
Fallen Leaves

It was dark, as if Hansol was buried deep down in Earth’s core. Silence engulfed him to the point where he can hear his own heartbeat and blood rushing inside his skull. His eyes started to adapt to the darkness until he finally realized that he’s in his own room. He scanned the room before focusing his gaze on his bed. He was stunned when he noticed someone sleeping on his bed. Nervous, he approached the sleeping figure slowly and froze when he got a clear view of the figure.

He saw his own body, sleeping on his own bed.

He stood there, not knowing what to do. He was confused, and mostly terrified. A voice rang in his head, getting louder and louder each time.

Hansol, Hansol, Hansol

He opened his eyes, his body sweating all over. He looked at his surroundings—still dark, clock ticking, Jihoon standing and looking at him with a worried look.

“Are you.. the one who kept calling my name?” Hansol rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly.

“Yeah, I was trying to wake you up. You were panting in your sleep, so I was kind of worried.” Jihoon said.

“I had a nightmare,” Hansol looked at the clock on the wall—4:27 am. “I’m supposed to wake up 2 hours later.” He sighed, laying down, planning to go back to sleep.

“You’re not setting an alarm? I’m not going to wake you up twice.” Jihoon said, walking towards the door.

“I don’t need an alarm to wake up.” Hansol stated before drifting off to sleep.

The clock reads 6:42 am when Hansol woke up for the second time that morning. He lazily got up from his bed and walked slowly towards the bathroom. As he looked at his own reflection in the mirror, he was thinking about the nightmare he experienced .

A nightmare in barely three days since I got here. I hope this isn’t a bad sign.

But he knew that he’s going to experience another realistic nightmare known as school, plus it was his first day.

Being a–very good looking—half American boy, Hansol is very used to how people stare at him, especially when he’s the new kid at school. Just like today, everyone—mostly girls--was looking at him as he walked through the corridors. Low whispers and glances everywhere. Hansol noticed how a group of girls squealed when he asked one of them where his class is. He finally got into his class and spotted a vacant seat, wasting no time to take a sit.

After Hansol gave a self introduction and such, the class began. He got two hours of history class and it hasn’t been half an hour when he started feeling sleepy. He figured out that he needs to get refreshed so he excused himself to the toilet. Just after he wiped his face after washing it, he covered his mouth, holding a scream as he saw someone with a black hoodie standing behind him through the mirror. It was none other than Jihoon.

“What in the world are you doing here??” Hansol spoke after he made sure that there were only the two of them.

“I don’t know, giving you a surprise?” Jihoon shrugged.
“Don’t tell me you followed me here.” Hansol said, narrowing his eyes.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t realize that I was at the back of your class.” Jihoon said.

“You’re creepy.”

“I was curious.”

Hansol walked away from Jihoon, “Whatever, I’m going back to the class now.”

When it was finally lunch time, the brown haired boy roamed around the school by himself. There were a bunch of people who offered to give him a tour but Hansol preferred to go alone. Hansol isn’t the type to make friends on the first day of school, he barely made any friends in his whole life anyway.

He was about to walk past the music room when he heard a melody coming from inside. Curious, he turned the door knob and pushed slowly, peeking inside. There were various musical instruments. The piano near the window caught his attention as Jihoon was playing it beautifully. He walked in quietly and approached Jihoon who barely noticed him.

“You can play the piano?” Hansol sat next to Jihoon. The ghostly boy stopped playing.

“I can still make physical contacts with non living things, you know-“

“No, I mean you can literally play, like Beethoven?” Hansol said.

Jihoon chuckled, “I’m not that pro. I’ve just learned a few classic songs. Like Minuet, Canon, Moonlight Sonata.”

Hansol stared at him, thinking, is he trying to be humble or what.

“Why are you here anyway? People are going to get freaked out if they find out that the music room is haunted.” Hansol said.

“It’ll be fun if that actually happens. Besides, there wasn’t anyone who walked in but you.” Jihoon said.

“Okay okay. Can you play something for me?” Hansol requested.

Jihoon began pressing the piano tuts, playing a beautiful melody while Hansol was watching beside him. Hansol could see how flexible Jihoon’s fingers are—he also noticed how beautiful they are. They both were enjoying the moment when suddenly the door opened, both Hansol and Jihoon turned their heads as a reflex.

“Were you the one who played the piano just now..? Oh wait, that’s a stupid question isn’t it?” a guy with small eyes spoke before walking in.

“uh, um, I,” Hansol didn’t know what to answer. He glanced at Jihoon who was still staring at the guy.

“Oh, you’re the new kid everyone has been talking about! My name’s Kwon Soonyoung, your senior.” Soonyoung said the last sentence in English with his awkward accent.

“Hansol Vernon Chwe.” Hansol said simply.

“Nice to meetchu, Hansol!” Soonyoung grinned so wide that his eyes disappeared. “Can you possibly play that song again? If it’s not too much to ask.”

“Uhh,” Hansol glanced at where Jihoon was sitting, but he was gone. “I actually have to go back to class now, I’m sorry. See you later then, Soonyoung.”

Hansol left the music room, leaving Soonyoung alone.


To be continued -



I've been busy applying for senior highschool. Srsly its a pain in the .

Its another boring chapter huhu i'm disappointed in myself ㅠㅠ

I wish i can just make this into a webtoon or something meh

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Chapter 4: Aw, I'm kinda disappointed, that the story is marked completed, but it's only a beginning... I'm really curious the further plot, but I'm glad seeing the system of writing everything and publishing one chapter every week. Hwaiting!
Chapter 3: Omg omg omg... ghostau not my thing
But this make me excited
eqiinkz #3
Chapter 2: This is really interesting I look forward to next update
JeongSolPappi77 #4
Chapter 1: Please update, I really like this story and believe it will be great