seungkwan’s blush deepens(if it’s possible), just staring when Seungkwan fidgets on his seat.







“Stop it.” Finally Seungkwan opens his mouth.


 “Stop what?”


“Stop staring at me like that, you stupid handsome bastard. Didn’t i say that stare of yours is a little bit too intense for my liking?” Seungkwan lets out a huff when Vernon chuckles at him. “Aw, baby, you’re just too shy to receive the expression of love from my eyes.” He says with a cheeky grin, laughing when Seungkwan scrunches up his nose. ‘Ew, Vernon, so greasy.”


Silence again. Seems like Seungkwan isn’t in the mood for talking. Is he okay? He looks okay but a quiet Seungkwan usually means an upset Seungkwan, an angry Seungkwan, a down Seungkwan, or a sad Seungkwan. Conclusion, a quiet Seungkwan is a sign that something is not right and Vernon peers in to check the other’s expression. “What are you doing?” Seungkwan stops his face with his right hand and Vernon raised an eyebrow. “Just checking your mood. You’re suddenly so quiet, i’m worried about you.” He looks taken aback for a second before he shakes his head. “I’m fine.” A snort comes from Vernon, indication that he doesn’t believe the other and Seungkwan huffs. “Seriously i’m alright. What makes you think that i’m not? It’s not like you can read my mind or-“

“I know you well enough to noticed your mood through your expression, Seungkwannie. This expression of yours often appears when i’m talking you, so tell me, have you, perhaps, feeling bothered when you’re interacting with me?” Vernon asks gently as he plays with the curls of Seungkwan’s bangs. “No, what are you even talking about? Why would i be? In fact, i’m very happy everytime i’m seeing you. I mean, not really seeing you in person but just skyping with you and video calling and stuffs like that.” Seungkwan says as he takes Vernon’s hand from his bangs, “Your hand is warm.” He nuzzles his cheek to the warm hand, laughing(giggling) when Vernon slightly caresses his cheek with his thumb. “Of course it is. I’m holding one of the cutest, prettiest, twin buns in my hand right now, so i have to keep them warm so it doesn’t lose it’s fluffy texture.”  Seungkwan stares at him with an expression stating ‘Really now?’ and Vernon laughs. “You’re so cute Kwannie. It’s already 8 p.m how about we go out to search for something to eat?” An excited nod comes from Seungkwan and Vernon pinches one of his cheek.

In the end they decided to buy a take out from McD, mostly because of Seungkwan’s pout and aegyo of  Vernonnieee~ Buy me chicken nuggets and french frieessss.I haven’t taste them for like a year and don’t you think it’s cheaper than the Italian restaurant? For your information, in case you don’t know or still doesn’t notice it, Vernon is super weak to Seungkwan’s aegyo so what power does he have against those big puppy eyes and guilty kitten face? (just imagine it. Can you resist?) After buying their foods (which in the process involves a lot of Seungkwan clinging tightly to Vernon’s arm, a whole one minute of Seungkwan whining very cutely because he wanted to have the McFlurry but Vernon doesn’t, and of course in the end they bought a small portion of McFlurries.) they drives back to Seungkwan’s apartment. (Yes, this is because of Seungkwan’s  impressive persuasive skill too. It’ll be more comfortable there. Plus we don’t have anywhere else to go. It’s too awkward for me to stay at your house. There’s nobody in my apartment!  He had said, a little bit too loudly when they’re paying for their food at the chasier.)


“Ugh, finally. “ Seungkwan groans in contentment when he slumps down on the couch, looking comfortable and seemingly forgetting that Vernon is there with him. “Where do i sit, honey buns?” He asks with a chuckle. Seungkwan immediately removes his feet and he pats the empty space on the small couch.




Small spaces and their advantages.




He looks down to see a mop of curly brown locks on his shoulder, the owner’s upper body pressing on his shoulder and his right arm. “I’m tired.” He hears the muffled whisper and he chuckles, arranging Seungkwan’s messy bangs slowly. “If you’re tired then why did you insist on buying these foods? Now you’re not going to eat them.” Vernon says with a flick of his finger on the other’s forehead. A soft ‘aw’ and then Seungkwan is glaring through his bangs. “I’ll eat them tomorrow. Or even tonight, as my midnight snack. I won’t waste these babies here. They’re too delicious.” Low laughter escapes Vernon’s throat and he leans down to kiss the crown of his so-very-nearly boyfriend. “You’re the baby here, Kwannie. How do you even know that aegyo, the ‘Vernonnie, kakung?’ you suddenly said at the McD?” A frown is present on Seungkwan’s face and Vernon raises an eyebrow. “You have to see the look on all of the women we passed by! And by all, i mean all of them. They literally had this “OMG YOUNG DICAPRIO” look on their faces. It’s annoying.” He grumbles.



Oh? Jealous Seungkwan? That’s a bit new.







“Awww, are you jealous?”


“No i’m not.”


“But it’s disturbing you, Seungkwannie~”


“Yeah but it’s because they’re looking at you like you’re some sort of a God or something. And they have this expression of ‘take me’ on their faces! It’s annoying i’m telling you.”


“It’s annoying you because they looked like they wanted to be in your position right? That means you’re jealous, twin buns.” Vernon taps Seungkwan’s nose twice, a wide grin on his lips.


“Well yeah maybe i was jealous, stop staring at me like that, you stupid-“


‘Handsome bastard?” Vernon says as he drags his finger to trace the faint scar on Seungkwan’s forehead.


No, i was going to say stupid bastard only.”


“Meanie.”  Vernon pouts a little before he blows a puff of air on Seungkwan’s bangs. He drops a kiss again, longer this time, making Seungkwan looks up from his previous position, a questioning glance. “You shouldn’t have feel that way, Seungkwannie.”  Immediately Seungkwan sits up straight, complete set of a frown, a scowl, and a glare on his face. “Excuse me? You’re my date at the moment and i was supposed to show everyone that you’re mine today. Those ladies were ignoring my presence beside you if that’s not clear enough for you. I was just— what are you doing?” His voice suddenly changes, one volume lower and Vernon smiles at him. “I’m proving to you, as why you shouldn’t have feel that way.”

And then he leans down to capture the other’s lips with his own, all slow motion and gentle caress of their lips, sweet and intoxicating at the same time. He presses his lips a little bit harder when Seungkwan lets out a small whine, body shifting so he can leans further on Vernon’s body. He bites the plump lower lip gently, asking for an access and Seungkwan parts his lips a little, movement shy and awkward and Vernon just really can’t keep his hands to himself, curling his palm on Seungkwan’s nape, the other caressing Seungkwan’s side gently.

Vernon leans back after a while, a sweet smile on his lips and a lovesick gaze on his eyes. Seungkwan though, he’s blushing madly again, the red color prominent on his skin. “And that’s why you shouldn’t feel irritated just because of some random ladies checking me out.  I love you, no one else and just you. You, the cute gullible Korean guy that i met four months ago when i was buying my monthly supplies of Hershey’s Kisses. You, the adorable guy i met again at the same department store three months ago and made me asked your number and even kissing the corner of your lips on our second meeting. You, my squishy twin buns who made my days better because of your random messages, random invitation of skype, and random video calling in the most awkward situations. It’s you, Boo Seungkwan. Now, do you want to be my boyfriend? Please say yes because that confession is from the deepest corner of my heart. And i really like you so i don’t even know how i would react if—“  A finger is silencing him and Vernon tilts his head a little. “Yes, of course yes, Choi Hansol Vernon. Do you even know how long i waited for that confession to came out? I even considered myself confessing because you took so long and i can’t stand another random girl i don’t know that well asking me who’s the ‘handsome DiCaprio’ on my profile picture. I love you too! So much.” Seungkwan answers, all happy smiles and the brightest pair of hazel eyes Vernon has ever seen. Beautiful.

“Good then. Because i have no intention to let go of you any sooner. Better be prepared, Seungkwannie~” He sang and Seungkwan giggles. “Well, let’s get to bed. I’m tired and you’re tired. The bed is big enough for two people but it might be a little tight.....” Seungkwan says, standing up from the couch and leading Vernon to the bedroom. (Innocent thoughts, y’alll) The bed is enough for them although a little tight but they can fit. It creaks under their weight when they squirms, trying to find the best position for them.



Classic big spoon and small spoon. He smiles softly when Seungkwan tugs his hand to rest on top of his stomach.











‘Hey, Seungkwannie?”




“I think you’re sent to me to replace my unhealthy obsession towards Hershey’s Kisses.”




“And i’m lucky i found you because lips are the sweetest lips i’ve ever kissed.”


“Shush....go to sleep.....” Seungkwan mumbles sleepily and Vernon chuckles quietly, dropping a kiss on the back of Seungkwan’s head.


“Night, honeybuns. Sweet dreams. Love you.”








Silence greets him. He carefully looks over to see Seungkwan already sleeping peacefully, and he pecks Seungkwan’s shoulder before he closed his eyes too, hoping to dream about his new relationship with the love of his life.
















A/n : wHOOPS that's a long one. and 28 SUBSCRIBERS? y'ALL ARE TOO KIND:') This triquel is messy, i'm sorry.... I think i got carried away with the MeaniexD Anyways, here is 3 am and i'm soo sleepy so please leave comments down below! They're really inspiring and a good motivator for me to write:3 maybe i'm going to post an epilogue. But let's see about that:)

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Chapter 2: SO SWEET AWWWW gad that is so fluffy omagaddd ><
Chapter 2: This story is really cute~
I'm looking foward for more of your stories in the future~ ^.^
Sherrie #4
Chapter 2: This is great. I definitely love this series and hope you'll write more if this AU. Jealous Vernon and Seungkwan is cute. And I loves how all the Hyungs keep teasing them, such a friendship goals. Thanks for writing this series.. ^^
Chapter 1: Can I see a part where Seungcheol and Vernon meet? xD
Chapter 1: Fourquel maybe hehehehe
fabynee #7
Chapter 1: i soo cute and perfect!! please make the epilogue!! i need more verkwan in mi life ahhh <3
Tat-chan #8
Chapter 1: That's sooo cute тттт I was smiling during whole reading ;;
And yeahh epiloge omg omg omg
I'd love to see more fluffy-dating verkwan in the future~
Altariaaa #9