my dream prom

Unforgettable Prom

Ennui #1

                Another day here in school and I still get to be his classmate. “Oh I hope he’s absent.” I prayed to myself as I prepare for the start of the class. I always hoped that he could stop picking on me and calling me names whenever we see each other and he would even humiliate me in front of the people.


                The school bell rang breaking my thoughts; I looked around hoping he hasn’t arrived yet. There was no sign of him. “Yes!” I rejoiced inside my head until the sliding of the door stopped me.


“Oh crap.”


I rejoiced too soon.


                There he was, looking as cool as ever, or so how the girls in my class say it. He was panting heavily, obviously exhausted trying to catch up first period. He looks around and stops when he looked at me. He smirks then walks over…to my direction. Girls looked at him like he was some kind of god. I admit he does have the looks for it. His white complexion, pointed nose prominent jawline, plump lips and piercing eyes really suits him but how he treats me like I’m some weakling or someone worthless makes it an instant feeling for me to hate him.


                He walks towards me and leans down to my ear, “There won’t be a day you’ll never get to see me.” His breath sent chills to my spine. I gave him the look and he chuckled while walking to his seat which was just behind me.


                Classes followed and so was his teasing. We do this teasing by passing notes to each other. He would complement about my hair, my body, my social life, just anything he could think of but suddenly something unexpected was written on the paper as he passed it to me.


“Do you have a date for prom?”


                Prom? Oh right its tomorrow night already. I guess I’ve forgotten about it.

“Nope, but thanks for reminding me.”


“Ooh, you forgot about it? That is so you.”


“Well I’m sorry if I’m too busy with school :P anyways, how about you, do you have date?”


“Yup J”


                I knew it…

“Who is she?”


“Why would you even want to know PIG?”

                Oh great he used his nickname for me. Well it’s not like it’s my fault I love to eat.


“Oh, just answer the question so that I’ll warn her about her date with you…I’m scared that you might make her cry and miserable just like me.”


“Wait…you cried? O.o”

                Oh damn. Why was I too careless?


“No I didn’t you stupid!... I never cry just because of someone like you.”


“Whatever you say, fine, all I have to say she’s from class.”


“Can’t you at least be more specific?”


“Nope end of discussion, but hey! You should come too.”


“Yeah, I’ll be the only one without a date! Oh joy K”

                But just as I passed the note, the bell rung signaling everyone that it’s break time.


“So…. Are you coming?” he catches up to me just as I was heading towards the cafeteria.


“Ask me again when you see my tomorrow night.”


“Oh don’t worry, I will.” He smirked at me and went ahead to meet with his friends.


                I on the other hand went to my friends who were just sitting down at our usual table and guess what, they were also talking about prom and to top it off they already had their own dates.


“Great just great, now everyone gets to go and have a partner but me.” I sighed to myself. “…might as well just watch movies at home.” I said to myself.


The next day it was a weekend. “Aah…more sleeping!” I sighed back to my sleep.




Ugh… I searched for my phone and took a look at who was calling. “JERK FACE” Oh man…it’s him.


“What do you want?” I groaned at him as I answered the call.


“Do you know what time it is sleepy head?” he half screamed on the other line.

I took a look at the clock and it was half past noon.


“Of course I know, it’s the afternoon, now let me sleep.”


“NO! You are not going to use the entire day sleeping. Get up; I need help from you.” I sat up from my bed, “And why should I help you?”


“Because I need a woman’s perspective on this.” He whined.


“Oh so now you acknowledge me as a woman?”


“Oh just help me.”


“And what do I get after this?”


“I will never tease you again starting tomorrow.”

                I was surprised. He must be really serious of what he’s asking for and why he needs me but that’s a great idea. No more teasing ever again from that guy.


“Deal. Give me 30 minutes to get ready.”


“Good, I’ll pick you up in your house.” With that he hung up and I got ready. I wore just a simple plaid shirt and jeans with white flats.


Minutes later I heard the honking of the car outside. I looked at my window and saw it was him. I instantly grabbed my wallet, cellphone and keys to this house. I made my way to his car.


“Get in slow poke!” again with his many names. I followed what he said and we were off to who knows where.


“So would you mind telling me where we’re going?” I asked him as he drove off away from my house.


“We’re going to this shop that sells tuxedos which I will need for prom.” He simply answered.


“Wait, why did you bring me, you could’ve asked those other girls you’re with and hey! How about your date, why didn’t you ask her?”  I just really thought about it. I mean come on, of all girls, why me?


“Wait! Are you jealous?”


“NO” I looked at him in disbelief. The nerve of this guy, it’s so irritating. He laughed and continued to concentrate on the road.


“They’re all busy even my guy friends, and my date, well let’s just say she‘s also shopping with her guy friend.”


“And that’s alright for you? You just let her go with other guys?” What kind of date was he? I know he was a player but at least have some responsibility of who he’s with.


“I trust the guy, don’t worry. Hey! We’re here.” He pointed at the little shop just by the sidewalk. He parked the car smoothly and we both got down. The shop didn’t only have tux for men but it also had dresses for the women. We both went inside the shop and I gasped at how it’s so big and spacious compared to its small outer appearance.


“The shop is owned by my dad’s friend, so I can really get the good deal with his stuff.” He told me while looking at some tuxes. I simply ‘hmmed’ while nodding my head and scanned the whole area.


“Oh this is a surprise!” An older man appeared as he walked out of the door beside the counter. “Good to see you again my boy!” he shook hands with him.


“Yeah, it’s been awhile.” He flashed him a smile. The older man looked towards me and held his hand. “And who this lovely young lady might be? Are you his girlfriend?”

My eyes bulged out of my sockets and obviously the guy beside me faked a cough. “No, no we’re not. We’re just classmates.”


“Oh I’m sorry about that. I really thought you were, both of you just look like a perfect couple.” I just smiled and hid my blushing cheeks.


“Well, if we’re done with introductions, I would just like to ask if you could recommend me some good tuxes.” He broke the tension as he felt that I was a bit uneasy.


“Oh sure. This way please.” He walked away while we followed him.


I mouthed to him a ‘thank you’ and he just replied with a nod. We reached an aisle of tuxes and he just picked up random ones.


“Here, carry these.” I didn’t have time to reply as he shoves pile after pile of tuxes. “HEY!” I yelled at him. “Don’t worry I just need you to carry these, for a few minutes, like come on I’m carrying the others too.” He lifted his arms and he was right. He had some also. So we spent an hour looking for everything he needs. Finally he was inside the fitting room to try on everything.


“So, how’s this?” he went out of the fitting room.


“No.” I simply said, it so wasn’t his style. He went back again and tried on another one but the same result happened. But after so many tries and the feeling of not finding the right one, he wore the perfect one.


“So….how’s this?” he looked at me with tired but hopeful eyes. How was it? How should I say this… he looks really…


“Handsome.” He looked at me wide eyed.

Oh crap! Did I just say what I think I shouldn’t have said?


“What did you just say? Did you just call me handsome?” he raised his eyebrow as he walked closer to me.


“I did not say anything.” I tried defending myself but my heart was raising as he came closer.


“Stop lying, yes you did.” He stopped right in front of me. “N-No I did not.” Why did I stutter? “Yes you did.” “No I didn’t” “DID” “DID NOT” “DID” “Oh whatever.” I sighed as I walked away from him to calm myself down.


I walked farther away and noticed I was in the lady’s section. They were filled with dresses of different colors and style but there was one dress that caught my eye. It was a satin blue dress with light ruffles flowing down the dress. It had small sequins by the torso and it was only until knee length. I touched it and it felt really smooth to my fingers. I took a look at the price and my eyes bulged out. It was more than $500,000.


“What are you looking at?” a voice startled me and I was relieved that it was only him.


“Nothing. Just this.” I showed him the dress. He looked at me then at the dress and suddenly he called a worker nearby. The worker jogged to us and asked what we needed.


“She would like to try on this dress, would you happen to have the same size as her?” he confidently asked him.


“NO! That’s not necessary.” I tried declining. “Please…I was just looking at it.” I was pleading to him.


“But don’t you want to know if it fits you?” he asked.


“No. Anyways, I won’t be using that much so why bother…” I told him. He nodded and sent the worker off.


After some minutes he had paid for the tux and we made our way to his car. He drove me back to my house.


“Thank you.” He said as he parked the car in front of the house.


“No worries, I’m just happy you won’t be teasing me after this day.” I was relieved and thankful at the same time just thinking about it.


“Yeah, sure…” he seemed down and quite stressed about something.


“What’s wrong?” he looked at me realizing I was looking at him.


“Nothing, just thinking about something. Anyways, I’ll see you later tonight.” I got confused to what he just said.


“What do you mean, you’ll see me tonight? Haven’t I told you I won’t be there?”


“Oh just so you wait.” I couldn’t take it anymore so I went out of his car and went towards the steps of my door. When I looked behind me he was already speeding off away. I sighed and got the keys of my house.


-2 hours later-


“HAHAHAHA! That guy is so funneh~” I laughed as I sat down on my sofa while watching Family Guy. Later I got a text from him.


‘Be ready.’


And that was all it contained. I stared at it dumbfounded of what he was trying to say. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


“Who could that be?” I reached for the door and opened it. There were people whom I never met before and had make-up kits and other suitcases that were being carried. They looked like some hair dressers.


“How may I help you?”


“Are you ______________? “ one of them asked.


“Yes this is her.” They all nodded to each other and started to barge in my home. “Hey!” I shouted at them.  They started to grab me and push my down the couch. Some of them were messing with my hair and others were touching my face with their make-up tools. “What are you doing?”


“Sorry miss, but this was (insert jerk face’s real name here)’s idea, so please hold still.” They said as they gave me a make-over.


What was he trying to do to me? Oh I swear his going to make some prank on me again and after this, I’m going to look like a clown.


Minutes passed and they were done. I tried look in the mirror but the hair-dresser stopped me. “Not just yet.” I settled back to my seat and pouted. I saw one woman bringing a bag that was for clothes. She hands it to me. “Try this on.”


“What’s this for?” I asked her.

“Just see for yourself.” She said and went back with the others. They were all busy packing some of their stuff so I had no other choice but to go inside my room and try on whatever it is in the bag.


I quickly undressed myself and zipped out the bag. To my surprise it was the blue dress that I was looking at a while ago in the shop with him.


“What the-“I pulled it out and it was really what I thought it would be. My eyes scanned the whole dress.  Did he buy this…for me? I tried on the dress and it fit me perfectly. It hugged my whole body and its ruffles were blooming while I swayed it. I went outside to be met with another woman. She handed me a shoe box which I opened it and gasped. It was a beautiful strappy blue heel that suited the dress I was wearing. I wore it and it fit perfectly. They pushed my gently in front of the mirror. I took at the person staring right back at me. I couldn’t believe on what I was seeing, me, but a better version of myself. The sudden text of my phone broke my thoughts.


“Hope you’re all dressed up, go outside there’s a limo waiting there.”


What was he up to? I bid those people goodbye and went outside. Just like what he just said, there was a long black limo outside.


“Are you Miss _____? “The chauffer asked me.


“Y-yes, that’s me.” I replied to him.


“Get in miss, he has asked me to drive you to your prom.” He said.


Oh so that’s what he’s trying to do. He seriously went with his word, but then I felt rather angry at him that he would spend so much for me than his date. “What a jerk.” I said to myself. I can’t wait to give him a piece of my mind when I meet him there.


The drive was a little quiet since I was all alone but it gave me time to admire the interior of the car. “So this is what it feels like to be famous.” I stared at the twinkly stars by the roof and a basket of champagne by the side of the long sofa.


Soon enough we arrived at the place. Man was it packed! I thanked the chauffer and he nodded. I went straight to the gym and found other people stopping to stare at me. Even those nosy beauties looked at me. I can’t help but to feel really uneasy as I was the center of attention. As I pass by they would glance at me as if not believing I was here or how I was able to look like a girl. The boys gaped at me not minding their dates. “What jerks.” I made my way to the drinks area and ordered a juice. I glanced at the people hoping I could find him.




There he was…..with some girl. I don’t know why but I suddenly got depressed or…maybe……jealous? Oh no, it can’t be. I’m falling in love with that guy? I mentally slapped myself and drank my drink. I made my way to him even though he was chatting with his “date”.


He seemed to sense me and instantly looked at me. “Hey! You’re finally here. Oh yeah,  ________ this is Cassie my sister.”


WAIT! Sister? As in blood related siblings? OH gosh!


“Um, uhh hi nice to meet you, I’m ______.” I shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you too, well I should be going now, I still have to manage this whole thing.” She said and left us both alone.


“So…I see you’re wearing the dress.” He smiled at me.


“Yeah, I mean….wait! Did you pay for this? Because I really can’t live with myself if you’re wasting money just for me.”


“Nah,  it’s alright…I told you I can make you come to prom.” He flashed me was rewarding smile. I haven’t actually noticed but he was wearing the tux that accidentally made me to compliment him.


“Yeah, yeah, but why did you even? It’s not worth it.” I told him. Seriously it’s true, really not worth it. I might have the perfect dress but I don’t have a date….


“We’ll just see about that.” He finally said before the lights dimmed. There was a spotlight by the stage and the principal gave some speech.


“Okay now, we’ll award our Prom King and Queen.” He said earning cheers from the students. “Ok settle down, and now, This Year’s Prom King is . . . . . . . . (insert jerk face’s name here).” He said. Claps and cheers filled the gymnasium. I glanced at him as he accepted the crown.


Now he really looked like a king. Oh my, my heart. Why is it beating so fast when I look at him?


“…and now for This Year’s Prom Queen… is ……….(insert your name here).” The principal finally said which the crowd erupted again with claps and cheers and some disapproving sighs from some of the girls.


Everyone looked at me. I was surprised myself but found my feet walking up to the stage until I felt someone putting the crown on my head.


“Ladies and gentlemen, our Prom King and Queen, they will now have the first dance.” I glanced at him and he just smiled while he offered his hand for me to take. We went down the stage and everyone cleared the center floor.


“I can’t dance.” I confessed to him sheepishly.


“Don’t worry, just follow my lead.” His voice had that firm assurance that everything would be alright.


The music started to play and at first I was getting lost in the dance but minutes later I got the hang of it. Through the whole dance, I was looking at my feet hoping I don’t step and get stepped on while dancing.


“Hey come on, look at me, it’s alright, you’re getting the movement.” He told me as he notices my head down all the time.


I looked at him but soon regretted it. He had the most gorgeous eyes that I’ve ever seen. I actually haven’t noticed it much but now I do because we’re this close as our bodies met with each other. His warmth was very inviting it’s like I just want to cuddle with him and bury my face on his muscular chest.

His scent wasn’t even calming me down. He had everything what my perfect guy could have. He suddenly leans closer to my face until our faces were just centimeters apart, what the hell was he doing, I seemed to debate whether to push him or just stay but then I felt his lips on mine.


He kissed me. He just effing  kissed me……..O.o His eyes were closed but mine wasn’t. I was wide-eyed and surprised. He then starts to cup my neck with his hands as he tried to bring me closer to him. I wanted to scream, push him away and slap his face, but my heart was saying another thing. Oh god. It is true.


I have fallen in love with him.


Soon enough I closed my eyes as I responded to his kiss. It was weird but sweet. But then, I remembered…..


His date.


I pushed him away and he almost stumbled. “I’m sorry I can’t do this.” I said and ran away going to the school’s garden. “Wait, let me explain.” I heard him say as I was outside running.


I can’t believe this. Why was I too stupid? I’m a man stealer but it’s his fault isn’t it? He cheated with his date with me.


Another thing was that, I confirmed it myself that I have feelings for him. OH why?


As I took another step, I felt my body jerk backward and I felt my back crash a hard chest as he encircles his arms around my shoulder. I felt his head rest on my left shoulder as he sighed.


“You didn’t let me explain.” He said.


“You’re right, you didn’t explain. God.” I broke out from his firm grasp and wheeled facing him. “….do you have any idea how confused I am right now? And to think you kissed me back there. Why was that?”


He had this expression which I couldn’t explain. “Do you want to know why I tease you, call you names, and make fun of you?” he asks me.


“Yes.” I replied to him but he suddenly steps forward while I backed away.


“Why I bought you that dress you like back at the shop?” he takes another step forward making me back away again.


“Why I hired those people to fix you back at your home and even hired my chauffer to pick you up?” another step forward from him.


“Why I would bother bringing you home with my car rather than let you take the bus?” I backed away only to have my back against a tree. He brought his 2 arms at the side of my head.  I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, I just stared at his big brown eyes.


“It’s because I love you.” He said as he crashed his lips again unto my lips. The kiss was sweet but here I felt his whole emotions towards me. I felt how he really loved me and I was so happy. We broke the kiss and tried to catch our breath. We looked into each other’s eyes lovingly until I replied to him, “I love you too….” His eyes suddenly showed happiness and joy that he carefully spun me around above the ground. I squealed so much. He carefully sets me down the ground again and hugged me with all his strength but not too much since he doesn’t want me to suffocate. “You don’t know how much you made me happy. I promise you, I am going to be the best boyfriend you’ll ever have. I love you so much (your name).”


Hearing him like this I couldn’t help but to tear up a little. “Then why are you always teasing me and calling me names?” I asked him. It has been bugging me for now. “Because it’s the only way I could hear your voice while talking to me. The first time I saw you, I liked you and I’m really not good with expressing my feelings. So that’s why even though you shout to me or call me names too, I didn’t mind but when I knew you cried, I had to hate myself. I didn’t mean to go that far. That’s why I arranged this whole day for this.” He carefully explained.


“So that I could accept you as my boyfriend?” I asked him.


“…and to make it up to you from all those mean things I’ve said to you. Remember the deal we had? I will never tease you again starting tomorrow? well it’s 1am already, and I don’t break promises. You have my word.”


Just hearing him say that, made me hug him tighter. But then I remembered something again.


“Wait! But how about your date?” I broke away from the hug.


He tucked a strand of my hair. “Don’t you get it? You are my date this whole time?”














to all those having their upcoming proms, like me, make it the best night and have fun with your partner( the good kind of fun ah )


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LOL. even though this story is for whom you decide, it feels as though this was heechul's ff..ahha..:))
sashazulkarnain #2
update <3