Dahyun's Question ....

be my baby

at im nayeons house...

at im nayeons bed....


at im nayeons dream........

"no stop....." nayeon said as she was running away from the students that were bullying her 

"run as fast as you can" the students replied in unison while following her

nayeon was about to escape into the small hole when she tripped and saw dahyun in front of her  "teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the alarm clock said 

as nayeon woke up ... "weird dream" nayeon thought as she got up and fixed her bed



A the field ...

"yah  , why did you do that?"  jihyo asked looking at nayeon while they were walking towards their next class

"do what?" nayeon asked

"this"  jihyo replied as she stomp her foot on the ground

"ah that, its because she is RUDE" nayeon replied annoyed 

"i cant believe i would meet a person with that attitude gosh..." nayeon continued to say

" but do you know whose feet you stomp on?" jihyo asked worriedly

"kim dahyun? you know , you already told me that earlier.." nayeon replied

"but did you know that" jihyo said as she was cutt of by nayeon

" she made a girl quit school, yes you also told me that earlier, and i will tell you something i'm not afraid of her , if youre thinking about a n f4 scenario i think you should stop wathcing seriesssss, this is real life best" nayeon said cutting jihyo off

"i know but " jihyo said but then was cut off by nayeon

"shhh we are here" nayeon said as they went in their first class 

end of flashback


back at nayeons house .....

"even though i said that i dreamt of the opposite"  nayeon said as she went down  and was surprised

"good morning honey" nayeon's parents said in unison as soon as they saw nayeon going down the stairs

"mom, dad , what is this?" nayeon replied as soon as she saw plenty of her favorite food served on the table

"well, since you';re officially a university student , we want to congratulate you  and to cheer you up" nayeons mom replied 

"wow thanks mom and dad" nayeon said hugging her parents 

"cheer up unnie , youre one step closer to your dream " jae woo said while taking a bite of the food

"yah, your unnie hasent even eaten yet"  mr. im said playfully hiting jae won

"haha, its okay dad"  nayeon replied as she took a bite of her food as well

after a few minutes...

"i'll be going now .. thanks for the food" nayeon said 

"unnie fighting " jaewon replied

"fighting" nayeon replied smiling


on the street going to nayeons school

"yeah thats right , im a scholar, there is no way she could fire me right and besides i wouldnt back down im not afraid" nayeon thought as her phone rang 

"where is it?" nayeon asked looking through her bag searching for her phone while walking and didnt notice she passed over the caution sign (which is used  in construction site)

"found it " nayeon said as she answered the phone and heard someone shouted "LOOK OUT" when nayeon looked for the voice that shouted but saw a falling brick falling towards her direction instead 

"ahh" nayeon said as she felt someone pulled her/ saved her 

"are you alright" tzuyu asked catching her breathe

"yeah" nayeon replied blushing since she realize tzuyu is hugging her once again 

"thanks " nayeon continued to say as they break the hug 

"yourre welcome " tzuyu replied as she started laughing leaving nayein confused

"im sorry, its just that i had realize its the second time i save you" tzuyu said trying to stop laughing

"yes, thank you and im sorry"  nayeon replied shyly

"yah, you dont have to apologize, you're going to school right?" tzuyu asked

"yes" nayeon replied shyly

"come lets go together , who knows what might happen to you again" tzuyu said slightly teasing nayeon

"yah" nayepn replied 

"just kidding " tzuyu said laughing once again 

"shes cute, and tall" nayeon thought looking at tzuyu who was slightly in front of her  while they are walking

after a few mimutes

"we are here :) " tzuyu said as soon as they arrived in the entrance of the university

"ah yes, thanks nayeon replied looking at the entrance of the university

"you re welcome, " tzuyu said smiling looking at nayeon

"waaa im gonna be late see you soon" tzuyu said as she bid goodbye to nayeon

"yeah" nayeon replied blushing


at the classroom....

"nayeon ah, are you alright?" jihyo asked as soon as she saw nayeon enter the classroom and hug her

"yah, you are the reason why i almost died twice"  nayeon replied

"thats a mean comment , did you know i was worried when you screamed in the phone?"  jihyo said 

"well, if you didnt call i wouldnt screamed, but its okay" nayeon replied as she remembered how tzuyu saved her

"what do you mean did something happened? did dahyuns minions attack you" jihyo asked curiously

"minions? i told you to stop watching wierd stuffs" nayeon replied as soon as their teacher enterd the room

after class hours......

"are you sure you wouldnt come with us?" jihyo asked looking at nayeon

"no, i have to do some stuff , i'll join you guys next time " nayeon said 

"okay, just take care and text me alright best?" jihyo said as she bid nayeon goodbye

"yeah, enjoy" nayeon replied as she went to the bus stop


at the bus stop....

"are you im nayeon?" an big tall guy asked nayeon

"yes why?" nayeon replied as a white handerchief was placed on and she fainted

while the guys carried her towards the car 

after a few minutes  at an unknown place  for nayeon......

"where am i , what happened?" nayeon asked as soon as she waked up

"finally you're awake.." a voice replied

"you??"  nayeon replied  shocked 

"yes, me" dahyun replied smiling

"what are you going to do with me? where am i ?" nayeon asked scared

" i'm going to make you pay" dahyun replied


oh no what is dahyun going to do with nayeon?

find out soon 

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Chapter 30: Chapter 30: This was really good I really enjoyed it
Chapter 28: Kabitin
Chapter 27: Yes dahyun don't leave them hanging
Wivern #4
Chapter 26: I guess she passed her mom's test. 😢
Next is how to overturn what's been forced unto them.
Chapter 26: No dahyun, don't let them leave like that.
Ch-___- #6
Chapter 25: Really nice story. Hope you update it soon :)
Chapter 25: Omg poor dahyun. Hopefully they can save dahyun
Chapter 24: Aw dayeon date was cute! Omg I hope dahyun is okay. Who are those guys? Tysm for updating ❤️
Chapter 23: Okay so Mina just came to tell her the truth. Good thing they talked it out. Nayeon really want to date dahyun? Tysm for updating
Wivern #10
Chapter 23: Closure with Mina. Check.
Date Nay. So, what do you say Dubu?