Chapter 2

Me, You, and The Android

Mijoo should've known something was definitely not right, if only she didn't underestimate Soojung that much. Now that days had passed and Soojung didn't even bring the issue up nor try to break her into two. Could it be she has secretly added poison into the breakfast? But everyone had also eaten the same sandwiches Soojung made, and nobody die.

So Mijoo was resolved that Soojung probably had gotten over it. After all it was just Lee Soojung, Lee Soojung that she could harass on daily basis, the last person everyone would think could have something up her sleeve. Mijoo then continued with her life at ease. She was now at cafetaria waiting for her friend, slightly excited as earlier that day Seulgi had promised would introduce someone 'hot and gorgeous' to her.

Out of reasons Mijoo chose her current business management major - that had highest female students population among all majors in the college - to flirt with cute girls was top priority. While to study and fulfill her parents hope in her to inherit family business, was last on the list. Life's a game with no restart button available, so why not enjoy all the fun while it last, free and with no consequency, before step into more serious stages later when she's older?

"Mijoo!" Throngs of students just poured in to the room and Mijoo found the source of voice calling her name between them. Seulgi walked towards her with another girl in tow. Light brown hair, a bit shorter than Seulgi but pretty much average height, alluring eyes, wow Seulgi didn't lie about the gorgeous part!

They settled down next to Mijoo. "This is my classmate, Bae Joohyun."

"Just Irene will do."

They started with a friendly handshake, then small talks about each other's backgrounds, everything seemed to be going smooth so far. Until a sound of heavy breath and groans seized their attentions. Not only because the lewd noise in ascending volume that would send everyone who hear it to shiver, but also it was something that horrifyingly sounded like Mijoo yah.. Faster..

Most people usually would realize right away, but it took awhile for Mijoo to figure out that it was, with no doubt, a ringtone. Presumably fabricated from some adult movies with additional recording of someone's voice that had been altered calling out her name.

She bolted up to her feet in panic. It's not in my jeans pockets, where the hell?! Then proceeded sprawling the whole contents of her bag over the table. No sign of phone. The culprit who had planted that goddamn ringtone most likely also set the vibration function off so it would be hard to find the device - Mijoo also mentally took note to organize her schoolbag soon.

I'm close.. Mijoo yah..

When Mijoo finally located her phone, buried deep inside stationary pouch she never touched during class, she couldn't recognize the caller's number. But her mind trailed back to last night when a certain woman asked to borrow Little Sujeong's Mac along with set of mic and headphone, and to some weeks ago that person had told, "We learned a bit about recording and sound mixing, Seunghee knows many things because she did it several times in the past, after won singing competition."

To think about how did that suspect managed to steal her phone and change her incoming calls ringtone, how the did she manage to get this evil, twisted, so-not-lee-soojung idea, could wait for next. The main problem right now was to clarify everything to Seulgi and Joohyun; their faces torn between half terror and half distaste.

"It's just some sick joke! It's not me I definitely would never record anything while doing someone!" Unfortunately, her own shattered brain had unconsciously made her explain the case louder than necessary, loud enough to grab the entire cafetaria's attention. "Oh Lord.."

Mijoo excused herself soon after. Later at the night, she found '10 Best Way to Prank People With Cellphones' on Google Chrome browsing history in Sujeong's computer.

She forbid Sujeong to let anyone, especially Lee Soojung, borrow her computer ever again.


Say hi to Seulgi and Baechu! :D

I'll be back soon with next chapter (^_^)

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kimbapbaptonight #1
Chapter 4: oh my god! this is the cutest thing i swear. idk if someone else has said it before but your characterization of souljoo is perfect.
and please don't think your stories are boring they're one of the best imo. i'm all for more souljoo but if you decide to write other pairings i'm pretty sure i'd still love it :)
p/s: i know you don't take requests so i'm just throwing this out there but if you could write a lovelyz assassin au (or anything thriller/crime related) i'll be your biggest fan /winks/
Chapter 4: I love how the story went and hskfkahf SeulRene is my crack ship in RV!!

I've always shipped Mijoo and BabySoul after watching LovelyZ's Diary! Their relationship is adorable and just dkakfkahflshf I cannot- Mijoo is so frigging sweet and intellegent doing these to BabySoul.

I love the story. I'm going to skim over your stories to read it.
Chapter 4: Awwwwwww Mijoo so sweeet~~~~ And I really love this part:
"What do you think of Lee Mijoo?"
"She is an idiot! A five-years-shameless-idiot-giant-child!"
"Aww.. You're mean."
"And I love her. So, so much." Always, Soojung doesn't need to look to know that Mijoo is smiling now.
Soojung is just as sweet as well I'm in love with them again and again ♡♡_♡♡
I cannot with the proposal, Mijoo is just so sweet!! And Seulgi and Joohyun and Jiae and Bbangdeok ♡♡♡
You should totally write SoulJoo again (as a deprived shipper like me) and you may add other Lovelyz's pairings in your story like maybe KeiSoo/2Ji (your preference), or KeiJeong/YeJeong or YeJin/YeJi ♡
Chapter 3: Mijoo is always so sweet in the end, making me wondering who's my main bias again~
Chapter 2: Ahahaha SoulJoo's antics never failed to make me laugh ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hyun Seunghee, Seulgi and Irene are here wow~
I really love this and curiously anticipating for next update! The pranks were just too hilarious ㅎㅎㅎ