Ice Queen

Noona, Please notice me
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 A few weeks past by and Irene has not changed one bit. The only person who has actually been close enough to see Irene's personality was none other than that weird bear who managed to break the barrier of shyness. Though it's always Seulgi who initiates any sort of conversations with Irene, she doesn't seem to mind. They both have somewhat of a system going on, Seulgi talks and Irene listens.

But recently Irene hasn't been giving Seulgi the kind of attention she normally gives. 

It's lunch time now and Seulgi and Irene sit by a tree near the school. They both sit as they watch their classmates playing rather than eating.

"And so i was like, 'girl that outfit is a catastrophe by itself go change' and they gasp and leave while strutting. Can you believe i have a brother like that ha."

Irene stays quiet not showing any sort of emotion.

"Yah, Baechu are you even listening?" (Baechu was the nickname Seulgi made because she thought 'Irene' was too mainstream *insert eye roll*).

Seulgi screams by Irene's ear causing the petite girl to give a squeal gaining the attention of people around them. That definitely got her out of her trance.

"Yah what the heck was that for?"

"You weren't listening so I thought it was necessary."

"In what way is that ever necessary."

"When your friend looks soulless so you gotta make sure she's still alive."

"I admire the thought thanks"

"You are very much welcome"

-_- (Irene)

Seulgi ignores the look Irene gave her as she munches on the snack her mom made for her.

"By the way what's wrong"

Irene is taken aback because she didn't expect that kind of question.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not yourself today, i doubt you were even listening to my story."

"Hey i was listening to you though."

"Oh yeah? What did i talk about?"

"Umm you talked about a.... cat.. trophe...?"




After the short silence Seulgi smacks the side of Irene's head. 

"See? I told you there's something wrong with you. And i demand to know."

Though Seulgi tends to talk about herself a lot, she still does care about Irene no matter what the situation is and Irene is slightly thankful for that.

"Umm well..."

"Yes tell me.."

"It's about my mom."

"Oh? is she alright?"

"Um yeah ofcourse she is it's just that i worry about her sometimes, you know haha"

"Well I'm sure there's a reason why you're worried. So what is it?"

Irene notices that Seulgi tends to be very straightforward for her own good, but at the same time Irene can feel the worriedness in her voice so she doesn't mind. If anything she's glad to have someone like her.

"Fine. promise you won't tell?"


"No, you gotta pinky promise with me"

"Umm what?"

"Do it."

"Umm fine. I swear sometimes you're weirder than me, and that's saying something."

"Ok well... My mom's sick."

"Sick as in the flu or something worse?"

"Something worse.. she has leukemia.."

Seulgi's eyes soften as she puts a hand on Irene's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry.. is that why you moved to Korea?"

"We moved because the doctors didn't expect her to survive so they told us to go to Korea so my mom can be closer to family before... well you know the rest i guess."

"Sorry, hey but what about your father?"

Irene turns her head at the mention of father bringing in bad memories.

"I'd rather not talk about him."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Hahaha what are you sorry about? You didn't cause anything to happen."

"Well yeah but still. Here i am enjoying food made by my mom while you're over here suffering. I find it unfair."

Irene brings her legs up to her head as her eyes harden losing the softness it once had.

"Yeah i guess life is kinda unfair like that huh."

There's silence for a few minutes, but it's not the awkward kind of silence. It's the one where silence is sometimes the only way to make things seem better. The silence was ruined as a teacher approaches them.

"Bae Juhyun?"

Irene stares up at the teacher infront of her as she raises her hands.

"You need to go to the hospital, I don't know how to say this but, your mother is on the verge of dying and she demands to see you."

At that point you could hear Irene's heart break as she listens to those words.


Seulgi instantly looks towards Irene to watch carefully her reaction.

"You need to come with me please"


Irene looks towards Seulgi making sure she's not in a nightmare. But judging how Seulgi's eyes seem to have lost the glimmer it had a few minutes ago she realizes this is reality. The sad truth? Irene saw this coming yet she still continues to think of it as a dream.

During the car ride toward the hospital, Irene coninuously preps herself for what's to come. She prays this is a dream and that she'll wake up soon, but the sad thought that that will never happen crushes her even more. She didn't expect to lose her so soon. The car ride wasn't nearly as dreadful as walking through the hospital halls towards the room that will soon be filled with crying.

Irene stands infront of the room where she can distinctively hear the sounds of her grandmother crying. Knowing she has to be strong for her Grandma she tells herself not to cry. Almost a mission impossible. 

After taking a deep breathe she walks in, and the first thing she thinks of is death. the hospital room is dull looking itself, the only thing that had any color were the orchids on the table by the bed.


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revelarmyl #1
Chapter 4: Omg this is sooooo good I LOVE ITALREAdY update soon okay authonim aites I love your masterpiece !! XOXO and I also love chandara hehe
ohyeeeah #3
Chapter 3: Irene and Seulgi nooo </3

V, you stalker. Guide my baechu well. Hihi

Update soon author :)
yay an update : D
seulgi is so me in the morning xD
noo seulgi and irene's friendship > n < i hpe they are back together soon
omg yes tae and joohyun finally met xD
update soon~! i miss vrene lately
Kati_Park_61 #5
Chapter 3: I didn't expect the Chandara omg *u* so cuteeee <3
Chapter 3: Nice chapter. Glad that Irene and V finally met :D
Fighting and update soon!! <3
Kati_Park_61 #7
Chapter 2: Hello! new subscriber here ^^ What can I say? The plot is going fine, the caracters are also good, yeah, there are few typos, but it's bearable, the only one thing that I can't..agh..pass.. the use of the "neh", "chinja", "umma".. we know the story is happening in Korea, but that can make less serious your work, I hope I'm not being rude or too harsh, and also sorry for my poor english xD keep working hard, author!!~ I will wait for your updates ^^
Chapter 2: Update soon!
hunhanbaekyeon #9
Chapter 2: im so gonna wait for your update! update soon~~
hunhanbaekyeon #10
Chapter 2: im so gonna wait for your update! update soon~~