Chapter 34

The Stray Cat
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"What is the problem with you two?" Jihyo asked Chaeyoung.

"What are you saying?" Chaeypoung dismissed

"You and Seung Cheol kept on ignoring each other for so long." Jihyo said

"Hmm? He started it. And he said he can fix thing by himself so why not do it now." Chaeyoung replied

"Why don't you two just talk it out? Huh?!" Jihyo asked

"We did but he just shot me down." Chaeyoung replied 

"Is there something he can do to make up with you?" Jihyo asked

"Yeah! He can just talk to me and say sorry to Jun." Chaeyoung said

"I always hearing this Jun guy. Who is that by the way?" Jihyo asked

"A guy I met. He's not bad. Seung Cheol thinks Jun's a some ." Chaeyoung said

"You know what?!" Jihyo said.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked

"Sometimes. Guys know what other guys think, or how they think. So I think Seyng Cheol has a basis. Why not trust him?" Jihyo said

"Thats call being judgemental, Jihyo. And Jun is great company and all that. He just doesn't see it." Chaeyoung reasoned out.

"Wait. Why are you defending this guy so much? Hmm? By any chance do you like him?" Jihyo asked

"Wha-?! Wha-wha-what the hell are you saying?!" Chaeyoung said and left

"Hey! Wait!! Chaeyoung!" Jihyo called out and followed her.

That afternoon. At the computer rental

"Why won't you talk to Chaeyoung already? Man up bro!" Mingyu said

"Have you seen that Jun guy? Huh!" Seung Cheol asked

"So?" Mingyu asked

"Dude? Did you really?!" Seung Cheol asked again

"Yeah! Tall, girl magnet. A lot like me really." Mingyu said

"Really bro?" Seung Cheol rolled his eyes

"Just kidding. Stop being so bitter. So what's the problem?" Mingyu asked

"Didn't you felt that sinister aura? Huh?!" Seung Cheol said

"Well, Yeah. I did. But that isn't enough to make you feel so threatened." Mingyu pointed out

"Hey guys." Vernon and Jeonghan called out as they arrived.

"Yo." Mingyu replied

Seung Cheol just nodded.

"Back to topic." Mingyu paused

"What are you guys talking about? Let us in." Vernon said

"What are you so afraid of?" Mingyu asked

"I'm not afraid. Its just that." Seung Cheol paused "He might hurt Chaeyoung. I have this gut feel that he will hurt her." He continued

"Hey. Log in already. Meet me at the central fountain." Jeonghan said

"If your not afraid then what? And I understand that your concerned about her but its her decision, right?" Mingyu said

"Well, yeah. Its just that I don't want her to be reject the next person just because of one wrong decision." Seung Cheol replied "We're here." he added turning to Jeonghan

"But you may never know. What if this will make her stronger." Mingyu said "Party up." he then added punching Vernon in the arm

"Well. Its not that I'm choking her or anything. I just don't want her hanging out with that guy." Seung Cheol said

"What? Choking, no?! You're just acting like her father. And given the fact that you like her. Stop being so overly jealous." Mingyu said

"Hey heal up!!" Vernon called out.

"Back up!" Seung Cheol said "Who said I'm jealous?!" he shouted

"Quiet down there!" the clerk shouted back

"Sorry." Mingyu and Seung Cheol apologized

"Is that what this is? She being afar from you. Her not looking to you? Is that it?" Mingyu asked

"Just like I told you! I'm not jealous." Seung Cheol said

"So what it is that you have to tear them apart?" Mingyu asked "More mobs here." he called out

"On our way." Jeonghan responded

"I told you right?! How many times do I ha

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Chapter 36: The moment I hate the most was when you gather all your courage just to confess but gone wasted due to the train.. wow.. congrats bro! Hahaha
Chapter 37: It's like all of them like seungcheol... But I dont want any of them get hurt rejected by him.. Hmm maybe he can really get all the girls? Well for me that will be the best happy ending :D dont know how other, readers will react thou xD

Ps. I love momo very much xD
Chapter 37: Happy birthday! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Modamoj #4
Chapter 35: I wish Seungcheol can end up with Mina and Jun with Chaeyoung. Seungcheol and Mina is a cute couple.
tommyo9876 #5
Chapter 35: I think that the story is perfect the way it is so far. No suggestions from me. (:
Well here's a big one guys. I hope you still having fun. I'm sure I am. Hehehehe. Just comment down if you want something or if you have suggestions to the story. I really like to have feed backs from you guys. Please. It helps me out alot. ALOT!! Ask my sister. Ahahaha. That's all for now. Lots of love. PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Guys.. There's something bothering me. Are you guys still enjoying the story? It's just that I don't see many people commenting.. Or is it that all of you are silent reader. It's not that I don't like that or anything. It's just that I love reading you comments and I can use you're guys input in the story you don't know maybe your ship will the one who'll sail the seas! XD That's all from me now.. Love guys and gals, dudes and dudettes! PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Chapter 34: Tss... jealous SeungCheol hahahaha..
To my brother.... still ---- you for not giving credits.... kidding.. thanks
Hehehe. I'm glad that you guys like it.. Props for my lil sis for the inspiration of this chapter.. XD