// wtf //

a chatroom and other unimportant things

-HomieJC has logged on-
-DonkeyKong5_ has logged on-
-NaegaHosh5_ has logged on-
-Bboy8 has logged on-
-_dicaprio has logged on-
-Boonon has logged on-

DonkeyKong5_: at least not everyone is here today.
_dicaprio: imagine all 13 of us talking at once
Bboy8: thats overwhelming 
NaegaHosh5_: why are we even here in the first place?
DonkeyKong5_: I have no idea 
Boonon: because your all losers with no life
HomieJC: um... your here too seungkwan...
Boonon: whatever 
Bboy8: so what are we gonna talk about?
NaegaHosh5_: lets talk about someone
DonkeyKong5_: oh yes, let talk about....
_dicaprio: Seungkwan!
Boonon: tf im right here
_dicaprio: oh I forgot 
NaegaHosh5_: lets talk about Jun
DonkeyKong5_: oh yes Jun
Bboy8: no not Jun! Someone else...
DonkeyKong5_: fine... how about...
HomieJC: me ^_^
Boonon: no hoe not everything is about you.
HomieJC: ;( 
-HomieJC has left the chat-
Boonon: he wasnt important anyways
Bboy8: oh no poor hyung 
Boonon: he'll get over it
NaegaHosh5_: anyways lets talk about coups
DonkeyKong5_: YEAH
_dicaprio: whats wrong with scoups?
DonkeyKong5_: thats debatable 
_dicaprio: I mean like why do yall have a problem with him?
NaegaHosh5_: his face is just there...
Boonon: his whole existence is just there...
_dicaprio: lmao
Bboy8: thats mean
-HomieJC has joined the chat-
HomieJC: hey guys im back
Boonon: great
NaegaHosh5_: no one cares
DonkeyKong5_: back to coups hyung...
NaegaHosh5_: his existence 
DonkeyKong5_: the air that he breaths
Bboy8: idk whats happening rn
NaegaHosh5_: the way he moves his jaw when he yells at us for no reason
_dicaprio: I dont like where this is going...
DonkeyKong5_: that way his lips move when he raps 
Bboy8: um...
HomieJC: ?!
Boonon: can we change the subject ???
NaegaHosh5_: the way his body moves when we dance to rock.
Bboy8: im uncomfortable...
_dicaprio: me too...
DonkeyKong5_: the way his body moved with mine last night ;)
Boonon: what the ?
_dicaprio: im out 
-_dicaprio has left the chat-
Bboy8:  O_O
NaegaHosh5_: LMAO
HomieJC: omg you unpure child let me cure your innocence
DonkeyKong5_: (; (; (; (;
Boonon: your disgusting
-Boonon has left the chat-
Bboy8: Um im gonna go... Bye hyungs...
-Bboy8 has left the chat-
HomieJC: we need to have a special meeting to purify your tainted mind....
-HomieJC has left the chat-
NaegaHosh5_: no one understands our humor
DonkeyKong5_: I wasnt lying...
NaegaHosh5_: ...
DonkeyKong5_: ...
DonkeyKong5_: (;
NaegaHosh5_: (;
-DonkeyKong5_ has logged off-
-NaegaHosh5_ has logged off-


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Chapter 8: Lmao i'm so ing done with soonseok xD like why do i get the feeling that they might do it in irl xD hahaha
ychen #2
Chapter 9: shacka wacka flacka Lmaooo
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD!! I laughed so hard I cried hahahahahaha
Chapter 4: this makes me giggle update super soon!!!
Chapter 1: lol this is funny/entertaining so far :))