Bad Blood
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Like almost every single school day since they had moved from Japan, the five members of DN.Angels spent their free period in the auditorium of their school and danced on stage. They had no where else to practice since the roof was already taken by their long time Chinese rivals, Cyndos. From day one, the girls had used the auditorium as their practice zone and no one but themselves and some of their close friends where allowed to be in there for the entire period and like it like that. Akane, the leader, rapper and dancer of DN.Angels and Akemi's older yet somewhat cooler twin sister, stopped dancing when she noticed the door open and saw who had walked in. It was Han Jin Li, the leader and visual of Cyndos. Her long black hair fell perfectly down her slender pale neck and the way she walk was like a models. She had a ton of confidence but so did the members of DN.Angel. From the first time they had met back in Sacramento sevreal years ago because of a dance competition, they had never got along and wanted nothing with each other. Akane walked towards the edge of the large stage and watched Jin Li as she walked towards them and frowned greatly. "Oh look. It's the losers from Tokyo." Jin Li laughed lightly and glared at each of the members. "Get lost you ugly witch. You and your minions are not wanted here" Junko, the maknae and main vocalist, snarled loudly and crossed her arms around her chest. Jin Li stared at Junko for several seconds before

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