Marianne: A Portfolio

I might revamp my poor excuse of a portfolio, but now that I'm still busy as hell, let's just both bear the cringe of this poster since I've been neglecting my portfolio for a long time. 

So yeah, recent edits, yay~

I've posted this as a blog entry, if I remember correctly


This one too~ I really like how it turned out, although my rendering could do much better and Kai's other hand is just awkward as hell. The text looks so plain too. I love the colors tho~


This is something that I have done a century ago for a contest. I'm not really fond of how I rendered the scales on Jungkook's face, I like the water effect, though. A weakness of mine is that I can NEVER make graphics with light colors. I need more practice~


This was done on November last year, I think. She's a close friend of mine and yes, she does know that I'm posting this one here. I made her my model for our class' magazine. mwohohohoho. I also did a bunch of edits for the said magazine, but I won't be posting those lol. 


Sooooo, I haven't done much, right? >o< If you've reached until here, then thank you for reading this blab~ hohohohoho.


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i need to find a good layout for this portfolio. but i'm too lazy


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Chapter 8: Nice work! Good luck with the contest! :)
Chapter 15: omg. did you use photoshop or what doing the gif thingy? this is soooooo prettyyyyyyy
Chapter 23: ahh
I just went through all your graphics here because I requested from you at mystic and oakqdnalxnakd these are so amazing. you have amazing talent. I'm excited hah
Great work! :)
Chimslunatic #5
Chapter 17: How to apply ...
Chapter 7: Haha.
Chapter 4: Gosh. SeKai.
Chapter 3: XD
Chapter 2: Sehun!