

      i watch them laughing,joking over something nonsense..they all surround me.congrated me."yahh seungri!! congratulation for your result !! im happy for you"..

yeayh..that is my friend,mino..i smile but they dont know deep inside its empty..i felt nothing..their laughing now forgoten, im crying inside..its hurt to know thats all of my friends just faking everythings up.

they only come to me when they want it.they talk to me when they have no one.i lend my shoulder when they needed but then...what they gave to me??nothing!!..they are just an s that digging into my heart and breaking it from bleeding without no one one here can stop it from flowing untill i can feel it drowning me up..


      "dreaming again?? "..that calmed me down even i lil bit startled at first.."nahh,im just thinking.."..and i smile bitterly

"about what?".."about you..hahahaa".."hahaa,yahh !how can u smile so bitterly if you thinking about me huh?.it hurted thoo.."omoo,hyunggg"im whining.."daesung hyung..dont pout please.."hehee..and i make my powerfull aeygo.."hahahahaha !! yahh,dont do that..".."yeayy,my hyung are back.."."but seungri,my maknae yah..u know i always with u right?.im always by ur side.i'll never leave you,dongsae ah.,whatever that bother u,u can just tell me.even if i cant help u but i can be ur listener.oukay?"..with that he hug touched and slowly a hot tear fell down my cheeck and even worsed im starting sobbed..

ringg !!!!!...its end now,not gonna see them least for tonight...."yahh wanna go back.see u tomorrow..and..." "what seungri ah?".."thanks for today and thanks for be my only friend"..with that i walked out from the class..


   "oucchh...yahhh!" i bammed onto someone but i dont bother,im just walk away..i want to walk away from this fake peoples..




  im sory it boring...i use shortform as im too lazy to write it full...and yeayh please dont mind about my grammar.its !! but yeayh..i only update on thursday..and this is  my first chpter of this story...dont get mad of what i wrote coz i know its !..hahahahaa.. btw i got to go

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Chapter 1: Its little confusing to know who is talking but i like it n.n!
So interesting!
markjinqqq #3
Wow can't wait