Before anything else I just want to say that the senarios in this fic is not based on the real things that happened in SEVENTEEN, but some of it really does and majority of it are only part of my imagination (blame my mind for playing tricks on me XD). So if someone asked that "did this things actually happened?" well no it's not. Haha XD

By the way, thank you for the readers who subsribed early even though I really didn't added a single chapter when I published this. Thanks for the support ^ ^ And I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter ;) 






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                When Mingyu first met Wonwoo was the time that he’s applying as one of the talent of Pledis Entertainment, hoping to have a chance towards the promising k-pop world. The first impression was not that good because he thought Wonwoo is such a cold- distant person. The way his eyes always cut his flesh when he avoided his gaze to the tan man or the way he sit at the very corner of the room and how his deep voice always scare the hell out of him.

Mingyu thought if ever he gets lucky to be given a break as one of the members in the debuting boy group of Pledis, the member that he doesn’t want to get included is Wonwoo.

When Wonwoo first met Mingyu is when he’s finally accepted as one of the trainees of Pledis entertainment. He didn’t even notice the presence of the young man during their audition. His first impression towards the tan boy is not that good because he thought Mingyu is such a feeling close lad and he’s talkative and sociable, someone that Wonwoo doesn’t want to hang out with.

Wonwoo thought if ever he gets lucky to be given a break as one of the members in the debuting boy group of Pledis, the member that he doesn’t want to get included is Mingyu.

To summarize all of it, they clearly hate each other and doesn’t want to end up in the same group as idols.

But their hatred and discomfort towards each other lately becomes their building blocks to form a tremendous partnership. Never did they thought that they will end up talking to each other, having endless interesting conversation neither seeing each other a one of their greatest companion and friend.

They labeled each other opposite from what they really are.

And that’s how they become close.

That’s how their relationship develops.

But little did they know that their relationship even develops to a more different affection.





Seungkwan throw his diva expression as he stared at Wonwoo and Mingyu who’s siting in the opposite side of the practice room while the members are fooling between them, not aware of the atmosphere the two has around them.

But Seungkwan is not numb nor stupid to not even realize the reason behind it. And the reason itself is making him pissed. They look like high school students having their first crush and acting so shy and cautious to each other’s presence.

Having a fairytale like relationship is not Seungkwan’s style and those two are just killing him. He groan when he saw Wonwoo secretly stealing a glance at Mingyu and Mingyu who caught him that’s why he suddenly avoided his gaze.

He take his water bottle and sip it in one shot. “I need to do something.” He said to himself that made Minghao giving him a confuse face before going back to his conversation with Jun.

Since Seungkwan is bored right now, he decided, why not try making fun of this beautiful creatures in front of him, besides he gets pissed when those to earn more attention than him. Diva Boo is being activated again.

He smiled devilishly that turned into evil laugh. Once again Minghao looked at him suspiciously.





Mingyu is walking with Hoshi back to their dorm when he noticed that the younger is rather spacing out. He also noticed that he’s been like this since last week. “Mingyu-ah, is there something wrong?” He asked as he try to place his arm to his shoulder but Mingyu is too tall so he gave up.

Seungkwan in the other hand who’s walking behind them decided to walk forward so he can be near enough to hear what could the possible reason of Mingyu’s distraction.

Mingyu sighed. “I’m just confuse hyung.”

“Confuse on what?”

Mingyu lift his head to see the raven haired boy that caused him to be like this talking happily to their Jeonghan hyung.

He wants to tell Hoshi that it’s because of Wonwoo, but Mingyu doesn’t want to concentrate on the issue because that might affect their great team work. Mingyu sighed again.

“I don’t know if I should eat the meat or not.” He said.

Hoshi laughed as he pat the younger’s back. “What’s with that? You’re just hungry Mingyu-ah. Don’t worry, when we arrive at our dorm we will order the favorite meat you like.”

Mingyu seemed to lighten up a bit after hearing the word eat and meat. He looked at his hyung and smiled at him. “Thanks hyung.”

The moment Mingyu gave Hoshi his smile, that’s the time when Wonwoo steal a glance to him, and what a coincident, seeing the person who’s making his emotion a roller coaster ride smiling at the blonde male beside him. Wonwoo but his lip a little as he turn his head to where they are going. Distress, evident in his face.

Seungkwan who’s secretly spying the two saw their expression and read it too well. He smirk devilishly as a plan form in his head. He clapped his hand as he wave his fingers like it’s itchy. Minghao who saw it gulped.

He thought maybe something is wrong with Seungkwan so he hurriedly run towards his Sungcheol hyung.





It’s been two weeks since the dynamic Seventeen decided to play a ‘TOUCH THAT’ game while they are waiting for their manager hyung in the lobby of their company to pick them up.

The rule of the game is who is the first one to touch the given body part of his opponent will win. It starts like their normal game but when it’s time for Wonwoo and Mingyu’s term, things starts to get heated.

Sungcheol was the one who gave the body part. He said the one who touch the nape of his opponent will win. And being a competitive the two are they battle with all their might until Wonwoo stretched his arms too long that he lost his balance, making him fall to Mingyu’s body.

 The two fell in to the floor, making Wonwoo on top of Mingyu and their faces too close that they ghostly felt each other’s lips. Their members behind them didn’t see the lip touching accident because Wonwoo’s head is blocking Mingyu’s face, unaware of the embarrassing that happened, they helped Wonwoo get up while they teasing the two on being too serious for a game.

That’s the start where Mingyu and Wonwoo felt something. When their lips touched it feels like electricity flow throughout their body, but what puzzled them most is the hunger of wanting to feel those lips to theirs again.

“Hyung.” Seungkwan called Wonwoo who’s staying in their little balcony alone.

“Do you need something?” Wonwoo asked, turning around and resting his elbow to the railings.

Seungkwan smiled proudly as he invade the space next to Wonwoo. “Actually, you’re the one who needs me hyung.”

Wonwoo furrowed his brow as he turn around again to face Seungkwan properly. “What?” He asked.

“You’re bothered by something right?” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry let me rephrase it. You’re bothered by someone~”

Wonwoo’s small eyes widened after hearing the assumption of the younger. How the hell did Seungkwan come up with a theory like that? Is he being too obvious?

“Come on hyung. I’m not a stranger. We’ve been living together since I migrated here.”

Seungkwan has a point. He is not just some stranger. He is a family and a good friend. But is it really fine to say something to him that’s too personal? It’s not like he don’t trust Seungkwan, it’s just that, the younger is a little bit talkative for his own good.

Seungkwan can see the hesitation in his hyung’s eyes and with a wrong choice of words, the fun that he is anticipating to happen will never turn to reality. “Hyung. Look. I’m just worried about you. You’ve been sad this past few days and I can’t help but to get worried. Please tell me what’s wrong and I’ll do anything just to help you sort it out.”

If those words don’t work out with his hyung then Seungkwan has another back-up, that is to make things more dramatic but let’s just wait if his first attempt reached Wonwoo.

After hearing how Seungkwan was worried about him, Wonwoo’s heart felt warm. It is true that he’s been down for days now and only Seungkwan asked if he’s alright or if he’s going through something. Maybe the younger really does want to comfort him.

“Sorry for making you worry Seungkwan-ah.”

Seungkwan is smirking in his mind but outside he is showing a sympathy look towards his hyung. “It’s fine hyung, so please tell me of something is wrong.”

Wonwoo sighed. “I’m confuse.” He started.

“Confuse? Confuse on what?”

“About my own emotions and feelings.”

Seungkwan crossed his arms to his chest. “Why is that?”

“I don’t know. I just.” He turned around and lean his back to the metal railings as he trail his eyes to the starry night. “I don’t know what I am feeling. I don’t know if this is love or it’s just an infatuation.”

“So you do like Mingyu-mhp!” Before Seungkwan can finish his sentence Wonwoo blocked his mouth with his big hands.

“Yah! Don’t just blurt out things! Someone might hear you.” Wonwoo protest.

Seungkwan nodded and put Wonwoo’s hands away from his mouth. “So it’s true. You feel something for Mingyu hyung.”

Wonwoo blushed, he wants the ground to eat him alive, this is so embarrassing. “Please don’t tell it to anyone.”

Seungkwan placed his hands to Wonwoo’s shoulders. “You can count on me hyung.”

Wonwoo smiled reassuringly. “Thanks Seungkwan ah.”

Seungkwan retreated his hands to Wonwoo’s shoulders because the lad is too tall for his own good and his arms is starting to feel numb since the blood circulation is uneven.

But now that he gain Wonwoo’s trust, it’s time to proceed to his second plan.

“So you’re basically saying that you’re not sure if you love Mingyu hyung or it’s just a simple infatuation?”

Wonwoo nodded. “I want to make sure before I confess.”

Seungkwan’s eyes almost popped out when he heard about confessing but his surprised expression died down and was replaced by a smirk. He never thought that things will turn out this interesting.

Seungkwan lean forward to Wonwoo as if he doesn’t want someone to hear the next words he’s about to blurt out. “Hyung, if you're not sure. Then I'll help you how to figure it out. Do you know that there are 10 signs to identify if you're falling in love to someone?”

Wonwoo backed off. Surprised about the information Seungkwan revealed. “Jinjja?”


“Then what is it?”

Seungkwan froze suddenly. He’s not prepared though. He only said those things impulsively. “A-uhmmm.” He suddenly laugh. “W-well.. .let’s cut this for now. But I promise you that I will tell the rest tomorrow.”

Wonwoo sighed. “Just tell it now.”

“Now now hyung. Don’t be too greedy. Let’s just call it a night and continue tomorrow. Neh?”


After convincing his hyung he went back inside and run straight to their shared room.

“I need to search for it!!” He said as he grab his phone and open google chrome.


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That's all. See you in the next chapters ;)


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DinaJung #1
Chapter 2: cupid boo seungkwan~ ♥
Chapter 2: yass! my TOP rocks!! :D
Chapter 2: yass! my TOP rocks!! :D
Chapter 2: yass! my TOP rocks!! :D
b2tyowl1311 #5
Chapter 2: I in love with diva boo every seconds~~ but he too fabulous to be with potato like me
hikaruXmeanie #7
Chapter 1: Cupid Boo~ and I think I know which video you are talking about, it was such a cute vid. Also keep up the good work, the first chapter is already sooo~ cute, can't wait for the next one!
Chapter 1: OMG DIVA BOO YAAAASSS BE THE CUPID FOR MEANIE !! Really interesting, not gonna lie and omg I can honestly imagine Seungkwan laughing at Meanie right now huehuehue MINGHAO IS SO ME THOOOOO

Anticipating the next chap ㅎㆍㅎ