
Subway love?

5:00 a.m
5:15 a.m
5:30 a.m
"Oh.my.!" Jinhwan growls when the alarm rings for the third time. He knows that he will be extremaly late for the work.
He wears the first outfit in his sight and run. No breakfast. No shower. He has no time for anything, the only thing in his mind right now is "how much I messed all today?".
Today, more precisely, 7 a.m of today, Jinhwan has an interview with the diretor of the biggest fashion magazine of Asia (aka Effect) and no, the last thing that can happen to him is lost that chance.
All his life, Jinhwan dreamed of working as designer to Effect and the possibility that he might miss that chance because of a couple more of drinks is seriously taking the air of his lungs. Not that the race isn't already doing it.
6:00 a.m
", , , " Jinhwan isn't the type who likes curse, he almost never curse but c'mon it is already 6 a.m and he had to be in Effect 7 a.m, there is no way that he can make it.
"So... I can take the subway... No?" Jinhwan mumbles. He can feel his legs tremble, there isn't one thing that Jinhwan hates more than take the subway.
It is always the same, he doesn't know if it is because of his looks, height or clothes, everytime he takes the subway or train someone tries to touch (or something worst) him. He just can't take the subway.
Bringing all his self-control Jinhwan walk still the nearest subway station, he can feel his body trembling.
"Sir? It's $2,75" Jinhwan hears a voice taking him of the trance.
"W-what?" Jinhwan shutter.
"The fare for a subway ride, sir." The man standing after him in the line says.
"Ah..." Jinhwan says buying a ticket in The machine.
He must have taken a long time in front the machine because the others persons in the line are looking at him like he killed a person.
After get down the stairs, Jinhwan was almost dragged into the subway.
"WHY THE SUBWAY NEVER IS EMPTY?" Jinan thought as he was dragged further into the subway.
It don't take much time until Jinhwan feel something touching his "prohibited area", all he wanted was scream but he just can't. Why can not he?
He began to feel the tears dropping. This is the worst day in his life.
"Who do you think you are to touch my boyfriend?!" Jinhwan hears someone scream behind him.
He turned around finding the owner of the voice. Not that Jinhwan was the type of person who meddles in the lives of others...
"S-sorry, I don't know he had a boyfriend" The old ugly man who was touching his tell to the owner of the voice.
"Just because you don't know that he had a boyfriend, it doesn't give you the right to touch him! , serious, people like you give me nauseous!" The tall boy wasn't screaming anymore, but his voice was so fierce.
"S-sorry..." The old man said and ran to the door as it opened.
It took Jinhwan some time to realize that the tall (and ing handsome) man was talking about him and he facepalmed when realized.
Wait a minute, THE MAN WAS CALLING HIM HIS BOYFRIEND? Like in boyxboy relationship? He felt his cheeks blush.
"Hey, are you okay?" The man said and dried his tears with his thumb.
The man was just so handsome, Jinhwan could call him "angel" but something in his beautiful was a little "wild?", almost like he was fire. Jinhwan mesmerized to his beauty, feeling his body burning.
Jinhwan is starting to think that maybe the day still can be good. Really good.

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AngelFlo #1
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhh cute
ikon_be_the_best #2
pls update it soon, it's really interesting
ikon_be_the_best #3
pls update it soon, it's really interesting
Jia_Lie #4
Chapter 2: This is actually make me so confuse.
you know, I've imagined the men in the subway is Junhoe. But after Jinan arrived in that office, how he can be hanbin?

Then I realize that Junhoe is Junhoe. And maybe someone who come in is Hanbin. Wkwkw

Please update it as soon as.
I am interestrd with this story ^^
Chapter 2: author-nim!! idjsksksksmdm this is so cute!!! please update soon! i love your story already <3
m-unicorn #6
Chapter 2: OMG awesome I love this fic already! <3
kikiskolo #7
Chapter 2: Wow! Junhoe is soo cunning:) can't wait for the update;)
Chapter 2: I love this story omg! ;-; PLS UPDATE SOON! I can't wait
Chapter 2: Srsly.. I can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 2: Junhoe!!! I'm laughing so hard omg.