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They don't know about us
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Hi this is the writer I haven't thaught if I should make this into a one shot or not but at the end of this chapter do tell me what you think if I should continue. Do enjoy this chapter and remember do prepare some tissues. As much as I hate character deaths I still wrote it omg, I'm so sorry 


" What would you do if I dissapeared?" 

" What do you mean ?" 

" Nevermind it's nothing " 

From that day onwards I was starting to feel that Taehyung has been acting strange but I pushed it aside trusting that my boyfriend was fine, but I was so wrong standing at his grave with KIM TAEHYUNG  encraved on the grey stone and " YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE " under his name. How could I be this foolish to let him go so quickly, how could I let him slip, how could I not know how badly hurt he was , why wasn't I there when he needed me. These questions flashed through my head as I felt my vision blur with my tears. I crashed to the ground and cried even harder memories were running through my dull mind, The memories of both of us smiling watching the sunset memorise of him laughing, then the memories of Taehyung running infront of me, running as fast as he could until "that" happened...   This is the present are you not curious about the great Jeon Jungkook's past aka my past,how I met my now dead fiancee...


5 Years ago .... 

This is Jeon Jungkook aka International playboy. That was what everyone called him, Jungkook was the school's kinka every girl bawled over him or more of over his looks. He is known to knock down 3 people at one go. Kim Namjoon, was the leader of their small group, he is known to destroy anything that comes his way. Min Yoongi with his mint hair which suites his pale skin makes every girl falls head over heels for him, however if has a lazy attitude like a grampa making him not that likeable.   Then there is another group, where they are not as popular as Jungkook's cause they are the total opposite, it's the smart group or what people like to call nerds. These nerds however are not like those boys who wear big round glasses and has lots of pimples probably even look older then thier age no, they are boys with quite good looks and grades as well. There's Kim Taehyung the alien who love his looks as much as he loves his books. Kim Seok Jin who loves to eat but maintains his figure and there is Park Jimin the guy who always smiles and loves his abs and jams. Then there is this dude who is from both the groups yes the middle men, Jung Hoseok, his smile practically radiates light making everyone smile around him. 


Taehyung was taking his normal route to school when he bumped into somone dropping whatever was in the stranger's hand. " oh my gosh i'm so sorry " and he bend down to help the stranger, when he looked up his heart skipped a beat it's the infamous Jeon Jungkook. " Watch where you're walking nerd!" Jungkook words hit Taehyung hard even though this was normal, for Jungkook to tease Taehyung, but not even a single thank you, Taehyung was boiling inside, so he just stomped of to his favourite place, under a big tree where he knew the rest of them would be waiting for him. Taehyung was right Jin was sitting under the tree reading his book when he saw the younger of the two stomp over to him he knew that Taehyung met Jungkook on the way there. " Jungkook again? " Jin asked although he already knew the answer. Taehyung ignored Jin's question and decided to just close his eyes for while, Jin understood and didn't disturb Taehyung allowing him to drift of to dreamland. Taehyung was awaken by the school's ,morning bell he got up and realized the rest have left, great he was late for classes again. Taehyung ran to his first class, and bumped into a certain someone again. Both of them glared at each other, not wanting to waste his time and breath Taehyung just got up and walked away as fast as he could. " Kim Taehyung you are late again! This is the second time this week if you are late for the third time this week you would be sent for detention you heard me!"  " Yes"  Taehyung glared at Jimin who was giving him a sly look. Sitting next to Jimin,Taehyung quickly kicked Jimin's chair before the teacher turned to check on them. Jimin glared at him and focussed back at the bored wh

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HannyPhanny #1
Chapter 1: Yeah me too pls keep makeing more
Chibitaliaa #2
Chapter 1: This was great! I'm excited for more
Chibitaliaa #3
Ahh this sounds really good!! I'm looking forward to the first chapter!