
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee

"I'd like one caramel latte, please." You smiled brightly at the barista, who flashed you a grin. "Sure, what's your name?" He picked up his marker and wrote your name down on the receipt. "I'll keep this one, you have the other one." He handed you one of the two identical receipts, turning away to make your order. You couldn't help but smile like an idiot, he was just that attractive.

Taking out your phone, you snapped a picture to your friends. Your squad had agreed to share pictures of cute guys whenever you saw them, and they replied promptly. Trying not to giggle out loud, you locked your phone and took out your hardcover book. Flipping through its pages, you noticed the cute barista coming your way with the cup of coffee. You continued reading, pretending as if you never noticed.

"Here's your coffee, miss. I hope you like-" "Wonwoo hyung!" Before you knew it, you had a large brown stain on your shirt, and a searing feeling of heat seeping into your skin. "Mingyu, how many times have I told you not to tackle me at work!" You heard a loud groan from the cute barista, who you figured was Wonwoo. "I'm so sorry, miss, let me get some towels." He disappeared behind the counter, and a very embarrassed man stood in front of you. "I'm sorry about your shirt, I'll get you a new one or something!" He looked down and you laughed, "It's alright, I should probably have thrown this shirt away a long time ago."

Wonwoo runs back, a small stack of towels in his hands. "Mingyu, help me with the floor." Wonwoo hands you a towel, and Mingyu takes one, beginning to mop up the floor. The empty coffee cup is now on the table, still unbroken. You dab away at the brown on your shirt and shirts, attempting to get rid of the coffee stains. Wonwoo takes the coffee cup, running back behind the counter. "I'll make you a new cup!"

Mingyu finishes cleaning the floor, bows to you, and runs behind the counter. You heard him being scolded by Wonwoo, and you have to smile. Oh well.

You managed to clean off your book too, thankfully you brought a hardcover. Leaving to the toilet, you sighed happily, bringing an extra set of clothes around came in handy.

A while later, Wonwoo comes back with a new cup of coffee, and puts in down in front of you gently. He sat across you, and smiled. "I hope you don't mind, I'm on break now, and the book you're reading looks interesting." He tapped the hardcover lightly. "Well, it's pretty good right now. It's one of those books that are full of short stories." Handing the book to him, you smiled back. "Hey, this one looks good. 'Red String of Fate', huh?" Wonwoo hands your book back.

"I read that one yesterday, the concept and story line is pretty interesting." You took it from him, sliding it onto your lap. "Could you lend it to me sometime, then? I'd love to be able to read it." Nodding, you laughed. "You can, I'll come back and have coffee another day too, I guess."

The coffee tasted great, so you'd have another excuse to see the cute barista again.

"I can't believe I forgot to tell you my name when we first met." Wonwoo groans, burying his face in his hands. "Oh, get over it, you big whiny baby." You snorted, burying your head back into your book. "Shut up and read your book, you still haven't finished the one I lent you a month ago." Wonwoo sighed, clinging onto your arm. "I absolutely refuse to finish it! We all know the girl dies, and Seungcheol is left heartbroken!" You smacked him lightly, "You haven't even finished 'Spontaneously'?" Wonwoo smiled sheepishly, and you sighed. "That's legitimately the second story in that book!"

"Hey, I just wanted to keep it as an excuse to see you again!"

Your jaw dropped and you gaped at him. "What did you just say?" Wonwoo let out a scandalised squeal, and covered his mouth with his hands. "Um, I mean, I just haven't had the time to read it, and-"

You smacked him again, snorting once more. "Idiot. You don't have to make any excuses to see me. I don't mind seeing your dorky face once in a while." Holding your book up to your face, you grinned. It took Wonwoo a while to process this information, before a bright smile broke out on his face, and he tackled you.

"Hey, get off me!"

A few months later, Wonwoo finally decided to return you your hardcover book, the one you lent him such a long time ago, and he said, "I don't need it anymore, because whether you like it or not, I'm going to make myself excuses just so I can see you everyday."

He grinned, and tackled you again.

You let out a groan as you sank to the floor, Wonwoo holding onto as if he'd never let go.

[A/N: I hope you like this, 21farah! I've written the coffee concept thing so many times my brain is a bit dry when it comes to this. Sniffles. Still, I hope you liked it!]

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angeljay #1
Chapter 1: awwwww it's reallyyyyy sweet
Changjoluver #2
wheres the story?