Chapter Sixteen

Smiling Pastries


I wake up. 

Where am I?

Auch my body so hurt.

Its so cold 

It is so dark in here.

Then I remember what happened.

Someone please, help me

I am so scared.


Sehun ah, help me.

Then I heard a slow footsteps, its getting louder.

"Sohee, where are you?" 


"In here." Sohee 

"I think I heard something inside there."

"Sohee ah." Someone scream and run to me.

Then he shake my body, I scream loudly with my eyes shut.

"Sohee ah, open your eyes."

I open my eyes, my sight is blurry.

Is that you Sehun?

I hug him and then I dont remember what happen next.



Sehun and Soohyun run like a crazy guy.

There is like a lot of old building here.

They searched and searched one building to another building but there is no sight of Sohee.

"Where is she?" Soohyun

"We should ask that girl again." Sehun

"Dont waste your time, I am sure she is already left." Soohyun

"Hurm old building, is it the one that under construction?" Soohyun

"Lets go and find out." Sehun

Its almost 9pm, where is that girl?

They went inside the building. Its so dark because there is no lamp here.

They both used their torchlught from their phone and search her.


"Sohee ya."

"Sohee where are you."


Then Soohyun hear something.

"I think I heard something inside there" Soohyun

Soohyun went inside and saw Sohee lying there with her damp cloth.

"Sohee ah." Soohyun yell then run to her.

He shake Sohee body and then Sohee scream so loudly. 

"Sohee ah, open your eyes,"

Sohee open her eyes and then she hug him.

That is went where Sehun finally found the room.

He saw Sohee hug Soohyun

"Let her go." Sehun said coldly

Sehun then take Sohee and brig her outside.



How dare she hug him.

I will kill her someday.

Why is her cloth is so wet.

I brought her slowly outside the building then I can finally saw her.

What the hell.

Her body and face full with bruises.

"Soohyun ah." Sehun scream

"What?" Soohyun

"Look at her." Sehun

"Oh my god." Soohyun

"Please call ambulance." Sehun

"I will, I will," Soohyun

"Oh my god, who did this to you? Sohee please wait, wait a little bit." Sehun

"The ambulance is on their way." Soohyun

"She is unconscious, what should we do." Sehun said worriedly.

"Its okay, I think she fainted the ambulance will be here soon." Soohyun

After 10 minute the ambulance is arrived.

Sohee have been take to the emergency room.

"I think you should call her family." Soohyun

"My manager already call them." Sehun is restless.

"Please calm down." Soohyun

"How do I calm down? My fiancee is there." Sehun

"Mr. Sehun?" DR

"Yes dr, how about my fiancee?"

"Thankfully she is fine, a little bit bruise here and there, No serious injuries." DR

"Thank You dr."

"Sehun ah." Mrs Ahn shout. She and Mr Ahn run to us.

"Auntie.Uncle" Sehun

"Dr, Dr where is my daughter? Are she okay? What happened to her?" Mr Ahn

"Your daughter is fine right now, she is sleeping now. She got a little bruise in her body. No serious injury. But I just want to ask you guys. Is she in a trauma right now. She keep screaming. She dont want it. Dont touch her and so on like a traumatic person." DR

"Yes she does." Mrs Ahn

"I thought so, she need a lot of time to rest. Please excuse me." DR

"Thank You dr." Mr Ahn

"What happened? Sehun ah. How come Sohee is in hospital? We were so scared when Kibum call us and ask us to come here." Mrs Ahn

"Actually auntie, I dont really know what happen. I just realize that she do not attend her classes today so I thought she was sick but then Yubin unnie told me that she is fine, so me and my friend here try to find her. And found her with that condition." Sehun

"Poor Sohee." Mrs. Ahn

"Sohee's mom stop wailing, Sohee is alright right now. We should see her." Mr Ahn

"By the way, what is the trauma that Sohee have?" Sehun

"Yeobo, you go first. I will talk with Sehun."

After Mrs Ahn left.

"Its happen when Sohee is 15 years old. It was our most tragic thing happened that day. I was suppose to take her from school but my job in the cafe make me a little bit late. Then when I arrived there is no Sohee. I thought she went home with Sunmi so I went to Sunmi's house. But then Sunmi said that Sohee dont want to went home with her because she already promise to come back home with me. So I call home and ask if Sohee is back but Teacyoon said she is not home yet. I was worried sick. I have this feeling that something bad will happen. Then I get a call from the police station. They ask me to come. When I arrived there I saw Sohee in a messed condition. Her hai is untidy, her cloth is torn here and there. I ask her what happen? She do not answer me. Then the police ask me to come follow him. He told me everything. How there is a guy try to my daughter." Mr Ahn choked.

Oh my god

Someone want to her?

Poor Sohee

"I am sorry, it just whenever I remember it. I just cant imagine what will happen to her. So I ask if the actually her. Thankfully the police said that he did not get a chance when their is a few guys stop him. The witness said the brought Sohee to some small and dark place where he tried to her. I asked the police if they knew who is the . The police said it was her senior in school. Now I realize something, she will never follow some stranger so she knew him.I cry so hard at the police station. I always think it was all my fault. I bring her home. Since then she is not like herself anymore. She stop talking for almost three month. Then when she start talking,she become someone who always talk about death. We tried everything to help her. Then one day I cry so hard at the backyard, I cry and hit myself. Then someone my back. Stop it appa, its not your fault. It was an accident. Please dont be hard to yourself Sohee said. She soothe me, I was suppose to do that to her. After a while she is back as herself, but not like her used to be self.She become the Ahn Sohee you know. The weird one she always said that. She is really afraid when its at night and when she in a small place. The one thing that never change is she will always put someone before herself." Mr Ahn

So this is the incident that she told me before, no wonder she hate it when she has to sleep alone at night.

Oh My Sohee



Mrs Ahn is Sohee forehead

"Oh, my baby." Mrs Ahn

"How is she?" Mr Ahn

"She is sleeping, soundly." Mrs Ahn

"Sehun ah, what did police said when you make the police report?" Mrs Ahn

"The police probably think it was a bully, but they will investigate to make sure about it." Sehun

"Sohee omma, yo go back home with Sehun. Let me take care of her." Mr Ahn

"No,no,no. You go. I want to be here when she wake up." Mrs Ahn

"Auntie, uncle let my friend Soohyun sent both of you home. Hal-abeoji and other's will be worried if they found out you guys are gone. I will take care Sohee. Auntie you need to pack her some cloth and maybe food? Because I am pretty sure she do not like the hosital food." Sehun

"You are right Sehun, chagi lets go." Mr Ahn

"You are Soohyun? Nice to meet you. Thank you for helping Sehun to find my daughter." Mrs Ahn

"My pleasure." Soohyun said while bowing

"Such a nice lad, if Sohee are not engange with someone, I will propose you for him." Mrs Ahn

"Auntie!!" Sehun

"Sorry Sehun ah." Mrs Ahn

"Stop it now, Sohee will wake up, both of you are noisy." Mr Ahn

"Safe journey." Sehun

After Sehun sent his future parents in law, he went back to Sohee's room

"Wow, such a peaceful look. Sohee ah, I really worried about today. I thought I will loss you today. Now I AM VERY SURE I LOVE YOU. Will you love me back? I will make you fall in love with me. Please dont leave me again." Sehun

He caress Sohee's face then kiss her on the forehead.

Please dont leave me. Sehun wishes then he sleep beside Sohee's bed while holding her hand.


Sohee slowly trying to open her eyes.

When she opened it, she saw the white light.

Am I dead, she think

Sohee try to move her hand but something hold her.

When Sohee move it make Sehun wake up

"Sohee you are awake" Sehun

"Am I dead? Why the angel look like that jinx Sehun? Am I at hell?" Sohee

"Yah Ahn Sohee. You are alive and now you're in hospital." Sehun

"Ouh I still alive." Sohee said while looking down.

"What it is Sohee? Why are you looking so sad?" Sehun ask

"No, I just thought my death will make someone be a murderer. I never thought I will be murdered." Sohee

"So, you want to said that someone do this to you?" Sehun

"No, I just thinking." Sohee

"I already ask you to stop thinking about that." Sehun soothe her. 

Sehun pat her hand lightly.

"I know everyone will die somehow, but we are still alive right now. We cant talk about how we die, we have different thousand topic to talk about but death is not the one okay." Sehun

" I am so scared yesterday, I ask for help but no one come. I thought people will forget me. You know right that weird person like me is always been ignore by other." Sohee

"I am so sorry I am not there to protect you. I will never forget this beutiful weird person." Sehun said that hug her

"You can always be weird whenever you want but please dont leave my side." Sehun

Then they heard a cough.

"Oh my Sehun, early in the morning." Yubin unnie

"How are you darling? mom and dad said sorry they cant come this morning because something happen at the shop. But mom cook you some delicious chicken soup. You have to finish it. For Sehun,this is kimchi fried rice." Yubin said while pass the food to Sehun

"Why did he get that kimchi fried rice and I only get chicken soup?" Sohee

"Because you are sick." Yubin

"Only my body, not my stomach. I did not eat anything except breakfast yesterday. I am so hungry." Sohee

"This girl, here you can have my fried rice. Give me the soup," Sehun

"Who said I dont want the soup? I want both of it." Sohee

"Ahn Sohee you pig, poor Sehun. He is taking care of you and now you want to eat all of this alone." Yubin

"I did not say I will eat it alone right. I can SHARE with him"Sohee glare at Yubin

"Its okay unnie, she can take it. I will eat later, I am not hungry." Sehun

But then they heard Sehun stomach growl.

"Hehehehehe, the truth is I dont eat anything yesterday." Sehun sail with an awkward smile

"Look he is also starving. I will buy something at the cafeteria. But right now, Sohee share the food with Sehun" Yubin

"Yes madame!" Sohee said and salute at Yubin

"She is bossy right." Sohee

Sehun just chukle.

Sohee try to use her hand to pick the spoon but her hand is so sore. She try with her left hand. Still fail.

"Is is hard for me to take a bite of food."

Sehun watch Sohee the laugh

''Let me help you," Sehun

He take Sohee's spoon take a little bit of fried rice and give it to Sohee 

"Okay thanks" Sohee tried to take the spoon but then Sehun take back the spoon

"Why?" Sohee

"Let me feed you, it is easier for you to eat." Sehun

"No thank you." Sohee

"Okay, suit yourself." Sehun put Sohee's spoon back

Then he continue to eat

"Wow, this fried rice is marvelous. Its so yummy." Sehun

Sohee watch him with detested look then she open .

"What?" Sehun

"Faster I am hungry." Sohee yell

"Shush, this is hospital okay." Sehun said then feed her

"Ahh, its delicious. Omma's fried rice is no joke." Sohee

Sehun continue to feed her while Sohee keep open .

Yubin just smiling when she saw it. She then thought to give them a little bit of privacy. So she waits outside until they finished eating.





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Chapter 19: Nice story so far! Can't wait to see what's next ^^. I've never thought of this pair until this fanfic haha
heedragon #2
Chapter 19: Can't wait for your next update..
heedragon #3
Chapter 18: Arghhh it's exciting..chinjaa..update soon unnie..
Chapter 17: Oh no! I guessed it wrong!
But so cute Sehun holding her hand and not letting go.
Looking forward to what's gonna happen now, I feel something big is gonna happen. I'm feeling it in my gut.
Chapter 14: Ooh... They met before!!!!
It's Sehun right???
Both like each other but haven't realised it yet.
heedragon #6
Chapter 9: Just one word..DAEBAK!!!