
He Doesn't Understand

Krystal is jolted out of her memory by a vibrating in her pocket. She takes out her phone. 

It's a message from Taemin. 

Annyeong, Krystal! Are you free tomorrow night~? :) If you want to, we can go out for dinner.  - Taemin 

Krystal quickly puts her phone back into her pocket. She can't be thinking about things like that now, not if she wants to make the right decision. 

So she re-immerses herself into her thoughts. 


"Krystal-ah!" Sulli cries suddenly, and Krystal lurches back, surprised at the sudden exclamation. 

"Let's play Truth or Dare," Sulli says excitedly. "Do you want to go first?" 

Krystal nods gamely even if there's only the two of them. It's the trainees' lunch break, after all, and she has nothing to do. 

"Okay!" Sulli claps excitedly. 

"Krystal Jung," Sulli says solemnly, "in your twelve months here at SM Entertainment, is there anyone you are..." Sulli pauses to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively. "In... love with?" 

"Choi Minho," Krystal blurts out before she can stop herself. Sulli's eyes grow wide in amazement, but Krystal can't seem to stop and she blabbers on. "He's three years older than me and he's going to debut soon." 

Silence follows Krystal's confession, as she waits for Sulli to say something, anything. Most probably, Krystal thinks to herself, Sulli is going to say something like Minho is too out of her reach. Minho is too handsome. Minho is too old. Minho is too-

Suddenly, Sulli hugs her. Tightly. Krystal almost feels like she's being suffocated. 

Then Sulli lets go and faces Krystal. "Krystal," she proclaims, "we are going to do this. We are going to get Choi Minho for you. And he is going to fall in love with you, and you two are going to live happily ever after. Arasso?" Sulli stares at Krystal. 

Krystal can't help it. She starts giggling happily. 

And then they are hugging again, and giggling happily, overwhelmed with the hope and the love and the friendship they are feeling. 


Krystal remembered Jessica's tinkling laugh filling the room when she had finished telling her sister that story. She also remembered what her sister had said. 

"Kids these days," Jessica had sighed. "Krystal, what exactly is so life changing about two twelve-year-old-girls giggling over a boy together?" 

Krystal had known her answer, but she hadn't spoken it out loud. Jessica wouldn't understand, she knew. For all her worldliness and beauty and talent, Jessica had yet to truly fall in love. If only she had spoken, she would have told her sister that there WAS, in fact, something life changing about two twelve year old girls giggling over a boy together. 

Because that was the first time that twelve year old girl had admitted to herself that yes, she was in love with Choi Minho.

Because that was the first time that twelve-year-old girl had thought that MAYBE, just maybe, she had a chance.

Maybe one day, Minho would love her back. Maybe one day, Minho would smile not just to her, but for her. 

Maybe when the day came that Krystal was old and slow and could no longer dance or sing, maybe by then it wouldn't matter. 

Because maybe by then she would have Minho to keep, Minho with his special gaze and his special smile and his special way of making people feel special. Maybe by then, she would be loving him and he would be loving her and they would be together. Forever. 


Maybe you're the one

Maybe probably

Maybe you're the soulmate i've been waiting for 



Aigoo. I am typing like crazy right now, sneaking in an update before my mom finishes bathing and i have to run away and turn off the computer. xD 

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MALHLeverybodyKM #1
MALHLeverybodyKM #2
nice story though,even if i like minyul more it's nice though
MALHLeverybodyKM #3
Well,Hi there!

Nice to meet you!~
maknaewire #4
Chapter 3: Hi, it's been a loooong time since u updated this story. Please continue this story, i loove it :))
aozora_denie #5
its nice story,,uwa,,i like it so much,,,minstal,,go go go <3
Yayacute #6
Minstal so cute.
Love minstal !!!!!
Is this a Minstal ff? I was just wondering XD Haha update soon. It seems interesting --, Kbye.
aozora_denie #9
nice story
please make it minstal,,,pretty please dear :)
bbooing bbooing <3
and please update soon