Day One, changes

Kim Rachel

Firstly, I'm gonna warn you that it's a semi-AU where nothing is impossible

The moment Kim Jinwoo opened his eyes, he could sense that something wasn’t right. Something was wrong and he was sure that it wouldn’t please him. When he laid his eyes on the other bed in the room, he found nothing but a messy bed, a great evidence that Kang Seungyoon already woke up before him. It was 8 in the morning and Jinwoo finally got rid of his blanket and walked outside to the bathroom.

“Good morning Jinwoo-hyung!” A cheerful voice greeted him from none other than the already refreshed Song Minho. Jinwoo smiled, waved pass his dongsaeng to the bathroom and cleaned his face.

Yawning, he brushed his teeth and splashed fresh water to get his consciousness together. Jinwoo never experienced true horror before, but the time he put off his shorts, he swore he lost his soul and he just screamed his loudest.

A sound of a rush came from outside and frantic knock on the door along with ‘Jinwoo-hyung what’s wrong?!’ was utterly ignored by the vocalist. It seemed like blood was drained from his face, he was as white as paper and his whole body trembled. The terrifying sight he just witnessed was nothing, literally nothing hanging between his legs. He lost his manhood, his freaking manhood and Jinwoo was going to faint.

His future which he was quite confident with was disappeared in one night. Jinwoo put back his shorts and breathing heavily, trying to recall all the biology stuff he had learned from school.

“Calm down Kim Jinwoo, take a deep breath. You are a man, a proud man from the Imja island. It’s impossible to lost such an important thing in one night, moreover it couldn’t be explained realistically so it must be a dream, a really, really bad dream,” Jinwoo talked to himself with closed eyes before slapping his cheeks lightly. “Now wake up!”

He met with a sight of a terrified look from himself on the mirror and his tremble hand went down slowly, trying to locate his most precious thing. He let out a not-so-manly shriek when he got nothing, and he started to actually cry.

“Goddammit, what the hell happened? This is so scary.” He mumbled to himself, sobbing desperately. An idea hit his mind before Jinwoo quickly shook it away. “No, don’t be stupid, it’s impossible, no.” Was repeated like mantra despite his horror look on the mirror. His hands was trembling when he reached to his chest only to find a pair of bulge where it was not supposed to exist. Jinwoo hit his highest note right there and then.

“Jinwoo-hyung? Are you okay?” Seungyoon raised his eyebrows upon arrival of their lovely mathyung to the dinning table. His hyung was unusually pale and he looked like he had lost his soul.

The said man remained silent as he took the empty seat. Seunghoon nudged him from the side and Jinwoo couldn’t even smile to the rapper. “Hey, you alright? You seem like you just came from a horror movie.” He said jokingly.

Jinwoo wasn’t sure how he should react to this whole situation. He turned into a girl, literally a girl and not some JinBom-nuna he usually played on tour. He was a girl, and he was surrounded by s. An idea to tell the others came across his mind, but Jinwoo quickly brushed that off because first, they won’t believe him and second, it would be just terrible.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well.” Jinwoo at least managed to form a small smile for his worried dongsaengs before marching to his shared bedroom with the leader.

“Jinwoo-hyung, do you want me to bring your breakfast?” Taehyun called before Jinwoo reached to his bedroom.

“No, thanks Taehyunnie.” The eldest replied without turned around to face the maknae, signaling the other members that something was definitely wrong with their dearest hyung. He was usually seen with warm smile and cheerful attitude and it felt like there was always flowers surrounded their hyung, but not today.

“Jinwoo-hyung, rest well!” Mino exclaimed, his voice was clearly full of concern and Jinwoo couldn’t help but smile at the attention. He waved to the dinning table once before closing the door and locked it.

Kim Jinwoo remained standing as he leaned against the door, his eyes were vacant as he tried to comprehend the absurd thing that occured just minutes before. He heaved a deep sigh as he messed his hair. Parts of him thanked to god that his hair didn’t grow long. He couldn’t let the others know about this, and the voluptuous things on his chest made it impossible for him to hide. His face reddened when he realized the fact that he didn’t have any woman’s clothes—or underwear, to be precise. Of course he needed it to cover his, well, chest. The only woman’s thing he had is the stocking he previously wore.

He opened his wardrobe and took various of sweaters. He put three additional layers above his current shirt and it was hot as hell. Jinwoo sighed as the heat started to get him. He stared at his reflection on the mirror and turned sideways, trying to take a look at his body. At least the things weren’t too obvious, thanks to the bunch of sweaters he was wearing.

His relief wasn’t last long, tho. Just when he wanted to get a rest from the dizzying condition, he felt like something was coming out from his below. It felt like he just peed unintentionally. His face paled immediately and it took awhile for him to muster the courage to take a peek on his shorts again. By the time he opened his pants, he was welcomed by an odd stain of blood on his underwear. He felt like losing his ability to speak even a word when he realized what that thing was. He was in a freaking period.

Jinwoo slammed the door open and ran towards the bathroom with the speed that even himself couldn’t believe. He missed the startled and perplexed look on the other members’ face as he just set his vision straight to the bathroom. He locked the door and pulled his pants down, sitting on the toilet without even taking a glimpse of his own lower region. It felt so damn weird and Jinwoo wanted to buried himself.

“Seriously, I think you need to see the doctor.” Seungyoon approached Jinwoo when the said man finally got out from the toilet after 30 minutes. His hyung looked terrible like he just swallowed an enermous bitter pill and it worried him so much.

Jinwoo was nervous when the other members surrounded him. His eyes were fixated on the ground and he couldn’t stop fidgeting with his clothes.

“And are you feeling cold? You wear, like, three or four sweaters?” Seunghoon tugged at his clothes and Jinwoo automatically stepped backward, earning him puzzled stares from the others.

“Jinwoo-hyung, please tell us! We are worried!” Mino lowered himself so that he could look at the eldest’s downward face and it looked like there was a huge ‘worried’ word written on his forehead.

“Do you need something? I’ll get it for you.” Taehyun said from the side, his brows furrowed in anxiety.

“I’m fine guys, really. No need to worry.” Jinwoo muttered quietly without lifting his head to face the others. “I just... I need to go buy something.”

Seungyoon shook his head in disagreement at the idea of his sick hyung wander around alone. “No, just tell us what is it and we will buy it for you.”

“Is it medicine? For cold?” Seunghoon had the urge to hug his hyung just like he usually did to comfort the older, but judging at the unusual rejection for even the slightest touch, it won’t turn out well.

“It’s not medicine, it’s... Uh, well...” Jinwoo struggled with his own words. He couldn’t tell the others that he need to buy pads just like that right?

“Hyung! We will buy it as fast as possible!” This time it was Mino and Jinwoo found it hard to reject s’ kindness and it touched him how they care about him so much.

“No, it’s not about that. Please, let me buy it by myself.” Jinwoo didn’t know how to put it into words and he decided to just pleaded to them. He finally faced the others and he showed his best begging look that he knew they couldn’t resist.

The other boys groaned and finally leaned back after surrounding their eldest closely. Sometimes having a cute hyung could be troublesome in certain circumstances, especially when the said hyung would use it for his advantages.

“Okay, just for this time. And make sure not to take too long.” Seungyoon couldn’t help but nagging at Jinwoo. He was just too anxious about the other that he started to nag without himself knowing.

Jinwoo managed to yield a thin smile. “Really, thank you guys.” He observed the others’ face before adding. “You know that I won’t like it if you follow me.”

Another groan was heard once again in the room, this time it came from the nagging leader. “Okay, you got me. Have a safe trip, hyung.”

Kim Jinwoo felt like crying at the very time when he arrived at the woman’s section. He didn’t know what to buy or what he actually need. Strangely enough, no one inquired about his presence in the private rack. Jinwoo thought that he still looked like a male with his short hair, but the real thing was exactly different with what he expected. The worker even greeted him in a friendly manner. Did his face change too? Did he become even more feminine? Jinwoo didn’t want to find out the answer.

His bambi eyes stared at stack of pads in front of him. He didn’t know a thing about the difference between the green, red, or blue ones. What the hell is wings? Jinwoo might had gone crazy when he examined all the things written on the pack. He decided to buy the largest one with additional wings.

“U-Um, excuse me, is this suitable for the first day period?” Jinwoo squeaked his question to the cashier as he brought his choice of tampon, his face flushing red.

The woman chuckled at him. “Congratulations on your first period. And yes, it is.”

Jinwoo nearly screamed at the innocent girl for congratulating him. He was in an unimaginable disaster and she praised him? Jinwoo wanted to throw the pads away. “So, uh, how do you use this...?”

“You see, it’s folded when you take it, so you have to open it first. After that, you can tear the plaster and stick it on your underwear, right on your part.”

The vocalist was frozen in place after hearing the clear, yet blunt explanation from the worker. He sputtered before managing a smile and nod to her. He didn’t bother to return the goodbye from the girl as he quickly rushed out of the convenience store.

By the time he bang the frontdoor open, he dashed to the toilet with his item tightly kept in his arms. His hands were quivering when he pulled down his shorts and he thanked to god that there was no blood stained on his underwear due to his previous intense cleaning for 30 minutes before he went to shop.

He washed first before opening the thing he just bought and stared at the pad for a solid minute in attempt to figure out how the heck should he use that. He took a deep breath as he recalled the brief lesson he got from the girl and he finally realized how bad he was trembling when he follow the step-by-step.

The mathyung thought that things went smoothly when he was stuck on the wings part. He had ripped the plaster and when he put it on his underwear, the wings weren’t in a likely its right position. He spent another minute before he finally fold the wings inside, unsure how it would work but at least it didn’t stuck out on his pants.

It was absolutely uncomfortable and it felt like he was wearing diapers again. He packed the remaining pads and walked out of the bahtroom, heading straight to his bedroom and hid it inside his deepest closet in hope that Seungyoon wouldn’t find it sooner or later.

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ImSandara #1
Chapter 1: This is good I hope authornim will continue this
Chapter 1: im still waiting for an update...........T.T
Dear author, this is so good. Can't wait for your next update
Chapter 1: Ooh! And one last thing, update soon please authornim <3
Chapter 1: I'M SMILING ALL THE WAY KKKK maybe bcs I read this when I'm in my periode myself. Ups~
ayaayawae #6
Chapter 1: cute, update soon please ^^
arisakwon #7
Chapter 1: Update juseyoo authornim~
kimjindynasty #8
Chapter 1: UPDATE SOON I LOVE THIS STORY ALREADY I noticed a comment before me said the same thing, but KimNam would be so great! Would be okay with any other ships, too, and harem!Jinwoo would make my day.
Nats21 #9
Jinwoo just looks gorgeous like Rachel
Clairellatime #10
Chapter 1: Oh, and will there be any ships featured? (If so, KIMNAM pleASE)