Alternate Ending #2

Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart


This ending is the ending with hot dogs and rainbows. If you're hardcore like the Hulk Hogan, ALTERNATE ENDING #1 is waiting for you, brother. This chapter may contain things that some may view as offensive or illogical. If you're like that, why did you even read the entire story? What's in it for you? Five bucks?

ALTERNATE ENDING #2 is the nicer, more approachable twin who is here to apologize for her other twin's cruel and HARDCORE actions. Enjoy :)



The next day Seungri is left to think and prepare for when he was to confess to Jiyong. It was totally nerve wrecking, to just sit there and think what he was supposed to say to get him point across. Jiyong is a very round-about man, so Daesung suggests being straightforward.


“Jiyong-hyung, I like you,” Seungri his head to the side, “…still.” He shakes his head and begins to pace around his room, saying sentences out loud. “You are my… No, that sounds mushy. Jiyong hates that.”


“I hate what?” Jiyong has actually been standing there for a few minutes, so he knew what was up, but Seungri didn’t know that. It was easy to make the conclusion from the way the younger jumps five feet.


Seungri turns around with wide eyes and laughs nervously. “Hyung… you’re here.” He weakly smiles and stretches out his arms. Jiyong raises his eyebrows and Seungri drops his arms to his sides. “I was actually waiting for you to show up… I have something to tell you.”


Jiyong steps inside the room and closes the door. “Oh, and what is that Seungri?” He takes one step closer to Seungri, who takes one step back.


It’s now or never, Seungri. “Oh, um… Hyung, I-I…” Seungri gulps. He can feel his face start to blush, and it doesn’t help that Jiyong is staring at him so intensely.


“Hmm?” Jiyong takes another step forward, but he doesn’t break eye contact with Seungri.


“I-I…” Seungri closes his eyes, it is time to go into acting mode. He looks back at Jiyong with confidence this time. He takes a step forward this time, making Jiyong gulp. “Hyung, saranghae.” Seungri watches as his hyung’s eyes widen immensely. He didn’t know if Jiyong could hear it, but he could hear the adrenaline rushing through him.


Jiyong was conflicted, very conflicted. He loves Seungri, but… “I don’t want to hurt you Seungri-ah. I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve your affection.” Jiyong starts to back away, but Seungri grabs ahold of his left arm. He looks at the hand on his arm, then at Seungri. Seungri looks hurt, confused, and determined. Now that was the Seungri he was used to. He knew that it hadn’t been very long, but Seungri still wasn’t over the whole ‘kidnapping’ incident, which was partially Jiyong’s fault. But as much as Jiyong loves Seungri, he cannot let go of the fact that Seungri almost died because Jiyong left.


“Hyung, don’t be like this.” Seungri pleads, tears starting to blur his vision of his hyung.


Jiyong ignores the tug in his heart. “Seungri, I cannot… We are toxic to each other right now. You seeing me could trigger something or-.”


“You didn’t do anything to me though.” Jiyong chuckles at this.


“I did though. I left you when you needed me the most. I wasn’t there for you.” Seungri couldn’t believe it. Jiyong felt guilty. And this whole time the elder didn’t even say anything about it to Seungri. Seungri pulls Jiyong closer and starts to “tsk”.


“Jiyong, what if I said that I forgive you? What if I told you that all I want is to move past that and live my life well?”


Jiyong sighs. “You can live a life without me.”


“Hyung at least compromise with me here. I know that we didn’t end on good terms, but life is too short to be worrying about the past.”


Then there was silence. But in this silence, Jiyong was thinking. And he was thinking very hard about what Seungri had said. The maknae was right, life is too short to worry about the past. But, their past is… they never had a past together in that sense. Both of them knew that the relationship was fake, nothing to freak out over. Seungri was happy at first, but Jiyong took a long time to get used to the fact that he was dating a man. Not any man, but a younger group member. Towards the end of their fake relationship, it was apparent to both that there were some feelings that weren’t so fake. Like Seungri’s resentment or Jiyong’s hopeless love for the maknae. But Seungri never knew that Jiyong truly loved him towards the end of their relationship, and he probably still doesn’t know.


The thought of getting back together with Seungri, for real this time, excited Jiyong. But he was hesitant. He is so damn hesitant. What if their relationship failed once again? Jiyong wouldn’t get to see much of Seungri anyways, seeing as how the maknae was being forced out of BigBang. They were doomed. So doomed.


But he easily got over that fact when he felt a pair of lips meet his for the first time.


Seungri doesn’t give Jiyong any time to respond to the kiss, he just quickly pulls away and backs up. His mind was freaking out, but this time it was because of a certain chemical mixture: dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin. Jiyong brings his right hand up to feel his lips. They were tingling, aching for more.


Everything, every little anxious thought was wiped away and replaced with clarity. Jiyong knew what he wanted. He wanted Seungri. But they had to take it slow and communicate this time around. They had to earn back each other’s trust, or Jiyong had to at least.


“Seungri,” Jiyong sighs and balls up his fists. He looks Seungri in the eyes this time. “I want to be with you so badly, not just because you just kissed me. I’ve longed for you for a long time, and it that I didn’t fight for you when you broke up with me. But I can’t and I don’t want to imagine us going back to how we used to be. If you are willing, let’s give this another shot, but let’s take our time. I don’t want you to bring your hopes up, only for them to fall down when or if you realize that maybe getting back together was a mistake.”


Seungri smiles, tears pool in the corners of his eyes. He quickly embraces Jiyong in a hug. “I agree, hyung. I don’t want to go back, I want to move forward with you.”

Jiyong smiles, but feels the need to point something out. “You have to go to therapy though, no date until you feel better, okay?”


“Okay hyung. I’ll go to therapy.”



Seungri stands up and walks over to his window, it was a sunny day in Seoul.  A mark of a good day. It was his first day back after the completion of his therapy. Oh happy, joyous day. He smiles and catches himself before he could start dancing. Today he gets to see Jiyong, just Jiyong. Tomorrow, Daesung and Youngbae. The day after, he goes in for an audition to MC a new variety show.


It was depressing that he couldn’t tour with his friends anymore, but now it is the start of a new era, a new Seungri. No one could tell him otherwise. This was his life now, and he was going to live it the way that he wants to live it.


There is a knock on the door of his apartment. His heart races as he is quick to rush to the door. He swings it open, still panting, to see Jiyong dressed nicely. Jiyong smirks and enters the apartment. “I see someone is excited.” Jiyong comments, making Seungri blush. “And you should be, because your hyung and everyone else is very proud of you Seungri.” Jiyong pulls Seungri into a bear hug.


“That means a lot to me, hyung.” Seungri buries his head in the crook of Jiyong’s neck. “Thank you.” Jiyong chuckled from the way Seungri tickled his neck when he spoke. This makes Seungri pulls away, wearing a look of confusion.


“You tickled my neck when you spoke.” Jiyong confesses. Seungri hums and presses his forehead against Jiyong’s forehead.


“I can’t wait for tonight, hyung. Our first date, how exciting is that?” Seungri whispers.


“Very exciting.” Jiyong whispers back and wraps his arms around Seungri’s neck.


It was a very long road to where they are now, but Jiyong and Seungri couldn’t be any happier that they traveled it together. Seungri was happy that he confessed as soon as he did, and Jiyong was happy that Seungri was finally past his past. They both were. But Jiyong couldn’t help but feel so proud over how strong his Seungri was, mentally and physically. Before therapy, Seungri was weak and at high risk for a heart attack, but now he was healthy and strong. Jiyong couldn’t put into words how proud he was of his maknae.


Seungri presses his lips onto Jiyong’s, the feeling was perfect. He pulls away. “We are so special, Jiyong. It feels like just yesterday I was confessing to you.”


Jiyong smiles a big smile. “And it feels like just yesterday I was dragging you into the therapy office.” Seungri chuckles at the memory. Jiyong literally had to pick him up and drag him into the office because Seungri refused. He did that for three more sessions until Seungri gave up and walked himself into the building.


“You are such a muscle-man, Jiyong. I can’t fathom how much strength you have underneath that veil of weak and tired man.” Seungri jokes, earning him a joking smack on the arm. Jiyong steps away from Seungri and puts both hands on either side of his hips.


“Don’t be sarcastic Seungri, I could literally flip you with my man muscles.”


Seungri laughs and runs away from his scary hyung. He runs into the kitchen, he doesn’t anticipate the slipperiness of the tiles, so he slides and almost falls, but Jiyong catches him. But Jiyong falls with Seungri landing on top of him.


“Saved your life!” Jiyong shouts and wraps his legs around Seungri’s torso and his arms around his neck. Seungri laughs and tries to get out of his hyung’s grasp but he can’t.


“What would you do without me, Seungri?” Jiyong wails then laughs afterwords.


“You’re right, hyung. What would I do without you?” Seungri whispers to himself, actually meaning his words this time. They were at no stage to exchange ‘I Love You’s, but they could feel it. He smiles.


As long as I have Jiyong, everything will be okay.

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Chapter 15: I like this ending!! <3 the other one was </3 T.T thanks for this story
Chapter 13: I like the story, i mean the storyline is good! But, somtime i get confused on certain things. Like, what is relationship between jiyong and seungri in the beginning. And there was a friend who lives with them, and i am not clear about that friend's intention. I also wonder, whether jiyong has a thing on seungri or not, because it looks like daesung shows more care towards seungri when he is found haha. Anyway, it is really a good story.
soleyjun #3
Chapter 13: I will not lie to you, reading this story has been intense to say the least, I have one doubt, why Jiyong and Seungri were forced to be a couple in the first place? I do not understand that.
Chapter 13: wow Riri :( I will wait for the endings T_T waaaa
meg_vvip #5
Chapter 12: Ohmy .this keeps me on the edge..can't wait for the next update
Chapter 12: God.. thank you for your update.. please update again soon.. im looking forward to it...
Chapter 11: Wow so many updates! Gracias! n.n its a relief that Riri is safe from his friend! Now let's see how he does with therapy
Chapter 5: Please let them be happy T.T
Chapter 4: What what whattt O: