Chapter 1

Lunch Date
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Lunch time. The only safe haven left for any and every student at JYP High School. It was a time to finally get to eat after being hungry for hours. To finally get to talk to your friends after days. Or, in the case of many, to finally get to clutch all week’s homework in 45 minutes while forcing your friend to feed you. As per usual, Jinyoung was sitting next to his best friend Jaebum, along with a weird bunch of losers who were too loud, to lazy and too overly ual for their own good.


“Hey, Jinyoung listen to this”, says Jaebum as he shoves an earbud into Jinyoung’s ear.


He recognizes the song immediately. It was one of Jaebum’s favourites after all. After a few seconds, he looks across the table at Jaebum only to find him looking down at his food, happily nodding his head to the beat of the music. He can’t help the small timid smile that creeps onto his face. A loud screech from Kunpimook breaks his trance, and as if connected by some divine force, Jaebum stands abruptly and walks over the trashcan to throw out his leftover food. As he is walking away, Jaebum swears he can feel someone’s eyes on him, but he shakes it off and continues walking anyway.


Out of nowhere, a wild vegetarian Jackson appears, clutching hummus and lentil chips tightly in his hands.


“So I heard there’s trouble in paradise again” says Jackson as he sits down in Jaebum’s chair. Jinyoung turns his gaze from Jaebum’s retreating back and focuses on Jackson, a bit annoyed at his intrusiveness.


“Yeah, but they aren’t getting back together this time”, he replies, trying to mask his happiness with a pained and disappointed expression.

“That’s what they always say, you know better than anyone it’s not true.”

Jaebum and Youngjae had been in an on and off relationship since freshmen year. Youngjae was new in town back then, and Jaebum decided to take it upon himself to show the kid around. It was only natural that a friendship blossomed between the two. Jinyoung had always been jealous of their relationship. He had never said anything though, not even when Jaebum rushed over to him excitedly to tell him the great news.  

“Jinyoung guess what!”


“I finally confessed to Youngjae and he said yes! Can you believe it?”


Jinyoung could, but he didn’t want to. He had seen they way Youngjae looked at Jaebum, it was only a matter of time until they got together. That didn't mean it meant it hurt any less though.


“That's great..I knew it would all work out. I bet you feel stupid now after talking to me all night worried that he would reject you.”

“ Shut up you , you were the one that called me to make sure I wasn’t going to back out!”


That’s the thing though. Jaebum would always come first to Jinyoung. He  was far too important to lose him over his stupid feelings.

As the years went by, Jaebum and Youngjae’s relationship turned dark and toxic. Youngjae was the first to cheat.  Jinyoung could still remember Jaebum’s barely audible voice when he called him to announce that his boyfriend had cheated on him. His voice was shaky, and he could hear him sniffling his nose. Jinyoung had immediately gotten into his car and drove straight to Jaebum’s house. Once he got there it was mostly Jaebum crying on his shoulder. Afterwards, Youngjae apologized and they got back together, but Jaebum still hadn’t completely forgiven him. Then Jaebum cheated back with the same guy. Then came the open relationship and the multiple breakups. But they still somehow managed to get back together. Jinyoung thought about confessing a few times, when he thought it was over for sure. But seeing Jaebum’s heartbroken face was enough to make him drop everything and rush over to comfort his friend.

Back at the table, Jackson proceeds to take out  his organic green tea drink and various bags of assorted nuts from his lunchbox.


“TEHEZ NUTS” screams Kunpimook from across the table.


Everyone at the table laughs. Everyone except Jinyoung. He’s too busy glancing over at the trashcans, trying to figure out what’s taking Jaebum so long. They’re only located a mere 20 feet away, how long can that take. He’s relieved to find him talking to a teacher. Not avoiding him like Jinyoung had thought. For a second, he got scared he had stared for too long to be considered “friendly” and “appropriate”.  That the only thing that he allowed himself to indulge on, finally bit him in the .

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floralis #1
Chapter 1: Looking forward for the next chap :)
This is interesting! i'm looking forward to reading more! :D
Sammycircle #3
Chapter 1: heart aches when i read the story...i feel you jinyoung. T^T
Chapter 1: Omg, I cant wait for the next!! I mean,is it real that Jaebum loves Jinyoung back? Poor Jackson tho T.T
Chapter 1: is there going to be a bit of competition between jackson and jaebum or will jackson be helping the two of them to get together? Hmmm....

this is quite interesting... looking forward to the next chap!