17. Soju, Secrets, and Stories

A Rose's Seven Thorns
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“Soju, Secrets, and Stories”


“I'll let you have this round,” She told him and this time both his eyebrows rose. She was giving up? He didn't believe it. “But I'll get you back, Sucrose.”

His eyes widened slightly when she gave him a wink. Then she smirked and sauntered off, leaving him confused. Although his reaction wasn't as dramatic as she wanted, it still pleased her. She had shocked him, which he had done to her at Haze. It was a silent victory for her.

Take that, Sucrose.


“And what did we learn today?” Jin asked, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at the line of people in front of him.

“Kimchi is not supposed to be used as a weapon,” Jangmi said sheepishly. Then she grinned, “It works in dramas.”

Jin’s eyebrow lifted and she shut . Then he turned to the next culprit. “And?”

Jangho sighed before he answered, “I shouldn't provoke noona so often.”

He turned further. “And?”

“I shouldn't have given Rosie the kimchi,” Taehyung said as he shook out his hair. “But hyung, I thought she was hungry!”

Jin said nothing, only gave him a look as he pursed his lips. Taehyung nodded and zipped his lips shut. Jin smiled before he turned to Namjoon, who was avoiding looking in his direction. “And what else, Namjoon-ah?”

Namjoon cleared his throat, “I shouldn't have just sat there and laughed.”


“And,” Namjoon started. “I shouldn't have cheered Jangho on.”

“Good,” Jin nodded with a smile. “Now that we all understand each other.” His tone suddenly changed as his grip on his spatula tightened and he pointed towards the door. “Get out of my kitchen.”

Jin was usually very relaxed, but they had dirtied his kitchen. The kitchen was all him and they tainted it. It was okay if he dirtied it, but not them.

When they all came out of the kitchen with their heads down and tails between their legs, Jimin and J-Hope busted out laughing. After the whole kimchi-kitchen situation, Jin gathered them all to scold them. Really all he gave them was a pat on the wrist.

Namjoon frowned at them, “How did you two not get caught for laughing? With your graceful laughs.”

Jimin only grinned. “Why thank you, hyung.”

Then J-Hope answered, still chuckling slightly. “Because we didn't cheer anyone on.”

“And I'm sure if they did, they would cheer the right person,” Jangmi glared at the platinum blonde. “Traitor.”

“Joon-hyung knows what's up,” Jangho told her as he walked over to Namjoon. “Don't hate, noona.”

Jangmi could only stare at her brother. He never used to talk like that. “Oh my god, you've tainted him. He's become like you…”

“Maybe we should let him join us,” Jimin piped up with a eating grin.

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. Jamless, you better find your chill.

Jimin laughed before her stare got colder then he covered it with a cough. As he did this, he averted his eyes. Jangmi's stare was no joke.

Namjoon chuckled, “I think that's a good idea.”

Jangmi looked at him, “I cannot believe you, Namjoon.”


“I joined first!”

“Yeah but we don't want you.”

“I want Rosie!”

“You can have her, hyung.”

“No way,” Suga suddenly said from his comfy spot on the couch. “If Taehyung takes her, then she'll stay here.”

“What are you trying to say?” Jangmi asked, daring him to finish his thoughts.

He did not disappoint. “That I don't want you here.” Then he gave her a look that said ‘duh’.

Jangmi made a low growl in the back of as hands appeared on her shoulders. Taehyung began rubbing her shoulders. “It's okay, Rosie. Don't stress. TaeTae-oppa is here.”

She could not hold in the tiny snort of amusement. Taehyung was always good at getting her to relax unlike Yoongi, who loved to rile her up.

She patted Taehyung’s hands and he stopped. He grinned at her, showing all his teeth. Jangmi smiled back before turning to Namjoon. “You better get your boy.”

Jangmi was referring to Suga, but she didn't sound all that concerned. In fact, she sounded calm like she wasn't just about to tear into Yoongi.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her and then Taehyung. While it seemed like a good thing that V could calm her down, something didn't stick well with him.

This was nothing against Taehyung. Namjoon loved him like a younger brother, but he didn't like where this could lead to. He'd have to pay closer attention.

All too soon, dinner came and went. They all enjoyed the tasty spaghetti carbonara Jin had made. Then they all decided to watch a movie, albeit Suga had to be dragged by Jimin and J-Hope.

As the movie ended, everyone stretched. Jangmi looked around as she did so and spotted Jangho fast asleep on the couch.

“Jangho can't hang,” J-Hope said with a cheerful laugh.

Namjoon chuckled before he stood. “I'll move him to my room.” He ducked down and tried to lift him. Key word: tried.

He took a deep breath before he tried again. Still nothing. “He's heavier than he looks.”

“Weak link,” Jangmi teased, earning a look from Namjoon and chuckles from the others bar Suga. Then she patted her brother’s arm. “No really, he’s dead weight. Umma always had a hard time carrying him, even as a baby.”

Namjoon went to try again before he decided against it. Then he turned to their maknae. “Jungkookie…”

Jungkook looked at him and grinned his bunny smile. “I got it, hyung.” Then he made his way over to where Jangho laid and picked him up easily.

“That's my trainer for you,” Jangmi boasted, trying to tease Namjoon for his weakness. While Namjoon only rolled his eyes, Jungkook's cheeks flamed.

Jungkook was getting better at dealing with Jangmi. At first, he was fine with her. Then ever since that incident during their first session, he'd been very shy. It was strange because the first time they met, he picked her up and he was fine.

“Jungkook helped train us all,” Namjoon told her. “You're not special.” Jangmi stuck her tongue out at him and he only smirked before he turned to their maknae. “Put him in my room.”

Jungkook nodded, his cheeks tinged pink, before he left the game room.

“Ah, what do we do now?” J-Hope asked as he stretched his arms over his head.

Jin sat up and said, “Should we watch another movie?”

Jangmi went to answer when she realized two more people were gone. Jungkook took Jangho to bed, but there was only five people in the room. “Uh, where did Jimin and Taehyung go?”

The rest of the guys seemed to notice this and groaned. Jin shook his head, an endearing smile present on his face. “Those two…”

J-Hope laughed, “When they disappear together, who knows what will happen.”

“Or what noise they will make,” Suga said as he covered his face.

Namjoon chuckled, “We’ll have to wait and see.”

They didn't have to wait very long because soon Jimin and Taehyung ran into the room. Seeing how everyone was looking at them, they grinned widely. “Let's play a game!”

“What—?” Namjoon tried to ask.

“We already have one picked out!”

Jangmi laughed, “Okay then.”

Just then, Jungkook entered and Jimin ran to him. He grabbed the maknae’s arms and started pulling him to the couch. Once Jungkook was sitting, Jimin rejoined Taehyung. Then, with matching grins, they stuck their arms out and said, “We’re playing mafia!”

“Oh goodness,” J-Hope laughed. “Are you sure?”

“What's wrong with mafia?” Jangmi asked in confusion. She figured these boys would love the game.

“Nothing,” Namjoon answered.

“Things just get pretty heated when we play it,” Jin finished.

Suddenly, Suga stood up and walked out of the room. Taehyung reacted first and said, “Ah hyung! Don't leave! We all have to play.”

Before Taehyung or Jimin could chase after their hyung, he reappeared. This time he had three bottles of soju and shot glasses. “I'll need this if we're playing that.”

“Amen to that,” Namjoon said with a laugh.

“Is it really that serious?” Jangmi asked as she stared at the bottles of alcohol.

“Noona, you have no idea,” Jungkook said, his cheeks barely reddening.

As they all sat around, Jangmi smiled to herself. This was a nice way to forget what happened earlier. She was glad she had met them. She hadn't played mafia since she was back in Busan, so she was interested to see how it was going to play out.

Surely, it couldn't be that bad.

“I'm a citizen!” Jangmi shouted when Suga accused her. “A freaking citizen! You're the mafia, Sucrose! It would suit you perfectly!”

Besides Suga cringing at her loud volume, he remained still with his poker face. “Oh. So defensive. If that doesn't say mafia…”

Jangmi boiled in frustration and grabbed a bottle of soju. Then she drank a good amount before slamming it down to the ground, not hard enough to damage.

Currently, this was barely their first game and things were intense. So far, Jimin and J-Hope were out.

Namjoon had decided to be the MC of sorts since they had no one to pick the mafia. Jimin was the first one out because he was just too greasy. Unfortunately, he was a citizen.

J-Hope was next because Taehyung made a great argument against him, which convinced everyone. See, Namjoon had decided to give the mafia a mission, so everyone was watching each other like a hawk.

Jangmi sneezed and she swore Jungkook, J-Hope, and Taehyung were going to attack her. But ultimately, it was J-Hope that was killed off. All because he kept touching his nose.

Although Taehyung's argument seemed solid, it was wrong. And they lost another citizen. One more and the mafia would win.

“Okay, okay,” Namjoon chuckled after he took a quick shot of soju. “I'll give another mission. Heads down, eyes closed.” Everyone followed what he said. Then he asked the mafia to look up. A few seconds passed and he told them all to sit up.

They all tried to look normal, but even looking normal seemed suspicious. This was a game that tore friends apart because of the betrayal. It was nothing serious of course, but there were many sore losers.

“Taehyung, you're too still,” Jangmi told him, slightly suspicious. He was always moving around.

His eyes widened. “Rosie! You're against me?”

“You were against me when I sneezed earlier!” She couldn't help but laugh at his betrayed expression.

“…oh right,” Taehyung giggled.

Then she scratched her head, which caught their attention. Suga was the one to point it out. “Does the mafia’s head itch?”

“What?” Then she looked around and saw Jungkook and Jin's looks. “No, it's not me! I swear! That wasn't a mission. My head was just itchy.”

“Huh,” Suga leaned forward. “Sounds like something a mafia would say.”

Jungkook nodded slightly.

“Kookie, no!” She said after she saw him agree. “Don't listen to him. Believe your noona, I'm a citizen.”

The maknae couldn't help but laugh. Then he wiped the tip of his nose twice with his index finger and she froze. “What was that?” She asked as she pointed at Jungkook.

“What?” He asked.

“You just—” Then she copied what he did. “Oh~ are you the mafia?”

“No, Rosie is right,” Taehyung said leaning forward, his eyes entirely suspicious. “I've never seen Jungkook do that before.”

“Neither have I,” Jin said.

Jungkook shook his head calmly. “

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atyaf12 #1
Chapter 41: Coming again to comment after reading this story for the nth time,
Believe me it’s still as entertaining and funny as the first time I had read it. Damn it’s like the more I read the more I find it enjoyable. I am sure i will be back after a while to read it again. I miss this story and miss you too :(
i miss this story..
Chapter 41: omg omg omg- I read this story in like a day, and it was totally worth it! I'm internally screaming because damn- so good and that last chapter gave me all the feels for Suga and Jangmi!! I'm also super enjoying how the story is progressing, I hope you are okay and that you can update one day, this story is marvellous!! I'm probably going to re-read it again, because, why not?
AuziSalsabila #4
Chapter 41: When this story update... I re read hunderd time bcause jimin n v so cute
suesueee #5
Chapter 41: Will this story be updated ?
atyaf12 #6
Chapter 41: Hi lol I think I just re-read this for the nth time like seriously I can never get enough of it.
It's just so damn funny. And I have read like 1000 of fic on here. No joke I really did but this still remains one of my top favourite fanfic. It has all the elements that makes a fanfic good. From the plot to the plot twist, the flow of things, the characters and character development meant,the switching between the point of views. And the lengths of each chapter is just right to give you enough but still makes you yank your hair out thinking about what is going to happen next. Ughhh I hate cliff hangers tho, but this story is like made of cliff hangers so I guess I will like it , just for your story tho. AND don't even let me get started on the style of writing. It's sincerely one of the best. I think you need more subs and credits. I am still in love with Jangmi she is one of the best female OC I have read about. It's like she is so addictive and annoying at the same time. Not to mention how dense she is. I really do wonder who she is going to end up with tho. I mean it's Jangmi and it's you. You are both so unpredictable so it's probably going to blow us away. But it's okay cuz I love you both.

Oh btw happy new year I hope this year will be gentle on you and brings you joy and happiness
Chapter 41: Woah. Re read everthing and I suddenly miss you and yoir story updates. Huhu
Sorry, so I’ve been spamming this story with comments lol, I just can’t contain myself in several chapters~~~
But then I see that this is the 888th comments, so I just have to comment again lmao
Please bear with my spams ;))))
I really really look forward to the next chapter where Jangmi and Yoongi’s relationship will possibly grow (more) romantically
After all the tension and being deprived of sucrosa, I need them!!
Anyways, I’m just saying that I can’t wait to read more chapters (I think this story still has a loooonnnnnggggg way to go, no?) and that I miss you <3
Hoping to see you soon! :3
For once I wanna thank the enemy for making Yoongi and Jangmi end up together
Jangmi is realising that something is up with her heart~~~~
She’s like a kid, she’d never catch on something if it’s not like this
I just hope while she’s feeling this way and with the upcoming together-ness, there would be more progress between the of them <3
I’m really really curious about what made Namjoon and Jiho drifted apart, I don't think I dwelled enough on that in the past
Jiho makes it seem that he’s at fault, I wonder what he had done and it was related to Jangmi though I doubt it was
Block b has been pictures as more ruthless and Namjoon says that he just doesn’t see things the same way as them, I wonder if it’s because block b kill people?
Like Namjoon doesn’t like that Jihoo stoops that low for being in a gang idk lol now that I talk about it it doesn’t really make sense