
Don’t Walk in the Darkness
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“You have to stop clinging to me.” Junhui whispered to Minghao who had both his hands gripping at the vampire’s jacket, fingers dug deep into the fabric. He scanned their vicinity and more than a few shoppers instinctively looked away from them. “People are staring at us.”


“I’m sorry,” Minghao hissed back but he made no movement to release his death grip. In fact, he appeared to have leaned in closer to Junhui, lessening the short gap between them to practically nothing.


Normally, Junhui wouldn’t have mind having a person pressed flush against him, especially if it was Minghao, but honestly, it was difficult to walk with another person’s feet constantly stepping at the back of your shoes. It wasn't so bad earlier in the boutique where Junhui had lavished Minghao with branded clothes and designer outfits since it was a smaller area, compared to the supermarket they were in. Then again, Junhui was pretty sure Minghao was about this close to asking the elder to stay with him in the dressing room when he was trying on his clothes.


“Minghao,” the elder called out in a warning tone as he nearly tripped over their legs for the umpteen time. The shopping cart Junhui was pushing came to a sharp stop as the brown haired boy assertively pried Minghao’s fingers from him. He turned around to give Minghao a pointed look.


“I’m sorry!” Minghao automatically defended himself, his fingers sprayed out. “It’s just that now that I know of the existence of vampires, I’m feeling jumpy.”


Junhui snorted at the reasonable response before pulling Minghao closer to his side. Before the younger could protest, Junhui swung a protective arm over his shoulders so that Minghao was tucked nicely under him.


“Is this better? Don’t worry your head off.” Junhui reassured in a slightly amused tone as his other hand ruffled the blond boy’s curls fondly. “No impures are going to snatch you away with me here.”


“It’s — It’s better.” Minghao squeaked out as he hastily diverted his face. He could feel his heart racing at the affectionate action and his face flushing. There’s no way Minghao could deny it because —


I have a crush on Junhui ge. Minghao confessed to himself before embarrassment filled his entire being. His crush was now blatantly clear because Minghao knew from experience that this was exactly how he would react when in close proximity with the object of his affections. I don’t know what to feel? Relief? Because I have finally figured out the weird feelings I have been experiencing?


As subtly as possible, Minghao gazed at Junhui from the corner of his eye. The elder was undeniably handsome with his kissable lips and defined cheekbones but beneath his seemingly human exterior, Junhui was a vampire.


How can we ever work out? Minghao pondered, feeling dejected at their bleak future — if they would ever have one. He’s immortal and I’m not. He’s never going to die and I will. Our relationship will never work out.


A sigh escaped Minghao’s lips as he added, not to mention, why would a person like him ever want to be with me? I’m just a human, a weak human with the oh so wonderful gift of attracting two impures in two days. Man, I probably broke a record or something.


“You don’t like cabbage?” Junhui’s voice interrupted Minghao’s train of thoughts and the Chinese boy glanced at him hastily.


“No?” Minghao ventured in uncertainty. “I’m fine with it?”


Junhui placed the vegetable in the shopping cart as he inquired in slight concern, “what’s with the sigh then? Is something bothering you?”


Minghao opened his mouth and his thoughts flooded his mind. I like you and I want to be with you but you’re a vampire and I’m not. Heck, do you even like me back? Because you’re perfect and I’m not but I really like you. Do you see the problem here?


“Nothing’s wrong,” Minghao instead lied, his voice coming out fake, even to his own ears. Surprised, Junhui raised an eyebrow but didn’t press on.


Is he still afraid of me? Junhui wondered in mild confusion as he picked out more vegetables with his free hand. Well, I can’t blame him. I tore out someone’s heart in front of him. That’s bound to be traumatizing for anyone.


Honestly, Junhui was still upset at himself for causing Minghao to go through all that sufferings. Yet, beneath that, he was also annoyed at himself for singlehandedly destroying whatever good impressions Minghao had of him. In the beginning, Minghao had been wary and jumpy the whole time he was with Junhui but had gradually relaxed and became at ease. And Junhui just had to go destroy all that time by giving Minghao a front row seat to him murdering someone and right after the poor boy was traumatized and molested.


Hey, I’m a vampire who needs blood to survive and is also capable of ripping someone’s heart out of their chests. Junhui derisively mocked himself, his mental thought practically dripping with sarcasm. And you have grown on me and I’m really fond of you. So would you be my boyfriend?


“Only a fool would,” Junhui muttered under his breath in exasperation and didn’t notice Minghao picking up on his words.


“I’m sorry but did you say something?” The younger timidly inquired, still stuck to Junhui’s side.


Unwittingly, Junhui snapped out, “nothing.”


Then Junhui’s heart ached as he watched Minghao’s face fell immediately at his curt answer before a upset expression appeared. Without another word, Minghao turned away and busied himself with the his handphone.


Brilliant job, Junhui. Just ing brilliant. The vampire berated himself, furious at his stupid actions. Junhui would have ripped out his heart right there and then for upsetting Minghao but he figured that it’s best that he doesn’t traumatized the poor boy again.


The two of them eventually finished their grocery shopping in silence. At the cashier, Junhui removed his arm from Minghao who was both relieved and upset by the lack of touch. While Junhui took out their purchases from the shopping cart, the younger boy stood by it awkwardly when there was a tap on his shoulder. Confused, Minghao turned around to find a middle aged woman with a worried face.


“I’m sorry but you are...?” Minghao questioned, baffled by her initiation of a conversation because he had no recognition of the lady.


“I don’t know you either but is that man bothering you?” The lady whispered in a low voice, pointing discreetly at Junhui who was now behind Minghao. “You have a pained expression on your face and until just now, he never once released his hold on you. Is he — well — holding you against your will?”


“Oh,” Minghao awkwardly stated as his face turned crimson red at what the lady was implying. Is that what we look like to people?  “No, no, he’s not bothering me.”


But the lady only looked more worried as she quickly went on, “don’t be afraid of him. You can tell me the truth and I can help you if he’s treating you badly. You looked so pained and troubled.” She clasped hold of Minghao’s hand, pulling him a distance away from Junhui, and Minghao wanted nothing more than to dig a hole and hide under it.


Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Don’t be afraid, child. He’s treating you badly, isn’t he? You must tell me or someone. Especially with all the murders nowadays, you have to be careful. You mustn’t lie to protect him.”


“No! I’m not lying,” Minghao urgently reassured the lady, gently yet pointedly pulling his hand out of her grip. His voice may have been louder than he intended for Junhui glanced over in mild concern.


“Don’t be afraid of him,” the lady insisted stubbornly, just as Junhui approached them.


“Is there a problem?” Junhui politely asked as he came to a stop beside Minghao. The younger boy couldn’t help but notice the look of disgust the woman threw at Junhui.


Acting impulsively, Minghao entwined his hand with Junhui and then held them up, as if showing it off. “I’m not afraid of him! He’s my boyfriend and I like him a lot, alright?” He declared, almost hotly.


The lady’s jaw dropped at his open announcement and after a quick “sorry”, she scurried away in embarrassment.


Adrenaline was still running in Minghao’s veins when Junhui cocked his head curiously at him. “So,” the vampire prompted cautiously.


“So,” Minghao repeated dumbly before adrenaline made him blurt out the words without a second thought, “I’m not lying. I like you a lot.”


“Ah,” Junhui nodded his head as if he hadn’t just received a confession. Then, he turned back to the cashier who had been ogling at their little scene shamelessly.


It was only then did Minghao finally registered the words he had spoken so thoughtlessly. Oh, my life. Face turning a brilliant shade of scarlet, Minghao attempted to let go of Junhui’s hand but the elder held on stubbornly and that was it.


Junhui didn’t say a word the whole time the two of them walked back to his apartment. Neither did he when they reached it. Instead, Junhui headed straight for his bedroom and left Minghao with a bunch of groceries and shopping bags and a whole lot of conflicted feelings.


What was I thinking? Minghao yelled at himself in his head as he harshly shoved a carton of milk into the refrigerator. He reached for another carton blindly as he continued his tirade, you’re an absolute fool, Xu Minghao.


I thought it was alre

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DWD: hihi follow me @shiyiiing on twitter for more updates !! i know a lot of y'all are asking for sequels so idk maybe i'll write one :))


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I'm just scrolling through my subscriptions list and I found this story again! Looks like I found a new way to waste time tonight!

I miss vampire! JUNHUI!
Chapter 5: Woah, this was so good! I don't even know where to start with my comment...
There were two thoughts in the first chapter (I just don't remember which ones TT.TT) that made me laugh a lot! Not to forget Junhui's facepalm in the end!
There were so many sweet things in here! Though I feel like there are a few questions that remain unanswered. Who was that woman from the pictures in the first chapter? In which way is she maybe important since she was so specifically mentioned? And what about all of those murders?
I like how you stressed the question of consent throughout the entire story. Whether it was in the second chapter when Junhui gets upset about the impure touching Minghao without consent or the general debate about Junhui promising and sticking to the fact that he won't drink from Minghao unless he is given consent to do so. I also really like that the age factor doesn't become a topic until the very end, that it's just generally not deemed important.
All the thought processes are also really cool! Some of them are super hilarious while others show the doubt and the fight that these characters go through in order to do the right thing, that was really sweet to see. I also like how real you keep things especially in the end where Minghao decides against moving in with Junhui head over heals.
You had me really startled, though, in chapter three (I think?), though I had a feeling that something was off with the way Junhui behaved in the last passage. I was still super relieved when it turned out that it was only a dream! You generally use cliff hangers and chapter endings soooo well!!!

Thank you for this wonderful, sweet story! I enjoyed reading it a lot!
Chapter 5: Love this, awesome
Chapter 5: *Inhuman screeching and loud coughing*
*chokes super hard on Vodka*
This story was adorable and I hope you write more
Bangtan-Love #7
I love this story! It's really good! <3
I smiled throughout the entire last chapter ^^
Thank you for writing such an amazing story!!!! TwT
sbtryou #8
Chapter 5: puta merda que fanfic gostosa da porra
Chapter 5: Woaaaaah!!! It was so cute and sweet and amazing and I love it so so much! *u*
Thank you for writing this story TT
Simple-J #10
Chapter 5: Wait is this over or no?