Falling Out Of The Sky

Freaks And Normalities

Hey. I'm Mark. Bye, I'm gonna go now, the end and all that.


*A Few moments later*


I reappeared with a non-visible bruise on my knee. Well, Author-nim just kicked me and threatened to shave Coco, so...yeah. 

Okay, enough with all this awkward , let's go back to the beginning.


I am a Freak,  a type of person with unrealistic features, so no, I didn't dye my hair. We also have special powers, for example I have enhanced strength and agility. The other type is called a Normality, a normal person, nicknamed Norms. There are just as many Freaks as there are Norms, yet Freaks are seen as well-freaks. Unnatural, the frankensteins of humanity. I don't get it.

So anyway, now that you're caught up, let's move on. It was the average day at Entertainment High (Enter High) which is by the way the iest name for a school ever. I got the run-of-the-mill insults, shoves, shuns, and mocks like I usually did whenever I walked down the halls. 

"Hey Mark!" Jaebum shouted, waving at me. He got a few insults for that, even if a second later a Norm just did the same thing.

"What's up?" I asked. Jaebum normally didn't look this excited all the time.

"I managed to let the Norms let us play!" Jaebum said as if it's the best thing in the world. No. ing. Way.

"You did what?" I asked.

"The Norms are letting us play basketball after school!" His smile was still on his face, I mentally face-palmed.

"Uh, JB, not to ruin your moment, but in case you didn't know, we're Freaks. They won't let us win even if they were commanded by God. And why would I want to play with a bunch of cheaters anyway?" Jaebum only smirked.

"That's the idea, win without cheating, even if they did. What, too scared, Markie-poo?" He mocked. I rolled my eyes, there was no winning against this guy. Besides, even if I refused, he'd just make me anyway with his power.

"Fine, but I swear, if they so much as blame their loss on my powers, say goodbye to having children." I warned, ready to get out of school.


It technically wasn't after school yet, but me and JB always spent our lunch on the rooftop. While JB only watched and ate his lunch, I practiced my martial arts tricking. I don't even know why I do it, it's like basketball, it just makes me feel...alive. 

I did a huge backflip before I realized it was too long and was flying off the rooftop. I could see JB try and reach for me but it was too late. Before I actually reached the ground and became a pancake, I saw a ledge from one of the windows and grabbed on it. Relief was short as I lost my grip and started falling to the ground again. At least now I'm only falling from half the height, I could maybe land on my feet.

But before I could get more stable, time decided to be a and I tumbled to the ground. The ground felt strangely soft and...warm?

I looked down and saw a guy with black hair and a snapback looking extremely shocked. Cute. Wait, what? I mentally shook the thought off and studied his features until my face turned panicked. He's a Norm! I ing Norm! Lady Luck must not be on my side today.

I quickly got up and brushed myself off. I wanted to run, but for some reason I was rooted to the ground as the boy got up.

Then I realized-my eyes. They must be orange-yellow by now!. Willing it to go away, I averted my gaze. The boy didn't though, in fact, I felt his gaze burning into me.

"So...is falling out of the sky normal for you?" The boy asked. I felt my face burning up. . This is not the time.

Finally regaining the feeling in my legs, I ran off, not even looking back. Let's just hope I don't see him again. Oh damnit, every time the main character says something won't happen it happens! Please, spare me this once!



So Jaebum took me (read: dragged me) to the school's basketball court, aka: Sporty Norm central. Of course, a whole bunch of Norms were hanging out in various ways, and of course, they all stared at the two Freaks who were stupid enough to step on their ground. A really tall Norm came up to us and smirked.

"I didn't really think you'd show up. Ready to get pummeled, Rainbows?" He said, crossing his arms. As usual, they're jerks. Rolling my eyes, I said "Rainbows, really? How original." Sarcasm is my favorite word, if you can't tell.

"Whatever, if you actually think you can beat us, you're wrong." JB pffted. Is that a word? I don't know.

"Great comeback, now let's get playing." With that, the game started.

Since their were no other Freaks on the court, and the Norms sure as hell didn't want to be on our team, it was a 2-2 game. The Norms did their cheating thing, but we kicked their asses.

"*pant* I *pant* demand *pant* a...rematch." The same Norm said. That was when some guy with a snapback pulled him back.

"Stop being a , dude. They won fair and square." He said. The Norm looked at him with widened eyes,"Fair? You think having special abilities to win a game is fair?" I rolled my eyes, but kept silent, this was getting good.

"There's no way they cheated." The boy reasoned. The other scoffed, "If you're gonna be on their side, then just become a Freak." He then pushed him. This was our queue, if any, the get out.

"Er, we're just going to go now." I said, grabbing JB's arm and bolting out. I bet the Norms were laughing their asses off, but before I left I couldn't help but feel someonne's eyes on me. He seemed familiar, but I was never good at short-term memory, so yeah. 


"Wow, did you see that guy stand up for us? That was awesome!" JB exclaimed as he balanced on the sidewalk's ledge. I remained silent, like I do in any situation, and looked up to meet a beautiful starry sky. 


Who was that guy anyways? Norm's sticking up for us is a big deal, so it's nearly impossible to forget him. Too bad the snapback covered his face.

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naznew #1
Chapter 1: Wow..i like this story..when will you update it?