
Mixtape and Birthday Party

It is times like this where Min Yoongi does not know what to do with his life

Today might have been one of the days where he may or may not have regretted leaving the comforts of his cosy bedroom to meet with his label mate/best friend Kim Namjoon at the recording studio, claiming that he could not find the mixtape which he had recorded yesterday and kindda freaking out as he had made that mixtape for his soulmate Kim Taehyung’s Birthday tomorrow

Yoongi grudgingly headed out the door after grabbing his car keys, but without forgetting to let out a stream of cusses as to how thankful Namjoon is to have a friend like him, and also of how much of a careless oaf he is.

You see Yoongi and Namjoon had met each other in college, and instantly clicked when they found out that they both shared and interest in rapping and that they were both active underground. They had both agreed on renting out a small room together where they quickly transformed it into their own personal studio.


Before he knew it, he had reached the studio.

As he opened the door to the studio, he just stared dumbfounded as the scene he witnessed before him. On the ground was a frantic Namjoon, rummaging through all the scattered papers on the floor.


Yoongi didn’t mean to lash out like that, but seeing as the state of the studio looked like a tornado had swept through, but the moment those words left his mouth, and a teary eyed Namjoon looked up at him, he felt a wave a guilt wash over him.

“I’m sorry” stuttered Namjoon “I didn’t mean to mess this place up, I just can’t seem to find it”

“It should be somewhere around, we will find it”. Yoongi let out a deep sign as he too knelt to pick up the scattered papers around in search of the missing CD that Yoongi clearly remembered that Namjoon had placed on top the recoding table just the night before after they had finished off the last minute touches of his mixtape which he was going to give to Taehyung


After about 20 minutes of Yoongi just clearing up the papers, the CD seemed to have been buried under all those papers Namjoon had tossed onto the floor.

“Argh, Namjoon! I told you to be careful, but you just hand to scatter all the papers around!” Sign Yoongi frustrated as he waved the CD in front of Namjoon’s face   

“OMG!” Namjoon screamed and jumped up and enveloped Yoongi into a bone crushing hug screaming a line of, ‘Thank you Hyung, OMG you are my life saviour, I love you, I love you”

Just as Yoongi was going to push the over-reacting Namjoon away, a familiar voice was heard at the door

“I though you only love me hyung~~” whined Taehyung as he went over to his soulmate.

Namjoon quickly tried to hide the CD away from Taehyung, bewildered by his sudden appearance.

“You know I only love you right Taehyungie” Namjoon awkwardly chuckled as he hid the CD under the stack of paper, at the same time stumbling and knocking over another bunch of papers, sending them scattering to the floor.

Yoongi just signed, as Taehyung raised a questioning eyebrow at his soulmate and he moved to where Namjoon had hidden the CD “What was that?’   Namjoon quickly dragged him away, as he realised Taehyung approaching him to see what he had hidden away from him, out of the studio and away from Yoongi as he shouted a quick “Hyung could you clean that up for me please”

“Aish this kid!” Yoongi will never understand his friend or wait scratch that, he does not even want to know.

Yoongi will never understand what it is like when you have a soulmate, and he has starting to think that he was a blank, one who is born without a soulmate, and has kindda accepted that fact and has long given up looking.

With that he continued cleaning up the studio, making a mental note to kill Namjoon the next time he see’s him, that brat!


After all that happened yesterday, Yoongi still does not understand why he agreed to attend the party that Namjoon had put together for Taehyung’s birthday. Yoongi was never the type to attend parties, choosing the comfort of his bedroom and being alone then to be outside socialising. But something just made him agree to his best friend.

So this is how he finds himself in his car driving over to the address Namjoon had given him, where the party was being held. The location was a good solid one-hour drive from where Yoongi lives, and he had to admit that he was a little late, considering he had received a few messages from Namjoon wanting to know of his whereabouts


The moment Yoongi pulled up at the location, he was met with a huge beach house, and immediately was hit with the smell of booze and loud music. And from that moment Yoongi new he would not be enjoying his night…or so he though

He walked through the doors, and was met with many people dancing around with alcohol in hand and sweating. This was one of the reasons Yoongi never liked parties, sweaty bodies everywhere leaving you to smell awful at the end of the day, if you were not intoxicated or passed out.

As he made his way through the crowd of sweaty bodies, he was met with non other than his precious friend Kim Namjoon

“You made it!” slurred Namjoon, as he tried to hug Yoongi

“Um yeah…” Yoongi said, as he tried to pry his half drunk friend of him. “Where’s Taehyung?” he asked, as he tried to scan the area for that alien

“He should be somewhere near the kitchen, that was where I last saw him” Namjoon said as he pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

And with that he headed in the direction of the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen, he spotted Taehyung in the very corner talking to someone whom he had not seen before.

“Hey Taehyung, Happy Birthday, and nice party you have going on here.” Yoongi greeted as he walked towards him

“Oh Yoongi Hyung! You made it!” Taehyung exclaimed as he turned around to meet with Yoongi, “Hyung meet my friend here Jimin!” he said as he pointed to the boy he was talking to beside him

“Hello My name is Park Ji—“ The moment their eyes met, it was something clicked between them and Yoongi just knew, some how that this boy standing in front of him saw destined to be with him

“You’re my soulmate” stuttered the boy, and the moment Yoongi felt the burn on his wrist, he knew that that beautiful boy with the orange hair was his soulmate.

“You’re beautiful”

And that was the biggest Yoongi had ever smile, in a very very long time, bringing a very flustered and blushing Jimin into his embrace

The two boys spent the rest of the night sitting in each others arms just soaking in every single detail about each other, from Yoongi’s gummy smile, to the way Jimin’s eyes formed crescents when he smiles. And they could not have been happier finding each other.


“Looks like Yoongi hyung finally found his soulmate huh” grinned Namjoon as he watched Yoongi and his new found soulmate walk out of the doors hand in hand

“Yeah after like forever” laughed Taehyung, as he looked up to his soulmate

“Why don’t we ditch as well, I’ve still got one more thing to give to you” Namjoon mischievously smirked down to his soulmate before grabbing him and dragging him upstairs to the bed room.



Hey guys, sorry if it is not that nice but it is my first time writing a Soulmate au, and it may not be the best but haha I started writing it at like 12 am in the morning after getting an idea of writng some thing related to soulmates hehehe~~~

And also sorry if there is any mistakes I'm in the midst of editing any mistakes

Love, Arrianne~~~

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Chapter 1: so cute and nice :) i love it ^^