Son Hyunwoo

Monsta X's Shownu Oneshot Collection
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There was time when Hyunwoo thought it was the best for him to just die. For more than ten years he has been mistreated by his own parents, he live alone, he was disowned and he blamed himself for what happen to his late little sister decade ago. Up until now, he still has a nightmare about his little sister who was drowning in the heavy flow river. The river that killed his own sister.



He remember the whole family went for a picnic. His parents, himself, his little brother and his little sister. He was eleven years old back then. Hyunwoo sat down under a tree as he reading a book when his little sibling came running towards him. Hyunwoo was a chubby boy back then but his little siblings called him bear because they like to hug him like a bear especially his little sister who seems attached to Hyunwoo the most.

She likes to climb up on Hyunwoo and asked him to carry her around. Not having so much choice, Hyunwoo did like his sister want him to do. He did not want his sister wailing and his mother beating his . 

"Oppa, what are you reading?", she asked as she sat on Hyunwoo's lap and his little brother hugged him from behind.

"I'm reading a novel.", he answered his little sister. Hyunwoo did not looked up to see his little sister curious face but he continue to read the book. 

"Hyung, what is novel?", the little brother now asked. Hyunwoo groaned and close the book before setting it aside. He pulled his sister into a hug did a headlock on his little brother.

"You rascals never leave me alone, right?", Hyunwoo laughed followed by his two siblings. His little sister laughter is the best, call him stupid but he think her laughter sounds like a machine gun to him when everyone said it was not.

"Ah oppa!", his little sister whined. "I was just asking.", she pouted. Before Hyunwoo could say anything, his little brother did.

"Ya, don't you know? He's reading adult book? It something like kissing on the bed.", his little brother said. That is so adorable and Hyunwoo had to laugh. His little brother was a bit upset because he laughed at him.

"Let's go. Let's play together.", his little brother pulled his little sister away and play by the river. Hyunwoo was still laughing but he stood up and walked to those two.

"Be careful you two.", he said as he playing along with his little siblings. Feeling a little bit guilty for making the little ones upset with him. Suddenly, his little sister went a little bit far away but Hyunwoo managed to look after her.

"Hey, I said be careful. You could fall sweetie.", Hyunwoo sounds worried and went to his little sister, followed by his little brother in his arms. His little sister could only giggles at him and before he could pulled his little sister away, she accidentally slipped and fell into the heavy flow river.

"Hyung!", his little brother screamed, totally shocked. Both of them did not know how to swim. Hyunwoo turned around to call his parents because he was scared. He wanted to jump into the heavy flow river to save his sister but he could not.

"Dad! Mom! Help!", the eleven years old Hyunwoo scream on the top his lungs. 

But he was too late. He could save her but he did not.

"Hyeyeon!!", was the last time he called his little sister's name.



"Hey, Hyunwoo!", a man shook Hyunwoo's sweating body. "Wake up! You're having the nightmare again!", the man said as he shook Hyunwoo's body. Surprise with the shook, Hyunwoo jolted from the bed and look at the guy in front of him with panic.

"Wonho...", he whispered. "She came again...", he added.

"I know...", the man, Wonho spoke.

He too seems hopeless to see his own bestfriend who was witnessing his little sister drown and dead in front of his very own eyes and was blamed for something that he did not do. It break his heart.

One thing for sure, he never tired to listen to Hyunwoo everytime he had the nightmare. He was always there to listen to him.

He was there from the beginning and never once he was tired to help his friend. 

Hyunwoo tried to move on and not to live in the past.



A family was having a silence breakfast in the morning, as usual. The father was reading news from his table while the mother was serving the foods to her family. Two men sat there in silence while having their breakfast and younger man cleared his throat to break the silence between them.

"Dad.", the younger man called. The father looked up to his son.

"Yes.", the father response as he took a sip of his hot black coffee.

"I found Hyunwoo, hyung.", the younger man said and the father stop at midway, followed by the woman who seems like the mother. Hyunwoo walked out from the house while he was in high school. Leaving his litte brother alone with their parents but they did nothing to stop him and they seems more likely relief that his brother was gone, especially his father.

"Let's bring him home. I missed him so much.", he said and the father gave him a sharp glare as he slammed his cup of black coffee on the table, startling both people.

The mother put down her utensils.

"He will not step his dirty foot inside of this house ever again. Do you get me, Jooheon?", his father said sternly while the mother says nothing. Jooheon became tired of this. He wants his family to back to normal. He just want his older brother back. His little sister may not be alive. Was it too much to ask for that?

"It have been more than ten years, mom, dad! He's your son too. He needs you too. What would Hyeyeon feel if she ever saw you treating her brother like this?", Jooheon finally said it. His parents need to stop blamming his brother.

"He's no longer my son! He killed my daughter! My only daughter!", the father raised his voice.

"Just for how long you want to blame him? Until he die?", Jooheon looked down and let out a sad chuckles. "You lost another child.", he added.

However, the parents did not say anything.

"If anything happens to Hyunwoo hyung, considered that I am no longer your son. You should be thankful to have two more children even you have lost one.", Jooheon threw his last remark before standing up and stormed towards his room, leaving the unfinish breakfast on the table.

He took his sweater, wallet and phone before went out from the house, ignoring the elders who were still at the dining table.



From afar, Jooheon watched his older brother working hard to support himself. He was no longer the same older brother that he was used to play with. The chubby Hyunwoo now has lost mount of weights. His eyes were once sparkles but now seems dead. Slowly, Jooheon walked towards his brother who was working in a cafe.

"Can I", Hyunwoo looked up to the customer and shocked to see his brother. His mouth formed an 'O' but he could not say anything.

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i just want to say i'm still here and reading your updates hehe like your stories, keep it up!
2038 streak #3
Chapter 23: Can we get a sequel for this? I mean them lovey-dovey or going out on dates or something like that. Hehehe XD nonetheless, I'm curious if why he always rushed out after their initial greetings. Was he shy or something? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 22: This chapter was so cute. He's such a sweet and caring boyfriend. I can totally imagine him doing that. And the Bungee jumping part at the end cracked me up. Anyway, I noticed that you have done double update but I will be back later to read the next one ^^
minsulchoi24 #5
Chapter 23: aaaahh part 2 please~👀
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 22: aaahh this chapter is so cute ♡ a caring boyfriend like son hyunwoo please ㅋㅋ that "can we do bungee jump next time" tho 😂
2038 streak #7
Chapter 21: That's really sad. Poor her and poor him too...

Anyway, hope to see another oneshot soon!
_violet10 #8
Chapter 8: Thanks a lot for shownu content
_violet10 #9
Chapter 16: Good one
Chapter 20: ?