Comfort - Jikook


Jungkook kicked off his shoes and fell face down onto his bed. Every muscle in his body was aching after the long hours of dance practice today and just thinking of the harsh criticism from their instructor made him clench his jaw in sad frustration. Thankful to be alone in his room he buried his face in the pillow and began drowning it in his tears.


Jimin was walking down the hallway from the kitchen heading towards his bedroom too lazy to even turn on the lights, but suddenly stopped. He heard the quiet sobs that spilled into the hallway through Jungkooks bedroom door. For a moment he hesitated, but when the pain that Jungkooks sobs caused in his heart was too much for him to take, he fought back a yawn and silently slipped into the room. Jungkook was just lying there on his bed, still in the same clothes that he had worn in the dance studio and the dried sweat made his hair stick out in all directions. It would have been cute if the sight hadn't torn apart Jimins heart.

“Jungkookie”, he whispered softly as he sat down on the bed beside the maknae and put a warm hand on his back. He just got another sob in response.

“Kookie, Jungkookie”, he repeated again in a soothing tone and began to gently massage Jungkooks tensed up shoulders, “What's wrong?”

Jungkook pulled another pillow over his head as his body was shaken by another sob, but Jimin took it away from him. The younger boy sighted and sat upright.

“I'm just so… everything is so… tiring and hard and I don't know what to do”, he cried and let Jimin pull him into a hug.

“I practised a lot and I tried really hard but still the instructor was so mean and picked on me all the time”, he complained to Jimin, who was rubbing comforting circles into Jungkooks back and gently caressed his head, letting the younger boy cry on his shoulder, not minding the wet stains that were already forming.

“Why couldn't he have been just a little bit nicer? I mean, he must've seen how hard I tried”, Jungkook said and scooted closer to the comforting warmth of Jimins body.

“I agree, you are the hardest working out of all of us and the instructor today was just wrong to be so harsh with you”, Jimin agreed.

Jungkook nodded, tears still leaving salty trails on his cheeks but soon his eyes dried up. Jimins strong arms made him feel safe and protected. He reached for the older boys face and kissed him, savouring the taste of his lips, before curling himself up against his hyungs chest and relaxing to the sound of his heartbeat.

“Thank you, Jiminnie. I love you”, he murmured.

“I love you too, Kookie.”

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Jikookinfiresme #1
Chapter 10: This is so cute!!!
woozyeverytime #3
Chapter 8: Cute cute cuuuute c':
PandaAbricot #4
Chapter 6: Aaaaw, this is so sweet (ayo , ayo)
luvarin #5
Chapter 4: Yeay.. kookie taking carr of jiminie is my aesthetics..
Chapter 3: I thought that i need to scroll more you know but nonetheless,its sweet little paragraph~
luvarin #7
Chapter 1: Aww.. so cute.. :)