My Fair Fairy

Fated to Steal Your Voice

My name is Fate, I know it is a pretty unusual name but I manage to live with it. I come from a race of fairies that feed on voices. Before entering into adulthood, we have to go through an initiation in which we have to steal, I mean, collect the most beautiful voice we can find. Some of the other fairies went to America where they say many talented artists have established their roots. But for me, after countless hours of research, I have laid my eyes on one particular male. Kim Taehyung is what he is called. Though many call him V for some reason. Maybe it's a stage name of sorts. 

I've seen many videos of him and his group called BTS. A group comprised of seven attractive males around the same age as me. Seven men with their own individual talents and reputations. So that led me to wonder who the best candidate was for my initiation. Well, who else than the fairy of BTS himself. Kim Taehyung. I decided to set for Korea immediately. 

And that is how I ended up attending their concert. It was at the Seoul Olympic Stadium and there were so many people! My job was going to be hard to perform. I had to get Taehyung alone somehow. I continually tried to find some sort of solution but it was to no avail. It wasn't until the concert ended where I finally had the opportunity of communing with him. 

BTS was going back to their vans when Taehyung suddenly turned back and ran towards the waiting room. The rest of BTS laughed at him and said something about losing his phone. I discreetly followed.

The waiting room was abandoned as the staff had taken everything back and the only sign of life in the room was the fairy himself. Oh, and another one too. He looked around a particular area and his eyes lit up as he found it. He muttured something I didn't quite catch and before I knew it he was staring directly at me. Great, real discreet there. 

I thought he was going to let out a scream of shock, but to my surprise, he held out his hand. I knew humans shook hands as a way of greeting so I took it. My heart beat fast, not because of him but because I was wondering how I was going to take his voice. The easiest method would be to kiss the person but...

It was harder than I thought. 

"Should I sign for you?" The fairy asked. 

"Oh no, I mean, yes. Sure." I stammered back.

I had to look for a way to kiss him but so far I didn't have many opportunities. 

He took out a pen and a sheet of paper with his face printed on it. He intricately scribbled something on it and handed it to me with a smile.

"Here. This is for you. And don't sneak up on people, you'll scare them. Okay... um what is your name?" He asked.

I was about to answer when a loud noise sounded from outside. 

His sudden presence scared us both and he tripped over me, causing me to fall as well. I took this as my chance and I kissed him as we were falling. His eyes widened and I quickly let go. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but no words came out. My mission was a success. 

I quickly took out my small voice container hanging around my neck and spit his voice into it. Yes, it's a pretty gross process. Taehyung looked totally shocked, but still completely dashing and he tried to speak and ask what was going on. 

I put a finger to his lips and I knew I couldn't send him back or else I would be breaking the fairy law. 

"Forget you ever saw that." I pleaded to Taehyung. 

He protested and started to head for the door but before that, I gave him some of my sleeping spray and he fell asleep. 

Taehyung was heavier than I thought and I had trouble bringing him to my dwelling. This was our custom. After we collected our voice, we had to bring our victims, I mean, suppliers back to our domain and nurture them while they were there. 

Taehyung was fast asleep on my bed as I observed his voice. I took it out and poured it into an even bigger container. It was of a fine blue color. The color emitted from soulful, luxurious voices. It was perfect. I was going to pass for sure. I inspected it for a moment longer until Taehyung came around. 

He awoke and he looked around in an alarmed manner. 

His mouth formed words, but no sound came out. He put his hands over his mouth in revulsion and seemed to remember the events from a few hours prior. Then he looked at me looking at him.

"Um, hi Taehyung. Look, I'm really sorry about taking your voice, but I'll be giving it back shortly. I promise I'll return you to your normal life after my initiation is over. You have my word. So please give me your cooperation." I said with sincerity.

Taehyung scowled at me and it hurt a little. 

Then I had an idea. My television could also show footage from the human world and I turned the channel to the news. Apparently, a bad mistake. 

"Recently, a kidnapping has been reported at the Seoul Olympic Stadium of the beloved BTS member known as V. There were no witnesses, but the members of BTS claimed that they saw a weird figure emerging out of the waiting room. They thought it was no big deal until they realized V had gone missing..." 

I turned the TV off. I went over to Taehyung. He took out his pen and paper and started scribbling something on it. He showed it to me. Who are you and where am I? 

"You are in the world of the voice fairies and my name is Fate." I said directly.

When will I be going back?

"As soon as my initiation is over. Which will be in two weeks."

He seemed to consider something. Then he started scribbling. How about I offer you a deal? 

"I'm listening." I said with curiosity. Though I was quite suspicious. 

Let me kiss you first. 



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Chapter 1: Wasn't expecting that last sentence hmm...
basing on how i potray v irl or variety on general, idk if he is planning something smart or just wanna know how it feels to do so with a fairy.
lol i hope my comment is 'non-spoiler' enough?
I'm going to unsubscribe and subscribe with my other account btw,
i saw this on my feed and subscribe, forgot im on my applyfic account.
hehe loving it tho so far.