{ Mine }

The Vampire Maknaes Of Bangtan

Reminder: in the places it says "y/n", you replace it with your name. Okay, enjoy :)



It's Monday. Today is my first day since transferring into Willow academy. To be honest, I'm really nervous, and to add to that, I'm late. As usual.. 

      I looked up from my seat in the car, and brought my gaze outside the passenger window. The night rain poured hard, leaving deep puddles on the shiny pavement. We continued to drive through the forest road, thick pine trees swayed slowly in the wind as we passed them one by one.

"Nervous honey?" My mom asked me soothingly, without taking her eyes off the road, and placed a hand on my exposed thigh.

"No, not really.." I lied and realized how short my red plaid school skirt was. I quickly pulled it down.

"Don't worry dear, you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun living in the dorms as well. You're 17! These are your prime years! Take advantage of them! Make some friends! That being said, don't do anything stupid, and most definitely do NOT get pregnant, you here me?" 

      I nodded my head and let out a chuckle. I'm transferring to this academy in the middle of the school year, due to financial issues. My mom got a new job in the area. So, we moved here, to the big city of Seoul. We arrived a few days ago, and have already unpacked  most of our stuff, into the new apartment. Though it helped that we don't own much.

      It's just been me, my mom and my 8 year old sister Chaerin, at our little house in Busan, for a good 17 years now. My dad died when I was young, but I still remember him. I remember his smile, his scent, his terrible humour.. I remember it all vividly, as if I saw him just awhile ago...

      I've always tried my best to help support my family in any way possible. Even if that was taking up multiple part time jobs, skipping school to stay with Chaerim when she's sick, or even moving all the way to the other side of Korea for my mom's job. This school was a good option for us financially, and I heard it was quite good academically as well. The day classes are way out of our budget, but they also offer night classes, which for some reason, are quite affordable. I wonder why that is? 

"Alright, we're here. Do you need me to come inside with you?" My mom asked me. I shook my head abruptly.

"No, it should be fine mom. I'll find my way around somehow." I smiled sweetly, before pecking her cheek and running to the trunk.

      I grabbed my black suitcase and placed it on it's wheels. I was about to walk into the large stone academy, when my mom honked her horn and waved at me from the car.

"So embarrassing.." I waved at her to leave, before adjusting my black blazer and walking into the academy. 



      I was resting my head on my biology textbook, when there was a loud sound from outside. I yawned, and peered outside, I was on the third floor, so I had to stretch my neck slightly, to catch a glimpse of the parking lot. A girl with fair skin and long brown hair, looked flustered, as she glanced around to see if there was anyone watching, before shooing away the person in the car. I thought nothing of it, and my lips, before placing my head back on the thick book. I was about to fall back asleep, when someone kicked me back to consciousness. 

"Mmm, don't.." I mumbled.

"Yah!" Jimin threw an eraser, from the desk beside me.

"Tsk, what is it Jimin-ah?" I raised my head and stared at him expectantly. 

"Taehyung!! Jimin!! Is there a problem back there?!" Mr. Lee shouted from the front of the class. Eyes began to turn, and stare at us. 

"No sir. Continue." I sighed. The teacher rubbed his temples, and continued explaining evolution. I layed back down and closed my eyes, when Jimin threw another eraser at my head. My eyes shot open and glowed bright red, signalling my vampire abilities. I bared my fangs, threatening him. He payed no attention to my transformation, and began scribbling something on a paper. He handed me the scrap and I uncrumpled it, reading the messy writing. 

Did you smell that earlier? It smelt so sweet. I think there's some fresh meat. If you know what I mean.

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes, before scrunching up the paper and throwing it back at his head. 

"Tsk! Yah! This is serious!" He pouted and crossed his arms in frustration. I let a small smile spread across my face and chuckled at the boy.

      Though I didnt say anything. I'll admit, that I did smell the faint scent of blood. It smelt sweet and almost..lustful..if even possible.


      I walked through the endless, grand halls. The ceilings were high, and tall complex windows arched across the wall, giving a Victorian vibe to the castle-like academy. I kept walking, admiring the beauty of it all, when I eventually found a student, who seemed to be reading a bulletin board.

"Excuse me! Can you please give me some directions??" I ran up to the girl. She was short and curvy, with long brown hair and  innocent smoky eyes. Damn this girl is hot.. 

"Sure! Are you new here?" She flashed me a radiant smile. 

"U-uh yeah. Can you please tell me where the girl's dormitory is?" I asked, slightly flustered.

"For...the night class?" She asked suspiciously, and eyed me carefully. I nodded, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"I'd love to!" She chirped again.

"My name is Suzy by the way. Bae Suzy. I hope we can become friends." She grinned, before her lips. I took a step back instinctively, feeling slightly intimidated for some reason.

"I-I'm y/n.. Yoon y/n." I forced a small smile, and bowed politely.

"Aw, what a cute name. What grade are you in, by the way y/n?" Suzy asked me. I examined her face, as she spoke. Suzy had very feminine features. A small narrow nose, cat-like eyes and an absolutely gorgeous smile. She wore dark eye make up with a bold flick of black eyeliner. Her lips were ruby red, contrasting against her pale skin. 

"11." I replied simply, feeling slightly envious of the girl before me.

"Oh really?! So you are the same Yoon y/n! I'm in grade 11 too! I was told that I would be getting a new roommate with that name. This is great! Come on, I'll show you the dorms." She grabbed my hand and led me away, excitedly.


     When we arrived at the night class's girls dormitory building. Suzy let go of my hand and gestured for me to follow her quickly, as she disappeared into the large stone dormitory, which matched all the other buildings in this place. I swallowed, and rolled my suitcase along after her. We entered an elevator and rode up to the 4th floor. I followed the girl down the narrow, carpeted halls, and nearly tripped when she suddenly stopped.

"Here we are. Room 738." Suzy fished a golden key out of her blazer pocket, and clicked open the tall wooden door. I walked slowly into the room. It smelt like...How can I describe it...dead flowers maybe?

      Although, it's surprisingly cozy. A plush white sofa was pushed against the left wall. A flat screen tv hung from the grey wall opposite from the sofa. Several book shelves lined the walls, along with a few beautiful nature paintings, bordered in golden frames. The room was quite open, so you could see the kitchen clearly, just behind the living room.

"The bathroom is there, directly opposite from my room, and your room is right beside mine." She pointed to the doors beside the tv.

"Also, here, the headmaster told me to give you this. It's a map of the school if you get lost. But call me, if you ever need anything. I wrote my number on the back." I nodded and thanked her before shuffling across the polished hard wood floors, to my room.

      Once inside, I opened up my suitcase, and unpacked abit. The room was quite small and simple. A queen sized bed in the right corner, a closet on the left, and a desk pushed against the back wall, a window allowed moonlight to illuminate the space, directly above the desk.

Once settled, I clicked my iPhone to check the time.

8:36 PM 

Oh man, I'm so late.. Class started at 6 and it's almost 9.. Crapcrapcrap. I quickly ran out of the dorm and headed to the main school building.



       I'm completely bored out of my mind. It's only second period and I already feel like peeling my eyes out. When I was about to start pulling my hair out, from frustration, a small knock sounded on the door.

      My eyes widened as the same sweet scent from this evening, wafted through the air. I looked over at V. It seemed like he could smell it too, his eyes glowed red slightly as he ran his tongue over his lips.

      A girl walked into the class, and we all stared. Mr. Lee blinked in shock and shook his head regaining his composure, before gesturing for her to come stand beside him. 

"Class.. this is your new..classmate. Yoon y/n. Please treat her nicely." It wasn't the first time we had a human classmate, but she seemed different, and mr. Lee knew it. His eyes turned red, as if warning us not to lay even a finger on this girl and her sweet blood. I stared at y/n.

     It's not that we couldn't have humans in the class, they just never wanted to enroll in the night classes. Which was reasonable enough, I mean who'd want to sit in a room full of people, who want to sink their fangs into your flesh all day. But this girl seemed unaware, that this was a class full of blood thirsty vampires.

Not only did her blood smell absolutely sinful, but she was stunningly beautiful. I swallowed as she swept her luscious brown hair behind an ear, revealing her small face. Y/n gave a nervous bow, before Mr. Lee told her where to sit. She walked over, and sat in her assigned seat in front of Taehyung. He sighed, and leaned back in his seat, seeming somewhat frustrated. That lucky bastard..

      I rested my head on my propped up hand, and continued to admire y/n. I bit my bottom lip, as my fangs began to grow, drawing blood, as they pierced my flesh slowly. Dark red pearls rolled down my chin and I quickly wiped it, before up every last drop. My tongue ran across my sharp fangs as my eyes turned bright red. I don't know her reason for being here. But what I do know is...

She will be mine..I will make her mine, and mine alone...



End of chapter 1 

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know, it was kind of boring since it's all introductions and stuff. But we'll get into the plot soon enough, so stick with me here. We still haven't met Kookie yet, so look forward to that as well. I don't want to hype this up too much so.. byebye lmao.

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vipblackj #1
Chapter 1: This is really good so far.. :D Update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: This is interesting! It sort of reminds me of vampire knight !
Kookie_Deer_Corn #3
Chapter 1: I'm hooked! Why didn't I discovered this sooner? ㅠㅠ Update as soon as you can, author-nim! ^^
Aideen #4
Chapter 1: Omgg i love the intro. It isn't boring at all!! Can't wait for the rest of the story!!
YuanNieKu #5
Chapter 1: It's a nice start