


1. Life is hard. That's what Yongsun thought that Thursday afternoon. After a long day at the university, the only desire within her was to get to her apartment with the hope that her two roommates were not there, to made herself a tea of tropical fruits and to have the longest and pleasant baths of the whole world.

Yongsun was studying the last year of teaching in college. If there was something she liked, that was children. But the process to become a teacher was complicated, long and hard. After four years she was very close to her goal, but it seemed as if every moment passed everything became more complicated.

Long hours sitting receiving endless theorical classes only made her desire to start practical classes at a school to do nothing but grow. The worst thing is that these classes were taught by a couple of bored teachers who did nothing but take away the excitement to the great adventure that teaching children was.

Yongsun sighed loudly and brought one of her hands to her forehead, rubbing it gently, as if she was trying to make the headache that had settled behind her eyes throughout the morning go away.

She had too much to do and to think about. Too many projects to finish. And Yongsun just wanted her tea and a relaxing bath.

Yongsun walked next to the bus stop where every day she took her way home. She was about to sit on the bench to wait for the bus when a small commotion caught her attention.

Yongsun turned her head toward the sound and saw a considerable number of people entering and leaving a cafe. Had that cafe always been there? Because it was the first time Yongsun noticed it.

Her fingers gave little pats on the folder that was leaning against her legs, alternating her gaze between the cafeteria and the road on which the bus might appear at any time. With slightly pursed lips, Yongsun pulled out her phone and checked the time.

16:55 PM. It was missing fifteen minutes before the next bus, at 17:10 PM. In fifteen minutes she could enter the cafeteria, order a coffee, sit and drink it.

Yongsun pulled away from the bench and, with resolute strides, she headed toward the cafeteria.

The warm smell of cinnamon slammed into her nostrils and her chest swelled into the sweet aroma of coffee floating in the big room. Almost all the tables were occupied, but luckily the line of people waiting to order was not very long.

After a couple of minutes waiting, Yongsun approached one of the free tables with a caramel latte in hand. Once she was comfortably seated, Yongsun took the first sip of her coffee and closed her eyes with a soft sound of satisfaction.

her lips, Yongsun pulled her phone out to check the time. 16:59 PM. Just at the time when the clock changed to 17:00 PM, the soft tinkling of the bell of the door opening filled the room. Not much later, the sound of a chair crawling on the floor soaked Yongsun's ears.

Brows furrowing slightly, Yongsun turned her head toward the noise. Next to one of the large windows of the cafeteria, someone was sitting. Who, Yongsun could not tell for sure, since one of the waitresses was placing a steaming cup of black coffee on the table. Yongsun could only watch long thin legs covered by black and tight jeans. She could also see that some black shoes adorned the person's feet. Their hands, long and with slender fingers were holding a white book and the tips of a long black hair was camouflaged on the dark fabric of a button shirt of the same color.

Then the waitress left the table and Yongsun felt like her breath was cut in . Before her eyes appeared the brightest smile she had ever seen and such an attractive face she could feel her head starting to spin. The mysterious girl's nose was wrinkled because of her smile. Weird, Yongsun did not know it was possible to have muscles in the nose. And her eyes, dark and deep... glittered and tinkled like two little stars.

Helplessly, flush climbed up to Yongsun's neck to take over her entire face, her lips parted and eyes fixed on the girl. Suddenly, those dark and bright eyes moved and fixed in Yongsun's eyes, so she just turned her head quickly to return to pay attention to her caramel latte.

With her heart beating at full speed, Yongsun raised her hands and placed them on her cheeks, feeling the burning flush on her skin.

"My God... What the hell happened to me..." Yongsun said to herself, slyly turning her head to watch the girl out of the corner of her eye.

The girl was reading quietly, her coffee still smoking and the sunlight making that some golden highlights were shining on her long black hair. Yongun felt how dried right at that moment.

Clearing softly, Yongsun pulled out her phone and not paying attention at the time, opened the camera app. Yongsun tilted her body and posed for a selfie. On one side of the photo, the young black haired lady appeared reading with a smirk on her lips. Yongsun smiled as well.

Trying to dissimulate, Yongsun zoomed in and set the image on the girl who was still reading by the window, watching each of her small movements.

Twenty minutes later, the black haired girl left the cafe accompanied with tinkling bell of the door. Twenty one minutes later, Yongsun left the cafeteria. She had missed the bus.



2. The next day, Yongsun returned to the same cafeteria, at the same time. That day, the black haired girl did not appear and Yongsun's caramel latte cooled down helplessly. When the clock struck 18:00 PM, Yongsun rose from her table and left, leaving behind her intact coffee on the table and feeling a weight on her shoulders.

Day after day, Yongsun continued to go to the same coffee shop at the same time, but the black haired girl did not appear even once. A week later since the first time she saw her sitting by the window, bathed in the afternoon sun with the brightness of thousands of stars in her eyes; Yongsun returned to the cafeteria.

"If she is not coming today, I will not come back as well." Yongsun said to herself, sitting at her usual table, with her caramel latte in her hands.

With a sigh, Yongsun rested her forehead on the table, closing her eyes tightly. "What's wrong with me..." Yongsun whispered. "Why you don't go out of my head..." Yongsun squeezed her eyes shut, the image of the lovely face of the girl in black appearing as a flash in her mind, her smile, her eyes, her hair, her long fingers... Everything seemed to shout "Remember me!" to Yongsun, and the young brown haired woman felt that she was going crazy.

Then, once the clock hit at 17:00 PM the bells of the cafeteria door sounded again and, a few seconds later, the same sound of a chair crawling made Yongsun to stiffen in her chair and incorporate her back so stiff that she seemed she was going to break in half.

Carefully Yongsun turned her head, her gaze searching the face that she had been a week waiting to see. And there she was, smiling at the same waitress again, her cup of black coffee steaming on the table.

A flash of jealousy surfaced in her chest and her breath hitched for a moment. What was going on between this delicious girl and the damn waitress? Unconsciously, her fingers pressed together with a little more force around the glass of her caramel latte mug, which she took to her lips to give a long sip.

Her eyes snapped open when the hot liquid burned and , a loud groan escaping from deep in her chest. She stuck out her tongue and did everything possible so that the burning disappeared from , even fanning herself with her hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as the girl looked at her curiously.

Earth, swallow me... Yongsun thought, closing her eyes tightly, feeling again how the blush came over her face.

Breathing deeply, in an attempt to calm the roar of nerves that swirled in her chest and poking out a little her lower lip, which hurt due to the burning of the coffee, Yongsun pulled out her phone again and opened the camera app.

Cocking a little her body, Yongsun gave a small, shy smile, seeing perfectly how the blush seemed to settle automatically on her cheeks in presence of the girl. Quickly, Yongsun took the picture, watching in delight as the silhouette of the mysterious girl shone in the sun on one side, next to the window.

Yongsun gently bit her lower lip and zoomed in to the picture, taking in the details of the girl, not daring to turn to look at her face to face. Surely she would embarrass herself again.

The image she took in the photo showed the dark haired girl sitting as the previous week, by the window, under a beam of orange light that certainly played to dance in her long and, Yongsun was willing to swear, silky strands. A white cap adorned her head, pulled backwards. Yongsun sighed loudly. As if this girl was not attractive enough, the snapback had to fit her damn ing fine as well.

"Being so attractive has to be a bloody crime..." Yongsun muttered softly, frowning.

Yongsun looked at the girl again in the corner of her eye, her face flushing again when she could see perfectly as the girl removed the red jacket she had been wearing since she had entered the cafeteria. Under the jacket the girl was wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off her arms and part of her sides due to the large opening that was where her sleeves were suposed to be. The flash of a black colored sports bra made Yongsun to turn her head quickly again, looking right to her caramel latte, her eyes open wide and and completely dry.

"Damn... ..." Muttered Yongsun. "I look like a ert, ... And a crazy one, too." Yongsun let out a loud sigh and took her phone up again, this time zooming in to observe in detail the movements of the girl, as she had done the previous week.

Every time the girl flexed her arms to lift the same white covered book or the cup of black coffee, the muscles in her arms tightened and contracted and Yongsun thought she would faint on the spot. She was thin, maybe too thin, but Yongsun was sure that she was strong enough to lift her and push her against a wall. Yongsun's lips opened wide as that thought crossed her mind and, with her free hand, she slapped hard her forehead. Yongsun, jinjja!

Cheeks burning, Yongsun set again her eyes in the image of the girl, who was reading quietly, oblivious to the impure thoughts that crossed at that time Yongsun's head.

A few minutes later, the girl got up from her chair and, after packing up and leaving money on the table for the coffee, she left the cafeteria. Yongsun stayed in her chair, breathing uneven, trying to calm down somehow.

After taking a sharp breath, Yongsun stood and, taking off her wallet to put some money in the table, she left the cafeteria a few minutes later.



3. With the lesson already learned, the next time Yongsun went to the cafe near the bus stop was on Thursday, the next week. The red skirt she was wearing was flowing around her legs and soft laughter escaped her lips.

That time she was not alone. One of her roommates was beside her.

"This is the cafeteria you keep on telling me about, unnie?" Wheein said, watching her with a curious smile. Yongsun nodded, looking again and again the time on her phone. The clock was about to strike five.

Wheein and Yongsun sat at the table where Yongsun always used to sit, and Yongsun didn't stopped fiddling with her fingers, stealing furtive glances at the door once and again. Wheein looked at her with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Unnie, relax or you will have a fit." Wheein said with an amused smile. Yongsun snorted loudly.

"It's five..." Yongsun said, as if that explained everything.

"And let me guess... Is it at five when that girl of the silky black hair that you like will be coming here?" Wheein raised an eyebrow again. Yongsun just nodded her head, biting her lower lip.

At that time, the ringing bells of the door filled the room and Yongsun gave a little jump in her chair, completely tense. Her phone clock marked 17:01 AM.

"It's her, she is here..." Yongsun muttered again and again, softly, not daring to turn her head to look at the door. Wheein, confused, blinked a couple of times, staring at the person who had just entered the cafeteria.

"No, unnie, she is not. This girl has blond hair." Wheein said, and when the characteristic sound of the chair crawling next to the windown reached Yongsun's ears, she frowned.

"What are you saying, how come she is blonde..." Yongsun muttered and quickly turned her head toward the table.

Wheein was right. There was someone sitting at the table next to the window, being bathed in the warm sunlight. But again, because of the same damn waitress she could not see more than her body and some strands of long blond and bright hair.

"Damn waitress from hell..." Yongsun muttered, and Wheein could not help but laugh softly. Yongsun was always so composed and serious that to see her so nervous and susceptible was a complete entertainment.

When the waitress pulled away, she left behind a steaming cup of black coffee and a bright smile that put into action the nose muscles of the now blonde girl. Yongsun's mouth opened wide to see how well her long blonde locks complemented her face.

It was not fair. It certainly was not fair that everything looked so well in that damn girl. Not to mention that pastel blue button shirt that highlighted the blonde color of her locks and illuminated her more than bright face and smile.

Yongsun turned her head to Wheein, ducking her chin slightly so that her long brown hair could hide her face. Wheein let out a pretty loud laugh.

"Omo, omo, unnie... Are you blushing?" Wheein said, her singsong voice, stretching one hand to remove Yongsun's hair from her face, exposing her red cheeks. Wheein laughed again, loudly. "Aigoo, you look like a teenager with a crush... I have to assume that that blonde girl is your mysterious black haired girl, right?" Yongsun looked up suddenly and grabbed Wheein shoulders tightly, pulling her near to her face until her forehead almost touched the younger girl's.

"Wheein, I'm going crazy... Why everything look good on her? Snapbacks, black clothes, black hair, blonde hair and even that damn blue button-down shirt. Why? The purpose of this girl is ruining my life and make me lose my mind." Yongsun's eyes were open wide, her red face as if it were a tomato and her fists clenched around Wheein's shirt, who looked at her with an amused smile.

Wheein shifted her gaze to the now-blonde girl and she saw how she threw a curious look in their direction and wrinkled her brows slightly. Wheein outlined a new smile, bringing her hands to Yongsun's and making her to loosen the grip on her shirt.

"Why do not you go to talk to her, unnie? If you like her that much..." Wheein said, raising an eyebrow slightly. Yongsun quickly shook her head, holding her hands to her cheeks again.

"Are you crazy? I can not do that, no, no..." Yongsun shook her head again, biting her lip.

"Why not? I doubt that after three weeks she would not have noticed that you exist and that you're an adorable mess."

"No, I do not have enough courage, she is... so... ethereal... No, I can't, she can not be real, she has to be a product of my imagination."

"Unnie, I can see her too." Wheein deadpanned.

"Shhht!" Yongsun hissed to Wheein with a wave of her hand and the younger girl could only roll her eyes and give a long sip to her cappuccino.

Yongsun raised her phone again, marveling at the view through the camera screen as the sun played with the wide range of shades of gold on the long blonde hair of the girl. Placing her free hand under her chin, her index finger and thumb outstretched, Yongsun flashed a beaming smile, the tip of her index finger pointing toward the girl, who reappeared on one side of the picture.

"Creepy." Wheein muttered under her breath, drinking again. Yongsun glared her. 

“Shut up.”

“You should go and talk to her instead of being a creepy stalker.”


“Jung Wheein…”


“Just saying.”


“Just shut up.”


“Oh… She is leaving. Why don’t you go to the door as well and run into her? You could also tell her: “Hey, I’m Kim Yongsun and I’m your personal stalker. I think you are pretty attractive, want to make out with me?”


“Jung Wheein, I swear to God…”


“Unnie, where are you going? Unnie! Wait for me!”


“I’m not asking you to come with me again!”


“Come on, unnie, don’t be like that!”


“Never again!”

The sound of tinkling bells took away the voices of the two friends when, minutes later than the mysterious girl, they left the cafeteria.


4. A week later, Yongsun thought she would not take much longer to get a gun and shoot herself between her eyes. With a grunt, Yongsun entered the cafeteria, already more than familiar with the environment and, shuffling, she headed toward the bar.

Before she had time to order her caramel latte, as every Thursday, the waitress who was behind the counter placed a mug with her favorite drink just in front of her face.

"The usual, right?" Asked the waitress with a friendly smile. Yongsun smiled back and nodded before taking her cup of caramel latte and approached her usual table.

With a heavy sigh, Yongsun slumped in her chair, leaning on the back of the chair, dropping her head back in a gesture of weariness. That week had been a horror, the amount of work and projects she had done and that she still had to do was devastating and all she wanted to do was to lie on her bed and sleep forever.

"What the hell am I doing here..." Yongsun said, getting up a little to take a little sip of her caramel latte. "I should be at home working on my projects."

It was at that point when the tinkling filled the room and a wide smile crossed Yongsun's face. Suddenly fatigue was no longer a problem, suddenly the stress and her projects ceased to be important and she simply felt the expectation to see how the now blonde girl surprised her that week.

After hearing the sound of the chair crawling on the floor, Yongsun bit her lip nervously, turning her face a little to look toward the large window.

That day the sun did not shine in the spectacular way it had done these past weeks, but the faint glow that filtered through the clouds of the sunset made a soft golden halo to surround the girl's figure.

The young woman was wearing a light brown wool sweater that seemed to be as warm as her own fluffy bed sheet, which she was pretty proud about because it was the warmest thing in the whole world. Her hair was tied in a ponytail that fell by one of her shoulders and just under one of her s. Her long fingers played with her phone and a small smile danced on her lips. For a moment Yongsun wondered if this girl would have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Surely yes, considering how attractive she was and how peaceful she seemed, Yongsun did not doubt that.

A heavy weight settled in the depths of her chest, turning her face to her caramel latte, a small frown appearing between her eyebrows. She felt she was falling for this girl more and more each passing week, and without the courage to approach her and introduce herself, without knowing her name and with the certainty that she would be already taken by someone, she was beginning to wonder whether it was worth to keep coming every week to the cafeteria to look at her for a few minutes.

Yongsun let out a loud sigh, resting a hand on the table and letting her fingers to play on the wood surface. Then a musical laugh was heard from the table next to the window and Yongsun's heart sank. Rushing to get her phone, Yongsun posed for a picture, the background was the laughing blonde girl.

Yongsun turned her face slightly, watching with the corner of her eye in an attempt to know what was she laughing about. It is probably something that her boyfriend or girlfriend has told her... Yongsun thought, but when she turned around and saw that what the girl was laughing at was her book, the same white covered book, a small smile crossed her lips, a mixture of relief and a warm feeling that she was not able to name spread through her body.

That's when the girl looked up from the book, her deep dark eyes crossing Yongsun's gaze. Yongsun's eyes opened wide, quickly turning her head to hide her face and turn her back to the girl, hiding her obvious blush.

"Jesus..." Yongsun hissed, wrinkling her nose. "Do you want to be a little more obvious, Yongsun? She will think you're a creepy stalker, as Wheein said..." A heavy sigh escaped again Yongsun's lips. "And is not that what I am, exactly? Why if not I keep on coming here every Thursday? Kim Yongsun, you're screwed..." Yongsun picked up her cup of caramel latte and brought it to her lips, taking a big gulp until she almost drank the full content.

A couple of minutes later, the jingle of the door announced the departure of the girl. Yongsun let out a little frustrated growl and after a couple of minutes, she got up and, after leaving money on the table, left the cafeteria.

"You're screwed, Kim Yongsun. So ing screwed..."




5. On Thursday next week Yongsun was in such a bad mood that she thought she was going to catch on fire at any time. After several days working on a project, the damn professor of that subject had grade it with a simple B. A ing B! To Yongsun was an insult knowing that this project deserved top marks.

And Yongsun was sure of it, because if something she was serious about, was in school and she rarely drew less than A+.

"I'll put such a big claim on him that his will be sweating." Yongsun growled, opening the door of the cafeteria.

She had not looked at the time on the clock before entering and once the familiar scent of cinnamon and coffee hit her nostrils, she stopped in the middle of the room.

There was something odd that afternoon.

For starters, a cup of what she was sure it was caramel latte was waiting, steaming and appetizing, on her usual table. But that was not what caught her attention. With her back to her, and terribly close because the window table was close to the door, the mysterious girl was still reading her book, her cup of black coffee on the table waiting to be consumed.

Oh my God... To get to her table, Yongsun had to go near her and she didn't want to. She did not want to because she was sure that if she approached her the slightest, the girl could hear the loud sound of the beating of her heart. It felt as if an incessant and loud thunder was rambling in her ears, her face burning with blush, a blush that was coming down to her neck and trailed down her collarbones.

Because also, as if she were not the height of beauty and attractiveness that day she was wearing a varsity jacket. A damn varsity jacket. Her long blond hair fell down her shoulders and her back and between her locks she could read two words on her jacket.

Moon Star... What does that mean... Does she love space or something?

Yongsun wondered, taking a sharp breath and, raising her chin in a gesture of security, she walked to her own table. But gradually, as she got closer to the girl, her steps became increasingly slower, in an attempt to see any detail up close.

The way her fingers (her long, slender fingers that seemed to be the smoothest in the world) caressed the pages of her book, almost reverently, or as her thin lips pursed when she was reading, or how the sunlight was still plucking out golden flashes of her blonde hair, she could also denote from that short distance some soft orange tufts between both gold and blonde.

Yongsun was speechless. And before she knew it, she had already reached her table. She sat back in her chair and, after observing the caramel latte that was there already waiting for her, she turned her face to the counter, giving a smile to the waitress who always served her coffee.

"Thank you, Hyejin." Yongsun gestured with her lips, pointing to the cup of coffee. Hyejin raised her thumbs and gave a wide smile.

Then, the other waitress, Krystal (or the damn waitress from hell, according to Yongsun), approached the girl with a plate with a small piece of chocolate cake. With a smile, the girl nodded her thanks and spoke for a few minutes with the damn waitress from hell. Yongsun groaned loudly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Yongsun was jealous. She was jealous of that damn waitress from hell and she knew it. Jealous because she wanted to talk to the girl. She wanted her to smile like that to her.

Yongsun's lips were hovering slightly outward in a somewhat childlike pout before a heavy sigh escaped her lips, raising one hand to gently scratch her head.

"Yes, you're screwed, Yongsun."

With a new sigh, Yongsun pulled out her phone again and, before opening the camera, she opened the photo album, watching the four selfies where she got the blonde girl in the background. Yongsun gave a small smirk before switching to the camera.

Yongsun gently bit her lower lip, enlarging her dark eyes slightly to make what she thought was an adorable expression. Beside her, in the background, the girl continued to read, an expression of concentration on her face and her little pink tongue sticking out between her lips.

Looking at the photo, Yongsun let out a soft laugh, taking in every detail of the adorable expression of the face of the girl. Inadvertently, all her bad mood had evaporated from her body and a strange tranquility was traveling to every corner of her soul.

This girl seemed to channel all her bad emotions and replace them with smiles and blushes and chills direct to her heart. And even though she was a coward for not approach (because, why, surely this girl would have someone waiting for her at home) simply to see her a couple of minutes every week was the most comforting thing.

Yongsun took a small sip of her caramel latte and when minutes later the girl left the cafeteria, Yongsun leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, with a permanent smile on her lips.



6. That day, the next Thursday, Yongsun was, unlike the previous week, in a good mood. After claiming the grandes of her last week's project and get another teacher to correct it again, she finally got the grade she deserved, a huge A+. That night she thought about going out to celebrate with Wheein and Irene, her roommates. Perhaps she could even tell Hyejin, the waitress in the cafeteria, to join them for a few beers at the end of her shift.

With a smile from ear to ear, Yongsun pulled her long brown hair away from her face and went into the cafe under the ringing bells of the door. Without losing her smile, she looked at her table, where waiting for her was her caramel latte. With a soft laugh, she approached the counter, where Hyejin watched her with a smile.

"I like this new service, Hyejin-ah."

"As usual, unnie. If you'll always ask the same you are not even needed to come to the counter."

"Hey, Hyejin. Would you like to come tonight to drink with my roommates and I? One of them is your age, you two would surely click." Hyejin grinned, nodding.

"Of course, unnie. As long as I have finished my shift I'm free to do whatever you want."

"Great, then I will send you a message to kakaotalk and I tell you what are we gonna do, is that okay?" Hyejin nodded again, still smiling. "Cool. I leave for you to work, okay? See you later." Yongsun said goodbye to Hyejin with a smile and turned away from the counter.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Krystal (the damn waitress from hell) outlined a broad smile, with her eyes fixed on the door. Her heart contracted, her chest began to burn and went dry. Before taking the first step toward her table, the front door opened with the familiar jingle and, unavoidably, she turned her head toward the door, knowing that it would be her girl who just came into the cafeteria.

But despite knowing it for sure, the image that she found was what made her brain to go into a short circuit and that any possible thought was erased at a .

The sleek and slim body of the girl was wrapped in an elegant set of pants and black jacket and a pristine white button shirt. Yongsun had seen many men in tuxedos and stuff like that, but she had never, and she was sure of that, she had never seen anyone to whom a suit like that will fit so tremendously fine as that girl.

Yongsun was frozen in place, unable to do anything but watch as the girl greeted with a lovely smile the cafe staff. The damn waitress from hell wasted no time in approaching her table with a cup of black coffee, which made Yongsun frown and clench her fists. How dare she...

"Wow, Byul, you look fine as hell today." Said the damn waitress from hell and Yongsun's ears quivered when receiving that small information, her feet moving toward her table, where her caramel latte waiting impatiently.

The girl laughed softly, shaking her head, talking in a low voice, so low that Yongsun could not appreciate the sound. Byul... No wonder her eyes shine like two stars with that name... Yongsun thought, a small smile on her lips as she took a sip of her drink.

Yongsun looked out the corner of her eye as the girl opened her book again, realizing she was about to finish it. God, those suits should not look so good for someone, it is not fair. What's more, I'm sure it's illegal to look that good...

Yongsun furrowed her brow a bit, nodding, as if she were confirming quietly her own thoughts.

It didn't take much longer for Yongsun to take another sip of her caramel latte and raise her phone, quickly opening the camera app. Yongsun posed for the picture and, just before she could press the shutter, the phone began to vibrate. Wheein was calling.

"Wheein, this is no time for you to call me." Yongsun muttered softly and quickly rushed to hang up the call, a new smile on her lips while she was waiting for the camera to turn on again.

When the camera app opened again, Yongsun was stunned.

The girl was not in her table. Her coffee and her book were on the table, but she was not. Then the sound of a camera shooting filled her right ear and Yongsun quickly turned her face in that direction, being suddenly face to face with her.

Yongsun's eyes opened wide, her lips parting and an intense blush dyeing her cheeks. Her brain was disconnected and she could not utter a single word, she just could stare at the two stars that the girl had inside her eyes, their faces just inches away.

"Hmm..." The girl hummed, satisfied, showing Yongsun the photo before outlining a broad and bright smile. "We came out pretty well, don't you think?" Yongsun simply could nod without looking away from Byul's eyes. "After five weeks stealthily taking candids of me I think it was time to be my turn." Byul raised an eyebrow, one of the corners of rising to turn in a somewhat mocking gesture. I want to die…

"I... T-This..." Yongsun tried to speak, but her voice broke into a thousand pieces. It was not fair. It was not fair that this girl had decided just that day, when she was dressed in a suit, to approach her. Nor is it fair that she smells so good... As if the scent of vanilla and coconut floated around her body...

"What is your name?" Asked Byul, sitting comfortably and with all the familiarity of the world next to Yongsun. Yongsun was sure her hands were sweating so much, like she had an ocean in her palms.

"You're very pretty." Yongsun blurted. And as soon as those words left her lips, Yongsun clamped her free hand on , closing her eyes.

A soft laugh escaped Byul's lips and her next words made Yongsun's face to catch fire. "You're very pretty... Nice name, and pretty accurate. Because you are beautiful. I am Byul and, since apparently you have made me a photobook for free these past weeks, I hope you let me invite you to this coffee. Or maybe invite you to have a drink with me tonight."

Yongsun could only nod her head and, when Byul rose form her seat, she followed her with her eyes. "I'm going to grab my things, be right back... Kim Yongsun." And with a wink, Byul went to her table to grab her book and her mug of black coffee. 

Yongsun stood there, sitting in her table, her gaze lost in the brown liquid of her caramel latte. She was just dazed, like in a trance. Then a faint whistle reached her ears and she looked up to the counter, watching as Hyejin and Krystal showed her some thumbs up.

Yongsun could only smile in return. I'm so gonna invite Hyejin and the damn waitress from hell a ing drink soon...

"So, Yongsun..." Byulyi said once she came back, her white covered book placed in the table and one of her hands of thin and long fingers (hands that had to be the smoothest thing in the whole world) terribly close to Yongsun's. Byul smiled. "Tell me about yourself."

Yongsun cleared and smiled brightly, offering one of her hands for Byul to shake. "Hey, I’m Kim Yongsun and I’m your personal stalker. I think you are pretty attractive, want to go out with me someday?" Byul smiled in return and took Yongsun's hand. And yes, they were the smoothest thing in the whole world. "Well, Kim Yongsun. I'm Moon Byulyi and I would love to go out with you."



I hope you like this little story.

I was going to update another thing first, but seeing it got over 40 subs in 3 days I had to do this!

Thank you for your interest! Remember that comments are nice!

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sisilchoi #2
Chapter 1: sweeeeeeeet.
Chapter 1: My heart squeals in happiness when I read this story! Thank you author-nim!
kazume19 #4
Chapter 1: I have officially die from this overly sweet and amazingly one shot. Thank you for killing me~ I can sleep in peace now XD
Chapter 1: Yes Yongsun. Byul is the epitome of attractiveness indeed.
Chapter 1: OMFG that was the sweetest one shot I've ever read ♡♡ thank you!
taejellybean #7
Chapter 1: Enjoyed it very much, because: Firstly, "Or also the five times Yongsun took a selfie and the one time she didn't" I loved these kind of settings. Secondly: the characters were enjoyable through the story. Thirdly, I loved how Yongsun thought of Krystal as "that damn waitress from hell", somehow I find it funny every single time. And most importantly, happy ending with a bit of twist with Byul knowing about Solar's stalking and agreeing to go on date :)
Moonia #8
That was so adorable and kind of embarrassing (for Solar) but in the best way! I love this one shot!!
labanos #9
Chapter 1: This was just too cute! I liked how it was slow-paced because it made it relatable, at least for me because I sure as hell wouldn't talk to my crush first. Solar was just too adorable and I see myself in her, with her awkwardness and all. And I laugh everytime she says "damn waitress from hell". God the secondhand embarrassment was too real in this fic. Poor Yeba. I had to contain myself while reading this fic. It was just too cute!