Chapter 1

The Beauty Lies Inside


He slowly opens his eyes from his sleep. Looking at a girl’s back he immediately knows that he’s not in his own house, in his own room. He slowly got up from the bed making sure that the girl will not woke up.


He sighs, looking down at his big stomach.


“I need to be quick. I can’t be seen like this.” He thought as he stood up and picked his pant that was on the floor.


“It always happens like this.” He thought as he was finished dressing himself and slowly walk towards the bedroom door closing it slowly.


“Baek-hyun?” The girl called out as she woke up but he was nowhere to be found in the room.



Baekhyun’s Point of View

“My hand was bigger than my face yesterday. But today…it’s twice as big.” I thought as I observe my new face at a mirror inside the bus.


It’s not that bad. This is temporary. It’ll change tomorrow. Man, woman, old man, child and sometimes a foreigner. I wake up to a different face every morning.


My eyesight and voice varies and I have to adjust to that every morning. I don’t know why this happened. Nor how to go back to normal, well, sometimes the real me, appear but I don’t know when it appears.


I have complete accessories of women, men, old and even children. My walk in closet is big and I put all my clothes there. Every morning when I change, I measure my foot to buy a new pair of shoes, test my eyesight, and buy some new clothes that fits in my body size. Well, I’m not a boastful guy but this is just what I am, I have money to buy those things.


I make furniture. I design it and make it alone. It doesn’t bother me. Everything is possible since you never have to show yourself when you’re online. Kyungsoo is the only friend I have.


“Baekhyun…Right?” He asks as he slowly walks towards me. I am sitting here in my house base and this is where I make furniture.


“There’s a designer who can’t decide on a knob and the entire production is on hold…You know who I’m talking about. Listen, we’re not making royal furniture for the Queen. Mr. Byun Baekhyun, designer of Annex!” He said. I know that I am the one who he is talking about.


“Okay, I’ll make up my mind.” I said looking at the emails that was sent on me. They were requesting for my furniture.


“Nice face by the way. It’d be a waste to not have fun with it.” He said looking at me. Well, because I woke up with such a good looking guy. “Let’s go.”


“What…” Then I laugh slightly.


Baekhyun and his only friend, Kyungsoo, entered the bar with the music welcome them.


“Do you come here often?” A girl asked Baekhyun, they were sitting at a bar stool. “Not really. My friend does.” He answered.


“I have a friend whose face changes whenever he wakes up.” Kyungsoo said to the girl he was talking to. “No way…” The girl said with her disbelief expression. Baekhyun was sitting far from the seat of Kyungsoo, so he didn’t heard what his best friend was saying to the girl.


“What is your name?” The girl asked Baekhyun. “Byun Baekhyun.”


“He wakes up a man or maybe a woman, sometimes an old man, and sometimes an old woman.” Kyungsoo said. The girl laughed at him. “I’m serious!”




What do you do for a living? What is your job? That was the common questions a girl asked Baekhyun whenever he entered the bar. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun find the bar an interesting and nice place to hangout. Of course with his different appearances he will not be recognized by the other girls he used to date with.


I’m in public service. I’m a dentist. I’m a comedian.


“So basically you can do a different guy every day.” Kyungsoo said. “That’s not possible…” The girl said drinking on her beer. “He lives on this very earth!” Kyungsoo said truthfully. “I have to wash my hands.” The girl said as she stood up. “Sure, you can go.” He said. The girl just awkwardly smiled at him as she picked up her things. “This guy’s weird, talking things randomly. I’m outta’ here.” The girl thought. “Just leave your coat.” Kyungsoo added.


“That must hurt…Shall we go?” The girl said as she held Baekhyun’s hand looking at his index finger that was a band aid on. Baekhyun already knows where this thing goes.



He wakes up with a girl’s back facing him. They did it. The girl slowly moves still facing her back at him.



Baekhyun’s Point of View


My skin was nice yesterday…I can’t even see clearly anything today, it’s just blur. Did I transform into an old man?


I can never fall in love for I have a different face every single day. I always made a video of myself telling what happened today, it’s like a video diary to me. Every day, I can never forget to video myself. This is my daily routine.


“That’s it for today.” I said as I click the stop button. I just finished my video diary for today’s Byun Baekhyun new face.


Author's Note:

How's the first chapter? ^O^ 

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iRainty #1
Cool~ I love that movie too. :D
Chapter 1: Omg! This story looks so interesting ♡.♡ Waiting for your next update soon, Author-nim~ <3