Find You

Monsta X's Shownu Oneshot Collection
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After waking from a long comatose, Hyunwoo has been by himself trying to figure out what was actually happening to him and why does his friends has been quite suspicious of something. He doesn't know what was happening because he has no memories about what was actually happen. All he knew- as what his friend told him, he had a major accident and has been into comatose for almost a year. It was unbelievable. He couldn't accept the fact but as time passed by, he finally get himself together.

After a few months of looking for himself, he finally found a piece of his memories that he hope helps recollecting his memories.

He found himself standing in front of a house. It seems familiar but he failed to recall anything that related to the house. He also does not know how he knew the password of the house. It was not his birthday. It was a random number he suddenly remembered. As soon as the door opened, he stepped inside. The house was dark, a bit dusty but cosy. The vibe of the house was familiar, the familiar smells lingers around.

He walked around but did not find any trace of him, yet. That was until he discovered a room which full of paintings, paints, brushes and all the art stuffs that you could name it. Hyunwoo went inside and look around, hoping he would found something- at least. It was all a normal paintings in the room. The view of sunset at the sea, city scape and a few potraits of a woman.

"Wait a minute...", he whispered before walking towards the potraits. He took one of them and he had to admit the woman in the painting was indeed beautiful and he was wondering who is she. He put the potrait aside and take a look at another potrait in the same area. It was the same woman from before. The only different was the pose, clothes and background.

He was about to put the potrait down but a sudden flashback hitting him. His head hurt so bad which he accidentally dropped the potrait on the floor. In his vision, he saw someone. The same woman from the potrait he discovered a while ago but everything seems real, alive. Everything around him feels like moving, only he the one who stay still. He could hear the sound of a breathing, scent of someone but he had no clue about who. Then, the woman from the potrait came and approached him. Giving him the most beautiful smile that he could ever see and hugged him but was froze. He could not move, even an inch. 



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i just want to say i'm still here and reading your updates hehe like your stories, keep it up!
2038 streak #3
Chapter 23: Can we get a sequel for this? I mean them lovey-dovey or going out on dates or something like that. Hehehe XD nonetheless, I'm curious if why he always rushed out after their initial greetings. Was he shy or something? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 22: This chapter was so cute. He's such a sweet and caring boyfriend. I can totally imagine him doing that. And the Bungee jumping part at the end cracked me up. Anyway, I noticed that you have done double update but I will be back later to read the next one ^^
minsulchoi24 #5
Chapter 23: aaaahh part 2 please~👀
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 22: aaahh this chapter is so cute ♡ a caring boyfriend like son hyunwoo please ㅋㅋ that "can we do bungee jump next time" tho 😂
2038 streak #7
Chapter 21: That's really sad. Poor her and poor him too...

Anyway, hope to see another oneshot soon!
_violet10 #8
Chapter 8: Thanks a lot for shownu content
_violet10 #9
Chapter 16: Good one
Chapter 20: ?