
  Sungyeol watched from where he sat as Myungsoo walked around lifelessly. He had been like this, ever since... The incident. It hurt Sungyeol a lot, to see him like this. The Myungsoo he knew was always smiling. Always so full of childlike innocence and happiness. Where did it go? 
  Sungyeol stood up from his chair, walking towards Myungsoo as he stared out the window. Sungyeol looked over him, and pursed his lips as he realised that Myungsoo was staring at a couple. They were holding hands, kissing, hugging, feeding each other. Something that Myungsoo used to do regularly. But now he couldn't. 
  "Myungsoo," Sungyeol called. But as always, Myungsoo didn't answer him. Sungyeol felt a negative emotion rise in his chest, and he bit his bottom lip, because why? Why wouldn't Myungsoo answer him. He followed Myungsoo as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Sungyeol looked sadly at the coffee machine. 
  "Myungsoo, you need to throw it away." Sungyeol pleaded again, begging anything to let Myungsoo hear him. But it was no use. In desperation, Sungyeol reached out to stop Myungsoo from using the machine, but he could only watch as his hand went through Myungsoo's arm. Sungyeol felt something in him break again. This wasn't fair. 
  He let his hand drop and watched as Myungsoo watched the coffee machine. He watched as tears rolled down Myungsoo's cheeks. He tried to wipe them away, like he had done so many times before, but the tears just went through him. 
  Sungyeol hated it. He was right here with Myungsoo. He could see, hear, feel Myungsoo. So why couldn't Myungsoo so much as sense his presence? Sungyeol wanted to hold Myungsoo. He wanted to comfort Myungsoo, tell him everything was okay. He wanted to hug Myungsoo and kiss him, to fall asleep cuddling. But he couldn't. Not when he was the reason why Myungsoo was like this in the first place. 
  He watched as Myungsoo placed two cups of coffee on the table. Myungsoo sat at one side of the table, and Sungyeol took the other, looking down at his cup of coffee. He looked up when he heard Myungsoo put his cup down. 
  "It's not the same you know?" Myungsoo spoke. He did this everyday. Talk to Sungyeol, though he never knew that Sungyeol was actually there to listen, to have his heart broken, to feel guilt. 
  "Nothing has been the same since you went away. It's so lonely. I'm so lonely. It's like without you I can't breathe. Without you, it's like my world has stopped and I'm trapped in an endless cycle of sleep, work and eat. Even the coffee made from the same machine you used doesn't taste the same." Myungsoo murmured, tears falling once more. Sungyeol bit the inside of his cheek, the sadness overwhelming him. 
  "Everything doesn't feel right anymore. I don't know who I am anymore. And that's when I realised how much I depended on you. But I didn't mean to! I- I just..." Myungsoo trailed off, rubbing his eyes vigorously. Sungyeol felt tears drop down his cheeks and wiped them away. 
  "I just... Loved you, so much. You were my galaxy. You were my everything. And it's just not fair. One moment you are leaving for work and the next a drunk driver hits you and then you're gone! I had everything planned out! I was supposed to propose to you that day, we were supposed to live happily ever after and adopt kids. We were supposed to grow old together and overcome any difficulties we encountered. But this. We can't overcome this! You're not even here anymore!" Myungsoo cried, curling into a ball in his seat, sobbing heavily. Sungyeol placed his hand over his mouth as he watched, tears falling freely. He stood up from his seat, and encircled his arms around Myungsoo, who leaned on his chest. Sungyeol's eyes widened, and Myungsoo's breath hitches, quickly looking up and around frantically. Sungyeol blinked and tried to wipe Myungsoo's tears away, breaking into a smile when it worked. 
  "S-Sungyeol?" Myungsoo stammered. Sungyeol was about to answer that yes, it was him. That he had been here the whole time. But one moment he was in their house, and the next he was up in the sky, wings magically sprouted from his back. He looked up towards the person infront of him, who also had wings. 
  "Where am I?" He asked, and the person advanced towards him. 
  "You stayed on Earth for so long. We wondered, what was it that kept your soul there. And then we realised, that you were regretful. That you couldn't comfort the one you loved. You couldn't wipe his tears away. We realised this, and gave you the chance. And since we let you, you have been brought back to heaven, where you belong." The person -an angel, Sungyeol assumed- said. Sungyeol's eyes widened. 
  "No! I-I never got to tell him I love him! I never got to tell him how sorry I am. I never got to tell him anything!" Sungyeol said, and he was so frantic that he didn't notice the havoc he was causing to the surroundings around him. The Angel smiled sadly at him. 
  "I know. But your loved one will take the hug and the wiping of his tears as a sign to move on. That's what you want him to do, don't you? To move on and try to find someone else to be happy with?" The Angel asked, clicking his fingers. A vision appeared and Sungyeol flapped his wings instinctively as he realised Myungsoo was on the screen, screaming his name. 
  "This is Myungsoo now. After this, he will either choose to take his own life to join you, or he will understand your heart and find someone else. And you are to help him make the right decision." The Angel said. Sungyeol watched with wide eyes as Myungsoo stared at the bottle of sleeping pills in his hand. 
  "No," Sungyeol said, and Myungsoo looked up immediately. 
  "Sungyeol?" He called once more, voice broken. Sungyeol pursed his lips, reaching a hand out. He flicked his wrist, and the bottle went flying out of Myungsoo's hands. 
  "Sungyeol?!" Myungsoo called once more, looking around him. Sungyeol looked towards the Angel, who nodded. Sungyeol looked towards Myungsoo, heart breaking at the thought of what he was going to do. He could tell Myungsoo to come to him, where they would both be happy. But he couldn't be so selfish. Taking a deep breath, Sungyeol held back a sob. 
  "Live. Live for me. Find someone else you will love, and be happy. I will never leave you, Myungsoo. I love your too much for that, but it's time you move on. I wait for the day you too, become an angel," Sungyeol said, shuddering, "I love you Myungsoo. Goodbye." He said. He watched as Myungsoo shook his head, desperately calling his name. He flicked his wrist, and the image disappeared. He turned towards the other Angel. 
  "Where is heaven?" He asked. The other Angel smiled and extending his hand, which Sungyeol took. 
  One moment they were on Earth, and the next they were not. 
A/N: Hope I pulled at your heart strings! :D
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Kpopmilf #1
Chapter 1: My poor Myungsoo.......
soo_aegi #2
Chapter 1: I wish you write on how myungsoo ended up but I guess this okay too