» Final

Miss Me〈 2Jae 〉

The collab with multiples of bands :3

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You can say Jaebum has a trying week. After a few days after their break-up, the older brunette has to win his own ex-boyfriend back. And he wasn't planning to give up that easily. He knows how well persistent Youngjae was.

The older brunette walks in his last class and see his sunshine smiling in the back with some friends of his. They were laughing gleefully at jokes that they all shared in common. You can say Jaebum had an annoyed expression present and was sending death glare to each of the guys.

"Oh, your boyfriend is here."One of Youngjae's friend Shiwoo says, making the younger brunette irritated instantly. The group of boys giggled at how the boy hisses at them the word,"ex" and Jaebum rolls his eyes.

"Not for long babe."Jaebum comments from across the room making everyone in the classroom cooed at how determined the Im male was.

Youngjae is blushing with embarrassment and he sends his ex a glare who returns the hateful look with a playful one.

{ }

Next hour was probably the most embarrassing moments of Youngjae's life, but probably the best for Jaebum.

They all sat down in their seats like civilized people and the teacher begins class. Halfway through class, the teacher dismisses them for free-time so they could finish the rest of the assignment. Everyone is even more happy.

Jaebum walks up to Youngjae's table lab and that tells the young brunette that his ex boyfriend was up to no good. Once again. Not even surprised.

"Yes?"Yougjae says in a tranquil manner, trying to not sound disgruntled. Jaebum just smiles amiably and leans down, wiping at the corner of the boy's lips, pretending there was something on it.

"YAH!"Youngjae barks and shoves the Im away from him. The young brunette is covering his mouth with the back of his hand, brushing off anything that he assumed was on his lips.

"Oh, fiesty."Jaebum comments.

"Shut up before I throw this book at you."Youngjae warns the older male who simply raises a brow at the threat. He's received much worse slur.

"You are really fiesty. I wonder why you aren't like that in bed with me."Jaebum states casually, as he lets out a long sigh.

Everyone hangs their mouth at the statement. It was as if it was a normal topic to speak about in the Science Class. Only Im Jaebum would have the guts to say such things. Youngjae is red in the ears and he frantically tries to find something to say.

"Who would even want to be fiesty in bed with you? You're weak in bed!"Youngjae spats.

Jaebum eyes widened and you can hear snickers and a person choking in the background or even an 'Oh , his boyfriend just came at him about his .' Otherwise everyone was oh-ing.

"If I was weak in bed, then why did you scream my name till our neighbors had to come and knock on my front door violently?"Jaebum inquiries, faking the curiosity.

"I only did that to help with your ego."Youngjae responds with more confidence.

'Oh, babyboy, you're so on.'Jaebum thinks to himself as he felt an imaginary cross appeared on his head due to the insult that impacted him quite well, even his pride was being squashed.

"For my ego? Please baby, then why did you—"

"Enough you two!"The teacher boomed and all the students hold their laughter as they all rotate to face the front. Wooyoung-nim wasn't impressed but rather awkward that these idiotic teenagers can't control their hormones and have the need to just speak out their mind about randomly.

"Sorry Wooyoung-nim."Everyone apologized, bowing. 

{ }

Youngjae is walking down the empty hall since it's his Study Hall hour and the teacher hardly cares what most of the students does now since mid-terms are here and school was close to ending anyways.

Usually he has Jaebum by his side and the older male would have his strong arms around him or have him pinned against a locker and they could be having a make-out session in the open, not caring whoever walked by.

Youngjae shakes his head furiously and tries to rid his mind of the beautiful memory of being with Jaebum all the time and he admit, he loves every moment because it's the reason why he's always happy and anticipating tomorrow with a bright smile.

But that sunshine and perfection ended when Jabeum was caught with a girl in a locked room. Youngjae didn't question any further and broke off their relationship faster than the older brunette to explain throughly what actually happened.

The young brown haired boy could sill remember the petrified expression on the girl as he glared and spat so much dangerous words to her. You can say no one wants to be on a Choi's demonic side. It's quite horrendous.

And Jaebum has experience that. Once or twice in his life time and he finds it a turn on and a punishment.

The young boy is walking, lost profoundly in his mind until he felt arms wrapped themselves around his waist. He squeaks loudly and turns, in instinct, whacks the person who has held him captive. Which was no other than his beautiful ex.

"Jaebum!"Youngjae growls, immediately aggravated at the sight of the laughing brunette who's too amused to see such a cute and indignant appearance. Jaebum dismisses the violent action because love is pain.

"Aw, don't be like that babyboy. You always love being in the halls with me."Jaebum smirks and Youngjae has to smack the older male again to remind them which type of life relation they have currently.

"Past tense idiot. Loved. So leave me alone will you?!"Youngjae says with venom but that just encourages the other brunette to continue with his plan.

Without any warning, Jaebum slams the younger boy into a nearby wall and towers over him. Youngjae realize his situation and freezes. A feeling of nostalgia overwhelms him but he's not filled with sorrow. But rather excitement.

"Oh, so you're saying you don't love being pinned against the locker or wall by me and we're kissing the out one another?"Jaebum inquires with an arch of his brow, but that devious smirk is tempting Youngjae to lean forward and capture those lips he misses so much.


Youngjae holds back and he knees his ex boyfriend in the stomach and the other brunette is groaning in pain, releasing the young boy. Youngjae bends down to his height and smirks.

"Sorry, I saw spider on you."

With a roguish grin plastered on his countenance, the Choi walks off, abandoning the boy who is cursing his own sunshine.

"I swear, you're going to get it when we're together soon."Jaebum mutters darkly and stands up, clutching his abdomen. But he becomes rather exasperated when he hears familiar laughter at the other end of the hallway.

Jaebum glares at his friends who are carrying their equipment for practice.

"Nice try. Do it after study hall finishes. The teacher gave us some time to practice. Let's go before Nichkhun-nim appears and makes us run extra more laps."One of them says. Jaebum can only roll his eyes and trudges after his friends.

{ }

Study Hall was coming to an end and Jaebum had a sudden burst of energy. The older brunette is running through the halls and dodging every students and flashing them his charming smile. His friends are all legging behind and doesn't question his engery.

"Wow, I never knew love can drive him that crazy."Jongin comments, his breath shortening every few seconds.

"Are you kidding? He has so much energy."Jimin adds and groans, leaning against the locker."He was literally running his second lap while we were on our first."

"He really loves Youngjae."Wonwoo laughs and helps Jimin and the other boys up.

Jaebum is grinning as he stops in the front of an empty classroom. He would remember finding Youngjae in here whenever the boy wants to sleep or be alone. Sure enough, he saw a fluff of brown locks.

Quietly as he could, he sneaks in and tip-toes towards the sleeping boy. He expects to see a sleeping, beautiful face but what made his heart ache was when he saw tear stains on those red cheeks. Jaebum kneels on one knee and gently wipes away the tear.

"I hate it when you cry Youngjae-ah. . ."Jaebum whispers and leaves a soft kiss on the younger's cheeks. But he felt stirring and looks down, his breath hitches as the glossy brown orbs stare up in confusion at him.

"Jaebum. . .?!"

"Oh, even—"

"What the hell!"Youngjae shouts and Jaebum jumps back at the enraging volume. He remains sitting as the brunette overshadow him. The emotions that were radiating off Youngjae was almost affecting the older male.

"What is with you?!"

"What's with me? Oh, that's easy to answer. I love you, that's what."Jaebum answers cheekily, trying to enlighten the mood of the room's atmosphere and he detects the pink hue on the younger's boy cheeks.

Of course, the younger brunette wasn't in the mood, so he angrily storms out the room and the older boy is left alone, sighing deeply. And finally, the bell rings, indicating the end of study hall. And so, the brunette exits the room.

Jaebum stares idly at his blank notebook and waits for some plans to miraculously pop into his mind but nothing comes and he is left groaning in annoyance. School had ended moments ago and practice for sports was here.

The whole football team is finishing their homework before practice officially starts and their famous Quarterback: Im Jaebum is whining to himself about what to do to make Youngjae stop being angry and love him back.

"Yah, 25 cent leader, quit acting like a baby and do something productive."One of the football players, Hyunwoo tells him.

"Leave the guy alone. He's trying his billionth plan to win his boyfriend back."Jungkwan speaks up.

Jaebum waves them off and sees his sunshine walking besides Taehyung and Yugyeom. The trio were chasing after something. Squinting his eyes and leaning forward, he catches a colorful flying creature. The whole football players all round behind their Quarterback and looks through his view point.

"I GOT IT!"Jaebum shouts in excitement and turns to his players. The whole team shares perplexed glances and the older brunette smiles widely.

"Jimin, your dad owns the Zoo nearby, doesn't he?"Jaebum asks.

"Yeah, why?"Jimin answers, drinking his water bottle calmly.

The congenial smile went to a mischievous grin as it breaks onto the Quaterback's comportment as he responds,"Because we're going to be wild animals tomorrow."

"Oh god."

{ }

The day is quiet. There seem to be no attempt for Youngjae's love.

Youngjae feels uneasy and somewhat disappointed. Immediately, he hurls those emotions away with his mind saying,'Enough! You're over him. Don't think about him.'

It's been long, dreading hours and Study Hall finally arrives. Youngjae hasn't caught sight of his ex boyfriend anywhere. He sighs softly as he sits in the empty desk besides Bambam and Yoongi who are messing with the other boys.

"What's wrong hyung?"Bambam asked, noticing the silent Choi.

"I just really miss my boy-I mean my stupid ex that always bother me!"Youngjae blurts out.

"I knew it. You miss him because you still lov—"

"No, I don't Yoongi-Hyung! I just miss him annoying me because I can diss him every chance I got."Youngjae corrects his hyung who is not believing the lie.

No one notices the classroom teacher leaving. Exactly, every classroom teacher. Even the principle and his assistance. As all adults has left the school, the announcement static could be heard.


And finally, Youngjae hears that familiar, soothing voice speak.

"Hello. I'm your Quarterback, Im Jaebum. Today, since we locked the teachers out the school."Everyone could hear the football players whooping and cheering in the background."Because I got a surprise! All go to the gym! That's where the surprise is!"

No one waste their precious time. All students are rushing to the gymnasium and they can hear animal noises? Everyone shares quizzical expression and when two football players open the gym doors with happy smile, that's when the real fun commence.

Everyone enters and they are all bursting in laughter and filled with so much exhilaration when they see real animals running wildly around the gym. Well they were separated by fences, but some were running everywhere, there was some personal anime trainers also.

Youngjae is laughing with glee as he stares all around him. Beautiful confetti colors, music, animals, and happiness is enveloping him. His radiant brown orbs wander the gym and when he sees a figure on stage, he notices it's Jaebum.

"I hope you guys remember what I said earlier! I declared there was a surprise for someone special. Jaebum, take it away!"Jungkwan says and rushes to the back with Jimin and Wonwoo. The trio comes back and there's a large white box settle behind the older Im.

"Choi Youngjae."

The crowd is looking around until all eyes are fixated on him. He can't throw an impassive expression because he's too in love with the sight. Jaebum and animals.

"This surprise is for you. I want to show the whole school what you mean to me and how much I love you no matter what."Jaebum says, making the young brunette look down with red cheeks.

The gym breaks out in claps and encouraging words are being thrown everywhere. Both brunette feels the spark within and they share an eye-smile. The young boy walks close to the stage as the crowd stands behind him.

"I love you."

Just three simple word.

And Youngjae finds himself running up the stairs of the front stage and embracing Jaebum tightly as if his life depends on it.

It must've been minutes because the football players grabs the lover's attention before they kiss in front of the whole student body. Laughs are ringing everywhere.

"Open the box. That's your second surprise."Jaebum nods toward the white box. Slowly, Youngjae walks up and opens it. It breaks down and his brown orbs lands on a white dog. The white furry dog looks up and barks at Youngjae.

"Awww, it's so cute!"The young boy coos and picks up the white dog.

"Wow, they're so goals. I'm not even crying guys."Jungkwan says, looking at the couple before him.

The mass of people returns to petting the animals or whatsoever. But some remain and video the beautiful couple on stage. The moment and surprise is what made everyone weak in the heart. Jaebum had planned out something bad and cute.

Love does make people do stupid thing.

Although it's worth it.

"Jimin says it's a girl. He also said that she was an abandoned pup near his dad's zoo and his father didn't want a dog, so Jimin kept it secretly until I asked for her."Jaebum explains and admires the two alluring thing. Youngjae and the white dog.

"She's cute and perfect. I'm going to name her Coco!"The brunette announces and giggles at how blithe dog in his arms.

"Hey, you haven't received your third present yet."Jaebum proclaims. Youngjae hands the dog to Mark and Jungkwan who begins showing off Coco to the others.

"What's th—"

Youngjae is pulled into Jaebum's arm and their lips are brushing against one another. A smile slowly etch on their comportment.

"Me. . . And this."

Jaebum closes the distance between them. The kiss is sweet and innocent. Youngjae wraps his arms around Jaebum's neck to keep close. In the background, they could hear everyone screaming in joy and congratulations for winning back Youngjae.

Both boys are giggling and holding onto one another with their forehead pressed against each other.

"I love you."Youngjae and Jaebum said at precisely at the same time. 



I hope you guys enjoyed this!

There was going to end differently, like Jaebum just does it at the football game but nah. Maybe next time ^^

Excuse any mistakes, I'll fix it later

Sorry if it's not crack and it . I just went with the flow :)))))

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jesusandklife #1
Chapter 1: That was so totally worth it...it was so cute!! I loveeee au's like this <333
Chapter 1: Adfkhucnekeudhsjwue sooooo adorable! I like Jaebum's undying love for Youngjae here hahaha
Chapter 1: Omf the ending was absolutely adorable :3 and also guest cameo by coco :3:3:3:3