Paper Hearts

Paper Hearts〈 2Jae 〉

Youngjae was seated in an empty classroom, avoiding his friend and most lay his crush, Im Jaebum.

Im Jaebum is a human perfection from every angle and people are so breathless when they see him. Plus his charms makes him more irresistible. Choi Youngjae was weak when it came to Jaebum. 

Youngjae couldn't face Jaebum no matter how many times they encounter. Even if they were to speak with each other, he always avoid staring in his dark eyes because the spark in the elder's eyes were filled with something that Youngjae can't describe which makes him nervous.

The eye-avoiding bothered him so much to the point where he refuses to say any word for his crush. All he did was become more shy. At first Jaebum would think it's annoying but later it was annoyingly cute.

Concurrently, as Youngjae was busying fighting himself internally, Jackson had found his dear little friend with his boyfriend Mark. The two older boys giggled at how Youngjae was hopeless. 

With a simple text of the classroom number and fake immediate emergency, the response was: I'm coming. Staring through the glass window of the door, both watched their younger friend write something down until they decided to leave him alone.

Youngjae was oblivious to the duo that were examining him. He had pulled out a paper and pencil; began writing Jaebum's names on one side. That side had his nicknames and full name. Flipping to the backside, this was where Youngjae wrote his deepest feelings for Jaebum.

The backside was written with 'I love you' s and list of things the elder does that makes Youngjae so weak and madly in love with him. When he finished, he ended up drawing hearts.

He would smile faintly at his confession paper, but a feeling of foolishness washed over him when he recalled Jaebum distancing himself ever since Youngjae eluded him. The younger bit his lips to contain himself from making a sound.

"How idiotic am I? I ruined everything."Youngjae whispered, his voice nearly cracking. He felt the lump in his throat and the tear that wanted to spill. 

Crumpling the piece of paper, Youngjae threw it and slammed his arm and head down, not aware of the door opening. The door shut softly but Youngjae wasn't in the reality to know the stranger that walked in was Im Jaebum.

Jaebum stared at the crumpled paper and the pencil that were stuck between Youngjae's index and middle finger. He quietly crouched down and picked up, slowly, unwrapping the balled paper. 

He was inquisitive since he saw his name written on it and the moment he walked in, it rolled towards him. The elder male would finish revealing the whole paper and keep an eye on the young brunette who made no peep.

He smiled when he saw his nicknames and names imprinted on one side. They were rather sweet since it consisted of: love, baby, babe, hubby, bummie, Jaebae and etc. Turning to the other side, he began reading the note.

Im Jaebum,
What am I suppose to say. I'm so in love with you yet I don't want to say it. You make me nervous to the point I have to avoid you. But it was torturous to ignore your beautiful self. You literally evolve around my life.

'That explains why. I thought you hated me or something, you cute brat.'Jaebum thought before proceeding with the letter.

 I love you. I want to hold your hands, hug you randomly, yell at your fans that you're mine. Even kiss you. Yes, I want to kiss you because I can tell you're an amazing kisser due to you doing the stupid cherry-knot test. Back to the point, I'm so in love that my heart hurts so much that I can't find my breath when you're around or find the right words. I'm so afraid to lose myself around you. Even writing this got me smiling like a fool and giggling, and have a realization you'll never love home back. You're such a lovable idiot. There's so much I can write but only simple words can explain it, even actions. I love you Im Jaebum.

The elder by now was a blushing and trying to not smile which failed considering the love letter was making him squeal inside like a fangirl. Such words were used to explain the undying love and he was speechless. 

Walking up to the younger who was practically not comprehending his presence, Jaebum slammed his hands down and Youngjae jolted up with a loud,"EOMMA, I'M SORRY, I'LL STOP SLEEPING."
( Oroginally, suppose to say fight me Im Jaebum butttt nvm )

Jaebum chuckled at the younger who in less than three seconds perceived that the real life Im Jaebum was before him. He would always flinch or move away quickly but he was so paralyzed in his spot because the older boy was even more memorizing just this up close.

"Yah, Choi Youngjae, what are you doing here alone?"

Youngjae tried to find his runaway voice but he instantly looked down which made Jaebum frown deeply. What made Youngjae squeaked was the paper in Jaebum's grasp. The elder eyed the note and smirked, holding it to his face.

"Is this yours?"

". . . . .I-I-I."Youngjae was stammering so much, he was practically red in the face. He felt so hot under his school uniform. 

Jaebum pulled Youngjae cheeks which were so soft like he imagined. The younger brunette looked up with a pout which made Jaebum's heart tremble.

"If you deny writing this note, my heart might be broken since I always wanted one from you."Jaebum said, faking a dejected demeanor. 

Youngjae grasped the situation and found the courage within to stand up which startled Jaebum. The elder stumbled back but the younger grabbed his collar and pulled their faces close.

"Yes. I did write that note. Yes, I'm in love with you, I'll repeat that in hell and heaven and my bedroom and everywhere. I love you Jaebum."Youngjae declared.

By now, their cheeks were a perfect shade of red. Youngjae confession seem to satisfy Jaebum enough that his heart was racing so much. The older brunette gave the younger his smile that always made Youngjae felt like butterflies were wilding in his stomach.

"I love you Youngjae."

A wide grin appeared on Youngjae's comportment. He felt like crying because the man he loves dearly was returning the feelings. He felt so content and by now there were tears threatening to fall. Jaebum noticed Youngjae's tears. They weren't sad. It was rather happy tears.

Overfilled with joy, Youngjae broke out in a laugh and he released his grip from Jaebum's collar. Even when the tears fell, he felt too happy. Jaebum began to laugh alongside the younger. Their laughter filled the empty classroom and it was like they were falling in love deeper if possible.

The elder brunette pulled the younger into his embrace and their laughter began to die down slowly. Their arms were secured around one another tightly, allowing the beautiful moment to last. 

Maybe the beautiful sun that shine through the open window, letting a soft breeze enter the vacant classroom made them felt at paradise. The paradise was in each other arms. But maybe more.

'Can I kiss him?' Both thought simultaneously.

Bursting with confidence, they pulled away and stared at each other. The alluring emotions that were glistening in their eyes seem to make them grow weaker. Why? The lover with their arms were perfect and words don't need to be exchanged momently.

Jaebum leaned forward and instinctively, they closed the distance and a sweet kiss was shared.

And so, in that classroom, Choi Youngjae and Im Jaebum were announced boyfriends. 




The end of this beautiful 2Jae one-shot :)

Excuse any mistakes, I'll fix them later 

Hopefully that makes up for the stories I haven't updated.

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Chapter 1: Aww!!! cute, I read this with akmu song I love you = perfection !!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute, but I would advise to be more careful with the grammar :)
This was reaaallly adorable and fluffy, I loved it!!! :)
Chapter 1: Ah this was so adorable ^_^ 2jae for life, thanks for writing this fic! Loved it
Moyashinha #5
This is so so soooooo cute, i'm dying *~*
Thanks a lot for this amazingly sweet 2jae fiction, I loved it ♡
Chapter 1: Fangirling over this story... so cute. OMG!!! <3