Ch. 2 Kagamin Rin


    Rin woke up just as the room was finishing becoming solid.
    She yawned and stretched her stiff arms.  As she jumped off her charging station, she noticed something was different about her room.  In the corner, where she usually kept her virtual pet hamster, Pekoe, (or her cage when they were solid) sat a squat, ugly machine.  It was a gray thing, with only one skinny little screen.  Not typical technology in the compound.
    Rin approached the machine warily, wondering if it was a bomb.  She didn’t know what a bomb did exactly, but she knew they were dangerous.
    As she got closer to the thing, it seemed to awake.  One moment it was still, then suddenly it was whirring to life.  Rin stretched out a trembling hand to touch it.
    As soon as her fingers brushed the surface of the machine, the machine opened a hole in the middle of it surface, and Rin was inside.  The hole closed again, and Rin was trapped.  The screen on the machine read; DECODING.
. . .
Rin slowly regained consciousness.  She began to move, and found herself enclosed, she remembered what had happened.  She was trapped.  Probably decoding.  She would be terminated.
    As Rin realized this, she found that she understood the implications of this; she would die.  Death.  That was something she had never considered.  Vocaloids didn’t die.  Humans died.  Rin had never had to consider the possibility that one day she might be gone.
    Rin would have sobbed, or tried to escape, but she felt strangely calm.  She knew what was going to happen.  There was nothing she could do.  She might as well accept it.
    Just as the thought had finished forming in Rin’s mind, her prison expanded. 
    The vocaloid blinked in wonder at the sudden light.
She now stood in a grassy meadow, with trees shading a babbling brook winding about the hills surrounding the clearing.
    She was outside.  Rin had never been outside.
    A bird flew overhead, and Rin stared in amazement.  What was this program that could soar through the air?
    Suddenly Rin felt a surge of hatred for this thing.  Who was it to come soaring through her air like it owned the place?  The little imbecile needed to be taught a lesson.
    Rin chased the bird until it flew so high she couldn’t see it.
    “Fine!”  she shouted after it.  “You are imperfect anyway.  If I killed you, my hands would get dirty.  Filthy, little scum-pond mistake.”
    Rin collapsed underneath the trees, tired after running.
    Running was undignified.
    She, Rilienne, had run?  Impossible.  Only that fool girl, Rin, the mistake, would run.  A princess did not run, ever.
    Of course!  Rin was gone.  She had been Rin.  Rin had been corrected.  Rin had had friends.  They would need to be corrected as well.
    The girl who wore Rin’s face slowly stood up and smiled.  Rilienne d’Lucifen had a mission.
    Without warning, everything became black once more, and Rilienne lost consciousness.


Sorry that it's so short, but that's all in this chapter.  And for those who don't know, Rilienne is the name of the daughter of evil, only spelled different.

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heytherebud343 #1
And you spelled Kagamine wrong...just correcting! ^^
heytherebud343 #2
Nice story! Better than mine anyways...=_=<br />
Keep up the good work! ^^