How did we met each other?

Sometimes its fated

"RRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!" Finally. Phew! School's finally over! Here I come to my vacation, and work.
"Hey Hana, we're heading down to Town. Wanna join us?!"
"Aww come on, don't be such a moodspoiler! It would be really fun and I promised its a girls outing. So there'll be no guys. Save you for being socially awkward!"
"Glad ya'know!"
"Lets go!!"
Oh, thats my craziest best friend, Lene. She's really a great person with great personalities. She's the campus flower and her studies are all good. She know how to play so many instruments. While she is so talented while I'm really just average. As she mention, I'm really afraid of guys and I hardly talk to any. 

"Hey whatchu thinking bout?"
"Nothing much."
"Why hadn't you changed your clothes?!"
"I have to?"
"OF COURSE YOU DO! For god sake, do you think we'll be going to Town in our uniforms and everything!"
"But I didn't bring my outfit-"
"I'll handle that!" She practically pushed me into a cubicle and commanded me to change into a set of clothes she took out from her bag,
"You're lucky I brought extras!" Her clothes are as expected, too.. Exposing? The shirt is cropped and the pants is so short! It look like a rag!
"Are you asking me to wear this?"
"Yes of course my dear! Oh and wear this!" She passed me a pair of leggings.
"I know the shorts is just a little bit too short."
Sometimes, having her as a bestfriend is both tiring and fun.

"Lene, thats not right. We're not even at the legal age to go in-"
"Please, could you just not worry so much and have fun?"
"But I don't even know how to drink and its really unsafe.."
"Oh dear, there's me right. Thats what girlfriends are for right? There we go!"
Yes, she brought me to a pub. We found a seat and we drank and dance to the slow music.. Well I didn't dance, she did. Dancing just aren't my forte. Well I lied a little at the front, I have a certain tolerance for alcohol. Well coming here wasn't bad though. With the slow pace of music and a few shots of alcohol, I'm slowly drifting to my own peace.

"Could you mind shutting your mouth, Hana is sleeping!"
"Why should I? That crybaby is the one that has to shut ! How old is she? She's 10! But she's crying even for the most trivial matter! She would cry when I hadn't even scold her! She would cry when her teacher reprimand her! She would even cry when she spills milk on the floor! She's such a crybaby. She can't stop crying and I can't take it anymore! I can't!"
"But she's your daughter! Its our responsibility! We're her parents!"
"While, she is still your daughter. You are still her father. But I'm not. From today onwards, I don't have a daughter. Kim Hana is not my child!"
"How could you? How could you say all these things out of your mouth?!"
"I'm leaving." She started packing up her belongings in her lugguage and left
"Hana, you you're awake?
"Is Omma leaving?"
"No, she'll be back." With that, Hana's father tried to braced up a smile.


That image, how my parents quarrel. That night, how my mother left and never returned. That smile my father forced himself to brace into. All those, those were the memories that I couldn't forget. I remember seating at the sofa in the living room and waiting for my mother's return. I kept imagining. How she would hung her head low and push the luaggage back into our house. Maybe she'll apologised to my dad. Or maybe even me. I kept running through those imaginary pictures of my mother. Maybe she'll come back and hugged me and my dad and everything would be fine. But she didn't. The time seems to pass so slow that it feels like it froze. Dad was in his room. And I sat there all long. I kept staring at the door, hoping it would be swooish open anytime and my mother would give her biggest smile to me.
11pm, she's still not back yet. Maybe she's at her friend's house.
12pm, not back yet.
I was so tired, my body starts to protest. But I forced myself to keep my eyes open. Just in case she might come back anytime. But she didn't.
4pm, still not back yet. I can't stand it and drifted to my sleep.

The next day, I did the same thing. I sat there. I kept waiting but she is still not back yet. I did the same on the third, the fourth, the fifth days. I kept waiting and waiting but she's not back. I kept waiting till I've lost count of how many days went past. 
Then there's this one day when Dad came home with an orange envelope with him.
'Whats that, Appa?"
"Its.. your Mom wants a divorce." He went back to his room. In fact he just went back to his room straight after Mom left. In the morning he would leave for work and come back in the evening with my dinner, and he'll go back to his room. I pick up the envelope and see through the papers and documents. I don't even understand a single thing, except the biggest word on the documents, DIVORCE. So, does that means she's not coming back? And I broke down into tears. She's not coming back, anymore. I kept crying. I can't stop. I cried till I got hiccups and fell alseep. It've been almost 8 years since she left. But I still wait for her everyday single day. It becomes a habit. While Dad is still the same. He left for work in the morning and came back in the evening. We hardly spoke to each other, or even see each other. He is still sleeping when I left for school in the morning. And when I came back, we ate dinner and he went back to his room. Sometimes he work till midnight and I'm already asleep. Its as though Dad had 'left' me too.

I drown out of my thoughts with another glass of tequila.

"One tequila." A man ordered. I shifted my gaze to the man. That man was wearing a brown leather jacket, a hat and a pair of shades. So much of being secretive and cool.. Is there even a sun over his head. Shades and hat.. He slowly took them off and place them on the bar top with his phone. Buzz
-Text Message-
Ohh look who's having fun? That hot guy over there! Check him out Hana!

After seeing the message, I shot Lene a few dirty glances. No way am I gonna do that!  He finish his one shot when I received another message.  Must be from Lene. I place my phone down right beside his but with a distance. I turned around to look at Lene. Seriously her stamina for clubbing is good. When I turned around, he’s gone. 


Okay so this is the first chapter. Its not really good for a start. But I hope you guys like it. Do comment. ^^

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Ehmm...I'm interesting with your story...<br />
Update soon dear.. ^^