// awkward //

a chatroom and other unimportant things

-HomieJC has logged on-
-Woozi has logged on-
-.scoups_of_ice_cream has logged on-
-Boonon has logged on-
-Junniejun has logged on-
-angelbby has logged on-

Woozi: thats awkward 
Boonon: what?
.scoups_of_ice_cream: I see what you mean
Juuniejun: conflict?
angelbby: ...
HomieJC: hey guys (:
Junniejun: minghao told me 
Boonon: what are yall talking about?
angelbby: can we not talk about this right now?
HomieJC: talk about what?
angelbby: nothing...
.scoups_of_ice_cream: well if anyone needs to say anything then right now would be a good time...
Woozi: I agree
HomieJC: um is everything alright?
Junniejun: everything's fine but...
Boonon: what the is going on
HomieJC: I have no clue
Woozi: this is awkward 
angelbby: you guys made it awkward this didn't even need to come up
Junniejun: ... um?
.scoups_of_ice_cream: problems need to be solved Jeonghan just say it
HomieJC: im so confused
Boonon: me too tf
angelbby: I really don't need this right now
-angelbby has logged off-
Woozi: he acts like a teenage girl on her period
.scoups_of_ice_cream: I don't know why he can't say it...
Boonon: can someone tell me what's going on?
Junniejun: um we can't really tell you rn...
Boonon: what why?
.scoups_of_ice_cream: because... of something
HomieJC: whats wrong with Jeonghan?
Junniejun: if only you knew 
Boonon: can someone explain this to me?!
-HomieJC was kicked out of the chat by Woozi-
Woozi: now we could tell him
Junniejun: wouldn't that make jisoo suspicious?
.scoups_of_ice_cream: well basically Jeonghan has been feeling upset lately because him and jisoo haven't been talking much
Boonon: so... that's it...
Woozi: basically 
Boonon: I thought it was something serious that's lame
Junniejun: its a big deal for him since he was close with Jisoo now they hardly talk.
Boonon: um okay then why don't he just talk to him?
Woozi: he's tried many time but he said jisoo will usually just walk off or it'll be awkward
.scoups_of_ice_cream: I mean you know how jisoo is. He is very oblivious and isn't one to go up to someone first and Jeonghan loves attention and jisoo ignores him
Boonon: he needs to get over it 
Junniejun: its not that simple...
Woozi: well I better talk to him
-Woozi has logged off-
.scoups_of_ice_cream: this is getting no where
Junniejun: are they just gonna stay awkward for the rest of their lives?
.scoups_of_ice_cream: if Jeonghan doesn't say anything then maybe
Boonon: they'll get over it
.scoups_of_ice_cream: I hope so...
-Boonon has logged off-
-.scoups_of_ice_cream has logged off-
-Junniejun has logged off-

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Chapter 8: Lmao i'm so ing done with soonseok xD like why do i get the feeling that they might do it in irl xD hahaha
ychen #2
Chapter 9: shacka wacka flacka Lmaooo
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! I laughed so hard I cried hahahahahaha
Chapter 4: this makes me giggle update super soon!!!
Chapter 1: lol this is funny/entertaining so far :))