Wedding Dress....

Wedding Dress (one shot)

The way I held you, closing the gaps between us while we sat on top of my car gazing upon the sunset.

While I study your big brown eyes and clear white complexion with your slender lips and sophisticated laugh as you close your eyes and look at me with that mesmerizing look.

As we sat close together on my living room cuddling and laughing about something we recently saw.

The way I caress your hair while you sleep on my shoulder. your wavy brown hair always had that strawberry scent that made me want more. your milky skin exposed neck and collarbone made me want to hold you tight and make you mine…

those are now plain memories that I should forget…along with my love for you.

Dec, 17 , 2009

I was on my way to your place along with the diamond ring on my left pocket jacket. you gladly opened the door and welcomed me with a warm hug, you lead me to your living room which there I found him. somehow I was thinking it will only be the two of us but I guess I was wrong, but I didn’t back down, I took you out to the balcony and pluck some courage out, as I try to figure out my speech he came out the balcony and asked for you for a little while of your time. as a coward I let you go…and that was the worst decision I made.

I waited outside the balcony starring at the moon, my mind was swirling just thinking about the ring and you, will she accept it? I asked myself

as a coward, I should have know the answer was obvious….

you ran to me in excite and showed me a diamond ring on your finger, I wanted to congratulate you but no words was coming out of my mouth…I plainly smiled at you while you ran to another man’s arms.

I walked out the door with the diamond ring in my pocket, regretting why was I such a coward. I knew I couldn’t let her go but I had no choice.

the day of the wedding you asked me to play you a piece that was especially for you. While I played the piano the sound grew softer and sadder, my tear dropped on the piano keys, as i played the piece I recalled those memories…those memories that made me realized how much of a coward I was. I lost her…

I walked out the church and starred at the sunset in front of me I held the ring up and watched it set…

I walked away with the sound of the ring falling from the ground…..

realizing…how much of a coward I was.


End :)

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Stilton #1
I love taeyang
Stilton #2
I like it
hunny-sempai #3
thank you :)
hunny-sempai #4
thank you lovebug xD
it's short but able to moved me. n yes, i straightly recalled the mv that once made me teary. keep writing :)