Chapter 2


Johnny glared at the boy in the seat next to him for the nth time, he angrily tapped his fingers on his desk, and fought hard to stay quiet and not blow up in the middle of class. Yuta noticed Johnny’s behavior and reached across his own desk to poke Johnny until the other turned to look at him.

“What?!?” Johnny asked in a loud and angry whisper, as he turned to face his friend.

“Stop glaring at him and pay attention,” Yuta whispered back, “You’re going to get in trouble.”

“I can't focus!” Johnny whispered, “I'm angry.”

“Well then at least stop angrily staring at the guy,” Yuta mumbled, “It won't change anything so just stop it.”

“He broke Taeyong’s heart!” Johnny yelled out loud, forgetting that he was in class and that the teacher was currently lecturing. Realizing what he had just done, Johnny quickly put his hands over his mouth as his eyes shot wide open. It was too late though, the whole class had heard and there were already hushed whispers among the classmates.

“Did you hear that?” one girl asked her friend quietly, “Someone broke the player’s heart.”

“Who would do that?” another person added. “Everyone chases after him. Who would be stupid enough not to accept a confession from him?”

“Serves him right if you ask me,” one of the boys in the classroom said in a monotone voice, “He thinks too highly of himself. He’s ing annoying. I’m glad someone put him in his place.”

Yuta glared at Johnny “Nice going,” he whispered before standing up on his chair and yelling over everyone’s hushed whispers, “HEY!” Suddenly everyone’s attention was on him and he continued to speak all while looking at the boy who had just bad mouthed his friend, “If I hear anyone else talk badly about Taeyong you’ll have to go through me!” Without another word he got off the chair and sat back down, the class was quiet now and Yuta was satisfied.

“Wow Yuta,” Johnny said with a small smile, “You’re usually the first to criticize Taeyong, now you’re standing up for him. You really do care about him, don’t you?”

Yuta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “We’ve all been friends for so long Johnny, of course I care about him, and you, and Jaehyun, and Hansol.” He looked away from the other, “I’m just not good at expressing it, and anyways, no one is allowed to make fun of you guys except for me.”

As the two friend continued to talk, Ten quietly doodled in his notebook. He let out a sad sigh before suddenly standing up and telling the teacher that he would go to the bathroom before leaving the classroom. As he walked down the hallway Ten thought back to Johnny’s harsh words. Had he really broken Taeyong’s heart? Had he been too cruel when he rejected Taeyong without an explanation? Should he have at least given Taeyong a reason?

Ten walked into the restroom and saw the person he wanted to see the least at this moment. Taeyong was in the bathroom, his eyes red, his nose runny, and his overall aura quite depressing. Through the mirror, Taeyong saw Ten walk in and looked down, wiping away what seemed to be tears before quickly turning around and walking right past him to leave. Ten turned to him and grabbed his arm before he could stop himself, “W-Wait.”

Taeyong froze in place, he didn’t turn to look at the other though, he simply stood still and waited for him to speak. Ten slowly let go of Taeyong’s arm and took a deep breath before speaking, “I’m sorry about earlier,” he said softly, “It was all so sudden that I just… I freaked out.”

“But you meant what you said,” Taeyong said after a few seconds, “You rejected me because you don’t love me the way I love you, right?” he asked.

Ten looked down at the floor and bit his lower lip before nodding slowly, “Yeah.”

“Do you love someone else?” Taeyong asked hesitantly, he was afraid to hear the answer but knew he had to know in order for his heart to be at peace.

“No.” Ten replied.

Taeyong turned to look at Ten for the first time throughout their conversation, he cupped the younger boy’s face and made him look up at him. With pure determination in his eyes, Taeyong spoke as he looked into Ten’s beautiful eyes, “Then I’m not giving up yet.” He brought his face closer towards the other’s and smiled sadly, “No matter how long it takes, I’ll make you fall in love with me because we’re meant to be together.”

Ten was shocked, he brought his hand up to Taeyong’s hand which was currently on his cheek and slowly pulled it away, “Just stop Taeyong.”

“I can’t,” Taeyong said softly, “After you rejected me... I wanted to hate you, but you’re the first and only person who's ever made me feel this way. I know what they say about me, that I’m a heartless player… but I’m not. I’ve been waiting for the right person to come into my life, and now that you’re here, I can’t let you go so easily.”  

Ten looked away and from Taeyong’s loving stare and shook his head, “Forget it. Nothing will ever happen between us.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Taeyong said quickly before turning around once again and walking out of the bathroom, leaving Ten behind alone and dumbfounded. He stood alone in the restroom and thought back on the words Taeyong had just said, hesitantly he brought his hand up to his heart and felt it beating quickly.



“Tell me again why you rejected him?” Doyoung asked before taking a big bite of his hamburger, “I mean, I thought you had a crush on him since you first moved here and witnessed him singing some embarrassing song during class.”

“Okay, first of all don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s not cute,” Ten replied as he passed his friend a napkin, “Secondly, I do not, nor have I ever, had a crush on him,” he added, “And finally, my parents already picked out a great girl for me, you know this. I told you this ages ago.”

“But you don’t even know this girl,” Taeil quietly stated as he looked up from his composition notebook, “You might not like her.” He finished writing the last of the song lyrics he was working on before closing up the notebook and putting down the pen, “You should try dating a little before you meet this  fiancée of yours, especially if the person you like just confessed to you.”

Ten looked down at his bland food and shook his head, “I-I don’t like him. Why do you guys keep assuming that I do?”

“It’s obvious.” Both Doyoung and Taeil said at the same time. They suddenly both looked at each other, gave a slight nod and stood up, “Well we’ll catch you later,” Doyoung said with an oddly creepy smile. “Yeah, good luck,” Taeil added before he and Doyoung walked away and out of the cafeteria.

“Where are you guys-” Ten started, but before he could finish his sentence he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around and looked up only to see Taeyong staring down at him with the smallest of smiles on his handsome face, “Hey. Can I sit?”

Ten coldly turned away from the other and shrugged his shoulders, “I guess I can’t stop you,” he replied before continuing to eat his flavorless food. He expected Taeyong to be offended with his bad attitude and leave, but to his surprise, Taeyong actually took a seat next him and folded his arms on top of the table before resting his head on top of them and staring up at Ten.

“S-Stop that.” Ten demanded but Taeyong just smiled wider and continued looking up at him. The other let out a heavy sigh before continuing to eat his lunch while at the same time working on some homework before the next class of the day started. They didn’t talk much, in fact, it was so quiet that for a moment Ten completely forgot that Taeyong was sitting next to him. I wasn’t until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, that Ten realized the other was still next to him.

Taeyong’s eyes were closed now. He was peacefully sleeping and not even the loud sounds of students running out of the lunch room and yelling over each other could wake him up. Ten hesitantly reached out and brushed Taeyong’s bangs away from his face with the tiniest of smiles on his face. Realizing that there were still people around, Ten quickly retracted his hand and stood up, he took one last glance at the beautiful sight of Taeyong resting and then walked away and out of the cafeteria.



The final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of the school day. Taeyong and Hansol walked out of their classroom and greeted Johnny, Yuta, and Jaehyun, who were already outside the classroom waiting for them.

“Hey buddy,” Johnny reached out and ruffled Taeyong’s hair affectionately with the cheesiest of smiles on his face, “Are you feeling better? I didn’t see you at lunch today.”

The other let out a annoyed sigh before pushing Johnny’s hand away from his hair, “Don’t treat me like a child,” he whined before suddenly glaring at his best friend, “And don’t try to act all innocent, I heard about what happened today.”

“W-What do you mean Taeyong?” Johnny asked, trying hard to keep his cool. He had really been hoping and praying that Taeyong hadn’t heard about the whole situation that had occurred this morning in which he had announced to the whole class that Ten had broken his heart. But luck wasn’t on his side, it never was. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play innocent Johnny,” Taeyong said before turning to Yuta and suddenly hugging him tightly, “And I also heard about what you did!” He squeezed his friend tightly and Yuta groaned, “You really love me, don’t you Yuta?”

Yuta pushed Taeyong away and gently hit his head, “No, I don’t love you.” He crossed his arms over his chest, “I was just saving you from the embarrassment that Johnny caused because, unlike him, I’m a decent friend.” Without another word, Yuta walked ahead of the others, leading the group out of the building.

“He loves you,” Jaehyun stated at he gave Taeyong a gentle pat on the back. Taeyong smiled and looked over at Yuta, “He does, doesn’t he?”

Hansol, who was ahead of Taeyong, gave a slight nod, “Yup.”

“I love you too,” Johnny suddenly added. Taeyong jokingly glared at him, “You have a funny way of showing it, embarrassing me in front of the whole class.”  

Trying desperately to change the subject, Johnny spoke up again, “So, why did you miss lunch today anyways?” he asked.

Taeyong really was trying to act like he was mad at Johnny, but he just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about Ten, especially if given the opportunity, “Well” he began, “I didn’t meet you guys because I decided to have lunch with Ten.”

“WHAT?!?” All of them, even Yuta who was way ahead of the others, shouted as they stopped walking and turned to face their friend.

Taeyong was smiling proudly, “That’s right, I had lunch with Ten and he wasn’t even that mean to me.”

“Are you listening to yourself right now Lee Taeyong?” Yuta suddenly asked as he approached said male. “You just said, he wasn’t that mean to you, are you seriously that stupid? He shouldn’t be being mean to you at all!”

Johnny nodded in agreement, “You should stay away from him Taeyong. He just broke your heart today, how can you even be near him?”

“I still love him,” Taeyong replied, “Besides, I intend to make him fall in love with me too. And Yuta, don’t freak out, he wasn’t m-mean, just a little… cold. Nothing to make a big deal about.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so persistent Taeyong,” Jaehyun suddenly adds, “I know you really like this-”

“Not like, Jaehyun,” Taeyong interrupted him, “I love him.”


“Right, love,” Jaehyun corrected himself before continuing, “I know you love him but maybe just… leave him alone, let it go, he already rejected you.” 

Taeyong’s mood was becoming bad, he couldn’t believe that his best friends, these people that he expected to support him when he needed them the most, were telling him to let it go. They knew how much he loved Ten, he had been talking about it since day one, and now he had no encouragement from them.


“I think,” Hansol quietly started as he gave Taeyong the smallest of smiles, “that you should keep following your heart. We’re you’re best friends, we’ll be here no matter what.”


Taeyong smiled back at Hansol, happy to have someone on his side, “Thanks Hansol.”

Johnny let out a heavy sigh, “I still don’t like Ten, he’s a heartbreaker.”













Sorry for this lame chapter. I'll try to update again soon, and thank you so much for subscribing and for the comments

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161 streak #1
Chapter 9: awwwww I really need the update
Yoonjeongmi #2
Chapter 9: Ok mg what if tens parents didn't hook him up with a girl and only with another boy which will be taeyong!! Omg this is nice(aju nice)!!
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 9: theyre so cute ;_____;
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 4: Hahahahha Taeyong's friends are so funny ???
Bengsent #5
Update this OMG :'(
markintuan #6
Chapter 9: I need an update for this
tell me you didn't abondan this story authornim
It's a great story and I'm enjoying it :((
jueunyon #7
Chapter 9: Update soon or please tell us you'll soon. Don't abandon this beautiful story please
tensmile #8
Chapter 9: Still waiting
Chapter 9: I kinda cried to sleep last night after reading this. It's so tragically beautiful in the sense that despite their situation and limited time together, they still choose to go for love and happiness. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming chapters so please do update soon, author-nim! :)
Chapter 9: Aww it's so sweet yet it feels like this will end badly :/ Hope it doesn't though, please update when you can :') ❤