Final Day


August 5th

10:25 a.m



No one was up except for Yesenia who seemed to be bored out of her mind. She stayed sitting up clutching her knees to her chest, thinking of what to do on this particular day. The last day they would spend in South Korea. Sadly, she couldn’t bring herself to actually believe that this day would be her last before this ‘fantasy’ ended.


She spent the next few minutes moving around in her bed thinking about all that had happened this summer and while she was doing that she noticed Ellen and Amber start stirring around in their sleep till Ellen just immediately woke up from what seemed to be from a nightmare. Yesenia looked over at her and asked what was wrong.


“Dude…I dreamt of a Zombie apocalypse…” She replied her eyes still showing that she was still in shock of what she actually had dreamt. “Apparently I was the last person alive, well, out of this group and oh my ing god it was just surreal!”


Yesenia just rolled her eyes. Her and Susana had to stop talking about Zombie apocalypse’s. “So, what do you guys plan on doing today? Or most likely, what are we going to do today?” Ellen asked now getting out of her bed and started stretching. Yesenia looked down at her covers. She had been thinking about this for a while but she hadn’t really come up with anything sadly. So she had decided to stop thinking about it until all the other girls woke up.


2 hours later everyone was finally awake all except for Susana who had the bed all to herself. And while she is dozing off, the girls where in the kitchen watching and or helping Kanae making an actual Korean breakfast. Kanae decided to make Kimichi Pancakes. Amber, Mariel and Ellen just stood there watching the amazing, yummy, smelling food while the other 3 were making the delicious looking food.


“Ok, now Yesenia you already put in the sugar right?” the young girl nodded her head as Kanae soon started mixing up the batter and slowly started pouring the mix into the pan making 2 small pancakes. “It looks more like an omelet.” Mariel stated staring at the 2 ‘pancakes’. “Yeah, but since we put flour in it, it’s going to taste like a pancake. Mariel and Amber just stared at each other both thinking about how odd this dish would taste like.


Luckly for the girls it didn’t take the kimichi pancakes to be made so once they were out of the pan, Kanae cut up both the small pancakes and gave all the girl’s small bite-sized pieces to try. They were right. It tasted like an omelet, but the only difference was because of the flour and sugar they had put in it. Over all they thought it was pretty good. Thankfully they made enough mix to feed everyone in the household.


They spent most of the morning watching random K-Drama’s and random variety shows. Somewhere around 12p.m Susaba decided to finally wake up and would not shut up about asking what was inside the Kimichi pancakes. “Just eat it!” Clarissa demanded trying to shove inside the small girl’s mouth. She pushed back the food as she kept on making a fuss about it. “What the hell is in it? What if I die by whatever is in it?”


“Quit exaggerating dude and just eat the damn thing.” Yesenia exclaimed having to successfully shove the piece of pancake into Susana’s mouth. “Oh …this stuff is pretty good.” She said chewing away the pancake. While Susana stuffed , Ellen couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “Where’s Adam?”


“Oh, sleeping in.”


Everyone stood there in shock. Kanae just stood there completely confused as to why they were acting this way. “Girls, he’s just sleeping in. You make it seem as if it’s abnormal.” Ellen, who’s jaw looked like it was going to literally fall onto the ground replied. “But it’s Adam here that were talking about! He’s always up early! The latest that guy has ever woken up is at 8:30.”


That was news to Mariel who just raised her eyebrows at Ellen. “Y’know you girls make so much fuss in the morning it’s amazing that Raiden is able to sleep through all this noise.” Just hearing his voice made Mariel jump. She really did not expect for him to come into the kitchen. Then again this man had the habit of walking in on them at awkward moments.


“So, have you decided what you girls were going to do today?”


They all looked at one another not really sure of what to say until Yesenia decided to speak out for all of them. “Well, I was thinking about spending sometime walking around Seoul and then spending the evening with you two. But, that’s just my idea, I don’t know what you guys wanna do.” She said feeling rather unconfident about her idea. “Yeah, we can do that. I mean we still haven’t even seen the whole city.” Amber stated. “Wha…? Where going we going?”


In came a rather tired Susana scratching her tummy. “Suzy, you go take a shower now!” cried out Clarissa pushing her towards the bathroom. “What? Why? I haven’t even ing ate! Let me just eat!” she exclaimed waving her arms about and trying to slap Clarissa away. “You can eat later!” yelled out Ellen who decided to follow them. Right when they were about to enter the bathroom Susana grabbed a hold of the edge of the door frame. “I will not shower till I have food in my stomach!” the girl shouted out.


Clarissa tried to pull her inside the bathroom but only kept on failing. “Well don’t just stand there Ellen help me out.” Ellen was just standing in front of the scene completely amused. (Same went for everyone else in the living room.) “But this is so funny.” Ellen replied smiling down at Susana. “Ellen!” Clarissa growled in frustration. And so Ellen helped and the 2 stayed there for a good 20 minutes pulling the small girl into the bathroom.




So they roamed around Seoul liked they had planned and at first they were rather bored until they spotted a rather familiar looking group of boys hanging around a Hello Kitty café. “Isn’t that…Shinee over there?” Susana questioned cocking her head to the side not really sure if she was just seeing things. Mariel giggled, “Key probably was going to blackmail them if they didn’t come.” she stated as they slowly made their way towards the pink building.


Jonghyun was not pleased, Taemin looked like he was in heaven, Minho was too busy texting who-knows-who, Key kept complimenting the place, and Onew was just there looking about. “Key, out of all the places in Seoul, why would you force me to come to this…place.” Key just eyed him. “Because I have not been here for like ever! Besides all the over cafes are somewhat boring if you ask me. I wanted something cutesy for a change.”


Jonghyun rolled his and that’s when he spotted someone standing next to the window. There in front of him was no other that Susana giving him a goofy grin and waving at him. She almost gave him a heart attack. He was about to relax until 5 other voices were heard right behind him. “Hey Shinee.” The other girl’s greeted making Jonghyun almost jump from his seat. “Oh hey, sit with us!” Taemin said  scooting over and trying to make room for the girls.


To Marie’s and Susana’s disappointment they couldn’t fit, but they just decided to steal chairs from other nearby tables. “Why you guys here anyways?” Yesenia said looking all over the place. She had to admit it was extremely cute but, why would guys come here in the first place? “Don’t you see? It’s so adorable here, that’s why!” of course, she should’ve known Key would say something of the sort.


It was times like these and not because of the place he choose to get coffee, overall, she wanted to ask him if he was gay. Though she had a feeling that he was mostly biual, but, instead of asking about that she started talking about other topics. They talked about coffee addiction, Lady Gaga, odd fashion sense, new rookie groups and lastly about what the girls were going to do once they got home.


“Well, Ellen has to worry about getting into College and the rest of us well, we gotta worry about buying school supplies and such.” Clarissa answered eating a little cupcake that Key ordered for her. “Our lives are just gonna get back to normal. Almost as if none of this ever happened.” Mariel said staring at the white table. “Hey don’t look so down, who said we won’t communicate with you girls? Well talk through me2day.” Key said with a genuine smile. “I guess…” Yesenia muttered out. She really did not want to talk about home at the moment. All she, and she knew her friends as well, are trying to savor their last moments in Korea.


Minho sensed this and immediately changed to the subject. “Hey, you girls wanna go to a few hidden stores here? “ Not even a second had passed when they all answered with a ‘yes’. They quickly ate/drank their treats and started walking towards an ally. “There are stores hidden in alleyways here?” Amber was rather surprised. “You make it sound like you have never entered an alleyway Amber.” Susana  said walking ahead of her. “Actually, I really haven’t.” The other girls stopped in their tracks, shocked what their friend had just said.


“Well, you have gone to Mex, right? Surely you have entered through some alleyways there.” Ellen stated hoping that her friend would say yes. “No I haven’t.” Susana merely scoffed as she whispered out to Clarissa, “And she calls herself a Mexican.”  Clarissa tried her best to not laugh aloud. A nerve popped on Amber’s temple. “I heard that!” she exclaimed while Susana kept walking on as if she did not hear that. Amber just sighed as she looked at Mariel walking beside her.


She was surprised to see her not really, well, scared. At all. “You’ve gone through one before?” Mariel, whose held an expressionless face answered back.


“Dude, I live next to one. I’m pretty used to alleyways.”


At the moment she felt rather ridiculous for even freaking about being in an alleyway. Before Amber knew it she was then surrounded by small little shops. It looked like something that came out of an anime. It looked really eerie yet exotic at the same time. Definitely something they should keep in mind if they were going to come back to Korea.


 They entered sweet shops, clothing stores, and shops that sold odd objects or funky costumes. (Jonghyun wanted to see Mariel dress as a maid and Yesenia dressed as Red Riding Hood, sadly that didn’t happen.) Before they knew it was already 6p.m. They had spent their last afternoon with 5 men whom they were thankful to call friends and great teammates of theirs who let them dance along their side on stage. They were extremely grateful, but the saddest thing was how were they going to repay them?


“I don’t think it’s us you should worry about being thankful, I think there is someone else who got you here you should be thankful to.” Onew had a point. “I guess it’s time to say goodbye then.” Clarissa stated not really wanting to leave but knew they had to eventually.  So, all 6 girls bow respectfully as one would in the country only they were surprised to see Shinee not bowing back.


“Were ing bowing to you and you’re not bowing back? The , we just told you we were thankful and now you’re treating us like ?” Susana was furious. How dare they? After telling them all that now they were going to just toss them away? The nerve of the boys-“Why would we? I mean, were not strangers anymore, so how about a hug.” Taemin beamed with his childish smile creeping upon his face.


They all hugged one another though, Jonghyun seemed to had taken his time hugging Mariel. When Mariel hugged him it was a soft, warm-hearted embrace, but then Jonghyun tightened his grip on her waist almost as if he did not want to let go of her whatsoever. Of course Mariel was burning from the physical contact and didn’t think much of it but as for Jonghyung…He couldn’t help but just feel like he was losing someone really great. If he had only stronger feelings for her then he would probably confess to her like in those sappy dramas. Unfortunately, he did not. He didn’t realize that he and her were suddenly in the middle of a group hug for he was too busy feeling sorry for the girl in front of him.


It honestly took them about 30 minutes to separate as the girls kept waving at them and saying things to the boys like they were amazing, talented, and to keep doing what they love. In a way, it really didn’t not feel like a goodbye. It felt like if they knew they would meet those 5 men once again in the near future.



They had called Adam to ask them to pick them up at the same place he had dropped them off and as he got there they noticed 2 people missing. “Where’s  Kanae and Raiden?” Yesenia asked looking inside the lonely vehicle. “Kanae thought that it would be more special if it was only 7 of us went.”


“What? Why? She and Raiden deserve to eat with us?” Amber exclaimed.


“ I said the same thing as well, but it’s rather late now since she’s already eating somewhere else with Raiden.” The girls wondered as to why Kanae would even do this but quickly decided to let it go as they entered the car and Adam drove them to their restaurant.


The restaurant looked almost exactly the same as the one they went to eat with Shinee, or maybe it was the same one.  Either way it didn’t really matter to them. They just wanted to eat, unfortunately to Adam the girls really couldn’t shut their mouth’s when they were waiting for their food. You would think someone like him would probably eventually snap and start telling the girls to ‘sh’ down but he didn’t. He didn’t glare, nor did he even open his mouth. He just sat there dazed in his own thoughts.


Throughout most of the waiting the girls talked about how they should probably start learning Korean and about food as well. When their food came by they all suddenly became silent. “Well, this a huge change in atmosphere.” Adam commented. “We’re eating that’s why. We’re trying to savor the food.”  Susana said sipping on what seemed to be some soup. Before Adam had the chance to even take a bite of his food again Yesenia decided to ask for a request.


“Is it alright if we sleep in SM’s dance room tonight?”


“And why would you want to do that?”


“Well, it is our last night here…And I-I mean, we, want to spent it in the training room. Besides, that place was like our second home apart from your apartment of course. So what do you say?”


Adam looked over at the other girls who seemed rather surprised about the sudden request. It seemed like they never even agreed to it but saw that they slowly started liking the idea. “Yeah, let us spend our last night there Adam.” He heard Mariel as Amber continued on, “We practically lived there throughout the whole summer.” True. They really did spent most of their summer in that room…


He sighed, he might as well grant them their wish.


“Alright then, I’ll call to see if you girls can have permission right as soon as we leave here.” The girls cheered but were instantly shushed by nearby guests. Right after dinner Adam made the call and to the girl’s excitement their request was approved.  Luckily, for them the building was close by and instead of just being dropped off Adam decided to them to the room. Adam felt rather lucky about having an extra copy of the keys with him, but even more about even owning extra keys. Usually only those who worked with SM only had spared keys, but since the girls were training here for the time being the company decided to give him a copy.


The moment he opened the door and the lights he gave the keys to Mariel. “Keep them safe ok.” She nodded to him as she held onto them. He then took notice that they really didn’t bring anything to sleep with until he saw Amber and Ellen walk towards the far left corner and discovered  at least 4 plastic bags there. Did they plan this? “Hey look our clothes that we forgot to take the last time we came.” Ellen stated taking out extra clothes and a blanket or 2.


It was times like these that Adam couldn’t tell if they were blessed or were just damn lucky. “I’ll see you girls tomorrow ok? Goodn-“ he was then suddenly glomped by all the girls and they held onto him tightly. “Y’know, we’re really thankful.” He heard Yesenia muffle against his shirt. “Thank you so much.” He heard Mariel muffle as well  sadly she was being covered by Clarissa and Yesenia so he couldn’t pat her head like he would normally do. So he in return tried hugging them as well.





10 minutes had passed since Adam left and the girls were getting dressed in their sweats. ( Except for Ellen whom had a pair of PJ’s in one of the bags. ) They weren’t really sure of what to do next until Mariel pulled out her ipod and gave Ellen an idea. “Hey how about we dance here for the last time? And it’s going to be a lot more fun since I’m going to dance as well. Then from there we’ll just have a little rave party.”


“How are we going to rave without glowsticks or without anything that doesn’t even glow in the dark?” Clarissa questioned. “Then we’ll just dance in the dark.” Susana suggested. “Oh I don’t think so. How about we just stick with dancing with the lights on.” Yesenia stated. The rest of the girls had almost forgotten. Yesenia was afraid of the dark. “Party pooper…”  Susana muttered under her breath.


So they did just that. They danced till they just passed out. ( And they were rather glad that Yesenia was the second who passed out so that they could turn off the lights.) They all rest beside each other either with their hands and arms laid out all crazy-like or simply curled into a ball on the wooden floor. Sleeping peacefully and forgetting the fact that it was their last night there in Seoul.








Thank god it's finished :D Now one more chapter to go and It's finished! Now, idk when I'll upload the next chapter, but I will slowly and daily try to work on it...hopefully.

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r888hiphop #1
holy poop nickel just finished is there a sequel PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL DEAR GOD MAKE A SEQUEL
r888hiphop #2
holy poop nickel just finished is there a sequel
lisapyon #3
UPDATE IM GOING CRAZY. I was in school thinking about what would happen next!!!!!!!!!!
lisapyon #4
Update aish this is taking Loooooong Update aish this is taking Loooooong <br />
r888hiphop #5
Update aish this is taking Loooooong
r888hiphop #6
i like this becuase im a dancer sooooo thanks for posting
But I love SHINee…and U-KISS! :D<br />
For some reason i couldnt stop laughin while readin this xD except for the creepy Key part…
Yay!!! You updated!! X3