help me


help meeeee


Guys help. what's the title of a yulsic story where Jessica here is so much in love with taeyeon but unfortunately taeny is already in a relationship. but Jessica here still do her best and try to win tae against fany. With the help of Yuri who is unfortunately in love with Sica but Sica don't mind it and just used yul to her plan on getting taeyeon .(fast forward I can't remember the other details ) . Then after that taeri confront each other in a hill? (I'm not sure ) they are inside their own respective car then suddenly Yuri slam her pedal and drove fast approaching to taeyeons car but instead of slamming her car to taeyeon's car. yul slammed her car to another car who is also planning to hit taeyeons car with his. ( that's all I can remember and the fact Jessica called the other man's car suspect "S")


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