[2] Seulgi

Lost in her words


I had a dream that night - the day I met Wendy.

In the dream, Wendy was wearing a wedding dress - white, with a lot of tiny details.

I couldn't recognize her at first because she had her back facing me, but when I stepped closer she seemed to hear me and she turned around to look at me.

And she smiled.

So charmingly, so full of emotion that the whole room was lightened by that smile. Literally. The lightning was a little gloomy before she smiled.

Her hand reached out to me, offering her palm, like she wanted to hold my hand, as she sweetly whispered.

"I was waiting for you."

But as I tried to reach her, she vanished into the darkness, her hand and mine never being able to meet.

I woke up with cold sweats, gasping for air because of the intensity that dream had.

I have been trying to capture that moment ever since. Trying to draw it, trying to write it down as perfectly as I can. But the dream was too perfect to be real, too perfect to be captured.

But I had to try.

I had to reach out to her.

I was surprised when I met Wendy at the ice cream store. Precisely because I was yet again trying to capture that precise moment when Wendy reached out to grab my hand. I was starting to think that maybe my drawing skills weren't good enough, but I didn't want to give up.

I covered my drawing before she could see it - I doubt she would recognize herself if she saw it anyway, but the resemblance was quite clear.

I kind of felt different, seeing her after that dream. I got a weird feeling in my stomatch, but I suppose it was because of the ice cream I was eating.

She had come looking for ice cream because her flatmate was feeling down, so after a short conversation, she went back to her crying flatmate.

I tried to draw her again, taking the chance that she was standing next to me.

It looked better than the previous sketches, but there was something lacking still.

I had to try.

I had to reach out to her before she vanished.

"I expect great things from you with that application for Montreal, miss Kang." My teacher says, giving me a light pat in my shoulder.

I smile at her and nod eagerly.

"I'll do my best."

She tilted her head slightly, as wanting to ask a question but not being able to find the right words.

"Have you sent the application form yet?"

I rub the back of my neck in slight embarrasment.

"I have it almost done, but I have to ask a friend to review it, just in case she finds any mistakes."

She nods in understanding.

"Tell her as soon as possible, then. The sooner, the better."

I nod in agreement and I bow at her to bid farewell for today, leading my way to the cafeteria.

Today I'm a good mood because I'm meeting Wendy this afternoon.

It's finally Wednesday!

When I sent that e-mail, I never expected I would be so looking forward to Wednesday. It's a day just like any other day - I go to my classes, I eventually go somewhere afterwards, but I always go on my own. Having someone to talk to, so slowly and making sure that we are understanding each other makes me feel alright.

And with all the situation back at home, it has been a while since I ever felt alright. It has been a while since I ever felt so good.

I'm kind of happy right now.

And that's a cool sensation.

I take my phone out and enter my e-mail to send her a quick message.

Hey Wendy!

Would you mind helping me out with an application form I need to send? It's already filled. You would just have to check it out in case there are any mistakes.

I hope I'm not disturbing you. ><

I can't wait to meet you this afternoon!

After checking it once, then twice, I send her the message and make my way to the cafeteria, where I see some of my classmates. We begin to chat about the recent expositions in the city. I realize that there's a museum I have yet to visit.

I wonder if Wendy likes art?

I better remember to ask her this afternoon.

I shake my head. No, no more thinking about things I want to do with Wendy. I don't want her to think I'm creepy.

That's it. Just focus in the conversation.

But then there's that image of her, her hand reaching out to me. Her smile as she said those words.

"I was waiting for you."


Worst. Crush. Ever.

I walk into the Don't U Wait No More to be greeted by the waitress - this little girl who now I know that is called Yerim and she seems to be working everywhere I go, since I found her at the ice cream store last Saturday. 

Wendy is still not here.


I guess I will have to wait for her.

I sit at the same table as last week, taking the seat that faces the door. Yerim is standing by the bar, wiping some mugs with a small smile on her face.

The music on the background calls my attention.

Wow, it has been a while since I heard that song.

I know that it's from an American singer, but I have forgotten the name of the singer.

It brings so many memories to me and for once, those memories don't seem so bitter as they used to be ever since it all happened.

It was the first song I danced to with Joy, my ex-girlfriend. 

It was when I was still in high school. We were at that party one of our friends was holding (Was it Nana sunbae? Yoona unnie? I don't really remember), but I wanted to go home after I saw Joy dancing with some random guy.

Joy followed me and held me by the wrist and asked me what was wrong.

And I began to shout at her, trying to hide that I was madly in love with her by saying that she was being careless by drinking and dancing with that guy.

But Joy didn't believe a word I said and pulled me into a hug.

She was slightly taller than me and that night she was wearing some heels, so her chin rested perfectly on top of my head, lending me some comfort. And she said it.

"Why would you leave without a last dance?" 

That was the title of the song that was playing in the background. I remember dancing to it with her, my hands entwinned with hers at first as she made me spin. We laughed out loud, making fun of our own weird moves, of our clumpsiness.

I tap my fingers to the song without even noticing. 

Even though my relationship with Joy didn't end in the best way, Joy was still a great girlfriend back then. She always managed to make me laugh and she always lent me some comfort when I needed it.

I wonder what she has been up to ever since we broke up... Is she still playing in the band? Did she follow her parents steps and become a surgeon? She must be at college now. She was three years younger than me after all. 

"Man, I love that song."

I blink once, then twice and notice that Wendy is now sitting down in front of me. She's wearing a green beanie and a scarf that's covering and the tip of her nose.

With that outfit, her eyes stand out more.

Where her eyes that pretty last time I saw her?

"Do you know that song?"

She nods eagerly as she takes her scarf off.

"I love Donna Summer! She's a great singer. I wish I could reach those high notes she can reach.

She gives out a dreamy sigh and a small pout.


Stop it, Seulgi!

The song ends and another one begins, the memories of my past relationship with Joy vanishing as I focus totally on the girl in front of me.

She tilts her head slightly. 

"Have you waited for long?"

I shake my head and try to hold back a squeal. Her cute accent is still there, but she has improved so much.

"No, I just got here." 

I really like talking to her, because for once, talking slowly isn't a problem.

She smiles and lets out a sigh full of relief.

"Thanks god."

I giggle. 

Not sure why, but I find what she said quite funny.

I'm glad she doesn't find it weird, since she giggles along.

Her laughter sounds so nice.

Stop it, Seulgi!

"Hi, Seulgi unnie!" 

Yerim greets me as soon as she comes over to the table. I wave at her and Wendy bows slightly. So polite, so cute.

"I had a feeling you were waiting for someone by the way you were glancing at the door. It's nice to see you again, unnie."

She smiles at Wendy and Wendy smiles back. Yerim takes out her notepad and, without taking the smile out of her face, she asks us our orders. 

We end up ordering the same as last week - two mugs of warm chocolate.

Wendy takes off her beanie and fixes her hair slightly with her hand. I hold back the urge to gasp at how her fingers comb her bangs. It's quite an usual move, but there's something in it that makes it so extraordinary.

"So, what have you been up to?"

She's so pretty. 


She asked a question?

Ah, right. I should answer.

"Oh, nothing much." I shrug, giving her a small smile. "Just the ordinary - a little bit of writing, a little bit of drawing... Well, I haven't been writing for so long but it has become something usual now."

Wendy's eyes widen a little and her jaw falls open. Her expression is so genuine that she looks like an emoji.

"Do you write?"

Her question is asked in a quite curious way, which makes me think that it must be difficult to get used to korean's gramatical structures.

"Yes, I do write." I rub the back of my neck nervously. "It's not a big deal, but I like writing."

Wendy smiles gently. And I don't need the warm chocolate to be there now, because I know her smile feels warmer.

"I love writing, too. I, um, I..." 

She seems to have some struggles with finding the right words, as she plays with her fingers in the air, as if she is looking through her mental database.

"I would like to, like to read what you write, Seulgi." 

She ends the sentence with a smile, a nervous one. She must be nervous because I may reject her, or she must be unsure because of what she said.

"I would love to read what you write as well, Wendy." 

Her smile relaxs and she lets out a chortle.

Seriously, what a wonderful melody.

"Actually, I got mine here. I just printed it at the campus.

I raise my eyebrows as she takes out a notebook out of her bag. I tilt my head to the side as she offers it to me and I realize that it's not a notebook, but a copy of her writing. I read the title out loud without noticing.

"The begining of glory."

Wendy nods her head and she looks a little bit embarrassed.

"Are you a novelist?

She giggles and shrugs. 

"Kind of."

I look at the first page and I can't help but read it. The way she writes makes it catchy and I can't stop myself from reading. However, I manage to do so thanks to Yerim.

"Two warm chocolates here. Enjoy."

She smiles at the two of us before going back to the bar. The cafeteria is quite calm today as well. Some american singer is singing at the background.

I offer the copy back to Wendy but she shakes her head.

"Keep it."

I tilt my head to the side.

"You sure?"

She nods. 

"I would love you to read it. I would really appreciate your opinion."

I give her a last questioning look before smiling at her. I open my bag and put the notebook inside. I can't really wait to get to the bus and give it a read.

"I can send you my writings by e-mail if you want."

Wendy smiles genuinely. "Sure!"

I take out my phone and open my Drive account. I sent it to her address and I hear her phone vibrating when it arrives. She unlocks it and she seems to have remembered something.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I have a Korean phone number now, so we can also call and text each other."

I can feel my eyes widening at this and a smile creeping in my face.

"Really? That's great news."

Specially since my e-mail is so slow sometimes.

We exchange phone numbers, she telling me the numbers in English and me telling her my phone number in Korean. After showing the screen to each other and making sure we had it right, we save them.

The conversation goes smoothly after that. I get to learn a few things about her. She tells me about her studies here in Seoul and about a friend she made, a Teacher Assistant called Tiffany. She says that she has been the one who told her about the language exchange and I tell her that I will thank her about it as soon as I see her.

It feels so good to listen to her.

Her voice is so calm and she is so cute when she asks me if I had said the words right...

She makes me feel warm inside.


As soon as I get to the house, I sit at the kitchen table and take out the print Wendy has given me. I had planned on reading it on the bus, but Wendy took the same bus I was taking, so we chatted on the way back home.

She said goodbye to me with a squeeze on my hand before she went down at her stop.

I'm still thinking about it.

And I feel quite stupid, but my heart feels warm all the same.

I start reading and I get lost in her words.

I don't know if it has to do with my infatuation, but ever since the begining, what she has written has me caught up.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I don't know how long I have been reading, but it's past midnight already.

Wendy has texted me through Line.


Thank you.

Thank you for writing.

I tilt my head in confusion.

Did you like it?

I was reading yours, actually, ehehe.

I really love what you write, Wendy.

I really like the friendship between Jessica and Stephanie.

Friendship, right...

It's weird.

Hasn't Wendy sounded pretty sad right now?

Before I can ask her about it, she has texted again.

I really like what you sent me, Seulgi.

It's really intense.

Thank you for writing.

Please, keep writing.

Wendy... Are you okay? I get the feeling that you're not feeling well...

But thank you for your words, it surely keeps me motivated coming from you. ^^

I'm just a little bit emotional, I guess. I'm sorry for making you worry, Seulgi

You're so nice for caring about me.

I'm a little bit homesick tonight...

My mom called and we talked through Skype. It's snowing in Toronto and I don't know, maybe it hit me now that I'm really not going to be home for a while.

Your writing made me feel better though. Thank you ^_^

I press my lips together in a line, looking at the screen as I try to figure out a way to comfort her.

I'm sorry, Wendy...

Suddenly, an idea reaches my mind.

How about we hang out this weekend?

We can make a pajama party and you can teach me some Canadian recipes.

Maybe that way you won't feel so homesick, since Canada will be wherever you are :D

As I write, I begin to feel silly, because it may make her feel even more homesick.

Stupid me. Why did I send her that?!

OMG, that's a great idea!!!

I'm so looking forward to it!!!

Thank you a lot, Seulgi. Talking to you makes me feel a lot better ^^

I'm a little sleepy so I should go to sleep now...

Goodnight, Seulgi! <3

It's kind of silly that a heart emoji has my heart beating faster.

I'm glad I could give you some help! ^^ 

Goodnight, Wendy! Sleep well!


I leave the phone on the table and let out a sigh.

Wendy is so cute.

I hit my head with the table.

Worst. Crush. Ever.




Sorry for taking so long my friends! I have been out of the city for some days and I haven't been able to write as much as I wanted.

But since I had this afternoon off, I had to take the chance to write a little!

Thank you for sticking around and reading!

I hope you liked it!

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31 streak #1
Chapter 3: Authornim please comeback and continue this story.... the plot is so nice!!!
Chapter 3: This is so cute, where are u author , come back please
Chapter 3: Hopefully one day you can continue with this story. It's too cute and deserves a final
I'll be waiting anxiously
Chapter 2: author, you make the seuldy so charming
Chapter 1: I am rereading this beautiful story.
Your story was one of the first I read when I joined this site. Almost a year ago, time flies .
I'm glad to have started with one of the most beautiful stories of seuldy.
thank you author
I'm loving the storyline, It's unique. Also, Yeri's literally everywhere. She's so young and yet she's so hardworking. Idk but I'm lowkey wishing for Joygi interaction. Authorssi will you still be able to continue this? No pressure, we'll wait patiently.
lightningmeiqueen #7
Chapter 3: JoyGi was a Thing O_O.......okay, so no JoyRene then...... *Crying over the fact that JoyRene has no Chance*


lightningmeiqueen #8

PARK BOGUM, ASDFGHJKL, GET THE GUNS, WE'RE KILLING A GUY TONIGHT, HOW DARE HE INDEED, Well, Irene Bar Joohyun's Single Now, Maybe a Lil' JoyRene or Nah?
Seulbri #9
Chapter 3: Omo!!!!! Pajama party!? !!! SEULDY FOR LIFE
oey_mira #10
Chapter 3: waaaaah SeulDy pajama party I'm so pumped!
Seulgi is so head-over-heels for Wendy I'm cringing with delight aahh
Why did Seulgi say "friendship between Jessica and Stephanie" thooo I thought Wendy wrote that Stephanie was about to confess? or is Seulgi being slow again? :))))
youshouldtellme-nim I'm sorry I only read this update three days later :((( I was swamped with schoolwork and I couldn't read any fics.
I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I'll do my best to watch out for it :D