星夜 - Xīngyè - Starry Night

La Douleur Exquise
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Chatter rang through the corridor, bouncing off the walls softly as the three boys who should have been sweeping stood at the end of the large corridor and gossiped about the goings on in the castle. The tallest of the three, lanky and gangly was bending his head into the middle of the small circle, running his mouth about the prince’s torso. Kunpimook had been claiming all afternoon that last night he’d been given the job of bathing the soon to be king, and he hadn’t stopped gushing about it since.
Jinyoung the other boy, a little thin around the waist and gentle in his features could only playfully roll his eyes at the other, shooting in small comments here and there about how the Prince wasn’t the best looking one around. This then turned the conversation into an entire different ball game, Kunpimook piping up suddenly about the bastard brother who lived in the tower left of the grounds. Jinyoung hummed with tight lips when the topic was brought to light and soon the younger boy drew in silent as he remembered that it was Jinyoung’s job to care for the brother.
The final of the three stood a little distant from the others, only by a few feet or so, but he continued to sweep as he listened not wanting to be caught by any of the guards slacking in his work. He stood with firm shoulders and slender hips, adorned by his servant robes that he somehow managed to pull off and have looking decent on his thin frame. He by the far the best looking out of the few, Kunpimook’s lips a little too thick and Jinyoung’s jaw a little too thin. He was the personal servant of the Prince and therefore he couldn’t quite fathom why Bambam, as they called the gangly boy, was the one to bath him last night and not him. 

So he stood for a little while as Jinyoung let out protests on how the bastard brother was kinder than any could imagine, and thought to himself. Leaning his cheek against his two clasped hands, the broom tilted with his weight and he let out a small puffy lipped sigh. 

Before Jinyoung could comment on the boy’s slumped stance there was a loud clanging sound and they all snapped their heads up. At the end of the corridor, adorn in the finest of materials, standing tall and a little cap atop his head was the Prince’s bodyguard. 

Kunpimook yelped loudly as the man tapped his sword against the wall and he scrambled onto his knees to keep scrubbing the floor, but it was too late the three had been caught slacking again, third time this week. 

Yugyeom strode down the corridor, boots slapping against the concrete flooring with loud snaps and Mark could see Kunpimook trembling with each sound. Yugyeom never scolded Jinyoung, never scolded Mark, he would only ever scold the youngest boy and for a good reason too. 

Yugyeom stood before the lanky boy who kept his eyes pressed to the ground, violently scrubbing at the floor with quick and fast movements of his hands “Careful now love, you’ll scrub a hole into the floor.” He hummed a little and Kunpimook almost melted at the sound of his voice, hand drawing to a slow halt. 

Yugyeom squatted down slightly, one hand on his knee and the other forcing up Bambam’s chin with a sudden force “Didn’t I tell you to be a good boy today, no more slacking otherwise I won’t be the one punishing you anymore, next time it’ll be the guards and you know they don’t take kindly to little gossipers.” He snapped at the boy who flinched and tried to turn his head away. Yugyeom held his chin a little firmer and jolted the boy’s head with a soft nod “Baby, to my room this instant.” He growled out and Kunpimook went scrambling, disappearing round the corner with a loud squeak of his heels. 

Mark laughed softly and looked after the tall guard “You’re going to make him cry one day you know, he hates upsetting you.” He commented and Jinyoung nodded in agreement as he took over Bambam’s place and scrubbed at the dirty concrete slabs. 

Yugyeom gave a haughty laugh “I’m not the prince, I don’t like to

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cascade7 #1
hi! i know it's been a while but i was just wondering... if you'd continue this? if not, then i'll stop hoping :(
I like this . . Please update soon . .
prankster207 #3
Chapter 1: I feel like this will be good good job author! please continue
trichelle #4
Chapter 1: Yes!!! You should totally continue! Please continue!!!
cascade7 #5
Chapter 1: i so need more of this!!!! so excited!!!!!
gotsarang #6
I can't wait to see how this will unfold. Very interesting.
lulu104 #7
Chapter 1: Oh please do continue. :)
Chapter 1: This story has a good beginning if you do continue it I would love to read it!!! :)
XiumInYourFace #9
Chapter 1: Seems really interesting so far! I'd definitely love to read more :-)
Chapter 1: This is interesting, although i need to know where Jinyoung sneak up to that night... going to see JB?? Hehe XD
Update soon ^^