
SMS - Save My Soul

Hosoek looked back at the house he shared with Taehyung as he made his way out of the front gate. He would not be gone for that long, but he would be really busy the whole time. He hoped his roommate would not get lonely… he had a naturally extroverted nature.

Hosoek sighed and turned his eyes to the road ahead. There would be someone else to take care of Taehyung while he was gone. His absence fell on the break GreatHits had from work and he hoped that the two boys made a good connection while they got the chance. The reason behind his good wishes for them? He may not be as observant as Taehyung, but he knew a thing or two.

- - - - -

The first day of Hosoek’s absence was one that Taehyung spent doing all sorts of things. He made good use of their Wi-Fi, TV and kitchen.

While he lay on the floor of the living room and stared at the ceiling he decided that it would be too soon to call Jimin. He didn’t want to make it look like he was needy and not independent.

After the long day he crashed onto the bed in his room. He tried to enjoy the deafening silence that enveloped the house. Eventually sleep found its way to him.

- - - - -

On the second day of Hosoek’s absence Taehyung received a call from his roommate, who asked him why Jimin was not already there. Taehyung had no answer. Hosoek, his roommate and good friend, told him to call Jimin and tell him to stay over, to which Taehyung responded that he would think about it.

When Taehyung stared at Jimin’s number on the screen of his phone he felt butterflies flapping frantically in his stomach and decided that he would call Jimin the next day.

- - - - -

Hosoek breathed heavily after taking a large gulp of water. The choreography he had to learn was complex. He had just managed to get the hang of the first piece he had to perform. He had been told that he had to do a duet. The person he would dance with would meet up with him in about an hour.

He made his way to the small room he was staying at for the time being. After a shower he got dressed in comfortable clothes and gave himself an inspection in the mirror before going to the place arranged by the company. They told him to go to a coffee shop where he would meet his dance partner. They said that the dancers would have to get to know each other first because they had a lot of work to do together. The choreographer - Hosoek had a good relationship with him - had assured him with a nod of his head that Hosoek’s dance partner was likeable.

As Hosoek waited at a table for two he twiddled his thumbs, wondering how things were going at home. All thoughts flew out of his mind when his eyes met those of a soft-voiced person who’d just greeted him. He hurriedly got out of his seat to bow.

When he straightened and got a chance to look at the profile of the person in front of him, he found himself regretting dressing purely for comfort when getting ready to meet them. Even though what his dance partner was wearing was simple, they looked amazing.

When they sat down across from each other she spoke. “I was told that you are Jung Hosoek, do you know my name?”

“No, I didn’t ask.”

She giggled cutely. “My name is Kim Hyejin.”

“Ahh…” Hosoek was at a loss for words. He knew that his dance partner would be a woman and a great dancer - that was all. He hadn’t expected to be captivated by her beauty. Besides looks, she also had a sense of gentleness about her

“Did you order yet?”

“Err, no.”

“Oh, okay.” She beckoned a waitress over and smilingly asked Hosoek what he wanted to have. She ordered two exotic-sounding drinks. When the waitress was gone she informed Hosoek that the drink she’d ordered for them was amazing.

By the time their drinks arrived at the table, they were in a conversation that was only interrupted by brief sips. The chat was light and the drinks were good. Hosoek felt tension he didn’t even know he’d been feeling leave his body.

- - - - -

Taehyung sat watching television long after he’d finished eating supper. He just let the show play, only giving half of his attention to the happenings on the screen.

When he heard soft patters in the background it didn’t bother him much. He was only bothered when the pattering noise became paired with a loud rumbling. Usually when there was thunder, Hosoek would distract him by playing a game with him or something of that sort. Now he was alone in the house and he could feel the storm coming. He didn’t think twice to pick up the phone and his finger automatically dialled Jimin’s number.  When Jimin got to his front gate Taehyung had to use an umbrella to go open it. They shared the umbrella on their way to the house. Taehyung let out a sigh of relief when they were out of danger.

“What’s up? You sounded distressed on the phone.”

Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up. “I don’t like thunder.”

Jimin didn’t say anything to ridicule him. All he did was go to the couch. They sat there together and spoke about nothing in particular. Taehyung gave Jimin a brief tour around the house. His friend managed to successfully distract him for the most part. A scared look would flicker across Taehyung’s face when a particularly loud crack of thunder sounded.

When it was late and they had to sleep they both changed into pyjamas. Jimin had thoughtfully packed enough clothes to last him more than a week. He would have slept in Hosoek’s bed, but Hosoek had not gone back on his rule that Jimin couldn’t sleep on his bed.

Taehyung’s bed was fairly large and so they lay apart on it. To lighten the slight tension that had settled over them both Jimin and Taehyung spoke about Jin’s cooking. Just when they were both starting to fall asleep, a very loud clap of thunder sounded and caused Taehyung to practically jump out of the sheets.

Taehyung didn’t know how it happened, but somehow he’d ended up clinging to Jimin’s torso. He registered what he’d done and just when he thought he screwed up and considered removing his arms from around Jimin, his friend placed an arm around Taehyung and clasped his hands to keep Taehyung against him.

The slightly younger boy felt tingly inside and a strong sense of protection surrounded them both. When the next clap of thunder sounded he didn’t even flinch.  

He buried his face into Jimin’s chest and shut his eyes. They didn’t speak, but they had communicated. For the night Jimin would comfort Taehyung and he would stay for the rest of the time Hosoek was away.

Taehyung fell asleep to the smell of Jimin and the latter’s warmth surrounding him.

- - -

In the morning he woke to the smell of coffee. When his foggy brain cleared a bit he worked out why and a smile made its way to his sleepy face.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****


Hey there, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Chullie98 #1
Chapter 21: This story is so cute.. Going to read the sequel (^-^)
Kpopisidklife #2
Chapter 7: AWWWWW 95LINER
Kpopisidklife #3
Reading the description and the foreword I already know I'm gonna cri
Chapter 20: omg, that was such a sweet, perfect ending. i'm so in love with this one. great great great job!
Chapter 20: I loved it :D great story!!!
Chapter 2: Poor jimin :(
Falling_Leaves_ #7
Chapter 20: Squealing so bad right now, oh man, that was super adorable and those kisses *dies* perfect timing in the story! This is so beautiful, wahhh, words cannot describe~ xx F_L_ xx
Chapter 19: awwwwwwe! omg, the levels of cuteness are just too high, can't contain the sqeeeeeeal. lol.
ah, poop, it's almost over? makes sense and everything rounding out nicely, but i'll miss it when it's gone.
Chapter 19: What do you mean it's 'almost over'? ;_;