15. Err-body in the Club Pt. 2

A Rose's Seven Thorns
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“Err-body in the Club Pt. 2”



“Heel down first, heel first.” Then she clapped as she began to walk past the two. She glanced back at Namjoon and Taehyung, “Come on.” The latter followed after her quickly whilst Namjoon released another sigh, but even he couldn't hold back an amused smile.

The club certainly couldn't handle Lee Jangmi, that's for sure.

Or was it the other way around?


The club was in full motion. It was very dim inside with the violet LED lights all around. The music was blasting so hard that you could feel the bass bumping. There were spotlights hanging from the ceiling, splashing different shades of blue and purple, along with several black lights.

The dance floor was lit up and huge. There was a long bar on the right side of it and all throughout the club were tables with tall cages around them. In the cages were women in bikinis, covered from head to toe in black light body paint, dancing to the beat of the music.

The club was like something out of a movie and Jangmi was in awe as she followed Namjoon and Taehyung in. After reminding her of the rules, Namjoon wandered off to find the rest of Bangtan. Since he didn’t want her to be tied with them, he tried to keep his distance.

Taehyung stayed with her for a bit and honestly it probably just looked like he was flirting with her. In actuality, they were just talking – well, he was talking to her. She was trying to listen, but the music was super loud and she was still in awe.

“This is amazing,” She told him, raising her voice over the music.

He grinned at her widely. “You look amazing.”

She smiled at him as her eyebrows shot together. “What? Come again?”

Taehyung made a face (there was no way he could repeat that again; the moment was lost) and shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Never mind.”

He looked over at a private section and noticed some of his friends from ally gangs there that he hadn't seen in a while. He wanted to take Jangmi with him, but Namjoon said for her not to draw attention to herself. If they saw her with him all the time, then someone might pinpoint who she really is.

Perhaps he’d just go say hi and return to her. He could keep an eye on her from there and he wouldn't be gone that long. More like, he didn't want to be away from her for that long.

“I’ll be right back, okay?” He told her once he leaned down so she could hear him. She nodded at him with a smile. Taehyung returned it before heading towards the section.

Jangmi looked around and moved quickly when a dance battle broke out. She dodged the crowd and decided it would be best to get out of the way. So she headed towards the bar and took a seat, glancing back at the dance battle. That’s when she noticed J-Hope.

He had a hat pulled low to block the upper half of his face as he popped and moved his body to the music. When he did a cool move where it looked like he got shot then fell to the ground, she cheered loudly. He moves better than the girl dancers!

After spotting J-Hope, she seemed to find every other BTS member. Taehyung was in the private section laughing with some other boys. Jungkook and Jimin were with J-Hope. They were currently standing, just watching the dance battle. They both seemed to be analyzing the opponents before J-Hope moved towards them. Jungkook easily caught on and joined his hyung followed by Jimin, who flipped in coolly. Then they began to dance in sync.

She spotted Namjoon with Jin sitting on some black light paint splattered couches. They were talking with some other guys. There were also some girls around them. Jangmi stuck her tongue out when she noticed Namjoon’s charmer smile forming on his lips.

Then she scrunched her nose when most of the girls threw their heads back as they laughed at Namjoon’s lame joke. It was weird to see him flirting. He was just the Joonie she grew up with, not some y dude.

A clink caught her attention and made her turn around towards the bar. That’s when she noticed a bright blue drink sitting in front of her. She hadn’t asked for anything.

“Ah, excuse me,” She called out, catching one of the bartender’s attention. “I didn’t order this.”

The guy smiled before he gestured to the other side of the bar. “Courtesy of that guy over there.” Then he walked towards another person who called him.

Jangmi blinked before she looked towards where the bartender pointed. Sitting there was a guy with messy brown hair that still looked very nice. He was wearing a black and white striped shirt with a maroon blazer over it. Around his neck, he had a black choker on. He also seemed to be wearing contacts.

He waved at her before he stood up. Then he spoke to another guy before they shared a laugh. And then he was making his way towards her.

Jangmi looked around, but neither Taehyung nor Namjoon were looking at her. She took a deep breath. Okay, she could do this. Just don’t accept the drink and try not to draw a lot of attention. But didn’t she already mess the second one up?

The guy approached her and smiled widely. She had to admit he was pretty cute. “Hey.”

“Hi,” She told him as she inclined her head. “Uh, thanks for the drink.”

“No problem,” He replied with a shrug and large grin. “You’re going to need it.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head. “Why is that?”

The guy continued to grin at her and then he leaned closer. “Well for after we dance, of course.”

Jangmi was not impressed. Who did this guy think he was? Buying her a drink and thinking that she was going to dance with him? She might’ve considered it if he had bothered to ask. No way was she planning on dancing with him.

“I’m a great dancer,” He boasted then he lifted his arms to the right, one covering part of his face and the other sticking out high in the air.

She deadpanned. “Did you just—?”

“Dab?” He finished for her as he wiggled his eyebrows. Then he grinned and dabbed again. “Yes I did! See? I told you I’m a great dancer. I dab all the time.”

No, Hobi is a great dancer. This guy was just plain weird.

“So come on, girl, let’s dance,” He told her with a half smirk playing on his lips. It was as if he didn’t expect her to say no, but that’s exactly what she was planning to do. But she never got the chance as someone sat beside her, blocking the dab dude.

“Sorry I’m late,” The newcomer said dryly, making Jangmi’s eyes go wide at the tone she often heard. She turned to the guy just as he faced her. “Were you waiting long?”


Out of all the boys from BTS, he was the least expected person to help her. Suga did not care for her, so she figured he’d like to see her suffer. She could only stare at him.

Then he raised his eyebrows at her, silently saying to play along. That woke her up and she glanced at dab dude, who was frowning, then back at Suga. She cleared and shook her head. “T-That’s okay. I just got here.”

Suga nodded before he turned his head towards the guy. He raised an eyebrow at the male as if he had just noticed him. “Do you need something?”

The guy jumped slightly when he caught sight of Suga’s blank yet scary eyes. Then he shook his head, all the confidence earlier vanishing, “A-Ah no, sunbae-nim. Sorry.” With that, he took off back to his friend.

Jangmi could only watch with amused eyes. The guy had been so confident when it was just her, but once Suga showed up and asked one simple question, he ran off with his tail between his legs. It was funny, really. But really, what did I expect from Mr. Intimidation?

But something was still off – why did he bother to help her out?

“Don’t worry about him,” Suga told her as he flagged down a bartender. “He’s harmless. Just doesn’t know when to stop dabbing.”

Jangmi snorted softly. “I noticed.”

Suga glanced at her from the corner of his eye before he focused on the bartender, who now stood in front of him. “What can I get you, Suga-ssi?”

“Let me get the usual,” He replied then turned to Jangmi, who blinked when she noticed his stare. She cleared , “Yes?”

He gestured with his chin to the bartender. “Order whatever you want.”

She blinked again, fully weirded out. First, he helped her. Now he’s offering to buy her a drink? She didn’t get it one bit.

As she opened to ask just what the heck was going on, she caught sight of his dark, piercing eyes and she felt breathless just like when she first saw him. After he pulled her out of the way and she first opened her eyes.

“Um, I’ll have a glass of red wine,” Jangmi ordered somewhat taken back, tucking a hair behind her ear.

The bartender nodded before he went off to get their drinks. It only took around thirty seconds before he returned with them.

Suga nodded, “Put this on my tab, please.”

With a nod, the bartender went off to tend to other customers.

“Uh,” Suga looked over at Jangmi, making her look away. “You didn't have to buy me a drink. Really.” It's weird.

There was something off about Suga. He wasn't acting like his usual rude self. It was almost like he didn't recognize her…

Jangmi refrained from face palming. That's because he didn't recognize her! She had forgotten that she didn't look anything like her normal self. This explained why he was being amicable with her, even helping her escape dab dude.

Huh. She thought. Was he like this to everyone else?

He glanced at her before he looked away and took a sip of his drink. Then he spoke, still not looking at her, “Don't you think it's fair?”

Eh? Jangmi's eyebrows furrowed. “What is exactly?”

Suga shrugged, “I helped you get rid of a guy you really didn't want to dance with.” He was still holding his drink to his lips as his dark eyes, covered in eyeliner, met hers somewhat alluringly. “It's only fair you have a drink with me as a thank you.”

O-Oh. She placed a hand over her stomach as she felt strange sensations. Then she processed what he said and scoffed, “Way to twist that around.”

He smirked slightly before he turned away from her. “Don't you agree?”

Jangmi wanted to say no just so she could throw him off. She wanted to one up him for all the times he's been mean to her. But she couldn't.

Namjoon made it very clear that she shouldn't let anyone know her true identity. Even BTS. He figured the less people who knew, the better. She had to play it cool. She couldn't let Suga figure out who she was.

“You think you're slick,” She told him as she lifted the glass to her lips.

Jangmi wasn't much of a drinker, but she occasionally enjoyed wine. She tried soju once with her cousin in Busan and it did not end well. Therefore, she only stuck with wine and very little.

He shrugged, “If the shoe fits.” She wanted to roll her eyes. He was still sort of the same, only less rude – still sassy. Then he lifted his glass to hers. “Cheers.”

She looked at him before she met her glass with his own. “Cheers.” As she watched him, she realized how nice he looked with eyeliner.

Then she shook her head to wash away the thoughts. What the heck? It didn't matter that he looked good in eyeliner. He was still Sucrose, who was always rude to her.

“Who even are you?” Oops. She hadn't meant to let that out, but it slipped. She was just so caught up in her thoughts, trying to understand who this person in front of her was.

Could he really be so different from his usual self?

Suga didn't seem bothered by the question. He placed his glass down and looked at her from the corner of his eye. “I'm known as Suga.” Then he fully looked at her. “And you?”

Oh he thinks he's so cool. What's with that way of saying it? I'm known as Sucrose, yeah yeah. Two can play at that game.

She met his eyes dead on and repeated, “I'm known as Rosa.”

This time around her pronunciation wasn't weird as Namjoon called it. This time the way she said it softly, similar to Suga's tone, was alluring.

Suga raised an eyebrow before he leaned towards her. “A foreigner?”

Jangmi chuckled as she shook her head. Then she leaned in and said, “Since when do people give their real names, Su-ga?”

She annunciated his nickname, putting emphasis. As she recalled, he never gave her his real name even when they were introducing. She had to find out from one of the other boys and that was simply on accident. She wanted to throw this in his face.

Instead of being annoyed like she wanted, he smirked widely. This redheaded girl was something else.

When he first noticed her, she was cheering for the dance battle. He had been off to the side of the DJ. He had been prepping for the rap battle, seeing who was around to battle. Tonight, him and Rap Monster were going at it.

J-Hope decided to hold out. He'd rather start dance battles than rap. Next time he would join the rap battle.

Suga didn't know how he heard her over everyone but he did. And he knew he had never seen her before in any club they'd been to. Usually, it was the same people that went to these things.

See, you had to be invited to get in first and for free. Usually, gangs were the ones invited. Others had to wait in line and even then only eighty or so people were let in, depending on how packed it was with gangs.

He knew she was new and he wondered who she was. Did she come with a gang or was she a lucky one who was able to get in?

All in all, Min Suga was interested.

When he saw her getting hit on by BamBam, a member from GOT7, he let it play out. BamBam was harmless and BTS had no trouble with them. In fact, they were pretty close with one another.

He could tell the girl was not into BamBam’s way of flirting. That's when he decided to step in. It was a way to talk to her. He was simply curious.

“I’ve never seen you around before,” He spoke casually, taking a sip of his drink before he focused back on her. “How come?”

Jangmi was playing it very cool. Honestly, she didn't know how she came up with any of this. “Wanted to see what I was missing, I suppose.”

An eyebrow raised elegantly as he watched her, “Oh, and?”

“It's alright,” Jangmi shrugged as she took a sip of wine. She was totally lying. This place was freaking awesome, but she could fangirl later. Right now, she was cool.

She watched as he gave her a smirk after he looked at the watch on his wrist. This was the most emotion she had seen from him since she met him. Honestly, she was getting whiplash. “I'll ask you that again after.”

“After what—?” Just as she asked, the music started to switch over. The DJ had begun to scratch wildly, which made everyone cheer loudly.

Jangmi noticed the dance battle had stopped and everyone was now making their way towards the stage by the DJ. Just what was happening? Was it a drill or something? Namjoon didn't warn me about this!

She stood up to watch everyone when she noticed Suga was now standing as well. With her heels, she was much closer in height. Then she turned away when she heard a loud horn. At this moment, Suga's eyes gave her a slow once over.

When she looked back at him, he was smirking. Then he told her, “Enjoy the show, Rosa.” Before she could ask, he sent her a wink and disappeared into the crowd.






Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Sucrose aka not her friend just winked at her. What was happening to the world? This disguise was causing all sorts of things to happen!

It had to be LE-unnie. She's some kind of wizard or something! What sorcery did she cast on me?

“Are you just going to sit here?”

Jangmi jumped at the voice that sounded from beside her. Then she spun to see J-Hope standing there. Remember Jangmi, he doesn't know who you are.

When she didn't answer right away, J-Hope sent her a smile. Then he also winked before he sent a thumb to where everyone was gathering. “You can see it better from up there.”

See what? And does everyone have something in their eyes? What's with the winks?

“May I?” He gestured to her hand. She blinked before she gave a nod. Then he took her wrist gently and guided her through the crowd. “It's your first time, right?”

She coughed loudly. Had she been caught? “What makes you say that?”

J-Hope chuckled, “You looked confused. Regulars know what it means when the DJ starts scratching.”

“I was that obvious?” She asked. Well so much for blending in.

Once they neared the stage, J-Hope released her wrist and let out a laugh. “Don't worry. I'm sure I'm the only one who noticed since everyone left the bar. Had to quench my thirst badly.”

Jangmi smiled back at him. Then she gestured to the dance floor. “I saw you earlier. You were amazing.”

He laughed again before he bowed his thanks. “Thank you. I’m not anything special. There's a lot of good dancers out here.”

“And you're one of them,” She told him genuinely. It was true. He was amazing at dancing. The way he danced seemed so natural and at ease.

J-Hope looked down as he continued to laugh. He was thankful the lights were very dim. Usually, he was cool but so many compliments from a pretty girl? No one could remain tough.

Suddenly, she caught sight of Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook. J-Hope noticed them as well and called them over.

As they walked closer, they noticed the pretty redhead standing beside their member. Taehyung didn't notice because he was too busy searchi

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atyaf12 #1
Chapter 41: Coming again to comment after reading this story for the nth time,
Believe me it’s still as entertaining and funny as the first time I had read it. Damn it’s like the more I read the more I find it enjoyable. I am sure i will be back after a while to read it again. I miss this story and miss you too :(
i miss this story..
Chapter 41: omg omg omg- I read this story in like a day, and it was totally worth it! I'm internally screaming because damn- so good and that last chapter gave me all the feels for Suga and Jangmi!! I'm also super enjoying how the story is progressing, I hope you are okay and that you can update one day, this story is marvellous!! I'm probably going to re-read it again, because, why not?
AuziSalsabila #4
Chapter 41: When this story update... I re read hunderd time bcause jimin n v so cute
suesueee #5
Chapter 41: Will this story be updated ?
atyaf12 #6
Chapter 41: Hi lol I think I just re-read this for the nth time like seriously I can never get enough of it.
It's just so damn funny. And I have read like 1000 of fic on here. No joke I really did but this still remains one of my top favourite fanfic. It has all the elements that makes a fanfic good. From the plot to the plot twist, the flow of things, the characters and character development meant,the switching between the point of views. And the lengths of each chapter is just right to give you enough but still makes you yank your hair out thinking about what is going to happen next. Ughhh I hate cliff hangers tho, but this story is like made of cliff hangers so I guess I will like it , just for your story tho. AND don't even let me get started on the style of writing. It's sincerely one of the best. I think you need more subs and credits. I am still in love with Jangmi she is one of the best female OC I have read about. It's like she is so addictive and annoying at the same time. Not to mention how dense she is. I really do wonder who she is going to end up with tho. I mean it's Jangmi and it's you. You are both so unpredictable so it's probably going to blow us away. But it's okay cuz I love you both.

Oh btw happy new year I hope this year will be gentle on you and brings you joy and happiness
Chapter 41: Woah. Re read everthing and I suddenly miss you and yoir story updates. Huhu
Sorry, so I’ve been spamming this story with comments lol, I just can’t contain myself in several chapters~~~
But then I see that this is the 888th comments, so I just have to comment again lmao
Please bear with my spams ;))))
I really really look forward to the next chapter where Jangmi and Yoongi’s relationship will possibly grow (more) romantically
After all the tension and being deprived of sucrosa, I need them!!
Anyways, I’m just saying that I can’t wait to read more chapters (I think this story still has a loooonnnnnggggg way to go, no?) and that I miss you <3
Hoping to see you soon! :3
For once I wanna thank the enemy for making Yoongi and Jangmi end up together
Jangmi is realising that something is up with her heart~~~~
She’s like a kid, she’d never catch on something if it’s not like this
I just hope while she’s feeling this way and with the upcoming together-ness, there would be more progress between the of them <3
I’m really really curious about what made Namjoon and Jiho drifted apart, I don't think I dwelled enough on that in the past
Jiho makes it seem that he’s at fault, I wonder what he had done and it was related to Jangmi though I doubt it was
Block b has been pictures as more ruthless and Namjoon says that he just doesn’t see things the same way as them, I wonder if it’s because block b kill people?
Like Namjoon doesn’t like that Jihoo stoops that low for being in a gang idk lol now that I talk about it it doesn’t really make sense